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1969 Shelby

Discussion in 'Shelby Mustang List' started by Ronald. Robertson, Apr 27, 2006.

  1. The tilt steering switch located on the front door jamb of the '69 is acting up. Have cleaned it but I think it has passed its "best before date." The replacement plastic ones by Motorcraft, will not close properly when the door is shut and cause the battery to drain. It appears the plunger is just too short to close properly. Anyone know of a source for NOS ones? Also, on the inside of the door, open end, there is a small inspection plate that when removed, allow one to adjust the up and down limits of the window. One of our inspection plates has gone missing during a restoration. Anyone have a spare kicking around? Thanks for the help.
  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I have been know to make the plunger longer on the door jamb switches for 64 1/2 Mustangs by cutting the end off a dead switch and grafting it onto the new switch, thereby making the new plunger longer. A short piece of wire between the two parts will help the epoxy hold the extension. You might also disect the old switch and try to remove the plunger and then put it into the new switch. Good luck. SEE Y'ALL Lee
    > From: "Ronald. Robertson" <ronald.robertson (AT) sympatico (DOT) ca>
    > Date: 2006/04/27 Thu PM 01:02:12 EDT
    > To: "Shelby Mustang" <shelbymustang (AT) carmemories (DOT) com>
    > Subject: 1969 Shelby
    > The tilt steering switch located on the front door jamb of the '69 is acting up. Have cleaned it but I think it has passed its "best before date." The replacement plastic ones by Motorcraft, will not close properly when the door is shut and cause the battery to drain. It appears the plunger is just too short to close properly. Anyone know of a source for NOS ones? Also, on the inside of the door, open end, there is a small inspection plate that when removed, allow one to adjust the up and down limits of the window. One of our inspection plates has gone missing during a restoration. Anyone have a spare kicking around? Thanks for the help.
    > Ron

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