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2008 Shelby GT500 clutch problem

Discussion in '2nd Generation Shelby Mustangs' started by elliott, Jul 2, 2009.

  1. fastcarsted

    fastcarsted Member

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    Aug 26, 2010
    I did file a complaint with Ford today about not having clutches to repair my Shelby GT 500. I told them that if they don't have one, then I want them to install a McLeod clutch at their expense. Since I could / can get one in a day, and have my car repaired. I was told they would get back to me.:whistle:

    I did find out that this may be an option.:lmao:

    I have called the dealership twice today, to speak with the manager at service, and of course no call backs.:confused:

    We will see, but they are dealing with a person that demands what should be from their cars, and I recall, having a clutch is a must.:doh:
  2. DS1516pb

    DS1516pb Banned

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    Mar 18, 2010
    For the love of the Shelby GT500...what is my car? a production car? a ricer made by TaTa for under $5000? a salvaged wreck with a branded title?

    I honestly do not know what I am even driving now. I know what it is supposed to be...but I do not think or feel it is getting treated as such.

    And the last think I want to do is make the moderators mad...again as this is a forum for enthusiasts not a place to cuss everyone until a fly won't light on them. But what are we supposed to do?

    We are a group no? We are a group only when things are going good? But when things are bad it's every Shelby owner for himself or herself?

    I am taking my car into a dealer this week who claims to have serviced this car and knows it inside out and has an excellent transmission guy.

    I am on my 10th dealer from my closest area code moving outward. And I will call every dealer in the country until this problem is rectified.

    And when this fails...contacting every dealer in the country...I will move up the ladder to various officials of Ford's customer service at their regional headquarters and headquarters...consumer advocate groups...government agencies...politicians...government officials...and lastly private attorney consultation.

    Nobody here really knows what I use to do for a living...well I am only good at one thing...and this happens to be it. I just didn't want all of this...for the love of my Shelby.


  3. fastcarsted

    fastcarsted Member

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    Aug 26, 2010
    I called in direct to Ford and I just got a call that the Lady found a clutch in Hawaii and it is being delivered by UPS air overnight.:lmao:
  4. JRMSR

    JRMSR Well-Known Member

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    Mar 1, 2008
    Good for you! Wish you good fortune with the replacement. They pulled mine off the factory assembly line. Dealer received it today and I should have it tomorrow after 4:30PM with any luck, 35 days after it entered the shop.:noway:


  5. JRMSR

    JRMSR Well-Known Member

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    Mar 1, 2008
    Well Big Reds home. The clutch is noticeable lighter and the engagement point is about halfway compaired to the original. Ironically, the hiss, gabbiness and the long release point is gone. Of course while it was down I had them install the Shelby Shifter Unit. What a difference from the FRPP unit. No more vague feeling in the shifter. No more concern about a missed shift or incorrect gear selection. Solid, snicks in gear with minimal easy, reduced throw and gate length. It's a must do for any GT500! You'll actually find yourself re coordinating your clutch release with the shift, it's that quick.

    Well FORD screw up fix number one complete (Shifter) and number two in testing phase (the clutch that is). To soon to tell if the replacement will fix the long term problems. At least I won't have my wife complaining about the clutch anymore. I do want to say Don Chalmers never called me back after the two emails and I receive no contact with any management showing concern about the problem. The service rep did have the shifter installed for nothing. Saved about $100.00 which I'm thankful for. Still out the $300.00 for the rental on a FORD screw-up. Will see if I can get that back through FORD Customer Loyalty.

    Thanks to the SVT mechanic at Don Chalmers for the quick repair and Charles the Service Rep for keeping us in touch. These are the only two worth mentioning at Don Chalmers.

    I'll keep you abreast of any reoccuring problems.


  6. dmctag

    dmctag Member

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    Sep 12, 2005
    Windsor, ON
    Re: Clutch slip 2008 gt 500

    My clutch has started to slip at 26000 km's. Does any one have a link to Ford Technical Bulletin for this issue.

    Will they put a new clutch in the car under warranty?

  7. JRMSR

    JRMSR Well-Known Member

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    Mar 1, 2008
    Re: Clutch slip 2008 gt 500

    Been there done that already and just got it back. You'd better get ahold of FORD Customer Service and Customer Loyalty and open a case file. That was my first step. Any dealer you take it to will claim it's just normal wear and tear and attempt to extort $2800.00 from you. They will tell you the clutch plate is just worn out. They'll also tell you your GT500 wasn't meant as a daily driver for normal stop and go traffic.

