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Re: SAAC 32

Discussion in 'Shelby Mustang List' started by ecj, Jul 10, 2005.

  1. ecj

    ecj Guest


    If you will go back and read any of "my" last few notes you'll see that I h=
    ave not made negative comments about Rick and the SAAC national other than =
    to point out that the SAAC national is not an organization that I would con=
    sider as a traditional car club where the directorship is elected. In fact =
    if you go back and read my past few notes you'll see I have given credit an=
    d praise to what the organization has done. I have not been to many SAAC na=
    tional conventions but my best memories about SAAC and their national conve=
    ntions were SAAC 5 and SAAC 8 in Dearborn. These were some great events. Th=
    ey were more balanced and more like a convention where the car show was the=
    central focus of the event. Racing was not the prime focus of these two SA=
    AC conventions. Today the SAAC nationals are much different where vintage a=
    nd open track racing seems to be more of the emphasis than the car show par=
    t of it.

    Also, I don=92t understand where people making comments about where they th=
    ink holding a SAAC national convention would be good idea can be considered=
    negative thing either.=20

    Will the SAAC and MCA ever do another national event again? Sure it would b=
    e nice if they did, but I my opinion I doubt it will happen for reasons alr=
    eady expressed in a previous note. I don=92t see my opinion as being negati=
    ve or wining; it is just my point of view. Jon if you want to wrap yoursel=
    f up in a red white and blue Shelby American banner and accuse people of wi=
    ning then that is your prerogative, but I feel you are off base. =20

    The SAAC national organization is what it is and they do what they wish to =
    do. Is that good or bad? I don=92t see what they do as being negative and t=
    hat is my opinion. There are others here on the list that have been put off=
    by the national SAAC and their actions and they no longer wish to associat=
    e themselves with the national SAAC. Then there are others who could care l=
    ess either way but have found that they get more value for their money else=
    where and are no longer members. Can someone be a fan of Carroll Shelby and=
    his creations and not be a fan of Rick Kopec at the same time? Can someone=
    love and adore the Shelby Mustangs built from 1965-1970 but not also loath=
    e the Sanderson built Shelbys?=20

    Most Cobra and Shelby Mustang owners are not likely to race their cars on t=
    he track. Weren=92t most of the vehicles from Shelby American street cars t=
    o begin with? Should a SAAC national convention be so heavily geared toward=
    vintage racing as they are today? I don=92t know, but there are many aroun=
    d who remember it being quite different today than what it used to be durin=
    g the SAAC 5 and SAAC 8 days. SAAC 5 and 8 were really great events in my o=
    pinion, but change is inevitable. Is change good or bad? Or is it just a re=
    lative thing? Jon you may say what you want but discussing it here and expr=
    essing one=92s opinion should not be considered bad or negative. It=92s jus=
    t their point of view.

    Jim Seisser

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Jul 10, 2005 5:15 PM
    To: Ronald Robertson <>,=20
    =09Shelby List <>
    Subject: Re: SAAC 32


    Fact is stated once...whinning is when it is repeated it over and over like=
    this thread has been. Just look at all the repeat commentators. That says =
    something right there. Plus....I dont think its=20
    fair that you and all the other guys state one side without the other side =
    representing itself.

    Also, constructive criticism is left to those who can make good judgements =
    and bring those issues to organization/individual and not open public forum=
    .. Besides, I thought this list was about cars and=20
    education... not criticism of someone or an organization.

    I dont want to be rude on this list but if you don't want to race and you p=
    refer to have fun, I know where some theme parks are. They seem to have eve=
    rything for everyone. I know SAAC "aint" no theme=20
    park. =20


    Quoting Ronald Robertson <>:

