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With or without SVTPP?

Discussion in '2nd Generation Shelby Mustangs' started by Knightowl, Apr 24, 2011.

  1. Knightowl

    Knightowl Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 3, 2011
    Alberta, Canada
    I'm still in the market looking for a Shelby GT500 and trying to learn as much as I can before I buy in the next year or so.

    Since I'm looking at slightly used Shelby's too, I was just wondering if anyone has had a chance to compare an SVTPP equipped Shelby vs one without it? I'm told it does make a difference and well worth the extra cash considering what is put into it. So looking for some opinions, etc.

    Don't know if I'm all to crazy about the wheels on the PP as opposed to the regular package though, but still researching for now.
  2. pjwallington

    pjwallington Member

    Likes Received:
    May 12, 2011
    Ontario Canada
    I am waiting for the 2013 personally.. Test drove a 2012 last October, and the dealer said, it was $52,000 with the optional SVT and Electronics package. At %0 financing, NO money down, he said it was $888 a month for 60 months(5 Years)
    My guess is that, If I put $20,000 down, I would be looking at closer to $400-$500 a month :)
    Oh, and why a 2013 ? Not much design change, besides a slight facelift and LEDs, but they swapped the 5.4L with a 5.8L TVS Supercharged V8 that produces 640hp.. A TVS S/c is alot better than the current one.
    (I think)
    Thats my $0.02 :)
  3. Knightowl

    Knightowl Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 3, 2011
    Alberta, Canada
    Thanks for the reply...I knew somebody would have some insight with regards to my question.

    The 2013 undoubtedly sounds pretty sweet, but I guess with each year there will always be changes and improvements and of course at an added cost, so I'm debating when to jump in.

    A big change from 2010 to 2011 seemed to be the aluminum block which cut some front end weight and slightly increased horsepower. 640HP is wicked, but it will be interesting how that sticks to the pavement. I read a lot about the mods out there, but at 550HP for the 2011 would be more than enough for me. I'm sure I'll be eating those words after having the car for a bit and looking to mod a few things, lol.

    There are a few 2010's around locally at the dealerships so I might take one out for a rip and compare to a 2011 SVTPP at the same time. Now if our Canadian dealers would only match the US market.....Now I'm dreaming!!!!!
  4. pjwallington

    pjwallington Member

    Likes Received:
    May 12, 2011
    Ontario Canada
    haha, really ehh. SVT will handle better.. But no doubt be a little more rough on the bumps due to stiffer suspension..
    As for the 2013, they are going to have to come up with SLICKS or something :lol: and I will jump in for that year, because im scared of what the Re-designed looks of the 2014 will look like <_<
  5. Knightowl

    Knightowl Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 3, 2011
    Alberta, Canada
    Yeah, forgot that the suspension will be a bit stiffer on the SVTPP, but I guess in the long run, people have said that the upgrade is a good bang for the buck.

    I'm not eliminating the 2010's either even though it has the iron block and there are a few locally still brand new on the lots so I'll see if I can haggle them down comparable to what's out there, but they seem to be fine with these just sitting on their lots!

    Best of luck with your 2013!!!!! I wonder what 2014 will have in store too???
    I should act sooner than later though especially since I have the go ahead from my wife too, lol....
  6. pjwallington

    pjwallington Member

    Likes Received:
    May 12, 2011
    Ontario Canada
    That must have been a hard persuade ! lol , post pics if you do :thumbsup:
    Ttyl and good luck
  7. Knightowl

    Knightowl Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 3, 2011
    Alberta, Canada
    Not too bad of a sell actually...She's probably just tired of me talking and surfing the net on it, lol....She has quite a bit of shopping freedom, etc, so she had no problem returning the favour! I'm lucky....She's a great wife, mom & friend!

    Will definitely post pics when I get it. Thx again & ttyl.
  8. braztang

    braztang Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 16, 2011
    I agree that SVT PP will handle better, no doubt, but in terms of comfort, anyone have experience in both cars, and be able to tell about the stifiness of the ride, is it so much rougher than the SVT no PP.
    Also for the NO-RACER, not intention to race on a track...will the 3.73 to the 3.55 axle-ratio make a noticeable difference as well?

    Thanks guys...Also need info, researching for my FIRST SHELBY!


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