Hi I am building my 65 R Model clone for more than two years now and last week we wanted to weld it those Mounting Plates for the Axle Frame Bumpes. But thankfully we didn´t have enough time and planed to weld them in next thursday. Now i saw in a book that they where removed by Shelby because of the Override Traction Bars!!! Is this on your cars as well? And did they put them on the inside of the Frame Rail?? Or where the just deleted completly??? Very very importand detail i need to know please tll me. Thanks Jerry
See the "Traction Bars" post from a few days ago, go down to #7. Click link below. http://www.shelbyforums.com/forums/1965-1970-shelby-mustang-gt350-gt500/6750-traction-bars.html Mike
Hi Mike Thanks alot. What does he mean with "brkets"??? Would you were me would you weld them in like they were and cut them or leave them completly away in first place? What would be better? Thanks Jerry
From your previous posts, I believe that you are trying to make the most acurate representation of a 65 GT 350. If so, do it just as they would have - cut, weld, paint, put the red-orange Koni's and the axle limiting cables, etc. Just don't pass it off as a real car, and make sure you post pix of the finished product. FYI, I am working on making a Horn toggle switch that will be close to what the originals were, not exact, but very close. If I am happy with the finished result, I will post pix. Luckilly, my car has it's original, but I know of a few that don't and the originals are fetching huge $ now. Mike
Hi Jerry, Here are two pictures I took of my snubbers for a guy in Australia earlier this year. Texas Swede
Those are great pictures Swede. I wish I could have had them 10 years ago, That was a very hard detail to get straight for me. Jerry, those brackets are shaped like the letter "T" with the "ears" folded up. The bottom of the "T" goes all the way across the frame rail. They are welded on the bottom (to the frame rail). lots of cars have had them welded up on the triangle "ears" (after the fact???) ..I think that is because they can get the crap beat out of them from bumps in the road. Maybe even knocked off completely!! good luck finding the right looking rubber snubbers.. They were non-existant 15 years ago.(....for me) Do a nice job on your car and show us lots of pictures. Good luck! jimbo
Hi, I got two NOS snubbers (AB-3019-A) from Jim Cowles many years ago when I restored my car. However, I was never able to remove the original ones (on the pictures) so they stayed. Traded the NOS ones with a friend. There are some repos available for about $8 for an old Ford Front Lower Arm. They are not flat at the end like the originals. Texas Swede
@all Wow,....hat can i say! I have to thank you very much for all this. Bo you are great thanks a lot. Pictures are worth more than 1000 words! Of course i´ll post pictures but for the moment welding is in progress and just have tha parts lying in my basement so for the moment not much to see. But i keep you guys informed. Bye Jerry