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More Ebay suckers

Discussion in 'Open Community Forum' started by roddster, Apr 19, 2006.

  1. roddster

    roddster Well-Known Member

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    Dec 27, 2004
    Lansing, the one in Illinois
    I just love all the ebay ads that flip "Shelby" into the title. My latest one to rail about is this current one about a "Shelby" Steering wheel. Yeah, it's Italian alright, wood, but gee, after reading through all the hub bub about $200,000 cars, tribute cars, and on and on. It doesn't even have the built in horn contact stuff. It isn't even near correct, yet some no-reading Bozo's have bit this up to already $2400 bucks. And I emailed the seller to ask him if he knew this. And suggested that he has no shame.
    Rant off
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 19, 2006
  2. rshelby

    rshelby ShelbyForums Admin Staff Member

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    Jan 1, 2004
    Dallas, TX
    There is certainly no shortage of suckers so I understand why the seller does it, but I am tired of seeing "Shelby" or "not Shelby" attached to so many items. It takes a lot more time to sort through the b.s.
  3. stephen_becker

    stephen_becker Well-Known Member

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    Aug 27, 2005
    It is time for all of us to "out" e bay users (and this forum as well) users that "hide" behind screen and user names. I am sick and tired of these internet bullies that talk crap about people and then hide behind their screen name and hide their e mail addresses.

    I had a guy who I sent a very nice e mail to about a car that he had on e bay that was not for sale but was in the back-ground of another auction he was running. He sent me back a curt e mail telling me he would not do business with me. I e mailed him and asked him why and he just could not come up with a good answer. He has never met me, never done business with me and has never spoken with me.

    He hides behind his e bay screen name and goes to great lengths to protect his identity.................until he ticked me off.

    Guess what? I have friends in very high places at E Bay company and, with one phone call, got his real name, address (yes, there is no privacy anymore), city, state, zip, etc.

    Imagine his surprise:dance:

    Then I e mailed him with this info and he e mailed me back asking "where should I send you, Mr. Becker, your "gold star"!!! I told him to stick his gold star where the sun don’t shine :blink: and I informed him that not only was I blocking his account from ever bidding on my auctions (which he has never done and I doubt he ever will) but, on top of that, that I was going to "out" his e bay identity on certain Shelby related websites.:lmao:

    Silence...............nothing...........nada.............from him since that time.

    The point is that these screen names are just ridiculous. I do not use them. My screen name on e bay, on vintage mustang, on this website and on others, as well, is all the same - stephen_becker. Period!

    I welcome comments about this "rant" as I am sure there are pros and cons to what I see happening and have laid out for you all to read. It is time to kick the "lurkers" back under the rocks from which they came!!:angry:


    joe smith A/K/A billy bob jones A/K/A,....... well, you get the point!
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 20, 2008
  4. DeLa1Rob

    DeLa1Rob Well-Known Member

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    Sep 9, 2004
    Long Prairie, Minnesota USA
    Hold on there pilgrim,

    Why did you bring it up a level when the Bozo on eBay did not want to discuss his Shelby with you? Why not just shrug your shoulders and move on?

    I do agree though with sending out alerts for fraudulant sellers.

    On user names, I guess I prefer ones that give me a good idea of their identity. I use DeLa1Rob because it is required for my work computer. I just use the same user ID for everything. So you won't think I am hiding behind the user ID, I will announce my full name is Robin DeLage. My user ID is built from my real name.

    I think those who use more creative ID's should sign their real name in posts. It helps a lot in getting to know each other behind the cloak of the internet.

  5. stephen_becker

    stephen_becker Well-Known Member

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    Aug 27, 2005
    I would have but he made false, baseless, slanderous references to my reputation and tried to slam me. I replied, in kind, and asked him who he was and what his problem was and he refused to disclose that information, soooooo, that is when I took him out!!:laf:

  6. mherman2

    mherman2 Well-Known Member

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    Dec 9, 2005
    One way to totally screw him is to get a few people to just bid the thing to like $10M and then ebay has to pull the item and check out what's going on and they will find out the item is not authentic etc... In other words, just nuke the auction. Little extreme but totally screws the seller.

