I've seen a bunch of mustangs, corvettes and other cars with them but mainly mustangs. Is there history behind it? I'm guessing race cars used to do the fender stripes.
The fender stripes are known as FIA stripes. They were first used on a Cobra (CSX2128) at the 1963 Sebring FIA race. The stripes were painted on 2128 to distinguish it form the other team Cobras (all black painted body's) that were racing. The color chosen for 2128 was yellow. To answer your question; yes it started with the race cars. Joe
Thanks for the clarification! I know a guy with a black SGT who put silver fender stripes on his car. They look cool but I'm not sure if id do it to my white SGT.
Just stumbled upon this... What is this guy thinking?!? scroll through his pictures and you'll see what I'm talking about. http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii104/07sgt4648/DSC01815.jpg&imgrefurl=http://s262.photobucket.com/albums/ii104/07sgt4648/%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3DDSC01815.jpg&usg=__VdcsXkOpxugb6161ow5Hc7FlI7g=&h=768&w=1024&sz=218&hl=en&start=1&um=1&tbnid=gNmqBpuqakXaIM:&tbnh=113&tbnw=150&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dshelby%2Bwindsheild%2Bbanner%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1G1GGLQ_ENUS356%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1 .... I dont get it... just click that and look
At one point in time I wanted to do it with white on my blue 66 GT350, but then it seems like a lot of others were doing that so I left my car stock.
Back in the 80's we painted two orange stripes on each side of 6S1774 so my crew chief could spot me coming down the hill at Road Atanta with all the other white Shelbys. A group of vintage racers on the west coast all painted the same stripes on their Cobras and Shelbys, sorta like a club thing. I understand they were hacked off because of my car, but I never raced any of these west coast cars. Yes, they were inspired by the FIA Cobras of the 60's.
The FIA stripes covered the whole nose. The ones you mention are team stripes or rookie stripes. They were almost always on one side, the pit wall side, so that the pit crew could differentiate two team cars that were painted similar. Some were also used as Rookie stripes, to mark the newbies, but not as much. I love my stripes!!
Correct.....they are also know as "Pit Stripes". The Yellow Stripes now refer to Rookie Driver, so I have heard.
Rookie stripes are still used by SCCA. When a driver has his Novice permit, he displays a yellow stripe on the trunk lid to alert the other drivers he is less experienced. I think it goes away when the driver completes enough races to earn a Regional license. We ran one on the Shelby at both SCCA schools. I never ran regionals as we went directly to vintage racing in the 80's
do some pin striping on my car and this will be the third time I have had... coming loose. What is causing this?? Its at the end point of the front fender.
Make sure you clean the fender with a good grease and wax remover or wipe it with windex. When you apply the stripe, do not touch the adheasive. Use an x-acto knife or razor blade to separate the clear covering from the stripes AFTER you apply them to the car. The oil from your fingers will cause the stripes not to stick. Do not touch the stripe where it will stick to the fender. OK?
I think you are referring to "rookie stripes". SCCA requires all new drivers to have a pair of rookie stripes on the rear of the race car so overtaking drivers will realize it is a new driver. I recall they stayed on there for the first two races. More trivia in cobwebs from the past.