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Mother's Day at Willow, open track

Discussion in 'Events Forum' started by bitzman, Apr 29, 2010.

  1. bitzman

    bitzman Well-Known Member

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    Apr 15, 2005
    This is the same track where the original Cobras were sorted out, along with Riverside.
    There will be real Cobras, replica Cobras, Shelbys and GT40s and whatnot. Chance to break bread with CAlif. Cobra folk. I'll be there with some artwork and a film camera (those are what we used before digital...) Here's what I could find on the event:

    COCOA Open Track at Willow Springs #76
    May 8th & 9th, 2010

    Entries must be in by May 1st.

    Entry Form Link

    Follow link to an introduction to the fun and requirements of Open Track.

    The following is from Lynn Park who can be reached at
    818 790-0427. Call him with any questions that you may have. Print the entry form, fill it in and send it to Lynn along with check and a photo of your car.

    May is almost upon us and so is another fun-filled weekend at Willow Springs International Raceway with the Cobra Owners Club.

    The event is open to all years of Ford powered performance cars. We will accept early cars first, and then fill available spots with late model cars (1980 and later). So... all you late model owners who want to run should get your entries in right away.

    Remember, this is not a race and there are no awards. We go to Willow Springs to have a fun, safe weekend with our cars.

    You do not need a racecar to participate; most of the entries are street driven vehicles. The whole idea of this event is to offer an opportunity to drive our high performance cars as they were intended to be driven.

    Cars will be teched at the track, but make sure your car is ready before you come out... good brakes and tires, no leaks, battery fastened down, wheels on tight, two throttle return springs, no loose junk in the trunk or back seat. Requirements are: COMMON SENSE, SNELL SA 2000 HELMET, seat belts (lap belts OK), fire extinguisher - which must be mounted with a METAL bracket.

    We will be using the Oxford Suites again located at the 14 Freeway & Ave. K:

    Oxford Suites
    1651 West Avenue K
    800 522-3050

    Breakfast is included in the rate. Mention the Cobra Owners Club when you make your reservation. There isn't a spot for a banquet, so we are on our own for dinner Saturday evening. There is a Marie Calendar's next door to the Oxford Suites.

    There are no confirmations sent out for this event I'll call you if you're not accepted. If you don't hear from me, just show up Saturday May 8th, BY 9 AM FOR THE MANDATORY DRIVERS MEETING.

    This event will also include the annual Shelby American Employee reunion. There will be opportunities for you to give rides to the former SA employees as well as a chance some of us to attend the special lunch for the former employees.

    For those of you who want to give rides, just have your passenger seat ready - make sure there is a seat belt.

    For those of you that want to attend the lunch, contact Bob Shaw 714-9621776 to make arrangements.
  2. rshelby

    rshelby ShelbyForums Admin Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 1, 2004
    Dallas, TX
    Thanks for the notification.

    I was cleaning out a drawer in my office today and found an old film with the grey top...and I old could this be???:laf:
  3. bitzman

    bitzman Well-Known Member

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    Apr 15, 2005
    About that film canister, I know 'cause you're from Texas, you think I'm a rube and you're pullin' my leg a mite but I'll give you a straight answer

    I wouldn't shoot with film if the film has been in a car where it got a lot of heat, like in the console, for a few months or years. Chemicals have probably changed for the worse.

    Professionals put the film in the refrigerator (but not the freezer) when they first buy it so it stays stable until the day they use it.

    One reason I like film is because I have a mechanical camera(Nikon F3 high point). That means if the light meter stops working you can still set it at a certain exposure (if I could remember what that was) and it will still trip the shutter. With digital cameras if you have LOW BAT you're out of luck.
    Also I have treated some of my old color slides and black and white negs badly but still been able to use the pictures. One slide of a yellow Cobra was walked on, got wet, then was dirty and dusty but damned if the editor didn't choose it for the cover of a book. I can't say how well digitally stored images hold up but I bet not as well. But I will probably have to join you modern folks and switch to digital someday because I went to Costco and Target and at neither place did the salespeople know what the hell I was talking about when I said "do you have slide film?"
    Boy time is passing fast...
  4. computerworks

    computerworks Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 8, 2004
    Long Island, NY
  5. 66GT350PS

    66GT350PS Well-Known Member

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    Sep 7, 2005
    Few retail or photo stores still stock slide film. Kodak no longer makes it. Fuji has only limited speeds. With all the digital stuff now, film is going the way of cassettes and floppy disks. :cool:

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