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Asking for suggestions!

Discussion in 'Shelby Mustang List' started by OURB, May 5, 2006.

  1. OURB

    OURB Guest

    Hello Everyone,

    I was wondering if anyone has had to deal with any Home Owners Assoiciation
    with regards to their cars?

    Recently my Association installed temporary speedbumps. The speed bumps were
    8" wide and 3" tall. I could clear them just fine in 6s135. On Tuseday of
    this last week we had a great sunny day, so I figured after work I would go
    home and take 6s135 out for a spin and fuel her up. When I arrived to my
    development I noticed the temp speedbumps were gone and new permenant ones
    were in place. The new bumps are 36 " wide by 3.5" high. To shorten the
    story 6s135 has 3.5" of clearance at the exhaust pipes, but the header
    flanges are at 3" from the ground. I am stuck, 135 can not make it over any
    of the new pumps and the Association says it is my issue and my problem that
    I own a low car. Anyone have any suggestions what I can do. Sure I could
    carry blocks of wood with me when I want to drive 135, but I have a
    seriously bad back that limits my mobility.

    Best Regards,

  2. Bill Wells

    Bill Wells Guest

    I have 3 to 3-1/2 inch clearance on two cars at bellhousing and same on
    side exit exhausts on one and find the only way to get over the speed bumps
    is to take it a 45 degree angle, going over road's centerline before the
    bump, 45 degrees as i go over the bump back into the normal lane . of
    course, slowly going with no oncoming car traffic. . i get clearance only
    that way, as going 'head on' i hit but on the 45 you are getting additional
    lift height due to the attack angle. now, 36 inches wide is ALOT of bump
    though and i dont recall going over one that wide/deep.. if ya haven't
    tried the 45 give it a shot and GOOD LUCK. bill
    -----Original Message-----
    From: OURB [mailto:eek:urb (AT) comcast (DOT) net]
    Sent: Friday, May 05, 2006 3:52 PM
    To: ShelbyMustang (AT) carmemories (DOT) com
    Subject: Asking for suggestions!

    Hello Everyone,

    I was wondering if anyone has had to deal with any Home Owners
    Assoiciation with regards to their cars?

    Recently my Association installed temporary speedbumps. The speed bumps
    were 8" wide and 3" tall. I could clear them just fine in 6s135. On Tuseday
    of this last week we had a great sunny day, so I figured after work I would
    go home and take 6s135 out for a spin and fuel her up. When I arrived to my
    development I noticed the temp speedbumps were gone and new permenant ones
    were in place. The new bumps are 36 " wide by 3.5" high. To shorten the
    story 6s135 has 3.5" of clearance at the exhaust pipes, but the header
    flanges are at 3" from the ground. I am stuck, 135 can not make it over any
    of the new pumps and the Association says it is my issue and my problem that
    I own a low car. Anyone have any suggestions what I can do. Sure I could
    carry blocks of wood with me when I want to drive 135, but I have a
    seriously bad back that limits my mobility.

    Best Regards,

  3. Bill Wells

    Bill Wells Guest

    I have 3 to 3-1/2 inch clearance on two cars at bellhousing and same on
    side exit exhausts on one and find the only way to get over the speed bumps
    is to take it a 45 degree angle, going over road's centerline before the
    bump, 45 degrees as i go over the bump back into the normal lane . of
    course, slowly going with no oncoming car traffic. . i get clearance only
    that way, as going 'head on' i hit but on the 45 you are getting additional
    lift height due to the attack angle. now, 36 inches wide is ALOT of bump
    though and i dont recall going over one that wide/deep.. if ya haven't
    tried the 45 give it a shot and GOOD LUCK. bill
    -----Original Message-----
    From: OURB [mailto:eek:urb (AT) comcast (DOT) net]
    Sent: Friday, May 05, 2006 3:52 PM
    To: ShelbyMustang (AT) carmemories (DOT) com
    Subject: Asking for suggestions!

    Hello Everyone,

    I was wondering if anyone has had to deal with any Home Owners
    Assoiciation with regards to their cars?

    Recently my Association installed temporary speedbumps. The speed bumps
    were 8" wide and 3" tall. I could clear them just fine in 6s135. On Tuseday
    of this last week we had a great sunny day, so I figured after work I would
    go home and take 6s135 out for a spin and fuel her up. When I arrived to my
    development I noticed the temp speedbumps were gone and new permenant ones
    were in place. The new bumps are 36 " wide by 3.5" high. To shorten the
    story 6s135 has 3.5" of clearance at the exhaust pipes, but the header
    flanges are at 3" from the ground. I am stuck, 135 can not make it over any
    of the new pumps and the Association says it is my issue and my problem that
    I own a low car. Anyone have any suggestions what I can do. Sure I could
    carry blocks of wood with me when I want to drive 135, but I have a
    seriously bad back that limits my mobility.

