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Discussion in '1965-1970 Shelby Mustang GT350 & GT500' started by Bob Gaines, Nov 1, 2007.

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  1. FE Mann

    FE Mann Member

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    Jun 14, 2005
    Pacific Northwest
    For you people who think that Amy Boylan is a "reasonable " person, and that she will be a "heroine" for the Shelby Marque, her failure to give us a
    "WHY" speaks volumes. The change is being made to force SAAC out.
    Always trust yer' gut. Mine just spoke to me.
  2. tesgt350

    tesgt350 Well-Known Member

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    Feb 10, 2006
    I am in my own little World
    Well, I have two points that I would like to make here .........<Point #1> I have been a member of SAAC for over 7 years now and YES I will ALSO most likely join the NEW Team Shelby Club too. Mainly because that, by doing so, I will have the BEST of BOTH worlds. Old & New. Go back through the older Posts on this Site and you will see how many people on here totally believe that the TRUE Shelby's are 1965 to 1967 Models and the 1968/1969-70's are basicly the "Red Headed Step Child". To me, if Carroll Shelby had the least bit to do with it and it is Licensed by him, then it is something special. <point #2> I understand how Carroll Shelby wants to protect his Name and Legacy like Ford is doing, BUT, since the new "Team Shelby Club" is more for the New Shelby's and SAAC is pretty much for the Old Shelby's, why not help each other out and join forces. I know that it takes an army to keep up with the old Shelby's and I can only imagin that the New Shelby's will be just as tough to keep up with. Join forces and double the man power and create the biggest and baddest Shelby Club ever.
  3. vernonestes

    vernonestes Well-Known Member

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    Jan 14, 2007
    I just simply feel that shelby enthusiast everywhere are owed an explanation for this action which shelby autos has taken. So much loyalty to the shelby name through things like SAAC and this forum site that it is a shame that this situation had to be handled like this. I really feel sorry for those who have devoted their lives to the shelby hobby by starting and running the SAAC....only to be slapped in the face after all these years.

    Furthermore, although it is said that this action wasnt taken for monetary reasons, i cant help but think that it must have some sort of monetary gain for shelby autos. Im going with this theory because we have heard 4 post from amy so far and we have no legit answer whatsoever and according to her last post we will never recieve one.

    Gotta tell ya...thats a crappy way to do things...not only is shelbyautos apparently turning their backs on SAAC but they are also turing their backs on the enthusiast who have kept this hobby alive.

    In the original and true shelby was never about money. It was about a passion for the automobile. It was about laying the corvettes to rest and seeking revenge at all cost over Ferrari. All money back in the day was put into racing and the only reason that shelby ever built cars for the road was to get them qualified for racing. It is that kind of passion that is missing in today's society. In fact, i absolutely refuse to accuse shelby of losing his true passion as i dont believe that at all. I hope to god that this matter can be resolved and shelbyautos can at least try to display the passion that the original company had....arguably one of the most successfull small business in american history.

    Furthermore, the meaning of the word PRESUMPTUOUS is "excessively foward". By saying that it would not be "excessively foward" to have the owners of the vintage owners join, are you saying that the vintage owners are really an afterthought like i said? If so, that is truely a shame! I thought the mission of shelbyautos was to honor the past. Do the people at shelbyautos really think that their cars would be around had faithfull owners of the originals not stuck around for all these years? It just makes me sick to my stomach.

    Furthermore, amy, it would have been better business for u to have not joined the forum, made yourself known, put yourself forward as a resource for info, and then basically say that you refuse to actually give info/reasons about shelbys latest move! If you are going to PRETEND TO CARE ABOUT THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE KEPT THIS HOBBY ALIVE then at least try to give us something to chew on.

    Please keep in mind that i am an open minded person but this is an absolute slap in the face to alot of people in this hobby.

