Hello to all.* I have purchased my first Mustang, and yes it is a Shelby Gt.* I am thinking about adding a few minor accessories to the engine and interior.* My question is;* Is it legit to add the cobra image to my SGT or is the cobra solely for the GT500?I have talked to my buddy (who is in the Mustang club) and he says that just because it is a Shelby that it is OK to put any cobra parts anywhere.Tell me what you guys think?Thanks, Slim.
Hey, if you want the cobra there, and it looks good, then why would you not want to??? ITs not sacrileage....go for it if it is what you want to do with your ride!!!! Vern
Sure, it's YOUR car..........besides in the 60's and 70's there were many different Ford products that also had a Cobra emblem on them. Go for it.........they look cool.
Put them on!!Enjoy yor car,personalize it,your car went to SAI and was built much like the original shelbys(65-66-67s) so why not? Its yours(and maybe ford motor credit!) so MAKE it yours. Steele