    - Jon:
    - And yours is the other side of the story and a very valid one.
    - But let me comment on a few of your assertions.
    - SOME not most SAAC members like to race their cars. Look at the small num=
    - of Shelbys on the track and you will find there is a minimum number who w=
    - to and can afford to risk their Shelbys on the race track. And the others=
    - are NOT trailer queens. I showed my GT-500 in Division 2. It is NOT a=20
    - trailer queen. I drove it to Charlotte (625 miles one way) and other show=
    - that are lesser distances. So I do not have a trailer queen and I don't r=
    - it. I'm stuck, with hundreds of other owners in the middle and I got to t=
    - you, there ain't much there for us.
    - Rick and the boys work hard to have fun their way - racing. And that is n=
    - wrong, but it leaves out hundreds of Shelby owners who have no desire to=
    - race.
    - I don't think anyone is slinging stones at Rick - they are just stating=
    - facts and that is not whining.
    - But one has to face facts; things do not get better if everyone sits back=
    - and says and does nothing. Constructive criticism is what is needed so it=
    - can be evaluated and, where deemed possible, to affect change. That appli=
    - to SAAC and to the USA as well. There is no doubt that Rick and company h=
    - done a good job with SAAC but unless ideas are thrown out and considered,=
    - there will be no progress.
    - Respectfully.
    - Ron
    - ----- Original Message -----=20
    - From: <>
    - To: "STAN SIMM" <>; "Shelby List"=20
    - <>
    - Sent: Sunday, July 10, 2005 2:56 PM
    - Subject: Re: SAAC 32
    - > Stan, Jim and all you guys who have thoughts about SAAC:
    - >
    - >
    - > I have listened to what you have said and I understand the frustrations=
    - > you have about why SAAC doesnt do this and doesnt do that, but whinning=
    - > the list does not help enthusiasts enjoy these race
    - > cars for which SAAC understands and fully appreciates. Alot of its memb=
    - > are racers who love to race and push these Shelbys to the limit. Rememb=
    - > that it was "RACING" that gave fame and
    - > recognition to these Shelbys...not beauty queens.
    - >
    - > I must attest that when I first joined this group, I thought just like =
    - > guys. Why dont they do this and that. Where is this and where is that. =
    - > sounded like a little kid who didnt get what he
    - > wanted so I either complained or end up being very negative.
    - >
    - > Come on!!! Give them some credit. Rick and those guys work hard to have=
    - > fun...AND what they do must be right because it has endured the test of=
    - > time. I dont see many organizations last beyond 10
    - > years. Rick is the leader of that group because of one thing, he loves=
    - > these cars and he shows it by "racing" just like President Bush leading=
    - > this country - because he loves this country and wants
    - > what is best. A lot of people attack him and even his own group but you=
    - > know what, he made it as President twice just like Rick Kopec has been =
    - > leader all this time....SAAC needs a strong
    - > leader...not a United Nations representative.
    - >
    - > Im sure Rick is aware of the future and SAACs best interests but at thi=
    - > time those issues are not for us to decide. They are Ricks and all thos=
    - > guys who helped him. We must support them the best
    - > way we can so that we can preserve the Shelby heritage. To me that is=
    - > important.
    - >
    - > God Bless Rick and everyone who has helped make Shelby the heritage wha=
    - > it is today !!!!
    - >
    - > peace out
    - >
    - >
    - > jon
    - >
    - > 65-350
    - > 67-350
    - > 67-500
    - > 67-500
    - >
    - >
    - >
    - > Quoting STAN SIMM <>:
    - >
    - > - Well put, Jim. Personally, I'm more than somewhat concerned about SA=
    - > and
    - > - where it's headed. There is no doubt that, in the grand scheme of=20
    - > things,
    - > - SAAC is a very small organization. They need money-making events to=
    - > stay
    - > - afloat , offer the membership the usual quarterly newsletter, one ann=
    - > - magazine and fund the "inner circle". They're obviously up-beat about=
    - > the
    - > - new GT500 because the potential numbers will add to the coffers. But=
    - > what
    - > - I'm more concerned about is the fact that it really is a closed=20
    - > corporation,
    - > - a "good-old boys" network. Are they thinking about when Kopec, Pardee=
    - > - Ebers are gone? Who's going to pick up the torch and carry on? Who'=
    - > going
    - > - to be capable to do so?
    - > - As an aside, the MCA is not really that large an organization eith=
    - > I
    - > - doubt there's more than 20,000 members total. Considering the age of=
    - > the
    - > - club and the preponderance of Mustangs, they should have 100,000=20
    - > members.
    - > - Hell, BMW CCA has close to 80,000 members and their monthly magazine=
    - > rivals
    - > - R&T or Car & Driver. They put on more DE events across the country i=
    - > one
    - > - month than SAAC and MCA does in one year! All that w/o any Factory
