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Mystery 67 GT-500 #2395

Discussion in 'Lost, Found & Looking' started by qgraham, Aug 28, 2006.

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  1. qgraham

    qgraham Active Member

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    Aug 28, 2006
    Hello, I have stumbled across a wrecked GT-500 sitting in a field in North Texas. It is stripped clean of all Ford VIN's, but still has Shelby VIN on passenger inner fender panel. 67400F0A02395 id what is listed. the entire front clip, glass dash, etc is missing. Looks like it look a pretty good hit to the driver side front, which bent sub frame, but only forward of body shell. I want to buy it, but with no Ford VIN's I have no idea whether it is stolen or just stripped of the numbers to put on a fake Shelby. The owner is out of town so cant ask him for details. But if anyone has the Shelby registrar or any any thoughts on how to track down the original Ford VIN, let me know. I don't want to get racked if he sells it. He may have just pulled a fast one on some poor guy and sold him a fake GT-500, if so I plan on reporting him. I'm hoping with the Shelby VIN the SAAC book can provide correct Ford VIN for search purposes. Thanks in a advance
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 30, 2006
  2. csx4756

    csx4756 Member

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    Feb 5, 2005
    The saac registrar will only say that the Ford and Shelby VINs match if given both numbers. They will not give anyone one number without the other. Good luck with your find though. Maybe a little more investigation and talking with locals that may know of the car will get you some more authenticating information.

    Good luck,
  3. roddster

    roddster Well-Known Member

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    Dec 27, 2004
    Lansing, the one in Illinois
    Ah, I hate to point out a hole in this story, because I hope this is a real Shelby, and I hope you do buy it, but:
    That same passenger side inner fender/shock tower that you got the Shelby vin from, would also have the Ford factory vin stamp under where the front fender would be bolted to. This is about less than 10 inches away. Better go look again.
    AND, is there not also a left inner fender panel? Are there not two holes, pop rivet sized over the original Fomoco vin?
    So, either the front clip is missing, then where did you get the Shelby number? Or is isn't, and then the Fomoco number is there.
  4. TLEA

    TLEA Well-Known Member

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    Oct 17, 2005
    Warwick, Rhode Island
    Texas is where it was last known to be but that was 39 years ago. Heres a question for you...does it or doesn't it have the Z in ffont of Shelby VIN? Others, shhhhhhh
  5. qgraham

    qgraham Active Member

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    Aug 28, 2006
    It was hit in the front , I assume, because there are only shock towers and massively twisted fender aprons on front of body + bent sub-frame forward of body. Left side is un recognizable, but right side is half-way readable, pretty thick black paint on shock towers and good wear on numbers. I could not see the Ford VIN under Shelby #, but I was looking directly underneath the Shelby # on shock tower. Ford VIN, 10 inches towards front or back of car? I will look in front of shelby VIN for a "Z" in AM when i go to work and bring some sand paper to try and locate Ford VIN.. I also forgot to look for hole for roll bar this AM. My main concern is whether the car is stolen or was used to build a fake Shelby to rip off someone else. Wish I knew if the Shelby # was currently registered that would answer a lot. Thank guys. I will keep you updated.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 13, 2007
  6. qgraham

    qgraham Active Member

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    Aug 28, 2006
    I did not find any other VIN#. I did find what appears to be a "z" in front of Shelby VIN. Its about 1 1/2 inches to left and smaller. Its either a "z" or "2", cant be sure. I did notice that both inner femder aprons have about a 6 - 7 inch section cut out of them about 10 inches in front of shelby number toward front of car. This sort of confirms my thoughts that this car was defaced of VIN's for obviouse reasons. Its killing me, the owner is still out of town and noone knows anything about it. Are there any other location on the car that would have the Ford Vin??? (i.e. sub frame, etc) and yes the dash vin in removed also. I want this car so bad, I will probally buy it, even without VIN, hopefully owner has a title or reg.
  7. roddster

    roddster Well-Known Member

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    Dec 27, 2004
    Lansing, the one in Illinois
    There are no Dash vins, that became a requirement starting in 1968. There might have been a vin stamped into the transmission, but you said that is gone. Some Ford high performance engines had a vin stamp in them, but you said that is gone too.
    The only vins on a 67 Mustang were along the rail where the front fender bolts to. the left side was exposed and this is where the aluminum Shelby vin plate was riveted. Or the right side, the Fomoco vin would be under the edge of the front fender, hidden from view unless the fender was unbolted and pulled bad.
    Very very few Shelbys had the drivers door data plate, and besides, since to door could have been replaced with one from another Mustang, it should not ever be used for Id purposes.

    Don't be surprised if the owner says he's going to fix it up someday, they all say that.
  8. qgraham

    qgraham Active Member

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    Aug 28, 2006
    Thats a relief on the dash VIN, thought it was purposly removed. Still someone did cut the VIN sections out of both sides on purpose. The only number I have is the Shelby vin on Pass side top side of shock tower. Yeah I looked for rivet holes where data plate would have been but no luck. I think I can get a local law enforcement agency to request the Ford VIN from SAAC, since it was altered or removed, but was hesitant to do so, since they might impound it and then I lose the chance to own one. Might have to get my attornet involved, the car if its a shelby is worth it.
  9. daltondavid

    daltondavid Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 9, 2004
    Garnet Valley, Pennsylvania
    Pictures we want pictures! take one of the VIN and some of the car as well.
  10. 6S263

    6S263 Active Member

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    Mar 25, 2006
    Have you done a title search with the DMV? The car would be registered under the shelby VIN.
  11. roddster

    roddster Well-Known Member

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    Dec 27, 2004
    Lansing, the one in Illinois
    SAAC will not give the Ford VIN out to anybody. They haven't for more than 30 years. There have been some big lawyers that have tried. Once SAAC does that, they'll have to do this for everybody. And, ah, you don't even own the car, and, are you even a SAAC member??? What leverage do you think you have there?:guitar:
  12. TLEA

