I new to this forum and I also want to let everyone know that there will a special day @ Willow Springs on 9/8/07. See the detail information below. Hope to see some you guys out there. OK everybody, here is the day we have been waiting for!!! Saturday September 8, 2007 is GT500 day at the Willow Springs Track. Please go to opentrackracing.com and sign up and pay (190.00) for the day. Alan Crockett from Barber Racing Experience will be providing driving school for the day. To sign up and pay (250.00) for the driving school go to "barberdrivingexperience.com" or call 805-340-5110. We have informed Ford and the Shelby people of this event. It could be the biggest gathering of new GT500s on a track since the car has been on the road. Additionally the media in various forms will be attending this event. We need to be at the track by 8:00 AM or earlier. It will be a complete day so expect to be there till 5PM. We are planning to meet at the Galpin Auto Sports (GAS) parking lot at 6:00 AM. GAS is off the 405 freeway at Roscoe. Go East and turn right at the first light. The parking lot for GAS is on your immediate right. From GAS its about a 90 minute drive out to Willow Springs. Note: Helmets are mandatory. call open track racing for requirements 818-206-8559 IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL ME AT 805-501-8244
More Inf Ok, I spoke with Dawn yesterday and Allan this morming. If you are planning to to sign up for the driving instructions you need to write a check and mail to address listed below. Barber Driving Experience 5778 Mulberry Ridge Camarillo, CA 93012 Allan told me to that he will only accept the 20 students. As part of the cost they will have ground crews perform safety check prior to get on the track and on subsequence runs. Also, he would like to get the check to him ASAP so he and Dawn could make all the appropriate logistic to support the event with respect to ground crews and instructors. Also, I got email from Dawn (below) regarding preparation prior to show up on the track. Hi Sam, Yes the address is correct. Please make the check out to Barber Driving Experience. As for the equipment you will need: The gloves are optional. They are not a required item. Some drivers like them and other's don't, so again - they are an optional item. Helmets are required. SA2005 is recommended, but not required. DOT approved are required. No Nazi top of head pieces. Open Track is allowing M series helmets to work. As long as the helmet is rates SA2000 or MA2000 or more current and DOT approved you should be fine. All helmets must be full faced. We do require long sleeved shirts and long pants while on the track. I'm sorry, I know it gets warm out there, but it's for your safety For more information on how you should prepare yourself and your car the night before and for that morning, take a look at our web site, www.barberdrivingexperience.com and click on Track Preparation. This will help you to get ready and for what to expect. If you have any more questions, please feel free to call me or e-mail me. See ya at the track! Dawn Logistics Manager Barber Driving Experience 805-340-5110 One more thing you need to bring with you some masking tape that you see @ Home Depot. This is the blue masking tapes that are used to prep prior to painting. You are using this tapes to put your hood/bumper/fog light prevent nick from the track debries. Well I hope this help.