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Re: 65 66 GT350 VIN

Discussion in 'Shelby Mustang List' started by, Mar 17, 2005.

  1. Bob... a little further discussion.

    I understand that you have compared the stamping dates to the date of other panels on the car and the car appears to the original and unrestored. Please understand that these cars are f40 yrs old and much has happened to most over those years. After such a time early repairs and the like can tend to blend in with the car.

    Not knowing the history and the stories that come with the car and not being able to inspect it makes this an imperfect world but I'm just offering experiences as I have been employed by many in the country and others to inspect cars over the years and the results can be surprising. Again not making any suggestions about your car but continuing the conversation.

    One example I would offer from a few years ago. Inspected a car for the local PD they had received as part of a property seizure. The car, when received by the guy they took it from, was in boxes. I was able to view video tapes taken before, during and after building the car.. This car when finished had date matching engine compartment walls, Shelby VIN stamped in the panel, correct Ford VINs (all of them and confirmed by SAAC in a letter supplied to the PD by SAAC) correct Ford VIN on engine and trans .

    That car was a total rebody that unfortunately may still be out there. PD did destroy the Shelby tag, drill out the hidden Ford VIN's but still did return it to the owner who sold it through a major local paper (explaining the cops had it out for him and the car was real - had someone go look at it for me) and it was sold to someone who transported it eastward. This was about 20 years ago

    This was an example how far and to what detail owners have often gone to do what they believe "needs" to be done

    Good luck with your search for answers

    Jeff S

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Ourb <>
    Sent: Mar 16, 2005 7:04 PM
    Subject: 65 66 GT350 VIN

    Hello Everyone,

    I have a question. Has anyone ever seen a 65 or 66 GT350 where the Ford VIN
    does not have the stars at the beginning or end? I have a car where the VINs
    all match and verified via SAAC , but none of the VINs have any stars. The
    car is original and unrestored. All body panel are properly dated and have
    never been altered.

    The SFM number on the passenger side fender apron is also there and appears



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