    TLEA Well-Known Member

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    Oct 17, 2005
    Warwick, Rhode Island
    You are talking about the car like you already own it. Take a deep breath and realize somebody owns that car and you need to find out who and negotiate with them. Also even if the car has 1 seemingly legit VIN stamp you have to ask yourself is it worth it? I have'nt seen pics but it sounds likea total restoaration so I'm assumming all the Shelby specific parts are gone. So you have a shell with a big dark cloud in its history, will never have original drivetrain and you will spend a fortune not only on a restoration but tons on the Shelby parts as well. Check prices on 67 steering wheels, guage pods, roll bar retractors etc., etc. I'm not intending to discourage you but most times these "bargain" cars really aren't.
  13. d_ford

    d_ford Well-Known Member

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    Jan 22, 2006
    Nelsonville, Ohio
    Not to mention the possibility that there may well be another car out there with the same shelby vin, a rebody. If this is in fact the original shell of a shelby that has taken a hard hit, someone years ago may have used a regular mustang unibody and transferred all the shelby specific parts over to it leaving the original unibody to rot away. Now somone comes along, buys the original shell, pours tons of money into it to restore it and when he's finished finds out that someone else has the same vin number on another car. Legal battles ensue and someone ends up with a car that has to have a state issued vin that has nothing to do with the original number. Just be careful and do lots of research before you invest money into this thing.
  14. Calvin

    Calvin Well-Known Member

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    Sep 9, 2004
    I know of a 68 GT350 (not mine, just to stop any rumors) that rear ended someone years ago. The body shop that did the repair cut the front clip just forward of the firewall. The old clip sat for at least a year in the junk pile of the body shop, then disappeared one day. That included the original fenders, hood and front fiberglass. They all disappeared at once from the shop and you have to wonder if it ends up on another car somewhere down the line as an air car. I wish I remembered the serical #.

    If I ever have such a thing happen rest assured that whatever is done will be well documented with the registrars. FWIW, all the sheet metal on our 68 is what it left Ford/A.O.Smith with. Two pieces of fiberglass, the left spoiler end cap and the lower fron valence were both replaced with NOS parts Mom found available from a dealer in Arizona when she worked in the parts department of a Lincon Mercury dealer.... We have aftermarket brake scoops on the car at the moment. We have the original ones, but autocrossing is sometimes tough on the scoops so we just painted the originals when we painted the car in 1980 and put them in a box. The aftermarkets have been reapaired from large pylon hits over the years, but still look OK on the car.
  15. qgraham

    qgraham Active Member

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    Aug 28, 2006
    OK, good advise. I am well aware of most of it though. I have two stangs have restored from junk heaps, 69 Mach I, true "M" code and 71 Mach I. Both had lost titles, etc. Yes, I am jumping the gun a little. I have to get in contact with the owner, who is a friend of my boss. I have no doubt I can buy it; for the right price anything is for sell, sadely enough. My first thought was that it was stolen, then I thought it was just stripped of badging, vin's, etc. Obviously I cant buy it if there is no way to verify VIN or obtain original VIN. As for leverage, the law is very clear that altering or removing VIN's is illegal, if a law enforcement agency was to pursue the case, they could force saac, ford or any other entity to release the pertinant info by several different methods. I have worked in a law practice for 12 yrs in legal research. But this is not a crank yanking session, I just wanted to get advise from shelby folks on this forum. You guys have been great too. I was not aware that the shelby VIN was used for registration, that is interesting. Gona try a title search and I will post pictures tomorrow, not much just a shell and warped front end, nasty looking but I still think it is worth some attention if I can obtain it.
  16. daltondavid

    daltondavid Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 9, 2004
    Garnet Valley, Pennsylvania
    Keep at it and send pictures!! there are still many diamonds in the rough as well as a few Venus Fly traps along the way!!
  17. qgraham

    qgraham Active Member

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    Aug 28, 2006
    OK, here are the pics, not great quality, since its my call camera. I also took pics of some misc part lying inside veh, C7ZB casting on most of them.:guns:

    Attached Files:

  18. 67GT500#2100

    67GT500#2100 Shelby Forums Pit Crew

    Likes Received:
    Sep 1, 2005
    Near Michigan International Speedway
    Cool, I know most people would think I am crazy but, I have fixed cars almost as bad as that one. And they were not worth anything near what that car would be. If the vin clears up and you can get it you should, or tell me how to.;)
  19. qgraham

    qgraham Active Member

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    Aug 28, 2006
    Yeah, I can only hope for no problems. My boss told me the guy just wanted the stuff hauled off, but that has to be bad info. But then again what retard leaves this car in the elements, unless he is clueless to what it is or atleast one can hope. The repair really aren't that bad. Nothing but surface rust, no rust thru on bottom rear quarters, truck floor or floor pans, but drivers side front floor pan is warped to heck from collission. Didnt damage much else but floor pan from sum-frame pushing back, luckily. Guy will be back Tues. so hope to close a deal or go home crying. Quick question are most of the 67 shelby parts direct replacement w/ 67 mustang or am I looking at a lot of number matching crap again( i.e. #'s on door,fenders, etc have unique shelby part numbers).
  20. 67GT500#2100

    67GT500#2100 Shelby Forums Pit Crew

    Likes Received:
    Sep 1, 2005
    Near Michigan International Speedway
    Most of the stuff is just Mustang parts. Fenders, doors, most of the interior. Most of the unique Shelby part are available. If you get the car far enough along to get to the hard to find stuff you have accomplished alot so that would be a good problem.
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