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Mystery 67 GT-500 #2395

Discussion in 'Lost, Found & Looking' started by qgraham, Aug 28, 2006.

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  1. J.Bailey

    J.Bailey Well-Known Member

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    Apr 2, 2005
    North Carolina
    Please keep us informed of how your project.....

    progresses as your expedition is quite fascinating!!!!
  2. qgraham

    qgraham Active Member

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    Aug 28, 2006
    well bad news. The car (or I should say another car) is currently titled and registered in TX. Has a lein on it from local bank and shows to have sold for 180K. Gonna run the new owner and previous owner to see how they tie to boss friend. Then I can only let the autorities deal with it. Odd how the current owner also has a 67 fastback with no regisitration on it, but has title. Maybe the body used for the fake. What a shame that someone would de-face this car just beause it was easier to rebuild another. the 180K price is suprising too, seem a bit high.
  3. 67GT500#2100

    67GT500#2100 Shelby Forums Pit Crew

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    Sep 1, 2005
    Near Michigan International Speedway
    Make sure SAAC gets this info.
  4. qgraham

    qgraham Active Member

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    Aug 28, 2006
    yeah most definetely. I have a plan to try out first.
    Plan 1:
    I'm gonna still try and buy the orig one under the allussion that I just want the shell for a regular roled 67 I have, thus I dont need VIN, title etc. If he sells it and gives me a generic bill of sale for a 67 fastback, I can then get with TX DPS/SAAC and have them come and verify the original car and its VIN, which is worn and barely readable, but its still readable. Then they will want to see the deliberate cut-outs of missing VIN's. Once this is done and I have a valid bill of sale for that vehicle, I can challenge the imposter shelby for the titled Shelby Vin #. Been researching legalities of it all night. Then the criminal can be delt with for his hanise crime.

    Plan 2: He doesnt want to sell shell and I just turn him over to DPS and SAAC.

    Hopefully, I can con the con and bring this one peice of shelby history back to life and help restore some validity to the shelby market. This cant be the first guy to try this type of stuff.
  5. TLEA

    TLEA Well-Known Member

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    Oct 17, 2005
    Warwick, Rhode Island
    Either 1 or 2 is going to ruin someones day:eek:
  6. qgraham

    qgraham Active Member

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    Aug 28, 2006
    unfortunately yes, but if the owner is the culperate, he deserves it. If ihe is the victim, then its very unfortunate, but better than the veh being re-sold and more innocent people get burned. Only reason I dont just report it now, is that I know how the police impound systems works. The car would end up with some undeserving rich fat cat or someone with inside ties to impounds and auctions. Atleast my way one poor undeserving sole(ME) that could not else wise, may get a shot at owning one of these true masterpieces.
  7. 6S263

    6S263 Active Member

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    Mar 25, 2006
    Good luck. From the pictures it looks like you've stumbled across the real car and are on the edge of a very sticky situation. This exact situation happened to a friend of mine. He bought a shelby body that had been wrecked and the numbers were cut out. He was building a race car so he didn't care. With some research he got the Shelby VIN.

    Long story short, my friend called the guy who owns the "numbers" currently on another car. That guy didn't want to talk to my friend who would have sold him the body. He told my friend to get lost. So now, the real car has been rebuilt with no numbers and the other guy is driving a high priced rebody with numbers welded in. My friend is a long time SAAC member and has the whole story documented so future buyers won't get hosed.

    My whole point of sharing this is to let you know that you may not get much cooperation from the current owner. If a lein for $180K exists on the VIN, it sounds like a rebody has been done and not disclosed. That will definately ruin somebody's day.
  8. daltondavid

    daltondavid Well-Known Member

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    Dec 9, 2004
    Garnet Valley, Pennsylvania
    "Restoring validity" back to the SHELBY Market?? I was unaware that the market was invalid....?? what was your cause before this one? saving the Whales?? Apparently you either chose to ignore the P/M I sent you or are not aware I sent one to you at all. so I will publicly state that you should quit telling the world your game plan. if you were clever as you claim to be, you would already know that though. :blink: this makes me question your integrity...... lets play Devil's advocate for a minute here (Which is what Attorney's do all day long for Money correct??) maybe you or someone you know does not like the guy who owns the car currently registered with this particular VIN. what a unique NIGHTMARE SCENARIO :eek: to create for him....go pick up a 67 Mustang Fastback, stripped and create the "Illusion" that it was the Real SHELBY by stamping the VINS into the shock tower and removing all of the FORD VINS. then "Stumble onto this site" the same way you stumbled across this car and create a mild uproar that will undoubtedly not go unnoticed. this can make the actual Owner of the $180,000 car spend untold sums of Money and time to defend his beliefs that his car is the real deal. and unless his car has welded on VIN numbers that match the ones cut out of the car you have shown us in undated grainy photos, your case is very very weak :noway: . As a matter of KNOWN and Admitted FACT, You do not even own the shell in question!! :doh: Lets try another scenario: For all you know your Boss's "friend" may actually have been the Culprit :guns: that perpetrated the "Alleged" Rebody and once he catches wind that you plan to blow the lid off his Crime, the car may all of a sudden disappear from your grasp and be disposed of in the fashion he may have neglected to do in the first place. lets hope you are not welded into the trunk when that happens. :huh: From my point of View, I advise you to turn your findings over to SAAC and keep your discussions private. as it is now, "if" and I mean "IF" there was a crime committed, you have made the WORLD aware of it and have given the Criminals time to "Correct" their work if they did not do a good enough job the first time. Secondly, "IF" and I mean "IF" again, the Current Owner of the Legally registered car decides to have his car inspected and it turns out to be just fine, YOU may end up getting a lawsuit for having cost him money and muddying the provenance/Value of his Collector Car! Tread Lightly Mr. Graham!! :guitar:
  9. TLEA

