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Discussion in '1965-1970 Shelby Mustang GT350 & GT500' started by Bob Gaines, Nov 1, 2007.

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  1. daltondavid

    daltondavid Well-Known Member

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    Dec 9, 2004
    Garnet Valley, Pennsylvania
    Your opening line was correct. as for the rest of your thoughts, I assure you they are way off base. what is simmering on the pot here and about to boil over is an old recipe called "Foolish Pride":thumbdown . the chef always thinks it is the best recipe for the situation. Only problem is that nobody eats it. those that get a spoonful tend to spit it out immediately. :laf:
  2. Shelby~gt350#3000

    Shelby~gt350#3000 Well-Known Member

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    Jun 1, 2007
    WOW! I just got done reading every post in this thread and I'm shocked!
    I have been a SAAC member for less then a year.

    In the past year of being a Saac member I have been very satisfied with the club. I owe a tremendous amount of gratitude to the 67 SAAC registrant Dave Mathews for all his help. Very very personal help. I spent hours on the phone with him regarding my Shelby. Many times his wife was in the background calling him to dinner but he stayed on the line to help me out. Thats true club membership benefits if I ever saw them. Can we count on that kind of help, information and support from Team Shelby? I guess time will tell. We can bitch and complain about the change coming but its gonna do no good. Change is inevitable like it or not. Some times change is good-sometimes its not. Not renewing SAAC Shelby license really sucks as far as im concerned. I may be new to this club stuff but for some reason my gut tells me its all about the $$$.

    On a final note, something really bothered me, and that was the name calling from Amy " President Shelby Autos." directed to Vern. That just turned my stomach. I thought a President of a company was suppose to show strength, leadership and honor? That was pretty sad:thumbdown I don't care who started it or who said what about who, name calling shows weakness. Leaders can't show weakness, it only instills doubt in those who will consider joining. Your apologies to one another was comendable but the damage was already done in the eyes of the readers (like this reader)

    Can't we all just get along?

    Im just a little guy in the big world of Shelbys . Lets keep it real and positive.

  3. PonySnake

    PonySnake Active Member

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    Dec 19, 2006
    I've been a Shelby owner and SAAC member for 13 years and am happy to lift a pint to thank Rick, Ken, Howard, Ken Young, Dave Matthews, Greg Kolasa and all the others that have fostered and preserved the legacy of these cars. I knew my $36 per year was more than needed to provide one (maybe) Marque per year, plus a few Snakebites - but big deal. Its these guys passion for the cars going back 30+ years that have created the "Shelby Legend" we see today. Make no mistake - Carroll Shelby is an entreprenuer in the pure sense on the word and would have been OK with Shelby AC's, Fords, Dodges, Oldsmobiles, Chevrolets and Volkswagens if those alliances had made financial sense for him at the time.
    Although he brought together a talented group of fabricators, drivers and mechanics together in 1962 create the Cobra - and then used his own unique combination of charm, witts and guile to coax the dollars from Ford to make it all work for 8 years - remember that this all ended in 1969. Without the SAAC guys and the club they ran very well - who knows what would have become of these cars and the "Legend" over the following 28 years.

    Here's to you! - with my gratitude.
  4. Shelby6t7

    Shelby6t7 Well-Known Member

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    Feb 18, 2007
    This sounds to me like nothing more than a money making issue. I don't believe this is what C.S. wants, I believe this is what C.S. handlers want, to get a piece of the over 5000 SAAC members. They have seen fit to whore out Shelbys name on everything from guitars to popcorn in the past few years just to make a buck. I have been a SAAC member for over 25 years and I consider this an insult to myself and to all members not just to Rick and Ken. As said in previous posts, if it wasn't for these 2 gentlemen coming up with the idea of starting SAAC back in '75, then Carroll Shelby and his cars would just be a distant memory. And this is the thanks they get for over 30 years of loyalty to the man?

