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Re: world record pricing

Discussion in 'Shelby Mustang List' started by, Aug 28, 2005.

  1. Dan:

    Interesting. And I thought 40K plus for a 65 GT 350 empty shell was way too much.

    To be frank, I didn't expect these dramatic price increases. I really thought that prices stabilized years ago with 100k for a nicely restored 65-350 car, 50k for driver quality 67-500, 45k for
    driver 66 350, 100k for nice 69 -500 convertible, 30k for nice driver 67-350, 50k for decent 68 -350 convertible and so on.

    With todays huge prices, I noticed that the guys/dealers who had shelbys to sell years ago with prices around 50k can no longer deal with these cars because of the huge price increase of 6 digit
    figures. Example is a Classic shop in Houston that I know of. He used to have 1 or 2 Shelbys in his showroom every month and they were for 50-75 k. Ever since the prices jumped into the 6 digit
    figures, he has tons of Chevys and some clone Mopars but no SHelbys. I guess what this means is that the Shelbys are moving into "big time" dealers who can afford to keep an inventory of 6 digit
    cars. Geez...Maybe Im in the wrong business - hahaha

    Naw - I'll just keep what I have to make me happy. I can't be a pig all the time. Oink Oink!


    Quoting Daniel Cundiff <>:

    - Jon. I just bought a '65 because of two things. It was a solid car and in light of the recent price trend, I felt it would not be possible for me to buy it by years end. The concluding decision,
    - was a call made to Legendary Motor Car company. They have a '65 that needs virtually everything and the price is 176K. Astounding.
    - I may have to put my '66 GT350 race car , or my 1969 GT500 up for sale just for practicality but time will tell.
    - Dan C
    - wrote:
    - >Neil:
    - >
    - >Im sure that will push (early)65-GT 350 cars right behind it. This is not good for enthusiasts, especially ones that don't have a Shelby yet.
    - >The reason why I say "not good" is because  based upon my observation - If you own a Shelby and decide to sell it thinking you can come back to the Shelby hobby of having another one equivalent to
    - >what you had before, guess again. The prices are so high now or moving to it that its "very hard" to find another car that is comparable. Im not saying its impossible but it is getting difficult.
    - >
    - >This is probably one of the reasons why so many Shelby owners are becoming more reluctant to sell their Shelbys though I can't speak for everyone and Im sure there are more reasons too. Im curiuos
    - >though as to how many Shelby owners sold their cars and was able to find another one that was better or equal. I have not found one that was able to upgrade their Shelby without putting in more
    - cash.
    - >I know some moved to GM stuff and that I
    - >had to put in more money to buy a 67-500 after I sold my 66 Hertz BUT not in the 50-100k area of difference. I did this years ago so I can't imagine trying to do this again with today's prices.  
    - >
    - >
    - >jon
    - >
    - >
    - >
    - >
    - >
    - >
    - >-   Greetings all,
    - >-
    - >-   New guy here to the board!
    - >-
    - >-   Just saw the results today of the Russo & Steele action from last Saturday that I thought I'd share with all who are interested (there were two '65 GT350's of particular interest).
    - >-
    - >-   Quoting directly from the Russo & Steele website:
    - >-
    - >-   "We shattered our previous sales record with sales exceeding $10.6 million dollars in one night!
    - >-
    - >-   The top sales were Shelby American competition-prepared automobiles, with a 1965 "Type 65" 427 Daytona Super Coupe bringing the top bid of the evening at $1,457,500.00. A pair of significant
    - 289
    - >- competition Cobras followed closely behind, with 1963 chassis number CSX2138 selling for $1,292,500.00, and 1962 chassis number CSX2011 bringing a bid of $770,000.00.
    - >-
    - >-   Additionally, two Shelby GT350s set new world-records, with a 1965 GT350-R model bringing $473,000.00, and a 1965 GT350 early 2-digit street car (SFM 5018) going for an amazing $324,500.00."
    - >-
    - >-   You can check the site out for yourself at:
    - >-
    - >-   Best regards,
    - >-
    - >-   Neil.
    - >
    - >
    - >
    - >
    - __________________________________________________________________
    - Switch to Netscape Internet Service.
    - As low as $9.95 a month -- Sign up today at
    - Netscape. Just the Net You Need.
    - New! Netscape Toolbar for Internet Explorer
    - Search from anywhere on the Web and block those annoying pop-ups.
    - Download now at