    A normal clutch job from the dealer is around $1500.00. They want you to pay for the clutch fix specified in the TSB. This includes the flywheel, input shaft, clutch and pressure plate.

    You need to read some of the other threads addressing this same issue. The first clutch you got was the same 2008 unit and is of the same poor quality as the original.

    The problem starts with an input shaft which is poorly manfactured and out of round. Then the cast/machined Valero flywheel will warp because it doesn't disipate heat correctly and causes the flywheel to warp. In the process it will cause uneven wear and premature failure of the clutch and pressure plates.

    What your getting now is an updated 2010/11 clutch. If FORD does authorize the repair under the TSB, it will take them forever they are focused on producing 2011 GT500's and don't want to release the clutches for the TSB's. Mine took over 30 days to get repair and I had to pester the crap out of FORD everyday. They finally elevated it and had to pull parts from the assemble line. AND THIS IS THE REST OF THE STORY.

    DMCtag: No they will not. Clutch linings are not warranted unless it 1 yr/12000 miles or less. You have to insist on them doing it under the TSB or your going to pay!

    Good Luck

    rshelby likes this.
  8. G8R CHOMP

    G8R CHOMP Member

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    Aug 4, 2010
    Re: Clutch slip 2008 gt 500


    Read the many recent threads regarding this issue. People are getting their clutch/flywheel assemblies replaced with varying degrees of bother/success. My experience was apparently better than most reported in this forum. It took me only a day of communication with the service rep. I was firm, but courteous. I have found, over the years, that this approach works best for me. My entire assembly, including the clutch plate, was replaced at ~32K miles at no charge to me and within 3 days of taking it to the shop. If they try to say that they don't cover 'wear items', explain that the item wore prematurely because of the other faulty parts.

    Good luck,
  9. dmctag

    dmctag Member

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    Sep 12, 2005
    Windsor, ON
    Re: Clutch slip 2008 gt 500

    I took the car into the dealer today and left it so they can do the tear down. 1st step in the screw the customer process.
    I launched a complaint at the Ford cutomer service and they have been in touch with the dealer. Step 2 in the screw the customer process.
    I have been in touch with a friend of a friend working at Rxxxx and this 2007-2009 clutch is a well known problem. Torque slip. The clutch is poor quality and undersized for the engine torque. I am waiting for more info from him.
    After researching I notice the best selection SPEC clutch as a 3+ single disc design or the Super twin-SS trim dual disc.
    Does anyone have experience and opinion on this and which one is the actual 2010/2011 replacement?
    I am going to force the dealer to replace but unsure what is there actual replacement at this point.
  10. JRMSR

    JRMSR Well-Known Member

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    Mar 1, 2008
  11. 67GT500

    67GT500 New Member

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    Sep 8, 2004
    Re: Clutch slip 2008 gt 500

    My dealer performed the TSB to my 07 about 8 weeks ago. Be patient. It took over 30 days to get all of the parts. It was worth it. My car drives totally different. It is much better.:thumbup:
  12. dmctag

    dmctag Member

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    Sep 12, 2005
    Windsor, ON
    Re: Clutch slip 2008 gt 500

    I went to the dealer to take pictures of the failed clutch.

    The flywheel has wear into the cast iron face with the clutch face seeming to have less signs of wear.

    Input splines were dry without any lube.

    The dealer told me they can source the original parts out of Toronto. Does anyone know if these original parts are ordered that Ford automatically ships out the new 2010 design superceeding the initial part numbers?

    I sure do not want the same part going back into the vehicle.


    Attached Files:

  13. DS1516pb

    DS1516pb Banned

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    Mar 18, 2010
    Serious Questions Concerning Shelby GT500 Clutches

    Ok first off I love mustangs and I love my Shelby. And I apologize if this seems like a flame Shelby Ford SVT thread.

    But I was told the other day when I called Ford SVT and spoke with Jeff that SVT is dissolved and no longer exists so anything associated with the SVT build unit is null and void and responsiblility for SVT products negated.

    Due to SVT no longer existing and being replaced by Ford Racing he said he could not help me with any Ford SVT issues.

    Does anyone think the defective clutch design issues were deliberate because of some disention between Shelby Ford SVT employees during the intial GT500 product build?

    I am just asking if this is possible.


  14. vernonestes

    vernonestes Well-Known Member

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    Jan 14, 2007
    Re: Serious Questions Concerning Shelby GT500 Clutches


    Thats gotta be the most rash idea i have ever heard. And thats not a personal attack, its just what i think.

    Ur post is ridiculous beyond even meriting further reaction from me.

    Have a nice day


    PS, quit bundling SVT and Shelby, THEY ARE NOT THE SAME PEOPLE, SVT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH SHELBY...they build an SVT mustang which is badged as a shelby, SAI has nothing, and will never have anything to do with SVT
  15. dmctag

    dmctag Member

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    Sep 12, 2005
    Windsor, ON
    Hello Fellow GT500 Owners

    Does anyone know if Ford 2007-2009 original clutch part numbers in stock are bring filled with the 2010 version of the clutch?
  16. dmctag

    dmctag Member

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    Sep 12, 2005
    Windsor, ON
    Okay Guys

    Good News

    I was told Friday that Ford is going to pay for the complete TSB! under warranty.

    Use the note Grabber posted showing that Ford had attempted to fix the clutch wear issue to the flywheel in 2009. The original Cero-metallic lining is too hard for the castiron flywheel.

    Premature wear as a result of normal city driving. There is no way to launch the car without slipping the clutch short of dumping the clutch and this eventually wears out the flywheel.

    Do not give up and keep pushing customer service and the dealer.

    The 2010 clutch is a 10.5"organic material dual disc manufactured by Sachs out of Germany. The original 8.5" diameter needed to use the ceometallic lining that grabs and induces a great deal of wear to the flywheel.

    check out all the other postings relating to this forum.
  17. oda 3435

    oda 3435 New Member

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    Dec 28, 2010
    I have a 2009 GT500 with 18,000 miles on it never ran at the track just around town and here and there. I bought the car in 2008 so it is an 08 build. Anyway at 17,887 miles I started to have clutch slippage when I hit stop and go traffic on the interstate. This surprised me when I googled on my Iphone and found out this is an increadibly common problem. I called the local ford dealership where I was at in GA and they told me they would replace everything but it would not be covered under warranty and quoted me a price of almost 6 grand.
    I then called my selling dealership and talked with them and limped the car back to NC where they had it for two days when they told me they would bite the bullet and pay for the fixes and hope ford reimbursed them. After reading alot online it turns out that Ford is really screwing the dealers in not reimbursing them and trying to ride out the warranty of these parts. The TSB should be a recall since most owners will not get to 20,000 miles in 4 to 6 years.
    The SVT tech at the dealer was great to talk to so here is what I learned in case you find yourself in the same prediciment I was in. I first noticed the clutch problem after stop and go traffic when I went to pass someone or even accelerate hard I heard a spinning noise and felt chatter where the engine connects to the transmission has the same feel as spinning your tires. Once you hear this do not keep doing it it will compleatly burn out your clutch. You can continue to drive the car just remember that you will have to baby it and not get on it as long as the clutch is not slipping it is not burning. I would take it to the selling dealer ASAP and as long as there are no performance mods go and talk with the service manager and sales general manager with a copy of the TSB in hand rember try not to say clutch to often. I would use flywheel b/c that is ultimatly what is causing the clutch to burn a poor desighn in the flywheel. Your warranty covers the flywheel not the clutch. If they tell you it is not covered by the warranty ask to see the flywheel and clutch after they take it out and compare it to the pictures on the TSB and ask them if the can 100% say that it doesn't fall on the poor desighn of a non lubed rusty flywheel keep them you may need them later on as proof.
    Lastly I have to say is that getting this out to all GT500 owners is a must and we as a group need to push ford to have a recall. I would assume that if you went out and bought a GT500 then you are a ford fan and most likely have bought or will plan to buy fords in the future lets give them an ear full and not support a company that will not support the guys who buy their top of the line performance vechiles. Lastly this is not the dealers fault it is the company's fault!
  18. dmctag

    dmctag Member

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    Sep 12, 2005
    Windsor, ON
    Hello Oda 3435 and other 2007 to 2009 GT500 owners!

    I have not provided an update on my car in awhile.

    I contested FORD SVT ENGINEERS on the poor FLYWHEEL material selection.