    We could also email or send the bidders a message telling them the item is not authentic. Much more diplomatic method.

    What's the URL for the auction, I am happy to send messages to unknowing bidders.

    I work for Google and and completely understand your point of people hiding behind screen names, id's, posting fake items etc... Lot's of crooks out there, lots. I see it all day and deal with it usually legally.

    One thing I have learned in the last 6 months is that some dealers and brokers rob Shelby's of their original parts and replace them with crap and sell it to a unaware buyer. Luckily I had a guy go check out the two cars who knew what he was doing and steered me clear of a couple of cars. Just a shame people maul these cars and try to make an extra buck off parts and trying passing of the cars as "all original". These are the guys we should hang at high noon. Just pisses me off that people can't play in the sanbox without throwing sand.:thumbdown
  7. stephen_becker

    stephen_becker Well-Known Member

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    Aug 27, 2005
    I like your thought process but I am a really direct, confrentational person who hides nothing and makes no bones about it when it comes to speaking with people. These spineless wimps are the same guys who refuse to identify themselves when at a national MCA or SAAC show for fear of what you (or others that they have affected) may do when you find out who they are.

    I was sitting in a booth, at a national MCA show, with one of the formost Shelby restorers (Jim Cowles - in the world, and a guy came into the booth, looked around for over an hour, NEVER SAID A WORD OR MADE EYE CONTACT WITH ME, and then on the way out of the parts booth looked at Jim and said good-by and as he was walking away Jim said to me that the guy was such-and-such a person (name) who made big waves for several "good" people, in the hobby, on line at and he and I went looking for the guy (it was like less then 60 seconds) and he DISAPPEARED to never been seen again!

    Again, spineless, wimps who can talk big behind a keyboard but RUN the other way when confronted, in person.

    It takes all types to move the world...........
  8. DeLa1Rob

    DeLa1Rob Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 9, 2004
    Long Prairie, Minnesota USA
    Then your reaction was totally understandable. Never mind previous comment. :cigar:

  9. daltondavid

    daltondavid Well-Known Member

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    Dec 9, 2004
    Garnet Valley, Pennsylvania
    Stephen, as you know it is lonely at the top!! when people "Make it" in this or any other Circle, they have a choice to make. they can become A$$hole$ or they can be the guy they were all along that helped them make it to where they are. I have climbed many different ladders in life and admittedly have made a few poor choices along the way. fortunately my head stayed close enough to the ground to get back in touch with the guy who got me to the higher tier. Jim Cowles has never had an unkind word to say about you to me and I just dropped your name on him 2 days ago as he is shipping out my under dash gauge pod with S/W greenlines inside!! this is a great Forum in the making and I for one am glad to see you are active here and hope you continue your involvement as you have a wealth of knowledge that needs to be shared. I hope to catch up with you in Virginia!
  10. Steve_GT350

    Steve_GT350 Active Member

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    Mar 23, 2006
    Hello All,

    One of the main reasons why I joined this forum is to help to gain a better understanding of Shelby Mustangs, and hopefully become an owner.

    Part of that is gleaning knowledge regarding the marque from those who know them best, their owners. Learning who is OK to work with, and which companies and individuals are not to be dealt with are essential for us newbies.

    I agree with the age of eBay we all see quite a bit of sight-unseen bidding-up of cars, and downright shady dealings. Definitely impossible to tell whether a car is what it appears to be from an 800x600 image. Although I consider eBay a legitimate sales-channel, I would never buy a $130,000 car without inspecting it myself, or having a knowledgable Shelby member visit it, and verify it's pedigree.

    Stephen and all other members, please continue let the group as a whole know if there are any people or companies whom we should steer clear of, and those whom are on the up-and-up!

    Steve GT350
    AKA - Steve Schwarzer in the real world! :p
  11. tesgt350

    tesgt350 Well-Known Member

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    Feb 10, 2006
    I am in my own little World
    The ones that really get me are the people or person selling a fully restored Shelby with a BUY IT NOW price of just $13,999.00 and people fall for it every time. Oh, by the way..... my user name stands for Tribute Edition Shelby G.T.350 and my name is David.

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