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Re: Check out eBay item 4536046803 (Ends Mar-22-05 09:15:49 PST) -1967 SHELBY GT

Discussion in 'Shelby Mustang List' started by ecj, Mar 23, 2005.

  1. ecj

    ecj Guest

    <META content=3D"MSHTML 6.00.2800.1106" name=3DGENERATOR></HEAD>
    <DIV>Yes, that is simply crazy! $511 for a rear end tag. You also have to r=
    emember it takes at least two people to run an auction price up. If only on=
    e person bids then the price dosen't go up. </DIV>
    <DIV>Those were two serious bidders at the end that came out of nowhere. No=
    tice how everyone&nbsp;bid. "cobreen" and "daneger711" run the price up til=
    l 14 minutes to go in the auction. Auction price was sitting at $197.77 by =
    "cobreen" who had a hidden reserve of $250. Then with less than 10 seconds =
    to go in the auction "suturb110" bids $510.78 with 6 seconds to go and with=
    5 seconds to go&nbsp;"quamo911" bids $511 and wins this auction by only $0=
    <DIV>There are two lessons here if you are paying attention, (maybe three).=
    The first lesson is don't bid early-on in an E-Bay auction unless you like=
    to raise the price against yourself. The winner in an E-Bay auction is the=
    &nbsp;bidder who has the highest bid <STRONG><U>when time runs out</U></STR=
    ONG>. Not the person with the most money in their pocket. The more time lef=
    t in an&nbsp;auction means the more time other bidders have to outbid you. =
    So when you bid early you really are&nbsp;running up against yourself, so w=
    hy bid early?</DIV>
    <DIV>Second lesson is to bid very late and to bid very high if you really w=
    ant&nbsp;a specific&nbsp;item. It is to your advantage&nbsp;on any E-Bay au=
    ction to bid with less than 10 seconds to go in the auction. It is possible=
    for a person to easily put in 4 or more bids on an auction with 30 seconds=
    to go in the auction. These people have a DSL or Cable internet connection=
    and can refresh an auction to see if they are overcoming your reserve bid&=
    nbsp;price. The more time you leave in the auction for someone to out bid y=
    ou the more chance someone will outbid you. If you are running your compute=
    r innernet connection via a phone modem you are somewhat at a disadvantage =
    but you still can beat the DSL and Cable bidders as long as you bid within =
    the last 10 seconds. If you bid with under 5 seconds to go in the auction i=
    t does not leave enough time for someone else to see what&nbsp;your bid is =
    and overcome it if you are the highest bidder. You want to be the highest b=
    idder when time runs out and you want the time to run out before someone ca=
    n outbid you. Just remember to bid late and high and remember that there ma=
    y be other people laying back doing the same thing too!&nbsp;Bidding on an =
    auction in the last minute of an auction is known as sniping. And if you do=
    n't want to wait around for an auction to end or you are going to be away f=
    rom your computer when the auction is going to end there are&nbsp;automated=
    sniping&nbsp;services that will do it for you. You can be sleeping in bed&=
    nbsp;at 1 AM in the morning when an auction is ending and your sniping serv=
    ice is doing your bidding for you. The one drawback about manual sniping, b=
    esides the fact that you have to be there waiting for the auction to end, i=
    s that if you try to bid with less than 5 seconds to go you might&nbsp;bid =
    to late and miss the whole auction altogether. </DIV>
    <DIV>The third thing to remember is to not get carried away. Yes an item ca=
    n be very old and rare and they aren't making them any more but don't get c=
    arried away in the moment. Know what the item really is worth elsewhere.&nb=
    sp;Some items might be selling&nbsp;on E-Bay for $50 but can be bought&nbsp=
    ;at a swap meet for under $20.&nbsp;Plus when you buy it on E-Bay, you stil=
    l have to pay shipping for it. Unless they made very very few of an item, i=
    f you wait long enough you'll see another one of the exact same item for sa=
    le on E-Bay within a month or so.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;=
    <DIV>If part prices keep going up like this it might be worth more money to=
    part your&nbsp;Shelby out than it will to restore it. </DIV>
    <DIV>Jim<BR><BR>-----Original Message----- <BR>From: <BR>=
    Sent: Mar 22, 2005 4:21 PM <BR>To: <BR>Subjec=
    t: Check out eBay item 4536046803 (Ends Mar-22-05 09:15:49 PST) - 1967 SHEL=
    BY GT <BR><BR><ZZZHTML><ZZZHEAD><ZZZMETA content=3D"text/html; charset=3DUS=
    -ASCII" http-equiv=3D"Content-Type"><ZZZMETA content=3D"MSHTML 6.00.2800.14=
    76" name=3D"GENERATOR"></ZZZHEAD><ZZZBODY id=3Drole_body style=3D"FONT-SIZE=
    : 10pt; COLOR: #000000; FONT-FAMILY: Arial" rightMargin=3D"7" topMargin=3D"=
    7" leftMargin=3D"7" bottomMargin=3D"7"></DIV><FONT id=3Drole_document face=
    =3DArial color=3D#000000 size=3D2>
    <DIV><A href=3D"
    p;item=3D4536046803&amp;sspagename=3DADME%3AB%3AWN%3AMT%3A1">Click here: eB=
    ay item 4536046803 (Ends Mar-22-05 09:15:49 PST) - 1967 SHELBY GT-500 origi=
    nal rear Axel tag</A> </DIV></FONT></ZZZBODY></ZZZHTML></DIV></BODY><PRE>

