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66 popularity?

Discussion in '1965-1970 Shelby Mustang GT350 & GT500' started by tommyleea, Nov 24, 2007.

  1. tommyleea

    tommyleea Well-Known Member

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    Dec 22, 2004
    :confused: Just thinking outloud. I always liked the 66GT350 and thought that the side window was just the neatest thing going. I purchased mine in 72, and still enjoy the heck out of it. I was just wondering about the popularity of the 66. It seems like of course the 67 is known by all, and the 68-70 are out and about. The 66 seems to be kind of in obscurity. Very few if any at auctions, and not really advertised that much. Maybe it's just me, but does it seem that way to anyone else? Maybe they look to much like a regular mustang, or maybe I just live in the boonies.
  2. vernonestes

    vernonestes Well-Known Member

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    Jan 14, 2007
    Re: 66 popularity

    I think the 65 and 67s are peoples favorites.
    a 66 i third in my book but i love the car nonetheless.
    its just not quite a 65 and not quite a 67.
    The 65 was an all out sport car while the 67 was a muscle car with more luxury than the 65. I guess the 66 is like a happy medium between the two.
  3. 68GT500-Aussieland

    68GT500-Aussieland Well-Known Member

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    Jan 10, 2006
    Re: 66 popularity

    I always get a hell of alot more attention in my 67 than I do in the 66. But in Australia everyone knows the 67's shape because of Gone in 60 Seconds..

    At a car show it is amazing what peoples reactions are with the 66. Alot will have a general look over and not know what they are looking at - they think it is a tarted up Mustang. Those who do know more about Shelby's and once they realise it is a genuine Shelby, are in awe of the car and cant believe what they have seen.

    With the 67, they know its a Shelby from first look.

    I'm very fortunate (understanding wife) and have the best of both worlds - at the moment.

    Last edited: Nov 24, 2007
  4. david9295

    david9295 Member

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    Nov 12, 2005
    Re: 66 popularity

    is the 66 gt 350 the next best thing to a 65? i like all shelbys from 65 to 70 but lets face it, it's the first body style of the mustang and will alway be the classic body style that started it all. when i was looking for a shelby my first choice was a 68 but i ended up with a 66, why you might ask? to me the 66 is more of a race car or built on that platform than the later years. all shelbys are great looking but the 65 & 66 are the classic of all shelby and mustang body styles. i like them all, i just happen to own a 66. some people like blondes and some people like red heads the choice is yours. any shelby is a great choice.

    #1693 / 66 GT 350
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2007
  5. zrayr

    zrayr Well-Known Member

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    Oct 30, 2005
    Re: 66 popularity

    As stated above, it all starts with which body style you like best. I like the '65 - '66 best so the '66 was obvious choice for me. Plus, I appreciate the racing heritage that the early Shelby provide vs. the '67 & later models. The looks of the '67 - '70's are nice enough, but without a racing connection they are lacking in my view.

    Without the racing success, Shelby Cobras & Mustangs would just have been another So-Cal hotrod. But they whipped the Corvettes, et al, and that was the key to the legend Brand rivalry was much more intense in those days, and Ford-Shelby syneregy exploited that atmosphere perfectly.

    Z. Ray
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2007
  6. 66gtk

    66gtk Well-Known Member

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    Apr 30, 2006
    Re: 66 popularity

    I love the '66 cars! You aren't seeing them for sale and with as much intensity/regularity as the later cars because they are less abundant and people tend to hold on tight to these cars - few available for sale. I agree that most people have no idea what they are looking at when they see one, so they are dismissed quicker than an "Eleanor" car :confused:

    The '66 was the last of the true street racer. No fancy interior, no power brakes, no power steering, no A/C, nothing!!! Just a big ass grin on your face when you drive it.:)
  7. shlby66

    shlby66 Well-Known Member

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    Jan 22, 2006
    East Coast - NJ
    Re: 66 popularity

    Having owned both '66 and '67 Shelbys; I am quite aware of the differences
    including the good, the bad, and the ugly of each. Yes, the '67 has the sexier
    looks and the popularity from "Gone In 60 Mins" ( Where we honor car thieves? ) but it's the '66's competition attitude: scoops, stripes, loud pipes (especially side exiting ones ) R-Model wheels and the neat 1/4 windows.
    That does it for me.
  8. 66gtk

    66gtk Well-Known Member

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    Apr 30, 2006
    Re: 66 popularity

    Regarding those 1/4" windows - They are very cool and a very safe and functional improvement over the vents. Increases visibility greatly!