    STAN SIMM Guest

    "Those that have forgotten the past are doomed to repeat it"...or something
    like that. Remember how the prices for these cars spiked in the late '80's
    and early '90's...then levelled off and even dropped in the mid-'90's?
    What's fuelling all this madness? A bunch of people who have a lot of money
    and no place to put it. They see "The Latest and Greatest" is investing in
    Muscle Cars and the Shelbys are at the top of their list. Once interest
    rates increase and/or they see someplace where they can get a better return,
    they'll bail out and the prices will start to recede back to something more
    reasonable...not back to "the good old days", but more reasonable than now.
    Just an opinion, mind you...
    Regards, Stan

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: <>
    To: "Shelby List" <>
    Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 11:46 AM
    Subject: Re: world record pricing

    > Dan:
    > Interesting. And I thought 40K plus for a 65 GT 350 empty shell was way

    too much.
    > To be frank, I didn't expect these dramatic price increases. I really

    thought that prices stabilized years ago with 100k for a nicely restored
    65-350 car, 50k for driver quality 67-500, 45k for
    > driver 66 350, 100k for nice 69 -500 convertible, 30k for nice driver

    67-350, 50k for decent 68 -350 convertible and so on.
    > With todays huge prices, I noticed that the guys/dealers who had shelbys

    to sell years ago with prices around 50k can no longer deal with these cars
    because of the huge price increase of 6 digit
    > figures. Example is a Classic shop in Houston that I know of. He used to

    have 1 or 2 Shelbys in his showroom every month and they were for 50-75 k.
    Ever since the prices jumped into the 6 digit
    > figures, he has tons of Chevys and some clone Mopars but no SHelbys. I

    guess what this means is that the Shelbys are moving into "big time"
    dealers who can afford to keep an inventory of 6 digit
    > cars. Geez...Maybe Im in the wrong business - hahaha
    > Naw - I'll just keep what I have to make me happy. I can't be a pig all

    the time. Oink Oink!
    > jon
    > Quoting Daniel Cundiff <>:
    > - Jon. I just bought a '65 because of two things. It was a solid car and

    in light of the recent price trend, I felt it would not be possible for me
    to buy it by years end. The concluding decision,
    > - was a call made to Legendary Motor Car company. They have a '65 that

    needs virtually everything and the price is 176K. Astounding.
    > -
    > - I may have to put my '66 GT350 race car , or my 1969 GT500 up for sale

    just for practicality but time will tell.
    > -
    > - Dan C
    > -
    > - wrote:
    > -
    > - >Neil:
    > - >
    > - >Im sure that will push (early)65-GT 350 cars right behind it. This is

    not good for enthusiasts, especially ones that don't have a Shelby yet.
    > - >The reason why I say "not good" is because based upon my observation -

    If you own a Shelby and decide to sell it thinking you can come back to the
    Shelby hobby of having another one equivalent to
    > -
    > - >what you had before, guess again. The prices are so high now or moving

    to it that its "very hard" to find another car that is comparable. Im not
    saying its impossible but it is getting difficult.
    > -
    > - >
    > - >This is probably one of the reasons why so many Shelby owners are

    becoming more reluctant to sell their Shelbys though I can't speak for
    everyone and Im sure there are more reasons too. Im curiuos
    > -
    > - >though as to how many Shelby owners sold their cars and was able to

    find another one that was better or equal. I have not found one that was
    able to upgrade their Shelby without putting in more
    > - cash.
    > - >I know some moved to GM stuff and that I
    > - >had to put in more money to buy a 67-500 after I sold my 66 Hertz BUT

    not in the 50-100k area of difference. I did this years ago so I can't
    imagine trying to do this again with today's prices.
    > -
    > - >
    > - >
    > - >jon
    > - >
    > - >
    > - >
    > - >
    > - >
    > - >
    > - >- Greetings all,
    > - >-
    > - >- New guy here to the board!
    > - >-
    > - >- Just saw the results today of the Russo & Steele action from last

    Saturday that I thought I'd share with all who are interested (there were
    two '65 GT350's of particular interest).
    > - >-
    > - >- Quoting directly from the Russo & Steele website:
    > - >-
    > - >- "We shattered our previous sales record with sales exceeding $10.6

    million dollars in one night!
    > - >-
    > - >- The top sales were Shelby American competition-prepared automobiles,

    with a 1965 "Type 65" 427 Daytona Super Coupe bringing the top bid of the
    evening at $1,457,500.00. A pair of significant
    > - 289
    > - >- competition Cobras followed closely behind, with 1963 chassis number