    TLEA Well-Known Member

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    Oct 17, 2005
    Warwick, Rhode Island
    People have disappeared for a lot less than $180,000
  10. qgraham

    qgraham Active Member

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    Aug 28, 2006
    WOW..Dont remeber claiming to be clever, resourceful, maybe..You are correct on later scenario. That is my biggest fear, which is why I turned my security camera from parking lot to point across at car location. I watch it from home too thru web. All my picture have pertinant date/time stamping. I took the picture on cell phone(sat date/time stamp), then email to my yahoo account from phone (server date/time stamp). Yes, the picture quality is poor, need to redo them, but they show the important things like surrounding structures, etc. I am not afraid of disappearring, Marines taught me one value lesson, S**t happens, that's a part of life. As for my unintended insult toward the shelby market, I meant that is this car is out there the market is vulnerable. If there is one fake there could be two or three. I should have stated it as "protecting the purity of the market".

    As for the first scenario, OK, its possible, but there are some hole in it. First to just find a 67 and stamp VIN is useless. These stamps are worn and painted with aged metal all of which can be carbon dated(very costly, our firm has had it done), but new stamps would be visibly clearer. I have already obtained the SAAC notification info, so I will do that, but need more solid proof to go with claim. I plan on taking camcorder and some friends to it on Tues. I know there is no way for me to not come across as being self-minded in this situation. The odds are I will not be able to buy car, under any circumstances, but I will try. As for current owner he is the prime suspect for me, since he has not registered the car with saac. If I payed 180K for a car I would make sure everyone knew it was original. I cant figure out how he got the shelby VIN onto the pass shock tower area or if he even has it on the rebody car. Yes, I should be more private with this situation, but I need advise and help on certain things, (i.e. the rear brake light panel listed in photo, was this exclusive to shelby. I asked only because the 67 FB i have seen had the standard brake lights with chome trim. :ph34r:
  11. qgraham

    qgraham Active Member

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    Aug 28, 2006
    OH, Server admin, might need copies of these post for relative evidence.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 4, 2006
  12. daltondavid

    daltondavid Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 9, 2004
    Garnet Valley, Pennsylvania
    At this point of the investigation, you will need to have your Attorney submit a Written request via Return receipt request certified mail. espescially if you become named as a Defendant in this matter. :eek:
  13. qgraham

    qgraham Active Member

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    Aug 28, 2006
    :D , Good advise, but gonna role the dice tomorrow. So if I dont get to chat with you tomorrow, then I guess you were all too right and me and the shelby will be forever united at bottom of Grapevine Lake.
  14. daltondavid

    daltondavid Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 9, 2004
    Garnet Valley, Pennsylvania
    Godspeed Graham, Godspeed!!:thumbup:
  15. qgraham

    qgraham Active Member

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    Aug 28, 2006
    No, Not at bottom of lake. Yet. I made contact with his secretary, I assume. Just asked if she knew who owned it and she said she did, but did not give his name. She stated he was looking to get rid of it, so I gave my name and # to have him call me. I'll give them 24 yrs to respond, before I move forward with plan 2. Got my snorkle, just in case.:dance:
  16. daltondavid

    daltondavid Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 9, 2004
    Garnet Valley, Pennsylvania
    did you mean Hours or Years??:blink:
  17. qgraham

    qgraham Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 28, 2006
    yeah, sorry. my kids would due me in before they would if that were the case.
  18. mherman2

    mherman2 Well-Known Member

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    Dec 9, 2005
    Just read this whole post, been catching up on the posts as I have been busy.

    Wow, this is like a murder mystery. Someone may end up welded in a trunk of a Shelby in Jersey.

    Maybe Jimmy Hoffa is driving Jim Morrisons Shelby in Moscow under an assumed name with a Chevrolet Vin.
  19. 65gtfastback

    65gtfastback Well-Known Member

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    May 19, 2006
    @ Nashville
    You need to join SAAC and then talk to the 67 registrar. Its a small cost for the research and information you'll get and using up his time.

    If the Shelby VIN is hard to read make sure you are reading each digit correctly. Misreading one number could change the whole equation. I hope you find you made a mistake. You see misread numbers all the time on ebay.. and they are not anywhere near that rusty.

    Now, if you are right about the number, and there is a big dollar car registered with that number you need to find out what cards the lien holder would have in that case. If they hold a note for 180k and the title was signed over by this same guy, they may own this shell too if a judge says so. the rebody owner may have paperwork saying he is the owner. ...sounds like he does... may depend on ownership trail many owners away is the rebody from this guy with the shell...

    In other words, "The Owner", may not be the owner. ...even if that becomes you. If you get in a court battle, you may be figthing a bank legal department (they love billable hours) or the attorneys of some guy that can put down 180K on an old Mustang. I can hear the music from the good, the bad and the ugly now. Get legal advice!

    The big dollar guy most likely has Shelby friends that know about this site. Don't let them bury you in a Chevy...:D
  20. qgraham

    qgraham Active Member

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    Aug 28, 2006
    only part of VIN that is hard to read is the "F", but rest is readable. I have already reported everything to TX DPS task force, so we will see what happens, either way I'm out of the picture other than maybe testimony. The guy was not returning calls, etc. I have a feeling they have been watching this place already though, because they knew alot about the location already. There is a body shop next door that has alot of classic shells outdoors. If its all legitimate, then he has nothing to worry about. I've move on to other project cars, (i.e. 69 "R" code). My news hobby is to just start buying all the projects, I know of and storing them on my 180 acreas for enthusiast with legitimate restoration purposes to buy. Thanks to everyone for the help and support and I will keep everyone informed as to the outcome.
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