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1967 Shelby Fiberglass Nose Help

Discussion in '1965-1970 Shelby Mustang GT350 & GT500' started by pat2345, Jul 4, 2009.

  1. pat2345

    pat2345 Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 4, 2009
    Rochester, NY
    I'm kind of stuck so I thought I would come to you guys with a problem. I have a 1967 Shelby front nose piece and I'm just trying to figure out if there is a way to tell if it is an original piece. I went over it fairly closely and didn't see a Ford part number but I believe that Ford outsourced these anyway so I don't think they had a Ford number on them. I have known the car this came off of for 25 years or better so I have to believe it is an original Ford front because I don't think reprodctions have been out that long. The front fits very nicely which again leads me to think its Ford because if any of you have tried the aftermarket one fitting isn't something they are known for. I guess what I'm really asking through all of this is if there is a fool proof way to tell if it is a Ford part or an aftermarket part? I just want to be able to represent the part correctly when I go to sell it and wouldn't want to say its Ford when it isn't. Let me know if any of you know a way. Thanks.
  2. Snakepit

    Snakepit Well-Known Member

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    Jul 3, 2005
    Central Calif
    Most of the time it comes down to comparing the texture of the fiberglass, the way it was constructed and the mounting points.

    You might want to take pictures of these (from a couple of angles in an area that has not been repaired) and post them for help

    Like many things - pictures are worth allot
  3. pat2345

    pat2345 Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 4, 2009
    Rochester, NY
    I finally got a chance to get some pictures but when I resize them to get them on here it loses most of the detail. I know this is forward but could the two of you that contacted me on this please private message me with an email address so I could just email the pictures full size so you can see them better. I will make sure to keep your email address private, thanks for all the help.
  4. A-Snake

    A-Snake Well-Known Member

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    Nov 21, 2006
    As long as the photos are already on a web site you should be able to copy them into your post here. it's when you try to "attach" a photo from your computer that the size is limited.
    You can first upload it to the Gallery here or on any photo hosting site and then "insert" into you post.
    Hope this helps.


  5. Snakepit

    Snakepit Well-Known Member

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    Jul 3, 2005
    Central Calif
    Posting these for Pat

    Fiberglass appears to be applied with a chopper gun







    OK group what say you ?????? ;)
  6. patty.dilabio

    patty.dilabio Well-Known Member

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    Nov 26, 2006
    Hi all,
    Just a few notes on original fiberglass...I'm very doubtful any parts were made useing a chopper gun.The tight contours of the nose would really be tricky to do with one,and many folks think the multidirectional material automatically means that it was made with a chopper gun.Not so in the fiberglass world.Mat is available in many weights and widths just like cloth is. It is often used in a complex part shape.It is generally cheaper and is what was used to make this part.Generally original parts have studs laminated in place to mount them to the upper edge of the front fender.They will also have 4 holes along the lower grille openings inner lower edge.This was to rivet them to the metal crossmember in front of the radiator support.There are other telltale signs like gel coat type and color,and if you remove the paint it may give you more clues.Hope this helps out.
    Regards P.D.;)
  7. pat2345

    pat2345 Member

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    Jul 4, 2009
    Rochester, NY
    This nose does have the small holes under the grill for the cross member and you can see some tearing by the mounting holes where the mounting bolts would have been. I really don't know if its from where the mounting bolts were laminated in or what but I know what you mean. It does look like in spots it was done with a chopper gun but in others it looks like hand laid mats. I don't know thats why I asked you guys for your opinion. Thanks.
  8. Bob Gaines

    Bob Gaines Well-Known Member

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    Jan 7, 2006
    I think it looks like a very close repro to me. The attachment points that would be in the upper front fender look different but that is all. This is comparable to a later production nose piece based on the mat material used. This is why a picture is sometimes worth a thousand words. Bob
  9. thefordshow

    thefordshow Well-Known Member

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    Jul 28, 2008
    Ontario Canada
    Another clue would be if the nose still had any signs of the clear silcone material around the sealing edge. This is a detail often over looked when the nose section gets replaced. Is the gel coat white or gray or is it paint? I had a gray one about 30 years ago that was a repro. Had about the same detail in the headlight area as this one[not much for the headlight ring to sit on or screw to].
  10. roddster

    roddster Well-Known Member

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    Dec 27, 2004
    Lansing, the one in Illinois
    Didn't S/A have three different suppliers for the glass parts? Are we sure each made the glass with the same process? We might need photos from each supplier.
  11. pat2345

    pat2345 Member

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    Jul 4, 2009
    Rochester, NY
    The guy I bought the car this came off told me that nothing had ever been changed with the car and he was the owner of the car since 1970. I had another one that was in a little better shape that I used when I restored the car and this one was always sitting there in case anything ever happened to mine. I had heard of separate vendors but wasn't sure about who made all of them so I came here and was hoping someone had some definite answers. I can't believe that they had reproductions before 1970 but to be honest I'm not sure. Maybe the guy I bought it from was lying to me, who knows. I was just hoping for an easy answer and it is getting more and more confusing by the day. I guess I just assume its a reproduction and go from there because there doesn't seem to be an original picture in existance. Thanks for the help guys, I really do appreciate it but I'm starting to think this will be one of those mysteries for the ages.
  12. snakeoilbrian

    snakeoilbrian Well-Known Member

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    Aug 10, 2007
    Near the Shelby plant in LA
    Hi Pat. I have been working on mine all week. I know mine is an original and I've never seen a repop. I did notice mine has 2 tappered embossed areas that the mounting screws go thru from the fenders. 1 at each top corner. Does that make sense? Does your's have these? Brian

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