    - > - backing...They're a totally independent organization, formed back in =
    - > - early '70's, just like MCA.
    - > - But MCA is trying. They now have an active DE committee and, while=
    - > their
    - > - events aren't large by any degree of the imagination, they're catchin=
    - > on.
    - > - I agree with you: By the time Mustang's 50th rolls around, MCA won't=
    - > need
    - > - SAAC.
    - > - Regards, Stan
    - > - ----- Original Message -----=20
    - > - From: "ecj" <>
    - > - To: <>
    - > - Sent: Sunday, July 10, 2005 10:02 AM
    - > - Subject: Re: SAAC 32
    - > -
    - > -
    - > - I believe that SAAC and MCA working together for the 40th was at the=
    - > request
    - > - of Ford Motor Company. Ford Motor Company was the major sponsor of th=
    - > - event.
    - > -
    - > - Ford keeps making new Mustangs every year. That being the case, the M=
    - > has
    - > - new and young owners coming in to the club all the time. People with =
    - > - Mustangs are a lot more interested in trying out an open track event =
    - > - their cars as opposed to people with 30-40 year old cars. (Unless the=
    - > car is
    - > - set-up as a race car or open track car.) The demographics of the MCA =
    - > - change, evolve and "grow" over the years in the ways that the SAAC=20
    - > national
    - > - is not able to.
    - > -
    - > - "For the most part" the national SAAC is focused on the vehicles buil=
    - > by
    - > - Shelby American from 1964-1970. Unless you count the new Ford GT and =
    - > up
    - > - coming 2007 Shelby GT500, SAAC won't be adding lots of new people and=
    - > their
    - > - cars very soon. If it weren't for the popularity of vintage racing=20
    - > wouldn't
    - > - one have to consider the national SAAC an "antique" car club? How doe=
    - > the
    - > - national SAAC recognize the Shelby Series 1 cars and all these other=
    - > pseudo
    - > - Shelbys being built? How do the regular SAAC members feel about these=
    - > new
    - > - pseudo Shelbys? Will the 1964-1970 faithful national SAAC members ope=
    - > - accept recognition of these Series 1 Shelbys and pseudo Shelbys or wi=
    - > it
    - > - alienate them?
    - > -
    - > - I don't think one has to necessarily rely on the SAAC national for a=
    - > good
    - > - track event. There are a lot of local SAAC chapters and other brands =
    - > - local clubs that put on some great track events. I have been very=20
    - > impressed
    - > - with the SVTOA, (SVT Owners Association) and with all the track event=
    - > they
    - > - have been putting on. When the Mustang turns 50 lets see who does wha=
    - > for
    - > - that celebration. I doubt there will be a need for a "joint" SAAC and=
    - > MCA
    - > - event in the future in my opinion. Any other opinions?
    - > -
    - > -
    - > - Jim Seisser
    - > -
    - > - -----Original Message-----
    - > - From: A Lupton <>
    - > - Sent: Jul 9, 2005 11:28 PM
    - > - To: James G Cowles <>,,
    - > -
    - > - Subject: Re: SAAC 32
    - > -
    - > - It would seem that SAAC and MCA could work together as they did at th=
    - > 40th
    - > - to get the best of both worlds. SAAC can obviously run an open trac=
    - > event
    - > - and MCA has the talent to organize and judge a car show. Personally =
    - > has
    - > - been obvious that SAAC is about open track and that alone. It used t=
    - > be
    - > - better balanced with street cars passing tech to run at speed but fro=
    - > the
    - > - looks of the roster at SAAC 30, it takes a full out team approach to
    - > - participate at a SAAC open track event. I regret that is the directi=
    - > that
    - > - has been taken since I personally appreciate all the cars from SA, ev=
    - > the
    - > - race cars at rest. Right now my renewals for SAAC are done out of=20
    - > respect
    - > - for the marque and not out of a lot of enthusiasm for the club. I fi=
    - > that
    - > - MCA is much more balanced. Again, the SAAC/MCA co-host idea might k=
    - > the
    - > - faithful from straying..
    - > -
    - > - m
    - > - ----- Original Message -----=20
    - > - From: "James G Cowles" <>
    - > - To: <>; <>
    - > - Sent: Saturday, July 09, 2005 1:18 PM
    - > - Subject: Re: SAAC 32
    - > -
    - > -
    - > - > SAAC has been very clear that they dont like car shows. The car s=
    - > - > people have always been shoved aside for the race car group. I hav=
    - > - > donated the car show trophies the last few years trying to keep the
    - > - > concours going. If you get right down to it, the car show guys are=
    - > trying
    - > - > to keep their cars the way they were when new thus keeping the Mar=
    - > - > preserved. I tried to do that with my Cobra and still race it once=
    - > - > awhile but now they want all this modern stuff for safety so i qui=
    - > - > racing it
    - > - >
    - > - >>From: "NVSAAC" <>
    - > - >>To: <>
    - > - >>Subject: Re: SAAC 32
    - > - >>Date: Thu, 7 Jul 2005 14:56:45 -0700
    - > - >>
    - > - >>Ron,
    - > - >>
    - > - >>I did see Charley Lillard's - 1965 GT350 # 76 - that did get a Gold=
