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Vehicle History Research?

Discussion in 'Shelby Mustang List' started by, May 15, 2006.

  1. Anyone have any experience with successfully researching ownership history
    thru state motor vehicle depts. My Shelby was sold new in Wyoming... I emailed
    them and this is the reply I got...

    Dear Roger-

    I understand how valuable this information would be to you, but
    unfortunately your reasons for needing it don't fall within the federal guidelines we
    have to follow. Have you tried Carfax at all????

    If you'd like to give me a call I'd be more than happy to explain further.

    Shannon Miller

    Hello- I am curious as to whether you are able to do searches involving
    past history of a collectable vehicle? Such as: ownership history etc. I
    have a 1970 Shelby Mustang that was sold new in Wyoming. It is always
    nice to have some history with one of these cars. The VIN # is
    0F02R481156. I would appreciate any help you may be able to provide.
    Thank You,

    Roger Bynum
    Delta, CO. 81416

    Of course, Carfax doesn't even accept VIN under 17 digits.

    STAN SIMM Guest

    I've tried this a number of times over the years with varying degrees of success. States are like people. Some are well-organized and keep good records, others do not. Some keep their records for long periods of time, others toss them out after 10 years or so. Most of them don't/can't afford to scan in old paperwork into their computers and charge for manually researching their records.
    I've gone so far as to research dealerships that were sold, resold, merged, etc...Some kept paperwork, most did not. Sometimes found employees still with the company and recalled the car being sold, etc.
    Amazingly, I found and spoke to the original owner of our '66 GT350 (it was his high school graduation present and to his father (who bought the car for him...What a Dad!). They were extremely glad that it was safe and sound with someone who appreciates it.
    Just keep after it and exhaust every possible lead.
    Regards, Stan
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Shlbyman (AT) aol (DOT) com
    To: shelbymustang (AT) carmemories (DOT) com
    Sent: Monday, May 15, 2006 7:38 PM
    Subject: Vehicle History Research?

    Anyone have any experience with successfully researching ownership history thru state motor vehicle depts. My Shelby was sold new in Wyoming... I emailed them and this is the reply I got...

    Dear Roger-

    I understand how valuable this information would be to you, but unfortunately your reasons for needing it don't fall within the federal guidelines we have to follow. Have you tried Carfax at all????

    If you'd like to give me a call I'd be more than happy to explain further.

    Shannon Miller

    Hello- I am curious as to whether you are able to do searches involving
    past history of a collectable vehicle? Such as: ownership history etc. I
    have a 1970 Shelby Mustang that was sold new in Wyoming. It is always
    nice to have some history with one of these cars. The VIN # is
    0F02R481156. I would appreciate any help you may be able to provide.
    Thank You,

    Roger Bynum
    Delta, CO. 81416

    Of course, Carfax doesn't even accept VIN under 17 digits.
  3. Roger:
    According to the SAAC registry, your Shelby was sold in Casper Wyoming through Spaniol Ford Inc. in Casper Wyoming, original owner unknown. It was then purchased by Mark Durkowicz. He then sold it to Theo Class in 1989, with 20,000 miles on it, then sold to yourself in 1996, with a reported 36,665 miles. Have you tried to contact these people? Have you tried a Google search? How about Wyoming City directories in a library? Is Spaniol Ford still in business? Try a library search on Spaniol Ford and see if you can locate a dealer principle, who just might remember selling a Shelby. I suspect you may be looking for the original owner and the best way might be to go back through the subsequent owners, starting with Mark Durkowicz and try to trace it back that way. Have you tried Theo Class who may have some information on previous owners.
    Try an advertisement in a paper; Snakebite Bulletin, Mustang Times.
    Try a phone call to Shannon Miller at Wyoming DOT and explain exactly what you are looking for. Perhaps she might provide a specific piece of information rather than a general search.
    Hope some of this helps and wish you all the best in your search.

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Shlbyman (AT) aol (DOT) com
    To: shelbymustang (AT) carmemories (DOT) com
    Sent: Monday, May 15, 2006 7:38 PM
    Subject: Vehicle History Research?

    Anyone have any experience with successfully researching ownership history thru state motor vehicle depts. My Shelby was sold new in Wyoming... I emailed them and this is the reply I got...

