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Re: Englishtown Raceway Park Petition

Discussion in 'Shelby Mustang List' started by, May 4, 2006.

  1. that whole thing of buying a house near a race way and then complaining
    about the noise is just stupid. there are people like me that would conceder
    buying a house near a race way to be a benefit.

    a previous house I had was near railroad tracks. I bough the house anyway
    and the trains never bothered me. of course I like trains.
    a friend of mine bought a house near the airport (very near, close enough
    you can look down the street and see the planes at the airport). I didn't like
    it but he loved it, oh yea he really likes planes.

    lets start a petition that everyone in the neighborhood must sell their
    house to a person who likes cars/racecars, or just shut up


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