I searched for this on this site so I wouldn't be a newbie bothering everyone ...but I didnt see it ... I have a chance to get my glove box signed by Carroll so I want to repaint it black and have it ready. What is closest black spray paint I should get? thank you, Mike K.
Since you're asking for a rattle can product, I'd suggest SEM Trim Black, which would most likely be available at your local auto body supply or Eastwood carries it. It produces a sheen close to the original depending on how it's applied. Remember that satin or semi-gloss sheens can vary depending on how they're applied. http://semproducts.com/Catalog.asp?prod=133 Hope that helps, Josh
Good suggestion - to add a little the sheen can also be effected by the weather and temp this time of year
That's an excellent point. Since it's just the glovebox door, you should be able to paint it in an area that's warm (70-ish degrees?) or since you're in CA, wait for decent weather. Dry weather should be best.
I see you live in Trabuco Canyon. So do I. (the car is new to me) where do you take your car to have it worked on? I work for Meguiar's so I know Bob Stockwell and Norm Jesh from COCOA ...those guys told me about Glenn's Alignment and the Classic Mustang place on Fabricante ... I have a vibration issue over 60mph and I sure need to have that looked at. Thank you for your help. Mike K.
For the vibration, you might want to try Clark's House of Suspension in Lake Forest. 26901 VISTA TERRACE LAKE FOREST (949) 768-6261 He only takes appointments, but he's really good. He's is the same general area as Quigley's Auto Body. Mustangs and American Classics on Fabricante is good, but parts prices can't compete with the big mail order companies. His people skills take a little getting used to (i.e. don't expect a warm welcome). He's very knowledgable and has owned/restored several Shelby's. PM me if you'd like more info. Good luck, Josh