I have a car we are working on at my house. a 66 Fastback that has shelby baer brakes all the way around. they ground the calipers down some to make them fit. the car has 15" torq thrusts on it and they rub on the rear inner fender well. I am in need of rims that will work with these brakes and without modifying the inner fender wells. any suggestions??
The installation of the Baer Brakes on I’m assuming the stock rear end housing (as there was no mention) may not have the same overall dimension as the original drums if this is the case. An easy solution would be to install quarter inch wheel spacers moving the rim outboard that much. That’s not a big deal. Just my opinion. Cheers, ~Earl J
David, that kit requires 16 inch rims to clear the calipers. Several companies make knock off looking torque thrust in 16's, or you could get new torque thrust from American Racing. I have 17x8's (not torque thrust) on my 66 fastback and they fit good and really fill up the wheel well. Not sure why your rims rubs the inner quarters, does it have the correct rear end for a 66? Also, check the for correct backspacing on your current rims.
The center hub of that 16" magnum is the same piece as the 14" and 15" version, so I'm not sure it'd help much. There is a 17" wheel based on the styled steel wheel, with a larger center for this reason. And of course there's the 17" version of the 10-spoke: