HI all...I'm new and will hopefully post more as I am looking at purchasing a newly used 2007 Shelby 500GT, black with white stripes. It currently has a bit over 17,000 miles on it but carfax report is good. My mustang was totaled a day before my wedding so..gosh darn it - I have to get a new one. (No, it wasn't my fault...16 year olds shouldn't be allowed on the road-or stop signs should be able to ram our car if you speed by them). Now that we're past that little intro - what would you pay for the above described car? The mileage doesn't seem bad...but I've seen other Shelby's out there with a lot less mileage...none in black though. I welcome all comments!
Re: Shelby help...buying used..? I have been watching for a low low mileage 2007 GT 500 on Ebay. I'd like to find a white or the orange color. They all seem to be around $38,500 to $42,000 right now. A lot better than paying over the sticker as most of these owners did when they were new. So, is the black one you found less?
Re: Shelby help...buying used..? I think roddster's range is about right. Although I wouldn't want to pay more than $38K for this particular car. I think you can be picky and wait for a lower mileage car to come up for sale. robin
Well, the one I'm looking at is at $33,900....over the phone the dealership told me they'd sell it for $33,000....so I'm bringing a buyer's order for $32,000...and am goign to tell him I'll pay $31,500....and see how it goes from there...it's actually the cheapest I have found...carfax is clean - pictures look good...but the mileage does make me a little worrisome. Especially when I've found a 2007 red w/silver with only 819 miles on it ...but that one was $36,900...I had an 06 V6 black with red leather...but it was totaled the day before my wedding...so now I want a Shelby. Not that insurance is giving me what the car was worth...but if I have to get into another 5 year loan - fine....Shelby it will be.
Re: Shelby help...buying used..? go look at dallas and houston craigs list and any where else. there are quite a few 07-09 gt500's.
I will sell you my 07 Shelby GT with the black and silver stripes for 27k The only thing is its not a 500. But its still a shelby and they made less of these then the 500's so the value of these cars will def go up over the years. while they keep producing more and more 500s every year. and you can just add a shelby charger to this one to get similar hp. Thats what i am going to do later down the road if I can't get a buyer. Don't want to get rid of my shelby but times are tough and that is the first thing to go. Brian briannapolitan@yahoo.com
Re: Shelby help...buying used..? Dallas craigslist has a 2009 with 8k miles for 33k. red with white stripes. caught up in a divorce. It is in Frisco , tx just north of dallas. there is also an untitled kr for 57.9 k sliver with blue stripes