    PeoplePC Online
    A better way to Internet</PRE>
  2. Re: Check out eBay item 4536046803 (Ends Mar-22-05 09:15:49 PST) - 1967 SHELBY GT

    Great lesson in E-Bay bidding. Have been "sniped" a few times myself but in retrospect, have always found another one at a lower price somewhere. There is a lesson there.
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: ecj
    Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2005 12:43 AM
    Subject: Re: Check out eBay item 4536046803 (Ends Mar-22-05 09:15:49 PST) - 1967 SHELBY GT

    Yes, that is simply crazy! $511 for a rear end tag. You also have to remember it takes at least two people to run an auction price up. If only one person bids then the price dosen't go up.

    Those were two serious bidders at the end that came out of nowhere. Notice how everyone bid. "cobreen" and "daneger711" run the price up till 14 minutes to go in the auction. Auction price was sitting at $197.77 by "cobreen" who had a hidden reserve of $250. Then with less than 10 seconds to go in the auction "suturb110" bids $510.78 with 6 seconds to go and with 5 seconds to go "quamo911" bids $511 and wins this auction by only $0.22!

    There are two lessons here if you are paying attention, (maybe three). The first lesson is don't bid early-on in an E-Bay auction unless you like to raise the price against yourself. The winner in an E-Bay auction is the bidder who has the highest bid when time runs out. Not the person with the most money in their pocket. The more time left in an auction means the more time other bidders have to outbid you. So when you bid early you really are running up against yourself, so why bid early?

    Second lesson is to bid very late and to bid very high if you really want a specific item. It is to your advantage on any E-Bay auction to bid with less than 10 seconds to go in the auction. It is possible for a person to easily put in 4 or more bids on an auction with 30 seconds to go in the auction. These people have a DSL or Cable internet connection and can refresh an auction to see if they are overcoming your reserve bid price. The more time you leave in the auction for someone to out bid you the more chance someone will outbid you. If you are running your computer innernet connection via a phone modem you are somewhat at a disadvantage but you still can beat the DSL and Cable bidders as long as you bid within the last 10 seconds. If you bid with under 5 seconds to go in the auction it does not leave enough time for someone else to see what your bid is and overcome it if you are the highest bidder. You want to be the highest bidder when time runs out and you want the time to run out before someone can outbid you. Just remember to bid late and high and remember that there may be other people laying back doing the same thing too! Bidding on an auction in the last minute of an auction is known as sniping. And if you don't want to wait around for an auction to end or you are going to be away from your computer when the auction is going to end there are automated sniping services that will do it for you. You can be sleeping in bed at 1 AM in the morning when an auction is ending and your sniping service is doing your bidding for you. The one drawback about manual sniping, besides the fact that you have to be there waiting for the auction to end, is that if you try to bid with less than 5 seconds to go you might bid to late and miss the whole auction altogether.

    The third thing to remember is to not get carried away. Yes an item can be very old and rare and they aren't making them any more but don't get carried away in the moment. Know what the item really is worth elsewhere. Some items might be selling on E-Bay for $50 but can be bought at a swap meet for under $20. Plus when you buy it on E-Bay, you still have to pay shipping for it. Unless they made very very few of an item, if you wait long enough you'll see another one of the exact same item for sale on E-Bay within a month or so.

    If part prices keep going up like this it might be worth more money to part your Shelby out than it will to restore it.


    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Mar 22, 2005 4:21 PM
    Subject: Check out eBay item 4536046803 (Ends Mar-22-05 09:15:49 PST) - 1967 SHELBY GT

    Click here: eBay item 4536046803 (Ends Mar-22-05 09:15:49 PST) - 1967 SHELBY GT-500 original rear Axel tag

    PeoplePC Online
    A better way to Internet

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