    - > award.
    - > - >>Congrads to Jim Cowles for the restoration work on the car.
    - > - >>
    - > - >>It was out there at the popular vote on Sunday morning as well.
    - > - >>
    - > - >>So that is at least 2 concourse cars out there...
    - > - >>
    - > - >>Jim
    - > - >>
    - > - >>----- Original Message -----
    - > - >>From: "Ronald Robertson" <>
    - > - >>To: "Calvin Sanders" <>; "Shelby Mustang"
    - > - >><>
    - > - >>Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2005 8:05 AM
    - > - >>Subject: Re: SAAC 32
    - > - >>
    - > - >>
    - > - >> > Calvin:
    - > - >> > Good comments about the scarcity of Shelbys on the track. But if
    - > - >>eventually
    - > - >> > SAAC events have no Shelbys on the track, where does that leave =
    - > - >> > SAAC
    - > - >> > conventions, which are really a celebration for the "drive fast,=
    - > turn
    - > - >>left"
    - > - >> > group? The concours show is not a self sustaining event and the=
    - > last
    - > - >>popular
    - > - >> > vote show at Michigan saw about 12-15 brave souls who weathered =
    - > - >> > rain
    - > - >> > show up. Ours was the only concours car, despite the "request" t=
    - > ALL
    - > - >> > concours cars MUST appear so that participants and spectators to=
    - > the
    - > - >>popular
    - > - >> > vote show could see them.
    - > - >> > I understand California was different. Could that mean the death=
    - > knoll
    - > - >>for
    - > - >> > SAAC conventions in the East?
    - > - >> > Should be an interesting future if the trend continues.
    - > - >> > Ron
    - > - >> >
    - > - >> > ----- Original Message -----
    - > - >> > From: "Calvin Sanders" <>
    - > - >> > To: "Shelby Mustang" <>
    - > - >> > Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2005 10:39 AM
    - > - >> > Subject: Re: SAAC 32
    - > - >> >
    - > - >> >
    - > - >> > > On Thu, 7 Jul 2005, Ronald Robertson wrote:
    - > - >> > >
    - > - >> > >> The thread on where SAAC 32 should be has been very interesti=
    - > But
    - > - >>if
    - > - >> > >> anyone thinks they can influence Rick on where this will be=
    - > held,
    - > - >>they
    - > - >> > >> should change their drinking water. In summarizing the commen=
    - > so
    - > - >>far,
    - > - >> > >> it appears there are a variety of reasons why some tracks wor=
    - > and
    - > - >>others
    - > - >> > >> do not.
    - > - >> > > [......]
    - > - >> > >> 3. The lack of a host hotel near the track appears to be a sm=
    - > - >>screen,
    - > - >> > >> a non issue. Witness Lime Rock, Michigan, Nashville. All hote=
    - > were
    - > - >> > >> between 1 and 2 hour's drive from the track.
    - > - >> > >
    - > - >> > > I think SAAC 7 was the first one where the hotel was a distanc=
    - > from
    - > - >>the
    - > - >> > > Hotel. That was also the first east coast event with an open=
    - > track.
    - > - >> > > We
    - > - >>ran
    - > - >> > > at Pocono and the hotel was in Great Gorge, New Jersey.
    - > - >> > >
    - > - >> > >> 4. Something no one has mentioned is the population of Shelby=
    - > owners
    - > - >>in
    - > - >> > >> the reasonable vicinity of the convention. Some areas of the=
    - > Country
    - > - >>just
    - > - >> > >> do not have enough Shelbys to make it worthwhile to have a
    - > - >> > >> convention
    - > - >> > >> near them.
    - > - >> > >
    - > - >> > > Kopec occasionally has a "Regional Rep Rountable" at the SAAC'=
    - > At
    - > - >>one
    - > - >>of
    - > - >> > > the early ones he discussed how they chose convention sites. H=
    - > said
    - > - >>the
    - > - >> > > first thing they looked at was a map of members. Where they ha=
    - > high
    - > - >> > > densities of memebers, and especially active members, you know=
    - > the
    - > - >>ones
    - > - >> > > that were willing to do much of the work; those were possible
    - > - >>convention
    - > - >> > > sites. At a later convention Rep meeting he said that had beco=
    - > less
    - > - >> > > important since most of the poeple comming to conventions were
    - > - >> > > flying,
    - > - >> > > leaving their cars home.
    - > - >> > >
    - > - >> > >> 5. I wonder as the value of Shelbys goes up, if the desire to=
    - > drive
    - > - >>them
    - > - >> > >> long distances will diminsh for fear of accidents, breakdowns=
    - > etc.
    - > - >>and
    - > - >> > >> not everyone wants or is able to trailer their prize across=
    - > Country.
    - > - >> > >
    - > - >> > > It has had a huge effect at the open track part of the event.=
    - > Fewer
    - > - >> > > vintage Shelbys out on the track, etc. and more late model=20
    - > Mustangs,
    - > - >>etc.
    - > - >> > > That is just how it is going to be. That is ok, in fact I thin=
    - > it is
    - > - >> > > helathy, as long as we have some Shleby owners still out on th=
    - > - >> > > track.
    - > - >> > >
    - > - >> > > Calvin
    - > - >> > >
    - > - >> > >
    - > - >> >
    - > - >> >
    - > - >> >
    - > - >> >
    - > - >>
    - > - >>
    - > - >
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