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The $5 Million Supersnake

Discussion in 'Open Community Forum' started by Franksalterego, Jan 21, 2011.

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  1. Franksalterego

    Franksalterego Banned

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    Jan 18, 2011
    Spokane, Washington
    Would someone please show what they think is the line of progression of the Bill Cosby Supersnake from the Shelby Factory to Bob Sbarbaro?

    From what I gather, from reading these forums, and several web-sites, even THAT part of the "conventional wisdom" has several errors fabricated without any evidence.. It's more of an Urban Myth.

    You claim to be interested in new information, but from where I sit, it doesn't seem to be the case.

    This isn't meant to disparage SAAC or Ned Scudder.. I'm convinced, they were sold a bill of goods.. I'm MORE than convinced.. I know it, for a fact.

    Frank, who has no evil intentions.
  2. Franksalterego

    Franksalterego Banned

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    Jan 18, 2011
    Spokane, Washington
  3. TLEA

    TLEA Well-Known Member

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    Oct 17, 2005
    Warwick, Rhode Island
    May want to do a search on the above user name. This looks like a fishing trip. Or maybe trolling for fish
  4. A-Snake

    A-Snake Well-Known Member

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    Nov 21, 2006
    Many Cobras were modified through their life. Read the story of the restoration of CSX3015 in the 80's.

    Notice paragraph #3
    "The power brakes (yes! power brakes) did not work, along with a list of other parts that did not function, fuel
    pumps, rear end cooler pumps, calipers & rotors, windshield wiper transmissions & motor, all
    electric's( the original dash was thrashed and gauges shot), floorboards were trashed, no battery
    box, engine and trunk compartment aluminum skins were a mess. The list goes on,
    I think you get the idea."
  5. mrmustang

    mrmustang Well-Known Member

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    Dec 23, 2004
    Greenville, SC
    Re: An open apology to all shelbyforum members


    Interesting post, mind if I ask you to post what you believe are the facts, and the proof to back up what you are saying? Your friend Richard got bent out of shape when I asked him for the proof, I most certainly hope that you can post what you have for proof/documentation without personal attacks.

    Bill S.
  6. cobrajeff

    cobrajeff Member

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    Nov 2, 2004
    Motor City USA
    ....and your point is? The car has only been restored 3 or 4 times since it was originally expect it to look EXACTLY as it did 45 years ago?

    Oh, wait, I think I may see a pattern developing...."Bob" owns BOTH Supersnakes, and CSX3015 was not really Shelby's was some other car with a VIN never to be disclosed, with no documentation, that still languishes in Bob's to Cosby's....
  7. Franksalterego

    Franksalterego Banned

    Likes Received:
    Jan 18, 2011
    Spokane, Washington
    Wow !!

    We sure are having some funny weather.

    I just got back from the doctor's office.

    We're having an icy-rain, that puts a thin layer of ice on the road.. They call it "Black Ice"

    Very treacherous.

  8. Coralsnake

    Coralsnake Well-Known Member

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    Sep 8, 2004
    The Northcoast
    Frank has repeatedly said "this is not about money", but yet he posts under the title "The $5 Million Supersnake"?

    He also says, he has "no evil intentions....."

    However, he will not answer questions and continually tries to teardown the known history of this car. His sole intention is to lead the readers to his conclusions.

    If he was truely interested in the truth, he would post the documentation he has about his friend's car and let people make up their own minds. He has repeatedly refused to this.

    His posts should be filed in the same place the "buy cheap electronics" posts go....please make it stop, until this person can make a contribution to the forum and provide the "proof" he claims to have but will not share.

    Specifically the evidence about the car he claims to have about his friend's car being the real Cosby Cobra.

    Don't let this forum turn into another VMF. Sorry to VMF fans, but I just don't like reading about Chevy Camaro restorations, people's prostrates and family cats on the Mustang boards.
  9. vernonestes

    vernonestes Well-Known Member

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    Jan 14, 2007
    Hey Frankie,

    Listen up kiddo, you have a few options here. We are all very interested in what you are claiming you are trying to prove. If you have a suggestion for which car is the original Cosby cobra (as that seems to be what you have been trying to prove on other forums), then could you please come forward with it? We are all interested in what you have to offer. Your picture above certainly isnt proof. Cars today are hardly usually a good representation of what they were in the 60s...for example, roll bars and side exhaust on 427 and 289 cobras.

    But I am warning you, this is your one and only chance. Either post your proof or this thread and YOU will go away, i will make sure of it. I already rid this forum of your home dog FIACOBRA for his rude treatment of other forum members. If you continue to stir the pot with outrageous claims built on speculation and free from any legitimate proof then, although i truly do not want to, I will take you out. Commenting about the weather after other members asking simple questions of you is just causing trouble...and we dont want trouble, do we Frankie?

    Hope you know what the right thing to do is. I look forward to reading proof in your next post, this thread will not turn into the SAACFORUM thread tho, it will end before it gets to that point.

    You have been warned.

  10. TJinSA

    TJinSA Well-Known Member

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    Sep 8, 2004
    Frank, to be quite honest with you, a dash is nothing, and as I look at the two photos, the steering wheels have different amout of dish, and the gauges look to be either/or/and different sizes and different surrounds. The cobras, like the Sunbeam Tiger, like most Brit cars had removable bashes and anything can be easily made.

