Check out this Cobra 1965 World Championship t shirt! Here's the front... and back... My uncle, Carroll's son had a batch of these made recently. RS
I met a guy 2 years ago from Elijah Ga. that has his original shirt he bought when he purchased his 65 289 Cobra! He drove his Cobra to the show! Mark
mine would of had holes every were.i actually just bought my first shelbt t shirt im actually looking for more.the pictures are not working anymore
Well, the pics of the t-shirt have left the building . I purchased a replica of the jackets worn at LeMans in 1966 during the first of the 4 consecutive victories. I get alot of comments from some of the Ford old timers (like me ).
The pictures are back. Anyone else have any vintage shelby shirts/jackets? share some photos if you do. I'll see if I can find an original LeMans jacket and take a photo. I think my uncle has one.
a Repro of the championship shirt has been available for years... ..from Tony Branda, for example: Order here... The 'originals' also say "Shelby American" on the tag. B) I have mine from the 60's, but it is full of hole! ...I screwed up....I wore it a lot.
Cobra T Shirts Found! I found the original printer in santa monica, that made the cobra t shirts back in the 60's, He still has the original screens! ( i've seen them myself!) they are hand made! you can get one of these shirts from....
Re: Cobra T Shirts Found! Tony Branda has been selling these for years..........I have bought several over the last 20 years.
Re: Cobra T Shirts Found! The Tony Branda shirts are nice! I have one, but they are made from a reproduction press or screen not the original screen used in the 60,s! Do they look the same? yes! but being hand made the shirts form the original screen have thicker printing you can feel the difference