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1969 shelby & 1969 boss 429

Discussion in '1965-1970 Shelby Mustang GT350 & GT500' started by 67shelbygt500, Mar 24, 2008.

  1. 67shelbygt500

    67shelbygt500 Well-Known Member

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    May 27, 2007
    Hello everyone
    Hope every one is ok i havent posted for a long time.
    However i was woundering if some of you shelby and mustang guys could help me at all.
    Firstly the boss 429 i believe was designed for nascar and to try and knock out the shelby (as in performance)
    I was woundering what is the difference between the two models apart fro mhe shelby front fenders hood bot roll bar al the normal shelby goodies i mean if both cars where coming down the assembly lines as shells and being put together what is different between the both of them?
    i know the boss got the big semi hemi engine but as regards front and rear brakes interior just basically any differences.
    or was the boss 429 a big block mach 1 to start of with on the assembly line minus badges and engine and had parts change for it to become a boss 429? as i do believe the boss was assemblyed at kar kraft?
    Also what if anyone has owned a boss429 and shelby gt500 what is the difference in performance. did the extra 40 hp the boss have make a difference cause most books call the boss429 a slug?
    Any photos of boss 429s and information on this subject would be very greatful.
    hope every one is ok and hada lovely easter
    thanks to your help
    p.s sorry to post about boss429s on a shelby site i was just curious to the different between the to michanically and performance wise:)
  2. rsimkins

    rsimkins Well-Known Member

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    Jan 13, 2006
    Eastcoast USA

    To answer a small part of your question regarding performance, the camshaft was the most restrictive aspect of the Boss 429 engine. Because of having to meet the then emissions regulations, just when the heads were starting to breath, the engine ran out of camshaft. I sure that others who post here and are more knowledgeable than I am will be able to add much more.
  3. FIJI_99

    FIJI_99 Member

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    Mar 24, 2008
    I've never owned a '69 Shelby, but I have owned 3 Boss 429s. The major restrictions for the street Boss 429 were many...camshaft, 735 cfm carb (smaller than a Boss 302), very restrictive emission control system and exhaust system. If you open one up they are great performers. Boss 429s left Ford as sportsroof cars and were sent to Kar Kraft for modifications including widening the shock towers for engine clearance, moving the drivetrain forward over an inch (this is why you need a special adapter for the shifter and there's no fan shroud), relocating the battery to the trunk, replacing all of the front suspension components on the '69s (the '70s shared the Boss 302 suspension for the most part), etc. I'm not sure the Boss 429 was built to outperform the Shelby, at least I've never heard that, but they were built to homologate the engine for NASCAR and also to compete on the street with the 426 HEMIs and 427 Chevys, Bunkie wanted to have a dog in that fight apparently, to bad they choked it down from the factory. Hope this helps answer your questions, I'm not an expert even though I've owned a few, but I would be happy to help answer any other questions you may have about Boss 429s.

    Edit - Let me know what pictures you would like to see and I'll post them.

  4. Snakepit

    Snakepit Well-Known Member

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    Jul 3, 2005
    Central Calif
    Have had both and in general

    1- the Shelby was a better driver and was faster on the street with its low end torque

    2- both cars are, in general, not the greatest drivers as they are both front heavy though the Shelby was a nice highway car (Boss's low rear gears limited its speed)

    3- Shelby got more attention in general since it "looked" more different (sure there is an teacher somewhere cringing at that usage) than a regular Mustang

    Just some observations
  5. 67shelbygt500

    67shelbygt500 Well-Known Member

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    May 27, 2007
    hay everyone
    thanks for the information
    so it seems ford restricted the boss 429. well then i hate to be a pain but what was the 1969 boss 302,s like?
    what sort of modifications did they have from the factory to normal mustangs apart from the 302 boss block with cleveland heads did the 302 handle better? where they a good performer compared to the 429s. did the yhave better brakes ect?
    I hate to be a pain i have always been rusty on the boss mustangs of 69-70 and just wish to touch up my knowledge abit
    thanks again for your time
  6. cougar

    cougar Well-Known Member

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    Dec 26, 2004
    Wister OK
    Here's a lot of information on the Boss 429.

