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Shelby GT 26.6 MPG

Discussion in '2nd Generation Shelby Mustangs' started by gurney7040, Oct 18, 2008.

  1. gurney7040

    gurney7040 Member

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    Apr 9, 2007
    I bought my Grabber Orange Shelby GT recently and had the occassion to drive it from So. Cal. to Redding and then Redding to Spokane, Wa. over 1300 miles in all. To my surprise I averaged 26.2 mpg on the first leg of the trip and 26.6 on the second leg (per the trip computer and doing the math). I drove it pretty conservatively using cruise control on most of the trip. I certainly didnt expect anything like that, since the car is rated at 22. Who knew. I make the trip to Redding frequently driving a small 4 Cyl car that was within 2 mpg of my Shelby and not nearly as fun to drive. It started many conversations along the way.
  2. Mambo1960

    Mambo1960 Active Member

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    Sep 3, 2007
    Austin, tx
    Ya Know, I was wondering about that- I drive my 07 SGT every day and average about 22 mpg. Interesting also, in my LX 5.0 driving from NJ to Austin TX I was getting close to 40 mpg, doing about 85 the whole way down. I think that may be due to the gearing in the 5.0, revving very low at 85 in 5th gear, also trying to drive intelligently and the only modification on the 5.0 is a set of headers. You mentioned cruise control, and I was interested to hear (true or not???) that cruise control is not always the best way to save gas as it tries to maintain a constant speed on upgrades. It sounds like you had a great trip though and you are correct about the fun factor-EVERYONE loves these cars I get the thumbs up from 12 year old chinese kids to grandmas and grandpas, I also got pulled over for speeding one afternoon, as I watched the officer in my side view exit his car and come up behind me he started "petting" my car- I knew I had a chance to ask for mercy and it was granted, so I left with a warning.

    Happy driving-

  3. lgs07shelbygt

    lgs07shelbygt Member

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    May 6, 2008
    near Mt Saint Helens
    Love the Grabber Orange Shelby GT !
    Maybe the cool clean Washington air increased your mpg on your trip :lol:
    IPU shows 25 cruising on the interstate, but no long trips yet. Once in town drops to 19-22 depending on traffic and how heavy my foot gets...just love the sound when you take off at the light
    You are correct - nothing is even close when it comes to fun to drive as your Shelby!

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