Just pulled the trigger on a 2008 GT 500. Very happy about moving back to a Ford. Has 6k miles and looks great. Pix to come soon. Now what do I do? LOL.
Next?? Call ford performance at 18003673788 and give them your VIN and for $45.00 they will send you a certificate with your build numbers and dates and colors etc,,,,and for another 10 they will give you a window sticker. Next?? Read your owners manual,,there will be a quiz after that. Next?? Go see www.mgwltd.com,,,,,they have some nice touches for a shelby. Next??? Find the false bottom in the rear cup holder. Next??the blue button on the key fob opens the trunk,,,only took me a month to find that out duh cause I DIDN'T READ THAT OWNER'S MANUAL. Good luck with your new beast and never turn the traction control off in wet weather.
You are not going to believe what happened. I lost the car. While they were processing my holding payment, some guy offered more for the car. Oh well, now I'm looking again.