    I can't seem to figure out why many owners of the new Mustang insist on "improving" their car by adding louvers and such OVER the rear 1/4 windows. Seems silly to me!
  9. rsimkins

    rsimkins Well-Known Member

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    Jan 13, 2006
    Eastcoast USA
    Re: 66 popularity

    Couldn't agree with you more, the quarter windows really make the car. I'm reminded of the first time I saw a '66 Shelby while on a road trip around 1973. I couldn't get over how much better they made the car look. I wasn't aware of Shelbys at that time and thought that it was just a custom job. Obviously, I subsequently found out differently. Now I too have the best of both worlds by owning my '67 outright and being a part owner with my dad in his '66 G.T.350H, a situation that has existed since 1978.

    I too am puzzled by the adding of louvers to the new model cars. I think Ford got it right when they decided to go with the quarter window as a major retro cue for the current model Mustang.
  10. shlby66

    shlby66 Well-Known Member

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    Jan 22, 2006
    East Coast - NJ
    Re: 66 popularity

    I too agree, that the 1/4 windows on the '66 are it's prime feature AND
    it's a major safety item. No more blind spot; you can see right thru the side of the car.

    Several of my friends who own '65 Shelbys ( and still do ), installed the 1/4 windows just as soon as the window kits were available over the counter
    from Shelby American. They were the hot ticket.

    It is puzzling as to why these aftermarket types insist on covering up the
    late model Mustangs 1/4 windows. Obviously safety is not a concern.
    Oh, has anyone seen the trim ring around the late model Mustang 1/4
    window, just like the '66? Thats kind of neat.
  11. 6s524

    6s524 Well-Known Member

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    Jul 5, 2007
    Sacramento, CA
    Re: 66 popularity

    Yeah, those rear quarter windows also come in handy in helping spot the Highway Patrol sitting on the the freeway onramps too! Been a major safety item for my wallet more than once! :)
  12. eljimb0

    eljimb0 Well-Known Member

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    Sep 9, 2004
    NW US
    Re: 66 popularity

    I love the 1/4 windows too. When building my "clone" I put them in even though the car is a 65... I got the windows from a friend who had to take them out of his real 65 car because they were not "correct".. He missed the windows at first.. then sold the car..
    We sure can be silly about this stuff sometimes
  13. cobreen

    cobreen Well-Known Member

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    Nov 30, 2006
    Re: 66 popularity

    As I've said before,my first choise were to have a '65.Not sure why I preferred the '65 back then.Now I'd go for a '66 for sure,if I could afford one. :)
    The 1/4 windows certainly make it stand out,also like the change to round instruments.Another plus must be choise of color,not that white are wrong.But,as long as it is a Shelby....Thumbs up even from the bikers when driving :thumbup:
  14. sfm5s159

    sfm5s159 Active Member

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    Jul 9, 2007
    Re: 66 popularity

    I've always liked the '65 GT350 first and '66 as the next best thing.
    I sold my '66 GT350H to get my '65, which was a tough choice, but the right move. I could not talk my wife into me keeping all three ( I have a '67 500 as well)!
    Now I sure wish I scraped up the money to keep the '66. I do agree, the quarter windows were a nice evolution for the car, though in my mind nothing beats a '65 as a very clean, no frills car.

    I think there were about 2000 '66's built, and I've seen quite a few for sale. They seem to me a real good option to the big money you need to spend on the a '65.

    Just my two cents....
  15. SFM6S087

    SFM6S087 Well-Known Member

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    Apr 5, 2007
    Pasadena, Texas (outside of Houston)
    Re: 66 popularity

    I studied all the Shelbys in great detail back in 1978 when I bought mine. Read everything I could find at the time. They are all great cars in their own way and I wish I could own one of each.