    CSX2138 selling for $1,292,500.00, and 1962 chassis number CSX2011 bringing
    a bid of $770,000.00.
    > - >-
    > - >- Additionally, two Shelby GT350s set new world-records, with a 1965

    GT350-R model bringing $473,000.00, and a 1965 GT350 early 2-digit street
    car (SFM 5018) going for an amazing $324,500.00."
    > - >-
    > - >- You can check the site out for yourself at:
    > - >-
    > - >- Best regards,
    > - >-
    > - >- Neil.
    > - >
    > - >
    > - >
    > - >
    > -
    > - __________________________________________________________________
    > - Switch to Netscape Internet Service.
    > - As low as $9.95 a month -- Sign up today at
    > -
    > - Netscape. Just the Net You Need.
    > -
    > - New! Netscape Toolbar for Internet Explorer
    > - Search from anywhere on the Web and block those annoying pop-ups.
    > - Download now at
    > -
  3. Stan:

    I thought about that too but I think that will be awhile before prices start coming down. I agree with you, people with big money have changed this hobby around and whether it's for the good or bad
    is based on the individual and his or her circumstances. However, from what I have seen of these dealers and auctions, they work as if there was no tommorrow. Its kind of scary. In many ways, they
    feed each other with " get it while you can" and "best return."

    I remember a buddy of mine who was in the stock market as a broker/agent. He would always watch and listen along with speculating. If he sees something good, he will make some phone calls and get
    people on it. He "literally" watched the market like a hawk and always paid attention to what people were willing to pay per share. Its scary, but I see some resemblance of this in the Shelby world.
    Take in mind, not all dealers do this and some are very honest and upfront as you can be. Others, however, push and push and keep pushing always seeing if they can get the most and then when they do,
    it spreads like wild fire. Example would be a guy I know as Jackie. He sold 2 of his 65-350 cars at a price of around 150k each. When word broke out (im just assuming here with no substantial
    evidence) another dealer set his price for his 65 350 car around that figure and I think it was a bit more. Do you see what I am seeing. A little bit here and there is going a long way for these
    cars. Each dealer has a "record" sale to back them up on their price so they are building up the price.

    Now, here is an interesting speculation that I have seen and Im sure is what may happen with Shelbys - Hemis.
    I got wind that Chrysler collectors want to go into the Shelby market. What I was told was that there is "room" in the Shelbys to grow. I guess what they mean is that they think these cars have
    potential to go higher than what the market is allowing. The other complaint is that collecting the hemis have gotten way to expensive for them so instead of buying 1 Hemis, they can have 2 or 3
    Shelbys (diversifying your portfolio is more of what it looks like to me). What I think may happen is if these Shelbys keep getting higher in prices, people wont be able to have them for fun and will
    move into another market like Camaros or Chevelles which I find
    them to be a dime a dozen.

    The other thing that Chrysler people have said was the SAAC registry. Because they do a very good job of tracking these cars for authenticity sake, it has helped minimize the potential Corvette
    fallout which as you can see, there are more 67, 427 Corvettes than were actually built and in some ways lowered the 67 big block corvette value. THere is even a joke about the cars. I was told that
    there was no way to verify an authentic 67 427 Corvette without proper documents(which can be questionable too) and that SAAC Registry helps tremendously with verifying Shelby cars. Chrysler
    collectors like this a lot.

    What I am saying here is that its not only people who are looking for a strong return in money but other "collectors" have jumped on the band wagon. This is why it is hard for me to see price drops
    in the near future and I think Pete Guisler is right about prices going up. If it were only people looking for strong return, then I would think that price drop would happen as interest rates rise
    and other better investments are found. Unfortunately, its more than just returns that people want from these cars.

    I spoke to a dealer not to long ago and he had a customer who wanted the "baddest" "fastest" shelby around. I thought to myself, which one could that be- there are so many. Then it dawned on me that
    these cars can be used for social points. You know, "keep up with the Joneses!" some new buyers dont see the car the same way as those who had them in the past. Its a point of "I got one do you?"
    Crazy... absolutely crazy.

