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Change Auto tranny for Stick 2007 SGT

Discussion in '2nd Generation Shelby Mustangs' started by elcapitan, Feb 2, 2008.

  1. elcapitan

    elcapitan Member

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    Feb 2, 2008
    Hello Everyone,

    I'm new to this forum and wanted to say hi to everyone before diving in on some topics. Hello and hope everyone is healthy and happy!

    A little about my new car purchase from the dealer in August:

    2007 White Shelby GT350
    Silver interior
    Sirius radio
    Shaker 1000
    Upgraded interior
    Tinted windows
    5 year Ford factory extended warranty
    Factory alarm

    I think that's it off the top of my head. Price was 38.6k + TTL. (x-plan)

    Here's the rub:

    I told the salesperson over and over and over and over again (and then some), that I didn't want an AUTOMATIC. He said that there no sticks available in the state. If there was, it would be here. And that my choice was between white and black.....both which do I want.

    Well, I took the white. 2 weeks later, the, "Y", fell off the back in the SHELBY lettering. Took it to the dealer to get re-glued. Walked into the showroom, and there is a white stick sitting on the showroom floor.

    Long story short, furious.

    So, here I am with an automatic that I really don't want. So much so, that I want to change the transmission, new car or not. I realize changing the transmission will void the factory warranty.

    I won't do the work. I will have a shop do it.

    1. Can a good shop put a manual transmission in and everything work without any ancilary problems.

    2. Which tranny to put in?

    3. ARE...there any ancilary problems, or is it as simple as swap them out, put the stick and another pedal in the cockpit?

    I would also like to supercharge it.

    Do ya'll recommend the whipple or the vortech style of supercharger? about ancilary, (I'm done with that word), problems!

    A lot to comment on with being new to the forum. I hope you don't consider my diverightin attitude too much!

    This auto vs stick thing really has had me riled up. I even tried to sell the car with under a 1000 miles on it I was so peeved. No go at any reasonable price.



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    Last edited: Feb 3, 2008
  2. vernonestes

    vernonestes Well-Known Member

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    Jan 14, 2007
    Hey welcome to the forums!
    Let me get this strait.....
    a dealer told you that there were no other manual shelby gts in your state?
    on top of decided to buy a car that you really didnt even want....
    There were somewhere around 6000 shelby gts made and the majority of which were local dealer has 4 sgts.....3 are manual and i would doubt that even 25% of total production were automatics.

    As for the supercharger....i would go the traditional route and strap a paxton on that baby!

    Sorry to here about your situation.
    Best Regards,
  3. MRP_GT-350

    MRP_GT-350 Well-Known Member

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    Nov 15, 2007
    United States
    So I'm not trying to sound like a jerk at all, but I personally feel like you would be much better off and happier with selling your SGT, taking the hit, and buying a GT500. Here's why. After owning 2 supercharged Cobras, (one Vortech '96, Procharged 98) you are much better off buying a factory supercharged vehicle. 1) Everything matches and you don't have to worry about breaking things i.e, you bottom end, in/output shafts etc. 2) Your SGT has way too high of a compression ratio to handle a considerable amount of boost, thereby limiting your potential power unless you want to spend tons of cash building the motor from the bottom end up with forged internals and a more modest 8.6:1 compression. On the issue of converting your SGT from auto to manual, while it's doable, you're still going to spend $$. All in all I feel like the car would be slightly butchered and not drive/perform the way you'd ideally like it to. Not to mention you're never going to get the $ you invest out of it when you'd like to sell it, and you void the warranty on an almost $40k brand new ride which with those mods you're bound to run into issues. However rather than going through hell to do all of this, you can spend the same amount of $ and buy a GT500 which sounds like the exact car you'd like your Shelby to be and its right out of the box. In the end you'll spend equal amounts of money and you'll get more of it out if/when you sell it because its a 500 and its not mickey moused. Just my 2 cents
  4. elcapitan

    elcapitan Member

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    Feb 2, 2008
    Yep, you got it straight. Gee, another dealer that lied. And they would have gotten away with it had the, "Y", not fell off...bringing me back to the dealer. Of course the dealer wrote that scenario off as ridiculous. There's a suprise.

    Further, when I asked the salesman about ordering a 2008 SGT, he said that they were not available. And if they were, they would be available as a late model production car. And that he couldn't guarantee that they would be produced in 2008. Complete crap.

    So our choice, according to the dealer, was the SGT automatic, or the standard GT, with the stick. We chose the SGT, even with the automatic. We chose based on the information given to us and the belief that they were telling the truth. Again, another dealer claiming to be different from everyone else. Family owned, repeat clients for a billion years, value our business and the business of the group of people I work with. Blah blah blah.

    This all really happened just as described. No editorials.

    So in the end, stupid me for believing in them. And trusting a dealer. Geezz...when will I learn!

    The dealership never took ownership of what their renegade salesperson was representing. They gave me the 5 year Ford factory extended warranty to mollify me.

