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Michael - Young Shelby enthusiast from Sweden

Discussion in 'Introductions and Greetings' started by Vince, Jul 2, 2005.

  1. Vince

    Vince Member

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    Jul 2, 2005
    My name is Michael Bergman. I´m 19 years old and living in Sweden.
    My biggest interest in life is cars,especially old american cars and particullary Shelby GT500 from 1967. It´s been my dreamcar since I was about 5-6 years old and saw one pushing the pedal in my hometown, it was the meanest thing I´d ever seen and it was love at first sight. I decided right there at that moment that I one day gonna own a GT500 from 1967. I remember it like yesterday,damn what a car :D
    Of course I will not be able to buy one in the nearest future but someday. For the moment I will probably have to be satisfied with a selfley built clone or something. But I´m already collecting parts for my Shelby that I´m gonna own someday :thumbsup:
    You´ll probably see some dumb questions from me here at the forum but I hope I´m not a problem and already now maybe I should apologize for my not so good english, I hope you´ll understand me anyway :wacko:. I´m working on it to be better because I´m moving over to USA in a few years.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 14, 2006
  2. Engineer

    Engineer Well-Known Member

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    Apr 2, 2005
    Frankenmuth, Michigan (100 miles North of Detroit
    Hey Michael, Welcome to the Shelby Forums! I remember seeing my first Shelby many years ago, when I was 7. The son of my home town Ford dealer owned it; a 1968 GT500 fastback. Like yourself, I promised myself that I would own such a car. If you are committed to the promise .... you will eventually have your 1967 Shelby. In my case, today I am lucky enough to have three 1968 Shelbys .... 34 years after making that promise to my self. Good luck on making your promise come true. I assume you will be attending university in the US? If so, study hard. It will help make the promise come true. Rick (aka: Engineer)
  3. Vince

    Vince Member

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    Jul 2, 2005
    Thanks for the welcome :)
    Well I hope that I someday will own a -67 GT500 but I´ll be happy if I can afford just one :rolleyes:
    Well nothing is sure but if everything goes my way I´m planning to go on the Hot Rod university but that will probably not happen directly as I set my foot in the U.S. I wanna work a year or two before i go back to study again. I want my own company and hopefully I will make some money out of that :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 14, 2006

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