    SAAC Concours Judge
  5. amyb

    amyb Active Member

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    Jul 26, 2007
    Kenny, why not call Carroll? On the popcorn, that was Cleo's company,, Cleo being Carroll's wife. so we didn't whore out anything. Your upset, I get that, but this is a Carroll decision, call him.

    To the rest thanks, If I can answer anything else, feel free to email me

  6. vernonestes

    vernonestes Well-Known Member

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    Jan 14, 2007
    Now as for the certain word that i was called...i feel like i totally deserved that after making the mattel comment. The way i worded that comment made it sound as if i was personally attacking amy and that was not the case at all. This is the problem with forums, you can take things that people say and interpret them into something else. That comment sounded like an uncalled for remark and in result amy was fully entitle any selection of words that her heart desired. As for her being the is better for her to call me out as an ass than for her to just shrug it off. At least she stuck up for herself. We may kind of butt heads on this issue but it did go too far and i did make a total and complete ass of myself. For this i totally apologize to amy and the rest of the forum members as i was having a rather bad day even before i heard the news about SAAC.
    BEst Regards,
  7. Texas Swede

    Texas Swede Well-Known Member

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    Oct 11, 2005
    Richardson, Texas
    Have been a loyal member of SAAC for over 30 years
    and always got excellent help/advise/support and
    even rides from the hotel to the track at the Pocono
    SAAC-? in Howard Pardee's R-model. One thing worries me
    with this new club. If it doesn't pay off and SAAC is gone
    as a result of all this, there won't be any club at all.
    Just my 2 cents,
    Texas Swede
  8. FE Mann

    FE Mann Member

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    Jun 14, 2005
    Pacific Northwest
    Have they actually made their plans clear about exactly what they are going to do about SAAC when the "NEW" club begins functioning on Carroll's Birthday?? I would be curious to hear this, and some response from the SAAC brass!!:confused:
  9. tesgt350

    tesgt350 Well-Known Member

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    Feb 10, 2006
    I am in my own little World

    Texas, I don't think you need to worry about SAAC. SAAC is a Big Club with great Power and they are here to stay. There is no law that says you can not be a member of BOTH Clubs. If you have been reading the Mustang Magazines over the past 2 years, you would have seen this comming. The small articles writen actually said the Ford Motor Company and Carroll Shelby will be realing in Licensing Aggrements to protect them. I had to change the Name of my Company because it had the word "MUSTANG" in it and my Contract with Carroll Shelby Licensing was not renewed when it ended. I still cherrish the fact that I had a Contract with Carroll even though it would have been great to have it renewed. SAAC is still going to be SAAC, they will just have to do it a little differently now. They will just have to call the Club SAAC and then state what SAAC means. Things change, good or bad, they change. You can suck it up and make the best of it or you can let it eat you up in missery. I chose to make the best of it and take my Company in a new direction. Do I hope to have a Contract with Carroll again, I have met him a few times at SAAC & MCA Events and it was great, he is a cool guy. Darn right I do, because I have several ideas that I want to do. I wish Amy and Carroll all the Best and I would like to meet Amy in person if she ever makes it to the Southeast. We do NOT know all the facts between SAAC and Carroll and what all happened over the last few years and most likely never will. Amy is getting a lot of grief from this and she does not deserve it. She can't take the Company in any direction with out Carroll & Company deciding to do so. I am sure that they know what they are doing.
  10. Shelby6t7

    Shelby6t7 Well-Known Member

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    Feb 18, 2007

    I have no interest in calling C.S. As far as the popcorn being Cleo's idea, enough said about that.
    I am not upset at all about this situation. It just smacks of the same tone that Ford has taken with the many Mustang parts vendors, stating that they can no longer use the Mustang name?
    By not renewing the contract with SAAC speaks volumes for Shelbys intentions

  11. zrayr

    zrayr Well-Known Member

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    Oct 30, 2005
    I don't know all the facts, or inner workings of SAAC, but I do know a couple of things; what goes around, comes around. And, competition is a good thing.

    Two clubs competing for membership can prove beneficial for the members.