    Best Regards,

  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I think you should threaten to sue them for denying access to your property. When you purchased the home, there were no speed bumps. When you lived there with the car, there were no speed bumps. Now you cannot get your car to your house because of the speed bumps. The speed bumps need to be lowered to allow you access to your property. It is their problem, not yours. Try parking the car at the speed bump with a sign that says you cannot get over it. HEE HEE HEE (sound like anyone we know?)
    > From: "OURB" <ourb (AT) comcast (DOT) net>
    > Date: 2006/05/05 Fri PM 03:52:14 EDT
    > To: <ShelbyMustang (AT) carmemories (DOT) com>
    > Subject: Asking for suggestions!
    > Hello Everyone,
    > I was wondering if anyone has had to deal with any Home Owners Assoiciation
    > with regards to their cars?
    > Recently my Association installed temporary speedbumps. The speed bumps were
    > 8" wide and 3" tall. I could clear them just fine in 6s135. On Tuseday of
    > this last week we had a great sunny day, so I figured after work I would go
    > home and take 6s135 out for a spin and fuel her up. When I arrived to my
    > development I noticed the temp speedbumps were gone and new permenant ones
    > were in place. The new bumps are 36 " wide by 3.5" high. To shorten the
    > story 6s135 has 3.5" of clearance at the exhaust pipes, but the header
    > flanges are at 3" from the ground. I am stuck, 135 can not make it over any
    > of the new pumps and the Association says it is my issue and my problem that
    > I own a low car. Anyone have any suggestions what I can do. Sure I could
    > carry blocks of wood with me when I want to drive 135, but I have a
    > seriously bad back that limits my mobility.
    > Best Regards,
    > Bob
  5. ecj

    ecj Guest

    If you can't get by by driving two wheels up on the curb then drive all four off of the road surface.


    Jim Seisser

    -----Original Message-----
    From: OURB
    Sent: May 5, 2006 10:52 PM
    To: ShelbyMustang (AT) carmemories (DOT) com
    Subject: Asking for suggestions!



    Hello Everyone,

    I was wondering if anyone has had to deal with any Home Owners Assoiciation with regards to their cars?

    Recently my Association installed temporary speedbumps. The speed bumps were 8” wide and 3” tall. I could clear them just fine in 6s135. On Tuseday of this last week we had a great sunny day, so I figured after work I would go home and take 6s135 out for a spin and fuel her up. When I arrived to my development I noticed the temp speedbumps were gone and new permenant ones were in place. The new bumps are 36 “ wide by 3.5” high. To shorten the story 6s135 has 3.5” of clearance at the exhaust pipes, but the header flanges are at 3” from the ground. I am stuck, 135 can not make it over any of the new pumps and the Association says it is my issue and my problem that I own a low car. Anyone have any suggestions what I can do. Sure I could carry blocks of wood with me when I want to drive 135, but I have a seriously bad back that limits my mobility.

    Best Regards,





    ________________________________________ PeoplePC Online A better way to Internet
  6. I dealt with the association at my grandmothers condo. The group started as
    the nicest people and got taken over by the worst busy bodies you could
    the only way to fight them is the law. you need to analyze the entire
    association rules and contract. did the do the notifications they needed to do? did
    these things get put to a vote? you should do your research as to any
    standards that may exist as to the normal or accepted height these should be. you
    should also study all of the temporary or pre-made ones available so as to
    establish what an accepted standard may be.
    You can also research the standards for vehicle height, look at stack cars
    like vettes, Porsche, Ferrari that would likely be lower than the average
    family wagon.
    You will also want to look at any posable ADA (American disabilities act)
    issues if they are making it difficult for someone in a wheelchair to have
    reasonable access for emergency igress/escape. if they keep it up you can also
    look at other posable ADA violations as all places have them. If they keep
    getting turned in for the stuff it can cost them real quick.

    If all else fails you can trim them down yourself. When I was in high school
    they added speed bumps to the parking lot. many of the hot rodders with
    lower cars had a problem with them. We put the rear wheels on the high spot and
    power jacked the car and spun the tires. After a couple of weeks they were not
    so high anymore.

  7. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: Re: Asking for suggestions!

    Cool idea, pull into a driveway before the speed bump, go across lawns around the bump, then back onto the street after the speed long before the lawn owners will be wanting the speed bump removed to save the grass? Remember, they cannot remove you and your car cause you were here first.
    > From: ecj <ecj (AT) peoplepc (DOT) com>
    > Date: 2006/05/05 Fri PM 10:03:59 EDT
    > To: ShelbyMustang (AT) carmemories (DOT) com
    > Subject: Re: Asking for suggestions!
  8. In a message dated 5/5/06 12:52:35, ourb (AT) comcast (DOT) net writes:

    << Anyone have any suggestions what I can do >>

    >>>When you approach a speed bump, simply make a right turn, drive up into

    the driveway, down the sidewalk, and down the next driveway back to the street.
    Do this for each speed bump.

    I guarantee that before too long, the speed bumps will be improved!


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