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RE: Hurricane Dennis and batteries

Discussion in 'Shelby Mustang List' started by Bill Wells, Jul 12, 2005.

  1. Bill Wells

    Bill Wells Guest


    i just got a SEALED battery from them for my 57 Bird that is authentic
    ORIGINAL LOOKING, original Ford POWER PUNCH 32 style with correct scripts
    and raised letter areas , with screw on caps. pricey,but no one knows but me
    that it is a sealed battery. HOWEVER< it is actually a SEALED battery
    placed INSIDE a correct looking battery case. remove the vent caps and you
    see a battery inside. obviously NO water or acid to be added. I suspect it
    is an Optima battery inside, but don't really know. They might have a
    Mustang original style done the same way. If it does not show on their
    website, give them a call. In my case it was not on the site, but was
    available. Since my 65 Mustang battery is still relatively new, i did not
    ask about any offerings for Mustangs. Bill, motown

    -----Original Message-----
    From: []
    Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2005 11:50 AM
    To: Ronald Robertson; Shelby Mustang
    Subject: Re: Hurricane Dennis and batteries

    Sorry to hear that. Luckly just bought on from another Mustang owner that
    bought a 27 and it would not fit.

    Jeff S

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Ronald Robertson <>
    Sent: Jul 12, 2005 7:59 AM
    To: Shelby Mustang <>
    Subject: Hurricane Dennis and batteries

    Just saw some of the devestation and flooding that Hurrican Dennis caused to
    the Gulf States and particularly, Atlanta. Hope all of our listers/friends
    in that area are O.K., and their Shelbys and Mustangs as well, cause as far
    as I know, Shelby did not build an Amphicar. Maybe get in touch with the
    list and let us know you are O.K.?
    Now for batteries. Have been trying to buy a sealed Autolite battery from
    NPD for a couple of months and they have been on backorder. Phoned yesterday
    and learned they ain't coming at all - New Castle Battery has gone belly up.
    Ouch! Any other suppliers that anyone knows of or are we back to the old dry
    charge style Autolite or a plain jane black job with an Autolite cover? Any
    tips on where to purchase a sealed Autolite would be appreciated.

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