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RE: 427 dipstick question

Discussion in 'Shelby Mustang List' started by Gary Patterson, Aug 23, 2005.

  1. I have always thought that the capacity of these pans was more than 5
    quarts and would call Canton to find out. Our cars take 8 and my FE
    Mustang with Cobra T pan takes 7 so I would not run it low.....Just my

    Gary Patterson
    Sales and Public Relations
    Shelby Automobiles, Inc.
    (702) 942-REAL ext. 104
    (702) 277-8430 cell
    (702) 93-COBRA fax

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Dan Drury []=20
    Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2005 7:25 AM
    Subject: Re: 427 dipstick question


    Everything that has been mentioned seem to be good ideas, but one thing
    I thought of might help you a bit as well.

    The next time you change the oil, put 4 quarts in and start the car and
    it idle. Give it enough time to fill your filter and then stop the
    Let it sit for a while then check your dipstick and mark it so you will
    if your a complete quart low. Then I would add the fifth quart and run
    engine and stop it and record where "full" is. (Based on a 5 qt.=20

    As far as the dipstick pushing up, I would check the PVC valve (already=20
    mentioned) and then maybe consider setting an O-ring into the bonnet of
    dipstick. (I've never had to do that, but it might work for you.)


    ----- Original Message -----=20
    From: <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Monday, August 22, 2005 7:12 PM
    Subject: 427 dipstick question

    > Hi guys,
    > I had a blast driving my Contemporary Cobra to Monterey this year, and
    > celebrated making it home unscathed by just nipping 145 mph on the 505

    > before
    > turning off at my exit. Whee!!!
    > When I parked in the driveway for just a moment while the garage door=20
    > opened
    > (at midnight), several drops of oil, well, dropped.
    > The cause is my dipstick. To put it plainly, it is totally screwed.

    > bends in two planes; not only does it curve as a flat piece of metal=20
    > normally
    > would, but it also curves sideways, which is almost impossible to=20
    > conceive.
    > Here's a photo to show what it looks like; this is shot looking

    > down
    > at the flat surface of the dipstick:
    > In fact, the dipstick doesn't even touch the oil; it appears to curve=20
    > upwards
    > and to the left as soon as it enters the motor. So at oil change time

    > just
    > have to guess how much oil to put into the motor, never a good thing.

    > also 'springs' back; when I seat it home, it meets resistance and as

    > as the
    > engine starts, it pops back out about an inch.
    > Well, apparently the 5500 rpm I was spinning on the freeway pumped a

    > bit
    > of oil out the dipstick tube and all over the engine bay.
    > So, the question is this--where the hell do you buy a new dipstick?

    > one
    > I have is marked C7AE 6750-A, and has been shortened and marked by=20
    > somebody in
    > the past with a new 'full' mark considerably higher than the original

    > So, what do I do now? I now haven't the slightest idea how much oil

    is in
    > the engine, and no good way to measure it. My oil pressure is still

    > but I
    > don't want to burn up a 427 for such a stupid reason.
    > Any advice is appreciated!
    > Mike

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