    But for me the “early” ’66 cars were the most desirable. The first 252 had most of the “go” modifications found on the 65’s (lowered front A-frames, override traction bars, 15” Shelby/Cragar mags, etc) with the extra “show” features that came out in 66 (rear ¼ windows, functional side scoops, improved dash panel). Although I do think the side exhaust and dash pod on the 65’s are really cool.

    And , like Z. Ray, I feel that the ’65 & ’66 cars had a mystique attached to them from the racing success of those models. Anyway, for me the early ’66 was the best fit.

    But I have to admit that sometimes I still dream about the more purist ’65 or a more comfortable 67 – 70. As a relatively poor guy, I feel tremendously blessed to have any one of these cars. I certainly couldn’t afford to buy in at today’s prices.

    My opinion,
  16. shlby66

    shlby66 Well-Known Member

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    Jan 22, 2006
    East Coast - NJ
    Re: 66 popularity

    I agree that the "early/carryover" cars are really neat and desirable. Sort of the best of both worlds. The performance upgrades of the '65 along with the looks of the '66 all in one package. That does it for me.
  17. SFM6S006

    SFM6S006 Well-Known Member

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    Aug 12, 2007
    Copenhagen, Denmark
    Re: 66 popularity

    Before actually buying one, I must admit I never knew much about the differences between the 2 years.

    What I certainly did not know was that the later 66 models didn´t recieve all the performance upgrades - so in my eyes they were pretty much the same.

    As I have not been a GT350 owner for that long a time, it seems that every time I get one questions answered, 2 new questions surface ........ I wonder if it will never stop :):thumbsup: :lmao:
  18. SFM6S2015

    SFM6S2015 Well-Known Member

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    Oct 3, 2005
    Re: 66 popularity

    I got snake bit when I started painting cars for Jack Bell who restored 68 Shelbys. Thought they were really neat, but never thought I could afford one. One day Jack bought 6S671. It was a black Hertz car that was converted to a 4spd and had a lemans cam in it. I had to drive 671 home from Jacks to do alittle touch-up work on it. Normally it took 30 min. to get home. For some reason it took two hours on this trip, it was just too much fun. Right then I decided I had to have a 66. Four years later I bought 671 and owned it for 4 hours before I was offered more than I could turn down for it. Then I found my current Shelby ,6S2015, and have been happy with it ever since.

    I did get tempted once. Jack brought over a 67 500 with a tunnel port in it. It was a show car that need some touch-up. Med. blue 4spd with 3" exaust. It was a beauty to behold. I could have sold 2015 and bought the TP car and put money in the bank. One drive was all it took to convince me. The 66s were ment for me. I like the simplicty of no P/S or P/B.

  19. JamesFee

    JamesFee Well-Known Member

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    Jan 11, 2006
    Whippany, NJ
    Re: 66 popularity

    I got my Blue 66 in 69 - I was 21 and to me, it was the quintessential Muscle Car. It is loud, powerful and unforgiving. All the attributes that I loved about it then are still there. I drove it for the New Jersey Lighthouse Challenge (11 Lighthouses in 2 days around the state) and was grinning from ear to ear the entire time. Yes, it sucks in traffic, but that's all part of the "charm".

    IMHO the 66's struck a balance between performance and marginal usability - I used mine as a daily driver - summer and winter until 1984.

    My counterpoint was the 68 GT500KR - bought it new (my ex still has it!) and travelled all over creation with it - we put about 150,000 miles on it going to various SCCA events and such during the time.

    That car and the ones that came after were truly GT's (Gran Turissimo's) they had power but they were somewhat more "civilized" with power steering, power brakes and comfy seats. They are not as loud. The power was there but it had to throw around much more weight and the cars were far more forgiving than the 66's.

    It all comes down to what you value in a ride, and for many folks *that* changes over time.

    But for me - the 66 still does it best.
  20. 67200F5A02206

    67200F5A02206 Well-Known Member

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    Jan 6, 2006
    Houston, Texas, USA
    Re: 66 popularity

    I think that the image of the 66s was hurt by all the Hertz cars that were produced. Back in the 70s and 80s the Hertz cars were considered to be second class citizens and the rest of the 66s tended to get painted with the same brush.

    Another thing that hurts the 66s is that they are fun to drive but they just don't have the flash of the 67s or the significant "racing" mods of the 65s.

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