    I tried like heck to let it mollify me. It didn't. I love the look of the car. It grabs attention everywhere I go. As you all know, I'm sure. But it's a poser.

    I mean, at what point, with AT LEAST 10 conversations with the salesperson about thinking it's a sin to put an automatic in a Shelby, do you believe in him with his repeated statements of, there are none left (or at least none in the state), and you can't order a 2008. I guess you never believe. Ever.

    Like Ronald Reagan said, "Trust, but verify".

    Had I not walked back into the showroom floor, I would have never known and all would have been well. I've wanted to get rid of the car ever since.

    I could go on...but my blood pressure is starting to go up again. I'm considering what to say to Ford. Not that anything can be done now. The car has about 2500 miles on it now.

    Concerning the supercharger and the stick, my concern is altering the car and all the incidental problems that will arise. In my experience, there are ALWAYS problems with mods like this. And I don't live close to SAI to have them do it.

    At least I'm a good example of what NOT to do. Trust but verify!
  5. elcapitan

    elcapitan Member

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    Feb 2, 2008

    You don't sound like a jerk at all. It's been my exact thought process. Scrub the whole thing and start over.

    I approached the dealership on either purchasing a 2008 SGT with a stick, or the GT-500. They said, wait lemme' find the email of their final statement to copy and paste it,

    "At this point I can no longer see any progress in this matter and must consider this matter closed." This was the owner of dealership.

    At this point, I detest this dealership in their verbal shell game. Let the salesperson say whatever they want, then deny everything after the purchase.

    Anyway, the GT-500 has become more and more attractive to me. Frankly, I find the SGT lacking in power. Third gear is a fun gear, but in a very narrow powerband. Like 50mph to 80mph. And, I have to gingerly downshift the automatic to have any fun. That Hurst shifter....grrr....never mind. Suffice to say it's cool.

    Is it just me because I own the SGT, or do others prefer the lines of the SGT over the GT-500? I think the SGT sits lower.

    Without a doubt, I am very frustrated. Pity. Bought a, "dream", car, only to find the real dream car sitting on the showroom floor 2 weeks later. Every day, even today 6 months later, I am scheming to get rid of the dream car. Hey, it's in perfect shape if anyone is interested! Not a scratch on it and is garage kept!
  6. DeLa1Rob

    DeLa1Rob Well-Known Member

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    Sep 9, 2004
    Long Prairie, Minnesota USA
    If it is any consolation to you, there is no performance difference between the manual and automatic. Certainly there is a difference in fun factor.

    Sorry, it is hard to have any sympathy for you. Apparently you bought on impulse and did not do any research. These days it is not too difficult to locate a new car that is equipped the way you want.

  7. elcapitan

    elcapitan Member

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    Feb 2, 2008

    I agree with you completely. My bad for trusting them. They might have lost a client that works with a highly compensated group of guys, but they did sell a car. So they won that consolation.

    The decision to buy the car was based on the information given to me by the salesman and the ongoing representation of who the dealership claimed they were and how much they value me and my workgroup for future purchases. I, erroneously, believed them. It's my responsibility.

    But nevermore there will there be any purchases!

    I can at least be a good example of what not to do!
  8. vernonestes

    vernonestes Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 14, 2007
    Really sounds like you need to find a new dealer.
    Best REgards,
  9. MRP_GT-350

    MRP_GT-350 Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 15, 2007
    United States
    Forget the dealers. Put your car on craigslist, sell it, find a broker who can get you a smoking deal on a 500 and do it that way. What state are you in? I'm in Northern California with family in the car business, if you're local I can help.
  10. elcapitan

    elcapitan Member

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    Feb 2, 2008

    Right now live in South Florida. Ironically, could very well be transferred to SoCal.

    I had one very interested girl from the Florida Keys. I still have her number and am thinking of calling her. If she ever saw the car, she would fall in love with it. And for her probably the automatic is a plus. Her having the cash is another story........

    Craigs list is also a real possibility. I listed it in the Miami Herald with minimal response..the girl from the Keys being one of them.

    How does the broker thing work? Who pays the broker fee? The dealer or me? I had a broker call me from the newspaper ad. He just wanted to assume my loan (36 month interest free). No way. Loan still in my name with some other guy paying it. Nope.

    Pricing the car is difficult as it is a hybrid of sorts. Not a straight Mustang GT with a Cali special. It's a Shelby. does not address the Shelby line. They might the GT-500. But not the GT350. So pricing is difficult.

    Of course flying out to CA is always an option. Combine it with a family vacation. They fly home and I try to beat them. Ha!