    Best Regards,
  4. daltondavid

    daltondavid Well-Known Member

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    Dec 9, 2004
    Garnet Valley, Pennsylvania
    I have been an "AMY" supporter on various sites for some time and continue to believe in her to this very minute. she understands her job at hand which is to carry the Shelby business name into the future and is doing quite well by all appearances. that said, things are not always what they appear to be. there is a distinct possibility that SAAC may actually benefit by this move. I for one would love to attend some Team Shelby events in the Philadelphia area! let's not be so quick to pass judgement against this plan. let's give her a chance to lay out it's purpose and strategy. I believe she has been made well aware of the over 5000 hardcore SAAC members who are potential participants in the new "Team" as long as it does not forget the Old Team (SAAC) at the same time. - Dave
  5. FE Mann

    FE Mann Member

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    Jun 14, 2005
    Pacific Northwest
    Vernon, you are right on the money on this one. I am sensing a certain arrogance in Amy's replies, and these are just to sort of appease the people who know that nothing good can come of this.
    There is a legitimate reason to form a new club for the new Shelbys, and that is GREAT!!
    There ...IS NO REASON... that they should not have renewed SAAC's licensing agreement. The NEW club has little to do with SAAC, and that brings me to my next questions.
    Why would they demand that SAAC turn over all of the old records that they have maintained over the past 30 plus years??
    I smell "MONEY" in all of this.
    Will the future hold that if we have a question as to the legitimacy of a Shelby, that we will have to go to "Team Shelby" and pay them for an answer to a question that used to be free?? Hmmmmmmm??
  6. vernonestes

    vernonestes Well-Known Member

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    Jan 14, 2007
    MONEYMONEYMONEYMONEYMONEYMONEYMONEYMONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!:thumbdown THere is really no other reasonable explanation for this action and apparently the shelby enthusiasts on this site are not important enough to shelbyautos to justify a reasonalbe explanation.
    Best Regards,
  7. Early67

    Early67 Well-Known Member

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    Apr 21, 2005
    I'm going to reserve my comments for the time being. However, I will say that I've always been a bit 'in the dark' when it came to Shelby and his support for other endeavors.
    BUT let me give you all this thought. My close friend, Russell, lost his sister in an accident near Celeste, TX approx 10 days ago, and her daughter is in critical condition at Parkland after coming out of a coma. His sis was an organ donar and Russell called Carroll and told him of the situation. Shelby flew from CA. and visited Russell's niece at her bed side.
    True, Carroll knows Russell and me from previous meetings, but he'd never met the niece.
    I thought it was a great response to a friend in dire need of support.
    Carroll may be a crusty old dude, but his heart is where it should be.
  8. vernonestes

    vernonestes Well-Known Member

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    Jan 14, 2007
    I never said anything about i said...he is my, and most everyones' on this site's hero. I just think he may really need to rethink this move. Maybe it isnt even him that is making the primary decision in this move!
    This thread is getting to be an instant messenger and i am liking it....but im going to take a deep breath and take a break for a few minutes!
    Best Regards,
  9. FE Mann

    FE Mann Member

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    Jun 14, 2005
    Pacific Northwest
    This is not about Carroll Shelby. I know some of the insiders in all of this. and he is not making these decisions, someone else is. It is just too bad that Team Shelby and SAAC cannot co-exist in Amy's universe.
  10. vernonestes

    vernonestes Well-Known Member

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    Jan 14, 2007
    Seems like in "Amy's World" the shelby legacy is a job first and a passion/hobby second...................or third or fourth or fifth or sixth etc.:mad:
    Best Regards,
  11. FE Mann

    FE Mann Member

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    Jun 14, 2005
    Pacific Northwest
    It beats the heck out of me how they could bring someone in to this position at Shelby who had no knowledge or background in these cars, and especially no passion for the fine legacy of these classic automobiles.
    And that is the bottom line. They don't care what happens to us, all they care about is the MONEY.
    Maybe someone should inquire at MATTEL TOYS. to see if there is a pattern here developing?:thumbdown
  12. vernonestes

    vernonestes Well-Known Member

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    Jan 14, 2007
    Im sure everyone has heard about the recent discovery of lead paint on Mattel Toys.
    Bet they, and other toy manufacturers saved lots of money!
    Dont mean to hit bellow the belt but i am just trying to make a connection.
    (In light of a post later in the thread, i am not saying this because i thing amy had anything to do with this, i am merely saying that it is an old company that she worked for and that they apparently cut prices and it went too far.)
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2007
  13. 66gtk