    Boss performance


    Two 427 tunnel ports One Shelby aluminum 427 and One 428
  7. roddster

    roddster Well-Known Member

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    Dec 27, 2004
    Lansing, the one in Illinois

    I think you are neglecting the fact that the Federal Government enacted the "Clean Air Act" the year before-1968. So, the Manufacturers had to file paperwork with the goverment to ensure that their cars, from the 6 cylinders to the Boss 429's met the standards. To acheive this, air injection pumps, smaller carbs, different cams where all utilized to meet or beat the standards.
    Whatever it took was Fords way. There was no deliberate restrictions on any engine.
    And, the Boss 429 was sold to mainly two types of customers. Those with money who could afford a $5000 plus car, and to street racers. Many many Boss 429's ended up in the hands of street racers. All of them will tell you that once the carb got bigger, the air injection pump got lost, and the cam was replaced, few cars could touch it. Bunkie Knudsen, the Ford President at the time wanted that engine in a prestigious car. Me, I would have put it where it raced, the Fairlane/Torino line, but thats me.
    The Boss 302 was the SCCA auto crossers car. It ended up in the hands of those who desired excellent handling, along with a high performance engine.
    The Shelbys where built for the specialty market in mind. It is a cooler looking Mustang, handled well, and, with the 428, scooted pretty well.
    Don't try to read too much into the horse power ratings, Ford did what it could do to cover as much of the market as there was.
  8. sharpe427

    sharpe427 Well-Known Member

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    Dec 28, 2004
    Central USA
    Not to mention that the mfgs. were running scared of putting too much performance on the street...because the ins. companies wouldn't insure them and/or lawsuits.
  9. markboss

    markboss Well-Known Member

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    Dec 22, 2004
    I have owned my 67 GT350, 70 Boss 302, for 26 years, also a 69 GT500, and a Boss 351 in the past....
    My favorite car has always been my '70 Boss handles better, stops better, and is more comfortable than any of the others....The 67 GT350 would be my second favorite, and always draws a crowd..

    The Big block Shelby, had terrible handling, and was not that much faster in a straight line...

  10. 67shelbygt500

    67shelbygt500 Well-Known Member

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    May 27, 2007
    thanks everyone for your help now theres one last question if you could help.
    I appreciate how rare these cars are and how much there worth however if you changed the cam and carb on the 429 lets say if you pulled up to the 69 boss 302 at a set of lights and you floored it would the 429 out beat the the boss 302 cause of all its grunt now not being restricted or would the boss 302 still keep up? as i know now thanks to all you guys a little knowledge on them now (which i appreciate alot guys) i no the boss 302 would handle far better because of weight and because its not nose heavy.
    Im not so obsessed with the hp or racing im just curious as to which would be the overall better performer for the street.
    Thanks for all your time guys
    Also the block for the boss 429 was it a special block or was it a normal 429 block or 429cj/scj block?
    p.s if any one has any photos of a 302 or 429 and could share them that would be great weather the photos are old or new.:)
  11. FIJI_99

    FIJI_99 Member

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    Mar 24, 2008
    In a straight line the Boss 429 would outrun a Boss 302. I've owned both including a W-Code Boss 302 and the 429 would pull away from it in a straight line. The Boss 429 block is a special block, Frank can correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the oiling flow and water flow is different and I'm sure there are other differences as well. ALthough I also know that people have modified a 429 block to use Boss 429 heads. I have pictures of both cars, what exactly are you wanting to see, I'll post whatever you want. By the way, the Boss 429 gets a bad rap, but when it gets put to the test it performs well. It was the fastest quarter mile car in the Dream Car Garage Musclecar Shootout which included a Hemi Challanger, Hurst Olds 442, 455 Buick, LS6 Chevelle, AMX, etc. running in the 13s with all smog etc. My understanding is that the public just expected more from a race engine, that's where the bad rap comes from. If you're in Indiana sometime I'll take you for a ride in an unrestored Boss 9 and you can decide for yourself!!!


