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Re: Vintage Racing

Discussion in 'Shelby Mustang List' started by, Jul 19, 2005.

  1. In a message dated 7/19/2005 10:50:18 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

    > The story of these cars has been written. Building a killer car that kicks
    > ass this year, or even the next two or three will not add your name or the
    > car's notariaty to the history books. Larry Dent from the Pacific Northwest
    > (Chief Steward for the SOVREN North West Historics in Seattle) simply put it,
    > "(These events) are about the cars...The cars are the stars ...urge those
    > with the super egos and bump and nerf mentality to go elsewhere where they can
    > play in that venue."
    > Jeeze, I just wrote another War and Peace reply...
    > Best Regards to all,
    > Tom Kubler


    Just one thing...rather than "*urge* those with the super egos and bump &
    nerf mentality to go elsewhere where [those childish behaviors are accepted]",
    those vintage racers (and other members of the vintage racing community) who
    find such childishness unacceptable in vintage (racing) exhibitions must--BEFORE
    the fact of an accident like this one--promulgate rules which overtly,
    clearly and forcefully FORBID such behavior(s), and then just as overtly, clearly
    and forcefully PUNISH any who transgress those rules.

    I wouldn't deny anyone who can *manage* it the pleasures of owning--and/or
    driving-- a vintage race car, but being able to *manage* the ownership--or spot
    in the driver's seat-- doesn't (or at least, IMHO, shouldn't) convey any right
    to put others' similar pleasures (OR physical safety) at risk, eh?

    OTOH, I'm only a spectator....

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