    Seriously, though. The GT-500 has crossed my mind numerous times. Take the hit and move on. Sans the South Florida dealer.
  11. vernonestes

    vernonestes Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 14, 2007
    Hey ya know if you dont like you sgt ill take it off you hands for ya......................................................................................................hell, ill even do it for free!:p :cool: :p
    Best Regards,
  12. Doug_GT350

    Doug_GT350 Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    May 14, 2007
    Eastern Pennsylvania, USA
    I'm in the same boat...shame on me for believing a salesperson! I however like my car. But between my son and myself we have turned several buyers away from the dealer that I bought from and we will continue to do so. They may have made one sale but lost many others.

    Have a great day!!!!
  13. elcapitan

    elcapitan Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 2, 2008
    Comedy is always a welcome relief!
  14. elcapitan

    elcapitan Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 2, 2008

    "Same boat", meaning told no sticks in order that you would buy the automatic sitting on the showroom floor? So did I catch this disease from you, (believing a car salesman), or you from me? I bought the car in August 2007.
  15. Doug_GT350

    Doug_GT350 Well-Known Member

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    May 14, 2007
    Eastern Pennsylvania, USA
    I have the 5 speed!!! Woo Hoo! I'm sorry but I wouldn't have bought an automatic if it was certifiably the last one.
    I bought it the day before Mothers Day (the girlfriend wasn't happy 'bout it either :mad: ) So I guess I am the carrier of the disease!
    I was told they may not get anymore, and of course someone else wanted it!
    My son use to sell for this dealer and the manager was sitting there telling me how much he liked my son! We both spoke with my son on the phone. They (the dealer) played me like the fool that I was. :doh:

    Oh buy the way, they now have a Black, GT, stick on the salesfloor!!
  16. 67GT500#2100

    67GT500#2100 Shelby Forums Pit Crew

    Likes Received:
    Sep 1, 2005
    Near Michigan International Speedway
    If want to do the swap, it is an easy one. I helped someone do it last year and here is the directions to pull it off. We did it over the weekend and only had to go to the a local tuner to reprogram the computer for the manual tranny.
  17. John76

    John76 Well-Known Member

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    May 29, 2007
    i have been reading this post and i wouldnt try to rip up the car to install a manual tranny. 2 much headache and $$$. As for the supercharger i say install it and drive the shit out of it. And when you melt the motor take the supercharger off and take it back for warranty replacement. Keep doing it until they consider the car a lemon.
    On a not so juvenile note....sell the car. buy your dream car. the hit you will take on the sale will be less then the conversion to a manual after you think of buying parts, installation and the loss of the warranty. I know you got screwed and the price of the lesson learned is painful but you will feel better in the end.
    As for the dealer...i say you inform them as a veteran member of every Ford/Shelby site you will not rest until everyone knows about their lies and deceitful sales practices. And as a result you have created a website the site will be dedicated to telling your story, their name and driving business away from them. While you got screwed, others will not! :guns:
    To bring this campaign to end you want a clean trade for the same car with a manual transmission. Tell them this is so important to you, you have decided to quit your job to make this you full time occupation. And will probably be suing for emotional distress on top of it.
    These are just thoughts...Good Luck! :thumbsup:
  18. tesgt350

    tesgt350 Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 10, 2006
    I am in my own little World
    If I ever need to know if a New Car is out yet, I always check EBAY first. Most Dealers can't wait to put them on there. The 2008 SGT's were on Ebay a lot sooner then I expected. Since the AUTOMATIC is super Rare for the SGT's, leave it an Automatic. Take your time and sell it. There are a lot of Major Mustang & Shelby Shows going on around the Country starting in March which are a great place to sell your Car. Hype it up as being a Rare Automatic (It is True). Being White will help to sell it as well. Your biggest buyer groupe would be Females and Business Men who don't want to shift gears. Shoot for the Wives who are tired of their Husbands having all the FUN.....:thumbsup: ........ Just my 2 cents.
  19. elcapitan

    elcapitan Member

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    Feb 2, 2008
    David and All,

    I Thank everyone for their inputs. My hesitancy to rip the car up with the tranny swap brought me to this forum as there are always people out there a lot smarter than me (obviously because I bought the car to begin with and believed the dealer instead of doing my own checking).

    So, I think this last post from David hits the nail on the head. Sell this car as a rare SGT with the target being women. That is exactly what I have been mulling over. I think I read something like 1 out of 6 Shelby's were automatic. That makes it a selling point! Even if I am driving a woman's car, or an older man's car :)

    No offense to anyone reading this...................

    But my dislikes are a selling point to someone else.

    So I move on. No tranny swap.

    I'm now going to start a thread, "Pricing a pristine 2007 SGT for resale". Because pricing it is difficult.

    Thanks to all! Don't believe a word a dealer tells you! Especially the ones that go on and on about their great relationships with their customers! And that includes the Ford dealership in Sunrise, Florida! The only family any dealership values is the one with George Washington printed on the family album!

    "Fool me once, shame on you....fool me twice, shame on me". Truer words were never spoken. God, I hate being the example.............
  20. Doug_GT350

    Doug_GT350 Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    May 14, 2007
    Eastern Pennsylvania, USA

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