I need healp determining placement (or correctness) of the retraction springs on my rear drum brakes: '66 GT-350 with 10 x 2 1/2 rear drums as used on 64-65 Fairlane station wagon. The spring kit from the parts store has two different retraction springs-- blue and yellow, the weaker of the two. Should I have two different strength springs? If so, which one goes to the front shoe?
A while back friend sent me pics of the brakes on his early 1966 GT350. They show blue on front and yellow to the rear of the car. Of course someone could have worked on those and mistakenly swapped the springs. Hopefully someone will chime in and and confirm or correct this information for you. Steve
Logic would dictate that the stronger spring be on the front shoe. After all, the spring on the rear shoe does nothing unless you are backing up.
Both springs work, and need to whether you are backing or not; but what you said is true, the heavier spring goes to the front, primary shoe. When the car is rolling forward the rotation of the drum drags directly against the force of the primary spring. The secondary spring only needs to retract the shoe. My car lived for years as a drag queen and the original brake hardware was removed for the minimal needed. All the automatic adjuster hardware is missing-- it was replaced with a manual-only adjustment spring-star adjuster, and the upper retraction springs are identical-- in length and strength. The factory 65-72 Ford Parts Interchange manual shows the two springs having different lengths, and strengths. It challenges me to understand whether hte shoes I have are really correct for the car, or at least functional. I would like to have the correct hardware for the long term, not just functional.