    I've not searched back to see what the controversy is with this car, but I've been involved with Shelby vehicles for several decades. A defining component of a vehicles legitimacy (and value) comes from a well established documentation of conveyance from one owner to the next. IIRC there was some kind of law suit over one of the twin Paxton Cobras in the early to mid 90s, and in the settlement it was established one cars frame was entirely fabricated new... and body... and... and in the end had to have S/Ns purged from all the said parts. OK... this is just grey matter recollection and I may be fuzzy on the details...

    Now if this is that car... then there are legitimate questions WRT it's rightful claim to parentage.

    It all comes back to a well debated question-- How much of an original car must remain for it to be considered still the original car? I.e. Washington's hatchet... handle replaced x times, blade replaced y times...

    Is this what this thread is about?
  11. Coralsnake

    Coralsnake Well-Known Member

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    Sep 8, 2004
    The Northcoast
    From what I have read:

    Frank has been saying that the current car that carries the Shelby serial number CSX 3303 is a fake. He has repeatedly questioned all the previous owner's intentions and accused them of misdeeds. He has also leveled accuations against the people that restored the car.

    His arguements seem to revolve around the fact that he has a "friend" in the recorded ownership history of the car who now denies ever having sold the chassis.

    He has intimated on several occasions that his friend has the original Cosby Cobra, but has not offered any evidence of that. None, zero, zilch. Personally, I think a better stategy would be to build a case for what he has and then compare it to the known records. Let the evidence speak for itself. The stategy of trying to destroy the known history of CSX 3303 to leave doubt for a new history obviously isn't working.

    Is that an accurate summary Frank?

    I have read all the posts and continually asked Frank for a positive assessment of the Cosby Cobra. So have many others. He insists on tearing down the other car and talking about the weather.

    I was willing to give him a chance and present the evidence he has regarding the car. But, after a week of accusations, he can not or will not provide any evidence to support his claims.

    I think the best course of action is to stop posting and let the man have his fun. He is not helping his cause and it's unlikey his friend will ever be able to convince anyone its raining in Seattle.
  12. TJinSA

    TJinSA Well-Known Member

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    Sep 8, 2004
    Howdy Coral, thanks for the concise summary--

    If someone has another car... they better speak now or FOREVER hold their tongue... Frank's buddy better hire a good lawyer, if there's truth to the tail-- otherwise he's just whining about screwing up, and Frank's buying it.

    Frank... If you don't have a dog in the fight, the best way to not get your hand bit is not put it in the pen...
    rshelby likes this.
  13. Franksalterego

    Franksalterego Banned

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    Jan 18, 2011
    Spokane, Washington
    Lemme' see if I got this straight...

    You're threatening to get me banned, for NOT doing something?

    That's an interesting concept.

    I guess, in the history of the internet, there's a first time for everything.

  14. vernonestes

    vernonestes Well-Known Member

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    Jan 14, 2007
    No im threatening to ban you if you continue to stir the pot and dodge the request of others to justify your outrageous claims.

    Im feeling really generous tonight, you have one more post. Seriously, this is your last warning. I feel Im showing weakness right now by not banning you this instance as your post is only meant to provoke me. Everyone sees the game you are playing.

    One more chance Frank, make good with it and you stay, anything less and you are out, along with any other names you try to register on this site (like your buddy has tried).

    I am hereby on record as giving you yet another chance on top of the one you already had, you decide what you wanna do. I will wash my hands of it after this post, you leave me no choice but to actually feel good about banning a member on this enthusiast site if you do not come up with proof for your claims, i never thought i would say that. I hate banning people, this is all about fun. But, and this is only my personal opinion of you which i am fully entitled to, i think you are nothing but a trouble maker, here to stir the pot and kick dust up in the face of good people. I also think you have very little knowledge of Shelby American built cars judging by what you have presented on this thread as your definition of "proof". You have, so far on this forum, done nothing but get on everyones' nerves including my own, and you have made it obvious of that being your sole intention. I have received many PMs in the past days reassuring me that i did the right thing when i took action against your friend whom provoked, and personally attacked other members. Try me again Frank, you have been warned of the consequences, twice now.

  15. Franksalterego

    Franksalterego Banned

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    Jan 18, 2011
    Spokane, Washington
    Here's a picture of Bob's latest creation

    And, before you ask..

    No, there are no Bill Cosby Supersnake parts used on it.



    Bob makes all decisions, about when and where any "proof" is shown.

    It's not up to me.

  16. Coralsnake

    Coralsnake Well-Known Member

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    Sep 8, 2004
    The Northcoast
    Frank, maybe you should just stick to the weather reports then. Why would you to insert yourself into something that could potentially turn into a legal battle?
  17. vernonestes

    vernonestes Well-Known Member

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    Jan 14, 2007

    I was going to simply close the thread and ask you to post proof later on a seperate thread but then i got to thinking, and here is what i have come to.

    Read the above quoted post, Frank. Its obvious that instead of commenting on the weather, you have chosen to post a random picture of a hot rod. A post that is completely unrelated to the thread and, in doing so, you are dodging requests for proof and extending the life of a thread in which you have made strong claims but not provided proof of those claims. You were told twice to either post proof or move on. You were warned of the consequences of your actions.

    If it is Bob's say on when proof is presented, then Bob can get on the forum and tell us about it.

    You will not have that opportunity, however. You are out, and this thread is closed.

    Sorry Frank, but you were warned, you leave me no choice.

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