    66gtk Well-Known Member

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    Apr 30, 2006
    As for Amy, I've seen her take a lot of heat and criticism here (already in a very short time) and on other forums. She posts on the forums at great risk to herself. I respect that. Just think of what a big target she puts herself out to be. Who else does that? What other company do you have direct access to such as this, even if you don't like the answers? I'd rather her feel she can post now and then without feeling like she will be attacked; then we'll have no information b/c she will go back into her shell.

    I'm not saying I agree, just give her a break for the risk she takes posting here.

    I wonder what will also happen to the local clubs. I am a member of my own state's regional SAAC club. We have a wide variety of Shelby owners and enthusiasts. Many new members have joined in recent years with the new Shelby stuff hitting the streets. I'd hate the see the club split, because of something like this. Good luck getting the younger, newer enthusiasts interested in the vintage cars, which is always such a battle I feel I am fighting by myself most times. I'd like to see some 15 year old kids actually be able to identify a Shelby and know how cool it is, instead of foaming at the mouth over a new ricer kit!
  14. amyb

    amyb Active Member

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    Jul 26, 2007
    Guys thanks to those who at least keep an open mind. To those who insult me, you know nothing about me.

    CARROLL chose to do this. He wanted this , we agreed to do this.

    Also whoever said I requested 30 years of documents is mistaken or purposly passing bad rumors. We welcome thevintage guys I would love to have a united group.

    If anyone wants to talk to me , feel free to call me or email me, but insulting me and calling me names is not what I will respond too

  15. amyb

    amyb Active Member

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    Jul 26, 2007

    Vern your a an ass and you can quote me.

    to even suggest i would put lead in kids toys. Big talk from a small man i pity you

    goodnight gentlemen
  16. vernonestes

    vernonestes Well-Known Member

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    Jan 14, 2007
    I never suggested that you did that!!!!!
    I suggested that your old company cut prices.
    My bad, i worded the post wrong and in result it sounded as if i was going overboard with that comment and i apologize.
    I really mada a dick of myself. (i guess i need to read my posts out loud before if post them!)
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2007
  17. 66gtk

    66gtk Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 30, 2006
  18. 66gtk

    66gtk Well-Known Member

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    Apr 30, 2006
    Went to the new site. Pretty clear who the target audience and membership base is, and nobdy here is it! It will be fun for whoever is moderating that lovely forum.:noway:
  19. mherman2

    mherman2 Well-Known Member

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    Dec 9, 2005

    I have been in the hobby only two years now, I own 2 original Shelby's, apparently my 1968 KR convert built in Michigan is a read headed step child and should be sent to the crusher immediately. I will notify the guy rebuilding the engine this week and have it crushed tomorrow with no further questions asked!!!

    I understand the need to consolidate clubs, bring them under one roof, one name etc... However this shakes out, I sure hope registries become digital, updated immediately, things are done electronically etc.. I love the information and events SAAC has but the fact I have to send in a check once in a year in an envelope (can't do it online) and no information on my car is available online anywhere, is living in the dark ages. Everything about every Shelby should be searchable and traceable and in one database. Since it is not and lot of it is done manually, it opens the door for fraudsters, repop parts etc.. Also, I have a family and going to the annual SAAC event on 4th of july weekend does not work for me.

    SAAC is too big to go away all together and I am sure the new club will do fine too. I just hope Team Shelby does not neglect the guys who own the original cars and have kept the information we have today all this time.

    Kind of sad that Carrol Could not find a way to work with SAAC directly.

  20. vernonestes

    vernonestes Well-Known Member

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    Jan 14, 2007
    I heard the next convention was switched to august but i am not sure.
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