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Documenting history of Shelby service?

Discussion in '1965-1970 Shelby Mustang GT350 & GT500' started by Edward66GT350, Jan 16, 2007.

  1. Edward66GT350

    Edward66GT350 Well-Known Member

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    Dec 26, 2004
    I just do not have the time in my schedule to fully document the history of my '66 GT 350 #1761. Is there a person that provides this type of service? Cost?
  2. 66shelbynz

    66shelbynz Well-Known Member

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    Aug 25, 2005
    New Zealand (downunder)
    if you do find the time Ed, it's a wonderful and very gratifying experience. I wondered how much luck and how much time it would take once i started delving into the history of 6s349. I thought being 15,000 miles away would have been a far it hasn't as i have spoken to or received emails from 7 of the 8 previous american owners. They all have been extremely helpful and are amazed that the car they had previously owned now resides down under. I have also been able to confirm that it was indeed a poster car (as per the registry) and have been sent some original copies of that poster. I have also been able to purchase the original steering wheel back ....yes - from Craig Conley who took it off in '93 - he sold it back to me for about 1/10 of what they are asking for on e-bay - i picked it up off him at SAAC30) and it's been verified as the original wheel by 349's second owner who commented that he was surprised that no one in 40years had fixed "the chunk that was missing". I have also been given from the second owner , a bunch of photos of the car from the late 60's thru to the mid eighties and lots of original advertisments (mostly out of Playboy mags) and cut out classified ads from newspapers of the time - you know the kind......1966 Shelby GT350 great cond $1500 obo.....those were the days. There is no doubt that this has taken some time and effort but it's been extremely worthwhile and i've made some wonderful friends doing so - good luck :)

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