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Re: Elenor Convert #1

Discussion in 'Shelby Mustang List' started by g adams, May 11, 2005.

  1. g adams

    g adams Guest

    No comparison, I would take the original car over the
    recreation any day.

    --- wrote:
    > From what I was told, the person who actually ended
    > up with the #1 Shelby
    > GT500E Elenor bought the #1 Convertible as a match.
    > There was a rival who
    > wanted the car almost as much as he did, which
    > caused the bidding to jump.
    > The car was originally ordered and the buyer thought
    > of backing out last
    > year. He ended up backing out just before
    > completion of the car, possibly due
    > to finances and maybe buyers remorse (Don't know for
    > certain). I would say it
    > was a bad decision for him according to the story I
    > heard.
    > This is the story I was told and is being reported
    > as such.
    > I still would prefer a cars like Stephens (even if
    > it was an even money
    > swap), just a personal preference :).
    > Lee 66 # 869

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