Can someone tell why some VIN#s had a "Z" and some didn't. I understand the "Z" is to designate a car shipped to those states that wouldn't allow inboard lights.
Hi to a new person with an old question.We do not know for sure what the Z was used for,but we know it was not for headlights.Many think it was a stamp used to say that the car was ready to be shipped--kinda like a quality control stamp.I think it was used for ZONE meaning that the car was intended to be sent outside the state of California.So far over the numbers seem to prove this ..but we are still unsure of how many cars have a Z stamp Looks more like Z stamped cars did not have smog/emmision equipment,from what we have seen....still as always open to other ideas or suggestions
I'm new to the forum, you are absolutely right. I just thought with all of the knowledge on this forum someone could tell me the facts. car doesn't have the "Z" and it doesn't have smog etc.
My car 67402F7A01317, has the Z and was equipped with Thermactor and the dealer destination was in Los Angeles, CA. Personally, I believe the Z was added after cars, that had been sitting at LAX too long so they needed attention (repair/touch up paint), had been fixed. Texas Swede
Why would he want to do that? It is the Visible Shelby VIN, which covers the Ford VIN (which should not be given under any circumstances, except to SAAC when verifying a match) Mike
TesGT350: What is the issue? Can't I walk right up and view yours through the windshield. Just wondering if there is something I don't know......
David, it is not the Shelby number that Texas Swede posted that needs to be kept hidden- It is the Ford VIN number that needs to be kept convidential. Bob