    In all respect, I undestand and "feel" the pain of not being able to buy a Shelby because of price. I remember what it was like not to have one and always dreamed of owning one. I share my cars as
    much as I can. I even let 3 avid shelby enthusiasts drive my (early) 65-350 car. It was the first time for them and I saw the excitement in their eyes when they shifted gears and floored the pedal to
    the metal. I also let an 18 year old drive my 500 and pop the clutch for a burnout. It was great and I can see and feel the excitement he made for me in that car (it is different being a passenger in
    your own car where you feel the rush as you are at the hands of the driver). I like that - being able to share the Cobra excitement. To me that is what this hobby is all about. I just wish more
    people could understand that rather than lock them up in a garage and sell it when the price is right.


    Quoting STAN SIMM <>:

    - "Those that have forgotten the past are doomed to repeat it"...or something
    - like that. Remember how the prices for these cars spiked in the late '80's
    - and early '90's...then levelled off and even dropped in the mid-'90's?
    - What's fuelling all this madness? A bunch of people who have a lot of money
    - and no place to put it. They see "The Latest and Greatest" is investing in
    - Muscle Cars and the Shelbys are at the top of their list. Once interest
    - rates increase and/or they see someplace where they can get a better return,
    - they'll bail out and the prices will start to recede back to something more
    - reasonable...not back to "the good old days", but more reasonable than now.
    - Just an opinion, mind you...
    - Regards, Stan
    - ----- Original Message -----
    - From: <>
    - To: "Shelby List" <>
    - Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 11:46 AM
    - Subject: Re: world record pricing
    - > Dan:
    - >
    - >
    - > Interesting. And I thought 40K plus for a 65 GT 350 empty shell was way
    - too much.
    - >
    - > To be frank, I didn't expect these dramatic price increases. I really
    - thought that prices stabilized years ago with 100k for a nicely restored
    - 65-350 car, 50k for driver quality 67-500, 45k for
    - > driver 66 350, 100k for nice 69 -500 convertible, 30k for nice driver
    - 67-350, 50k for decent 68 -350 convertible and so on.
    - >
    - > With todays huge prices, I noticed that the guys/dealers who had shelbys
    - to sell years ago with prices around 50k can no longer deal with these cars
    - because of the huge price increase of 6 digit
    - > figures. Example is a Classic shop in Houston that I know of. He used to
    - have 1 or 2 Shelbys in his showroom every month and they were for 50-75 k.
    - Ever since the prices jumped into the 6 digit
    - > figures, he has tons of Chevys and some clone Mopars but no SHelbys. I
    - guess what this means is that the Shelbys are moving into "big time"
    - dealers who can afford to keep an inventory of 6 digit
    - > cars. Geez...Maybe Im in the wrong business - hahaha
    - >
    - > Naw - I'll just keep what I have to make me happy. I can't be a pig all
    - the time. Oink Oink!
    - >
    - > jon
    - >
    - >
    - >
    - > Quoting Daniel Cundiff <>:
    - >
    - > - Jon. I just bought a '65 because of two things. It was a solid car and
    - in light of the recent price trend, I felt it would not be possible for me
    - to buy it by years end. The concluding decision,
    - > - was a call made to Legendary Motor Car company. They have a '65 that
    - needs virtually everything and the price is 176K. Astounding.
    - > -
    - > - I may have to put my '66 GT350 race car , or my 1969 GT500 up for sale
    - just for practicality but time will tell.