    Dear Roger-

    I understand how valuable this information would be to you, but unfortunately your reasons for needing it don't fall within the federal guidelines we have to follow. Have you tried Carfax at all????

    If you'd like to give me a call I'd be more than happy to explain further.

    Shannon Miller

    Hello- I am curious as to whether you are able to do searches involving
    past history of a collectable vehicle? Such as: ownership history etc. I
    have a 1970 Shelby Mustang that was sold new in Wyoming. It is always
    nice to have some history with one of these cars. The VIN # is
    0F02R481156. I would appreciate any help you may be able to provide.
    Thank You,

    Roger Bynum
    Delta, CO. 81416

    Of course, Carfax doesn't even accept VIN under 17 digits.
  4. Roger,

    Stan is right, you do really have to keep after it and don't discount methods
    that seem so obvious they couldn't possibly work. I was able to successfully
    search the path of my 66 GT350 with the Washington State DMV but hit a dead
    end with California as their records from back then were long gone. The key
    was locating the owner who brought it from CA to WA. I found him with a
    personals ad in the Snakebite Bulletin, fortunately he was (and still is!) active in
    SAAC. Leave no stone unturned.

    Good luck,

    In a message dated 5/15/2006 5:42:43 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
    SSIMM (AT) triad (DOT) writes:

    > Roger-
    > I've tried this a number of times over the years with varying degrees of
    > success. States are like people. Some are well-organized and keep good
    > records, others do not. Some keep their records for long periods of time,
    > others toss them out after 10 years or so. Most of them don't/can't afford to
    > scan in old paperwork into their computers and charge for manually researching
    > their records.
    > I've gone so far as to research dealerships that were sold, resold,
    > merged, etc...Some kept paperwork, most did not. Sometimes found employees still
    > with the company and recalled the car being sold, etc.
    > Amazingly, I found and spoke to the original owner of our '66 GT350 (it
    > was his high school graduation present and to his father (who bought the car
    > for him...What a Dad!). They were extremely glad that it was safe and sound
    > with someone who appreciates it.
    > Just keep after it and exhaust every possible lead.
    > Regards, Stan
    > >> ----- Original Message -----

    >> From: <A HREF="mailto:Shlbyman (AT) aol (DOT) com">Shlbyman (AT) aol (DOT) com</A>
    >> To: <A HREF="mailto:shelbymustang (AT) carmemories (DOT) com">shelbymustang (AT) carmemories (DOT) com</A>
    >> Sent: Monday, May 15, 2006 7:38 PM
    >> Subject: Vehicle History Research?
    >> Anyone have any experience with successfully researching ownership history
    >> thru state motor vehicle depts. My Shelby was sold new in Wyoming... I
    >> emailed them and this is the reply I got...
    >> Dear Roger-
    >> I understand how valuable this information would be to you, but
    >> unfortunately your reasons for needing it don't fall within the federal guidelines we
    >> have to follow. Have you tried Carfax at all????
    >> If you'd like to give me a call I'd be more than happy to explain further.
    >> Sincerely,
    >> Shannon Miller
    >> WYDOT MVS
    >> 307-777-4825
    >> Hello- I am curious as to whether you are able to do searches involving
    >> past history of a collectable vehicle? Such as: ownership history etc. I
    >> have a 1970 Shelby Mustang that was sold new in Wyoming. It is always
    >> nice to have some history with one of these cars. The VIN # is
    >> 0F02R481156. I would appreciate any help you may be able to provide.
    >> Thank You,
    >> Roger Bynum
    >> Delta, CO. 81416
  5. Jeff Fox

    Jeff Fox Guest

    E-Bay Education

    I'm hoping you all have some good advice on getting started as a brand new seller on E-Bay (just some inexpensive, repeating type stuff). I've got the most basic questions and would love to talk to a live human at E-bay as most questions could probably be answered in a few minutes. However, I guess that magic number does not exist so I'll have to go to hunt down several links and read a bunch of stuff.

    On the surface it looks so simple, but there must be some things to avoid, tricks, traps ... This topic has probably been addressed many times on here, but I appreciate any help or leads.


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