    Will SAAC survive, I hope so, but maybe it needs to evolve in order to survive. I would have liked to see SAAC charge more for membership, and provice more services. Like an increased internet presence, more frequent publications with expanded technical sections, etc.

    like the post above pointed out, you can still be member of SAAC for what it offers, and join the new club if it offers you something else.

    Z. Ray
  12. daltondavid

    daltondavid Well-Known Member

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    Dec 9, 2004
    Garnet Valley, Pennsylvania
    Lets all think about the positive aspects that SAAC and Team Shelby can have together. it is a win win situation. Think Positive as I am looking at it that way from this point on in belief that Good Business sense dictates this move. Amy Boylan is a Great Business person. enough said for now!:thumbsup:
  13. GT350DAVE

    GT350DAVE Well-Known Member

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    Nov 3, 2006
    I believe Dalton/David is as usual, right on. Amy is now involved and definitely a force to be reckoned with. This is her test. If she is successful in straightening things out, she will certainly earn my respect.
  14. vernonestes

    vernonestes Well-Known Member

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    Jan 14, 2007
  15. shelbyman2351

    shelbyman2351 Well-Known Member

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    Sep 22, 2006
    I emailed Rick and asked about the paperwork. Well he couldn't comment over it at this time only that the lawyers are wrangling over the word "gift". So I take that to mean that Shelby gave SAAC the paperwork and from past info from the club they had to do a lot of sifting through a lot of docs to get the invoices and such that we are aware of today. SAAC invested a lot of time and money to retrieve these documents and now Shelby wants them turned over to a new club that we do not know where they will be in 10 years let alone 5. I am not knocking them and am excited there is a new kid on the block on the national scene as it comes to Shelby cars.Lets see where this goes. Gary
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2007
  16. shelbyman2351

    shelbyman2351 Well-Known Member

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    Sep 22, 2006
    Uh, I believe your 1968 Shelby was built in Metuchen right? Gary
  17. shelbyman2351

    shelbyman2351 Well-Known Member

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    Sep 22, 2006
    Well Bob. I posed this question yesterday and Rick said he couldn't comment on it because of litigation and the lawyers are wrangling over the term "gift". So I take this to mean SAI wants the documents back? If not then who wants them? Amy says no and Ricks comments to me say yes so who is telling it the way it is? Time will tell I guess.The only thing that bothers me about the new club so far is the registry. Over the years I have registered Shelbys, Bosses and CJ cars with different registries and the new team Shelby is the only club or organization I have dealt with that will NOT register your car unless you join the club. I will keep this opinion about that to myself. Gary
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2007
  18. shelbnut

    shelbnut Active Member

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    Aug 27, 2005
    SAAC should just make certified copies to keep and send SAI back the originals. That way records are backed up.

  19. shelbyman2351

    shelbyman2351 Well-Known Member

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    Sep 22, 2006
    I don't think SAAC should send back all of the original documents. Why? how many times has a rebodied 1965-67 Shelby owner try to get the original Ford numbers from SAAC? Or maybe someone wanting to build a car off of a missing car by restamping a car? Won't ever happen and that protects all of us owners. Would the new club be as diligent? Or for a "fee" could you get all the information (read: Marti report but in a diff way) on your car or any Shelby including the Ford vin for a price? Would lost cars suddenly be coming out of the woodwork or "thin air"? As of now I only trust SAAC with the documents. They have proved to be diligent keepers of these docs. Gary
  20. daltondavid

    daltondavid Well-Known Member

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    Dec 9, 2004
    Garnet Valley, Pennsylvania
    Speculation leads to rumors. "Rumor" fans flames that need to die down. the people at SAAC and Shelby Autos that need to deal with this matter are in motion on this and that is an important first step to finding resolution. as far as having to join Team Shelby to register your car, I do not believe that is correct. I registered my 2007 Shelby GT in March when I got my car and there was no mandated club to join. simply fill out my information on myself and the car, where it came from etc. if that has changed, please supply a link for us to review. I remain optimistic that things will work out at this point. I think everybody else should feel the same way unless given a reason to feel otherwise. :thumbsup:
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