    - > -
    - > - Dan C
    - > -
    - > - wrote:
    - > -
    - > - >Neil:
    - > - >
    - > - >Im sure that will push (early)65-GT 350 cars right behind it. This is
    - not good for enthusiasts, especially ones that don't have a Shelby yet.
    - > - >The reason why I say "not good" is because based upon my observation -
    - If you own a Shelby and decide to sell it thinking you can come back to the
    - Shelby hobby of having another one equivalent to
    - > -
    - > - >what you had before, guess again. The prices are so high now or moving
    - to it that its "very hard" to find another car that is comparable. Im not
    - saying its impossible but it is getting difficult.
    - > -
    - > - >
    - > - >This is probably one of the reasons why so many Shelby owners are
    - becoming more reluctant to sell their Shelbys though I can't speak for
    - everyone and Im sure there are more reasons too. Im curiuos
    - > -
    - > - >though as to how many Shelby owners sold their cars and was able to
    - find another one that was better or equal. I have not found one that was
    - able to upgrade their Shelby without putting in more
    - > - cash.
    - > - >I know some moved to GM stuff and that I
    - > - >had to put in more money to buy a 67-500 after I sold my 66 Hertz BUT
    - not in the 50-100k area of difference. I did this years ago so I can't
    - imagine trying to do this again with today's prices.
    - > -
    - > - >
    - > - >
    - > - >jon
    - > - >
    - > - >
    - > - >
    - > - >
    - > - >
    - > - >
    - > - >- Greetings all,
    - > - >-
    - > - >- New guy here to the board!
    - > - >-
    - > - >- Just saw the results today of the Russo & Steele action from last
    - Saturday that I thought I'd share with all who are interested (there were
    - two '65 GT350's of particular interest).
    - > - >-
    - > - >- Quoting directly from the Russo & Steele website:
    - > - >-
    - > - >- "We shattered our previous sales record with sales exceeding $10.6
    - million dollars in one night!
    - > - >-
    - > - >- The top sales were Shelby American competition-prepared automobiles,
    - with a 1965 "Type 65" 427 Daytona Super Coupe bringing the top bid of the
    - evening at $1,457,500.00. A pair of significant
    - > - 289
    - > - >- competition Cobras followed closely behind, with 1963 chassis number
    - CSX2138 selling for $1,292,500.00, and 1962 chassis number CSX2011 bringing
    - a bid of $770,000.00.
    - > - >-
    - > - >- Additionally, two Shelby GT350s set new world-records, with a 1965
    - GT350-R model bringing $473,000.00, and a 1965 GT350 early 2-digit street
    - car (SFM 5018) going for an amazing $324,500.00."
    - > - >-
    - > - >- You can check the site out for yourself at:
    - > - >-
    - > - >- Best regards,
    - > - >-
    - > - >- Neil.
    - > - >
    - > - >
    - > - >
    - > - >
    - > -
    - > - __________________________________________________________________
    - > - Switch to Netscape Internet Service.
    - > - As low as $9.95 a month -- Sign up today at
    - > -
    - > - Netscape. Just the Net You Need.
    - > -
    - > - New! Netscape Toolbar for Internet Explorer
    - > - Search from anywhere on the Web and block those annoying pop-ups.
    - > - Download now at
    - > -
    - >
    - >
    - >
  4. Jon - Name names or forget telling the story - Let me guess, the guy with
    the 1965 GT 350's named Jacky - Hummmmmm Jacky Jones and I am to understand
    that he sold more then two of his 1965 GT 350's he sold all seven and kept
    the best one for himself - and, trust me, he got way more then 150k a copy
    toward the end of the mid - summer "sell off" - He is a very smart man and
    leaves NOTHING on the table