    Unfortunately the problem will wear out any flywheel of castiron materials since the CERO-metalic linings on the clutch are so hard. There is NO WAY FORD should have selected this material for the street as you CANNOT enagage the clutch without eventually wearing out the softer flywheel.

    I contested that nowhere in the operation manual does it say that you have to rev the car to 2500 rpm and dump the clutch in order not to spin the clutch against the softer flywheel surface. The chatter is the least of the problems and actually forces you to increase the rpm at engagement making the flywheel wear worse.

    My existing Valeo clutch faces looked brand new just like the pictures on the TSB. This should be a RECALL for all 2007 - 2009 GT500's. It IS a safety issue if it slips while going to pass a car!

    After much deliberation and a formal letter I wrote to the dealer to present to Ford Motor Co. they FINALLY agreed to upgrade my car to the NEW replacement parts as per the 2010/2011 clutch design.

    TOTALLY DIFFERENT design manufactured by SACHS in Germany. This clutch and Flywheel part numbers appears on the first two lines on the TSB. These parts are an organic material, 10.5 inch diameter and are very good for street driving. The car drives totally different. Light pedal and no sound on engagment due to organic discs.

    The OEM initial clutch is an 8.5" diameter VALEO clutch design that is a smaller less intertia design that the FORD engineers tried to keep the cost down BUT they forgot that these cars are driven on the STREET. They also forgot that they are mostly purchased by the general public that are HIGHLY FORD ENTHUSIASTS.

    What screw around your MOST LOYAL CUSTOMERS!!

    FORD MOTOR CO. has to act with due diligence and if the responsible engineering staff would like to challenge the owners on this site then I would be more than happy to take you on.

    I have the data to support this design error in there initial 2007-2009 design.

    In summary, DO NOT PAY. Ask to see the district manager, Ford technician at SVT. Ask them how is it possible to wear out a clutch so fast? Write a letter and place the DUE Dilligence with Ford Motor Co.

    By the way your car will be on a hoist and scattered around the dealership for two months while you try to resolve this issue.

  19. darnell1034

    darnell1034 Member

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    Nov 7, 2010
    This thread is really starting to worry me. I own a 2008 GT500 with 3,000 miles. Obiviously, it isnt broken in yet. I had an 06 GT with this same problem. The dealer, not knowing that I come from a lifelong FORD family, tried to shoot me some BS about the rearend. With only 20,000 miles in only 3 years, I did not buy it. After 2 weeks, and a lot of calls to Detroit, it was reveiled that the clutch was shot. Everything replaced for free and future discounts on parts and service.

    My 08 is cherry and I will keep it this way. Just afraid that 10 years from now, the clutch will crap out on me. Only time will tell.:alarm:
  20. spyderbw

    spyderbw Member

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    Apr 13, 2010
    Hello fellow problematic GT500 owners!
    Go to Galpin Ford, an authorized SVT service dealer to cure your problems!!
    My 2008 Gt500 initially had the driveline issues at 9,700 miles, and was repaired under the original TSB. The clutch, pressure plat , flywheel, throw-out bearing, synchros, and input shaft were all repaired only to fail again at 22,970 miles!
    I fought with Ford"s consumer rep who wanted me to pick up some of the costs for wear items...I told him he was crazy, that NO $50,000 plus car should be having re-occurring defective part and engineering issues over and over again!!
    Frustrated, I called Leonard Arsanos @ 818-787-3800 Ext. 2130, (the GT500 & Ford Gt service specialist @ Galpin Ford in Southern California), he told me, I was still under the drive train coverage of 60,000 miles, he was aware of Ford"s Shelby GT500 issues, read me the TSB currently in effect, put me in a loancar (I have Ford's extended warranty)....four days later, all repairs completed!!!
    He also replaced my SVT coil covers which like all GT500"s seem to have problems with paint failure (flaking off and chipping). Only issue will be with owners who have tunes. The computer has to be reflashed for new sensors related to timing issues with the new and larger flywheel.
    To all Shelby GT500 owners with clutch issues (defective), Leonard @ Galpin is your answer!
    I almost like this car again. Car runs great, no twin disc chatter or noise. New slave cylinder provides a mechanical advantage in clutch engagement, and no more mickey mouse hissing and rattling!:):):):):):)
    Clutch and related parts are 2010-2011 spec. Hope this finally ends this headache!!

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