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Re: Shelby Signatures

Discussion in 'Shelby Mustang List' started by, May 2, 2005.

  1. In a message dated 5/1/05 19:31:14, writes:

    << How many of you have a signature on your vehicle and or autographed
    documents? Just curious. I have one on my dash next to the clock on my GT 500 and
    a photo of him signing it. If you have these signatures it would be
    interesting to run a survey of what you have and what you think your value is. >>

    >>>I have his signature on the glovebox of my '66 GT-350 clone. It was

    procured for me, without my knowledge.

    I was stationed in Korea with the Air Force, and had made all the
    arrangements necessary to fly back to California and take the car down to Monterey for
    the historic races. Two days prior to my departure, my commander's ex-wife
    suffered a toilet failure which flooded her house. She cryed and moaned and due
    to her supposed incompetence, my commander decided that he had to fly back to
    Washington DC and deal with the insurance company etc. for her.

    And our unit was so small that only one person could leave at any given time.
    So he cancelled my vacation on the spot.

    With that, I then called the friend who was storing my car for me back in
    California, and told him that just because *I* couldn't have a great vacation,
    that didn't prevent him from taking it in my place. So he took my car, drove
    down to Monterey and stayed in my hotel room and used all my tickets to attend
    the events.

    Shelby was there signing autographs. He went back to the parking lot,
    removed the glovebox and then stood in line for an hour and a half to get it signed.
    And he didn't tell me!

    Months later when my tour in Korea was over, I flew home and he picked me up
    at the airport in my car, and I got to see it for the first time when I
    climbed into the passenger seat...:>)

    That makes it priceless to me...:>)


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