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Are fakes encouraged on this board?

Discussion in '2nd Generation Shelby Mustangs' started by quorum, Aug 5, 2010.

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  1. quorum

    quorum Active Member

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    Apr 8, 2010
    Okay I don't get it. In the *other* Shelby forum , I posted a post saying that we shouldn't encourage Shelby knockoffs on a Shelby forum and the majority of repliers disagreed with me even going so far as the moderator calling me names. And yes most of those angry people all owned regular Mustang GTs.

    I would have thought that a "Shelby" forum is about "Shelby" cars not knock-offs, and out of respect for Carroll Shelby we shouldn't encourage knock-offs on a public forum. What are this forum's rules on knock-offs?

  2. harm

    harm Well-Known Member

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    May 27, 2008
    We shouldn't encourage fakes . A fakes is were you try to past it of as the real thing. For the money.
    Shelby knockoffs are fine in my book not so many of us can go out and buy a real one now, beside only so many real one to go around.
  3. quorum

    quorum Active Member

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    Apr 8, 2010
    A knock-off is a fake. Those badges mean something and are not the property of just anyone to put on their car. It's like someone stealing your SIN or using your name, or using the name of your company without your permission. If you can't afford something, then you shouldn't make it like you can. Why do people feel entitled to own anything they want?

    I can't afford a new Bugatti Veyron, so it's just too bad for me. I am not entitled to one. That's just the way it is. Why is that concept so hard for people to accept?

    I can half-accept admiring a design and making an homage to the design (to an extent), but stealing a brand name or logo is illegal. "Do unto others as you would have them do to you".
  4. harm

    harm Well-Known Member

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    May 27, 2008

    Okay I get why now.
  5. quorum

    quorum Active Member

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    Apr 8, 2010
    really? you think it's acceptable and civil for anyone, let alone a moderator to resort to name-calling over a disagreement?

    regardless this thread is not to argue the issues, but is a question to the moderators whether fake/knock-off Shelby products are allowed to be encouraged on this forum.

  6. Coralsnake

    Coralsnake Well-Known Member

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    I don't think anyone with a real Shelby would encourage anyone to build a fake.

    In my opinion it devalues two cars. The people who use the excuse that the originals are too valuable, usually have more into their clones than some original owners have into their cars.

    You can do what you like, but I don't think anyone is "encouraging" it.

    A little less whinning and a little more effort will get you what you want. Too many people think they are entitled to something and don't have to work for it.

  7. G8R CHOMP

    G8R CHOMP Member

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    Aug 4, 2010
    I think a distinction can be made between FAKES (someone claim something is real when it is not) and REPLICAS (someone reproducing a work and claiming it as such). IMHO, it's perfectly acceptable to attempt the latter.

    (Do I smell gas fumes?) :mellow:
  8. rsimkins

    rsimkins Well-Known Member

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    Personally, I don't believe anyone has the right to call someone names over a disagreement. I can't say that I'm shocked as that sort of thing happens on the internet all too often. Let us all keep it civil.

    As for fakes, it is your car, you can do what you want with it. That being said, I certainly don't encourage it. Just don't pass it off as the real deal.
  9. DS1516pb

    DS1516pb Banned

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    Mar 18, 2010
    I can remember when I was younger putting the 5.0 badges on my 4 cylinder mustang because everyone had GT's and I couldn't afford one.

    And to beat it all I even fliped the air cleaner lid (metal upside down to make the car sound

    Until some guy pulled up in a GT and asked to race.

    I mean any idiot that knew anything about mustangs new mine was bullshite. So if you don't have a real one I would encourage you to do what you can until you can get a real one.

    Everything else is bullshite and most people will see it that way. If not then they are probably just stupid and you should try and sell it as a real one see if they buy it. lol

  10. 557

    557 Well-Known Member

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    Mar 9, 2010
    I own a real 1967 gt500 and i have no problem whatsoever with replicas as long as people dont try to pass them off as the real thing..anyways i can spot 99%of the non authentic 67s anyway (literally)..heres the sure tipoff:who do you know who would put a $5000 steering wheel($2500 if repro.)on a fake????almost never if the wheel is a grant gt.....Also almost none of them have a correct roll bar and shoulder harnesses(also expensive)It is very easy for someone to tell someone if they work hard enough they can get a real one....yeah right...100k doesnt grow on trees ,especially in this economy...As a practical matter even here in Los Angeles the birthplace of the early shelby cars you almost never see one on the street anyway(real or fake)...Imitation is the most sincere sense of flattery 2 cents.Trent
  11. quorum

    quorum Active Member

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    Apr 8, 2010
    "Replica" is just a euphemism for "fake". We just like to use alternative words to make us feel better about what we are doing.

    I'm not a martyr. I'm not going to die for this cause. I just don't think that a public forum should encourage people to fake Shelbys. What people do in their basements is their business - but their actions should never be legitimized or encouraged on a public forum supposedly for honoring Shelby products.

    If you're my friend and you let your friend fraudulently use my name, I don't think you're a very good friend. Supposedly on this board, we are friends of Carroll Shelby and so if we let his brand name be willy nilly slapped on cars that he never endorsed, then I don't think we are very good friends of Carroll Shelby.

    But that's my opinion, and I want to know the opinion of the moderators on this board. I wouldn't want to discouraged someone's illegal behavior on this forum if the moderators on this board approve of illegal behavior. I'd rather look for a forum that respects Carroll Shelby.
  12. rshelby

    rshelby ShelbyForums Admin Staff Member

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    Jan 1, 2004
    Dallas, TX
    I understand the point you are making but the issue is not so black and white.

    Feel free to read more of the threads from the last 6+ years and I think you'll find your answer. We have not and will not be verifying Shelby ownership before allowing members to ask questions about and discuss Shelby automobiles. We don't "encourage" any behavior. We just provide a place for enthusiasts to discuss Shelby automobiles.
    Randall Shelby
    Shelby Forums Admin
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