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AC Hardtop

Discussion in 'Shelby Cobra' started by Gene_J, Feb 27, 2011.

  1. Gene_J

    Gene_J New Member

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    Feb 27, 2011
    Got caught in the rain while driving my little supercar. After getting soaked I quickly discovered what an unpleasant experience being cold and wet is.

    Then I tried getting a hard top because I’m thinking about heat and A/C as well, only to find an unacceptable waiting period. Went to the phone; called some friends in the plastics industry (yes Mr. Robinson was right) as found making tops was not a big deal and not as expensive as I thought, then I started thinking: what style, price and how many.

    But before I get ahead of myself, does everyone wait for a sunny day to drive these little cars or am I just out-of-step?

    Assuming I am not the only one in this pickle, which hardtop design is best?
  2. mrmustang

    mrmustang Well-Known Member

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    Greenville, SC
    Cobra owners (most of us) get caught in the rain quite frequently, as long as you are going 34mph or faster the water goes over the windshield and over your head. Once you go below that, you will get wet.

    As for hardtops, most owners (even when the cars where new) found them to be bulky and hard to remove at a moments notice. When traveling long distance they did not afford for any "fun in the sun"and were usually left at home unused in the garage. Of course some used the soft top, but like most British designs, it was only marginally sufficient at keeping the rain out of the passenger compartment. If you are planning a mass produced run of tops, you'll find a truly limited audience, once which may not cover your initial engineering and production costs.

    Bill S.
  3. Bob Gaines

    Bob Gaines Well-Known Member

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    Jan 7, 2006
  4. A-Snake

    A-Snake Well-Known Member

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    Nov 21, 2006
    In 25 years I've mounted my hardtop once. I listened to the squeaks, noticed the paint rub and promptly removed it. Now hanging in the garage for the last 20+ years.
    If it wasn't an item the first owner added, it would have been out of here years ago.
  5. Gene_J

    Gene_J New Member

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    Feb 27, 2011
    A-Snake Sorry to hear you got stuck with such a low quality top. I know based upon what I have seen, many of the tops don’t compare to the old Corvette, old Thunderbird or even the newer Miata hardtops.

  6. Bob Gaines

    Bob Gaines Well-Known Member

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    Jan 7, 2006
    Gene, I think you are missing the point A-Snake was trying to make. A-Snake is refering to a "original" hardtop for his "genuine" vintage 289 Cobra that he has owned for many years . :rolleyes: I wish I could be so fortunate to be stuck with such a low quality top as he has::laf:. Bob
  7. Gene_J

    Gene_J New Member

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    Feb 27, 2011
    Help me with this. Why are the words original and genuine in quotes? If an item is not a replica or facsimile, quotes are not used.
  8. Bob Gaines

    Bob Gaines Well-Known Member

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    Jan 7, 2006
    Gene,most people reading A-Snakes post would understand that his story had to do with a vintage car by the content. I wanted to add extra emphasis with the quotes that he was not talking about a replica or facsimile as it seemed you didn't understand by the statements in your post. My post was not meant to diminish a replica or facsimile car but to put in proper context the point of A-Snakes post. The tops didn't mean much then and they don't now usefulness-wise. The monetary value of a original top is another story. Whether your post was well intentioned or disrespectful I wanted to make it crystal clear that neither the top or the car was a replica or facsimile so to better understand the proper context of A-Snakes post for others reading. I hope this helps you with it.Bob
    rshelby likes this.
  9. Gene_J

    Gene_J New Member

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    Feb 27, 2011
    Okay, got it. Thank you for the clarification.

  10. vernonestes

    vernonestes Well-Known Member

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    Jan 14, 2007
    I think the point of what people are saying is that an original cobra hardtop is..
    Interesting?...for sure
    Valuable? the sky blue?
    USEFUL...:laf: Far from it....but perhaps the fact that the original hardtops are so poor, both in quality and concept, adds a little something to their mystique and intrigue. Its an oddity, and i love it.

    Its kinda like a Cobra radio...its cool, interesting, rare, valuable (in my opinion), and about the farthest thing from useful if you are driving the car the "proper" way to drive a cobra. Its about the most useless thing on a cobra, but its still really cool and adds a cool story about the car. The damn thing has a radio that you cant hear!

    As for the market for new reproduction hard tops, i am pretty sure they are already made for most replicas..not that i really understand that market, why would you want to drive a car like a cobra with a hardtop on it? Its interesting but it defies the point of the car. The idea of a cobra is its everything a motorist wants in a car, and nothing more. Big motor, a sheet of aluminum, manual tranny, brakes and nothing else (ok, except for the occasional radio:laf:). Its loud, uncomfortable, uncivilized, hot, NO A/C, LOUD, and utterly fantastic not necessarily just for the many great attributes that the car displays, but for many of the things that are left off the car, its pure, plain and simple.

    Best regards,
  11. rshelby

    rshelby ShelbyForums Admin Staff Member

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    Dallas, TX

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