    And, for one rare time I agree with you on the Mopar crowd comment - They
    are heading into our hobby and they are spending big bucks on the good
    cars - Hemi pricing by BJ in January, 2006??? You bet!


    ----- Original Message -----
    From: <>
    To: "Shelby List" <>
    Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 3:17 PM
    Subject: Re: world record pricing

    > Stan:
    > I thought about that too but I think that will be awhile before prices
    > start coming down. I agree with you, people with big money have changed
    > this hobby around and whether it's for the good or bad
    > is based on the individual and his or her circumstances. However, from
    > what I have seen of these dealers and auctions, they work as if there was
    > no tommorrow. Its kind of scary. In many ways, they
    > feed each other with " get it while you can" and "best return."
    > I remember a buddy of mine who was in the stock market as a broker/agent.
    > He would always watch and listen along with speculating. If he sees
    > something good, he will make some phone calls and get
    > people on it. He "literally" watched the market like a hawk and always
    > paid attention to what people were willing to pay per share. Its scary,
    > but I see some resemblance of this in the Shelby world.
    > Take in mind, not all dealers do this and some are very honest and upfront
    > as you can be. Others, however, push and push and keep pushing always
    > seeing if they can get the most and then when they do,
    > it spreads like wild fire. Example would be a guy I know as Jackie. He
    > sold 2 of his 65-350 cars at a price of around 150k each. When word broke
    > out (im just assuming here with no substantial
    > evidence) another dealer set his price for his 65 350 car around that
    > figure and I think it was a bit more. Do you see what I am seeing. A
    > little bit here and there is going a long way for these
    > cars. Each dealer has a "record" sale to back them up on their price so
    > they are building up the price.
    > Now, here is an interesting speculation that I have seen and Im sure is
    > what may happen with Shelbys - Hemis.
    > I got wind that Chrysler collectors want to go into the Shelby market.
    > What I was told was that there is "room" in the Shelbys to grow. I guess
    > what they mean is that they think these cars have
    > potential to go higher than what the market is allowing. The other
    > complaint is that collecting the hemis have gotten way to expensive for
    > them so instead of buying 1 Hemis, they can have 2 or 3
    > Shelbys (diversifying your portfolio is more of what it looks like to me).
    > What I think may happen is if these Shelbys keep getting higher in prices,
    > people wont be able to have them for fun and will
    > move into another market like Camaros or Chevelles which I find
    > them to be a dime a dozen.
    > The other thing that Chrysler people have said was the SAAC registry.
    > Because they do a very good job of tracking these cars for authenticity
    > sake, it has helped minimize the potential Corvette
    > fallout which as you can see, there are more 67, 427 Corvettes than were
    > actually built and in some ways lowered the 67 big block corvette value.
    > THere is even a joke about the cars. I was told that
    > there was no way to verify an authentic 67 427 Corvette without proper
    > documents(which can be questionable too) and that SAAC Registry helps
    > tremendously with verifying Shelby cars. Chrysler
    > collectors like this a lot.
    > What I am saying here is that its not only people who are looking for a
    > strong return in money but other "collectors" have jumped on the band
    > wagon. This is why it is hard for me to see price drops
    > in the near future and I think Pete Guisler is right about prices going
    > up. If it were only people looking for strong return, then I would think
    > that price drop would happen as interest rates rise
    > and other better investments are found. Unfortunately, its more than just
    > returns that people want from these cars.
    > I spoke to a dealer not to long ago and he had a customer who wanted the
    > "baddest" "fastest" shelby around. I thought to myself, which one could
    > that be- there are so many. Then it dawned on me that
    > these cars can be used for social points. You know, "keep up with the
    > Joneses!" some new buyers dont see the car the same way as those who had
    > them in the past. Its a point of "I got one do you?"
    > Crazy... absolutely crazy.
    > In all respect, I undestand and "feel" the pain of not being able to buy a
    > Shelby because of price. I remember what it was like not to have one and
    > always dreamed of owning one. I share my cars as
    > much as I can. I even let 3 avid shelby enthusiasts drive my (early)
    > 65-350 car. It was the first time for them and I saw the excitement in
    > their eyes when they shifted gears and floored the pedal to
    > the metal. I also let an 18 year old drive my 500 and pop the clutch for a
    > burnout. It was great and I can see and feel the excitement he made for me
    > in that car (it is different being a passenger in
    > your own car where you feel the rush as you are at the hands of the
    > driver). I like that - being able to share the Cobra excitement. To me
    > that is what this hobby is all about. I just wish more
    > people could understand that rather than lock them up in a garage and sell
    > it when the price is right.
    > jon
    > Quoting STAN SIMM <>:
    > - "Those that have forgotten the past are doomed to repeat it"...or
    > something
    > - like that. Remember how the prices for these cars spiked in the late