  12. 67shelbygt500

    67shelbygt500 Well-Known Member

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    May 27, 2007
    hay fiji 99
    thanks for information as well as offer.
    im from england and i dont think there even is a boss 429 in england.
    im currently restoring my shelby and was just curious about these cars.
    yeah would love to have a ride in one as i come over to the states twice a year to go to car shows like carsile and hershey.
    would you by any chance have pictures of the modifications the the suspension on the 429 how it was moved down a inch and the shock towers ect.
    thanks or your help and information
    best regards
  13. FIJI_99

    FIJI_99 Member

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    Mar 24, 2008
    You're more than welcome. I actually don't have any good photos of the shocktower and suspension modifications, but I may know where to get some, I'll post them if I find them. The shock towers were actually cut out and modified towers were welded back in their place (I believe initially this may have started at Kar Kraft and then later at Ford). As far as the suspension, on a '69 essentially all of the parts and pieces are one off's and it gets very expensive if you're missing them. I'll work on some more pictures, there are some really nice Boss owners who go to Carlisle and Hershey as well, if you would like to meet up with some of them I can work to get their e-mail addresses for you and I'm sure they'll show you everything you want to see on a Boss 9 when you come across the pond! Let me know.

  14. 67shelbygt500

    67shelbygt500 Well-Known Member

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    May 27, 2007
    hay Jeremy
    thanks again for the offer
    sure that would be fantastic to meet some boss owners and chat thanks alot.
    As for the pictures that would be awsome as well i believe it was just the boss 429 that had suspension modifications and not the 302.
    I unfortunately wont be attending the spring carlisle or summer however i will be attending fall dont what your schedule is like but if you do attend fall just let us know(personal message) and would be great to meet you.
    thanks again for all the information
    best regards
    p.s also what bodys where used for the 1969 boss 302 as their is no rear scoop on them as there is with the 69 mustangs?:)
  15. shelby Guy

    shelby Guy Well-Known Member

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    Nov 25, 2006
    Hi Dave, I am in the U.K. There is only one Boss 429 in the U.K . thats a 69 .
    There used to be more but they have gone to other climbs !!
    Where are you based ?
    Whats the shelby you are restoring?
    THX, John
  16. FIJI_99

    FIJI_99 Member

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    Mar 24, 2008
    Here's the Boss 429 shock towers...courtesy of Frank!
  17. skidado

    skidado Well-Known Member

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    Mar 22, 2005
    Boss 429 in UK

    Sorry to perpetuate the UK theme to this thread...

    I have seen 3 Boss 429s over here - the Blue '70 owned by USAutomotive (now gone back to the states I think), Paul Edwards Black '69 (now in Switzerland?) and another '69 which I think had a 390 motor in it.

    Paul's was an interesting car as it came to the UK with a 427 SOHC motor in it! When this blew, the then owner had Jack Roush prepare a road/race Boss 429 engine for it. This had solid lifters, single plane manifold, full hemi heads, headers and an 850 dp holley.

    When Paul got it, the car was a bit rough, and the engine hadn't been installed or set up very well. We stripped and restored the car and had Clive Bond at Ultimate Race Cars rebuild the engine. With slicks and 4.11 gears I recall it running low 11s which equates to about 460rwhp. From a 40mph rolling start it would out-drag my '65 HiPo without shifting out of top gear!

    Happy days... :thumbup:

  18. snakerep

    snakerep Member

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    Aug 29, 2006

    Just an update, but at present I know of at least 3 Boss 429's in the UK. Although a couple went out of the country some years ago, others have made their way to the UK and into private collections.

  19. shelby Guy

    shelby Guy Well-Known Member

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    Nov 25, 2006
    Hi Paul , and David , I have tracked Boss 429 cars in the U.K what was here has gone out of the U.K .
    I believe and no of one The Sorn castle car .
    What others do you no of ?
  20. 67shelbygt500

    67shelbygt500 Well-Known Member

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    May 27, 2007
    Hay all sorry about the delay in reply went away to Dubai and am pleased to say there is alot of new mustangs over there and the odd new shelby however no good old muscle cars.
    Thanks for the pictures on the shock towers frank appreciate it.
    I have heard of one boss 429 in the uk as a friend of mine is going to be rebuilding the engine and dynoing it if he already hasnt.
    Shelby guy i am based in the midlands and i am currently restoring a 67 shelby gt500.
    Hope every one is well

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