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Re: SAAC 32

Discussion in 'Shelby Mustang List' started by Ronald Robertson, Jul 7, 2005.

  1. Bob:
    I couldn't agree more. That was a real blast - our first SAAC convention and
    it was memorable. My point on hotel distances was, it has never been a bone
    of contention in the past, so anyone using that as an excuse now is blowing
    smoke. Limerock would sure have my vote again and the drive was absolutely
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: <>
    To: <>; <>;
    Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2005 2:46 PM
    Subject: Re: SAAC 32

    Ron, if anyone remembers the turn out at the last Lime Rock SAAC
    convention, the huge number of cars offsets any inconvenience of the hotels
    for me. The most Shelby cars since the early Hyatt dearborn days.Limerock
    has my vote for that reason. Bob G.

    Original Message:
    From: Ronald Robertson
    Date: Thu, 07 Jul 2005 11:05:57 -0400
    Subject: Re: SAAC 32

    Good comments about the scarcity of Shelbys on the track. But if eventually
    SAAC events have no Shelbys on the track, where does that leave the SAAC
    conventions, which are really a celebration for the "drive fast, turn left"
    group? The concours show is not a self sustaining event and the last
    vote show at Michigan saw about 12-15 brave souls who weathered the rain
    show up. Ours was the only concours car, despite the "request" that ALL
    concours cars MUST appear so that participants and spectators to the
    vote show could see them.
    I understand California was different. Could that mean the death knoll for
    SAAC conventions in the East?
    Should be an interesting future if the trend continues.

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Calvin Sanders" <>
    To: "Shelby Mustang" <>
    Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2005 10:39 AM
    Subject: Re: SAAC 32

    > On Thu, 7 Jul 2005, Ronald Robertson wrote:
    >> The thread on where SAAC 32 should be has been very interesting. But if
    >> anyone thinks they can influence Rick on where this will be held, they
    >> should change their drinking water. In summarizing the comments so far,
    >> it appears there are a variety of reasons why some tracks work and

    >> do not.

    > [......]
    >> 3. The lack of a host hotel near the track appears to be a smoke screen,
    >> a non issue. Witness Lime Rock, Michigan, Nashville. All hotels were
    >> between 1 and 2 hour's drive from the track.

    > I think SAAC 7 was the first one where the hotel was a distance from the
    > Hotel. That was also the first east coast event with an open track. We

    > at Pocono and the hotel was in Great Gorge, New Jersey.
    >> 4. Something no one has mentioned is the population of Shelby owners in
    >> the reasonable vicinity of the convention. Some areas of the Country

    >> do not have enough Shelbys to make it worthwhile to have a convention
    >> near them.

    > Kopec occasionally has a "Regional Rep Rountable" at the SAAC's. At one

    > the early ones he discussed how they chose convention sites. He said the
    > first thing they looked at was a map of members. Where they had high
    > densities of memebers, and especially active members, you know the ones
    > that were willing to do much of the work; those were possible convention
    > sites. At a later convention Rep meeting he said that had become less
    > important since most of the poeple comming to conventions were flying,
    > leaving their cars home.
    >> 5. I wonder as the value of Shelbys goes up, if the desire to drive them
    >> long distances will diminsh for fear of accidents, breakdowns etc. and
    >> not everyone wants or is able to trailer their prize across Country.

    > It has had a huge effect at the open track part of the event. Fewer
    > vintage Shelbys out on the track, etc. and more late model Mustangs, etc.
    > That is just how it is going to be. That is ok, in fact I think it is
    > helathy, as long as we have some Shleby owners still out on the track.
    > Calvin

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