    > '80's
    > - and early '90's...then levelled off and even dropped in the mid-'90's?
    > - What's fuelling all this madness? A bunch of people who have a lot of
    > money
    > - and no place to put it. They see "The Latest and Greatest" is investing
    > in
    > - Muscle Cars and the Shelbys are at the top of their list. Once interest
    > - rates increase and/or they see someplace where they can get a better
    > return,
    > - they'll bail out and the prices will start to recede back to something
    > more
    > - reasonable...not back to "the good old days", but more reasonable than
    > now.
    > - Just an opinion, mind you...
    > - Regards, Stan
    > -
    > -
    > - ----- Original Message -----
    > - From: <>
    > - To: "Shelby List" <>
    > - Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 11:46 AM
    > - Subject: Re: world record pricing
    > -
    > -
    > - > Dan:
    > - >
    > - >
    > - > Interesting. And I thought 40K plus for a 65 GT 350 empty shell was
    > way
    > - too much.
    > - >
    > - > To be frank, I didn't expect these dramatic price increases. I really
    > - thought that prices stabilized years ago with 100k for a nicely restored
    > - 65-350 car, 50k for driver quality 67-500, 45k for
    > - > driver 66 350, 100k for nice 69 -500 convertible, 30k for nice driver
    > - 67-350, 50k for decent 68 -350 convertible and so on.
    > - >
    > - > With todays huge prices, I noticed that the guys/dealers who had
    > shelbys
    > - to sell years ago with prices around 50k can no longer deal with these
    > cars
    > - because of the huge price increase of 6 digit
    > - > figures. Example is a Classic shop in Houston that I know of. He used
    > to
    > - have 1 or 2 Shelbys in his showroom every month and they were for 50-75
    > k.
    > - Ever since the prices jumped into the 6 digit
    > - > figures, he has tons of Chevys and some clone Mopars but no SHelbys. I
    > - guess what this means is that the Shelbys are moving into "big time"
    > - dealers who can afford to keep an inventory of 6 digit
    > - > cars. Geez...Maybe Im in the wrong business - hahaha
    > - >
    > - > Naw - I'll just keep what I have to make me happy. I can't be a pig
    > all
    > - the time. Oink Oink!
    > - >
    > - > jon
    > - >
    > - >
    > - >
    > - > Quoting Daniel Cundiff <>:
    > - >
    > - > - Jon. I just bought a '65 because of two things. It was a solid car
    > and
    > - in light of the recent price trend, I felt it would not be possible for
    > me
    > - to buy it by years end. The concluding decision,
    > - > - was a call made to Legendary Motor Car company. They have a '65 that
    > - needs virtually everything and the price is 176K. Astounding.
    > - > -
    > - > - I may have to put my '66 GT350 race car , or my 1969 GT500 up for
    > sale
    > - just for practicality but time will tell.
    > - > -
    > - > - Dan C
    > - > -
    > - > - wrote:
    > - > -
    > - > - >Neil:
    > - > - >
    > - > - >Im sure that will push (early)65-GT 350 cars right behind it. This
    > is
    > - not good for enthusiasts, especially ones that don't have a Shelby yet.
    > - > - >The reason why I say "not good" is because based upon my
    > observation -
    > - If you own a Shelby and decide to sell it thinking you can come back to
    > the
    > - Shelby hobby of having another one equivalent to
    > - > -
    > - > - >what you had before, guess again. The prices are so high now or
    > moving
    > - to it that its "very hard" to find another car that is comparable. Im
    > not
    > - saying its impossible but it is getting difficult.
    > - > -
    > - > - >
    > - > - >This is probably one of the reasons why so many Shelby owners are
    > - becoming more reluctant to sell their Shelbys though I can't speak for
    > - everyone and Im sure there are more reasons too. Im curiuos
    > - > -
    > - > - >though as to how many Shelby owners sold their cars and was able to
    > - find another one that was better or equal. I have not found one that was
    > - able to upgrade their Shelby without putting in more
    > - > - cash.
    > - > - >I know some moved to GM stuff and that I
    > - > - >had to put in more money to buy a 67-500 after I sold my 66 Hertz
    > BUT
    > - not in the 50-100k area of difference. I did this years ago so I can't
    > - imagine trying to do this again with today's prices.
    > - > -
    > - > - >
    > - > - >
    > - > - >jon
    > - > - >
    > - > - >
    > - > - >
    > - > - >
    > - > - >
    > - > - >
    > - > - >- Greetings all,
    > - > - >-
    > - > - >- New guy here to the board!
    > - > - >-
    > - > - >- Just saw the results today of the Russo & Steele action from last
    > - Saturday that I thought I'd share with all who are interested (there
    > were
    > - two '65 GT350's of particular interest).
    > - > - >-
    > - > - >- Quoting directly from the Russo & Steele website:
    > - > - >-
    > - > - >- "We shattered our previous sales record with sales exceeding
    > $10.6
    > - million dollars in one night!
    > - > - >-
    > - > - >- The top sales were Shelby American competition-prepared
    > automobiles,
    > - with a 1965 "Type 65" 427 Daytona Super Coupe bringing the top bid of
    > the
    > - evening at $1,457,500.00. A pair of significant
    > - > - 289
    > - > - >- competition Cobras followed closely behind, with 1963 chassis
    > number
    > - CSX2138 selling for $1,292,500.00, and 1962 chassis number CSX2011
    > bringing
    > - a bid of $770,000.00.
    > - > - >-
    > - > - >- Additionally, two Shelby GT350s set new world-records, with a
    > 1965
    > - GT350-R model bringing $473,000.00, and a 1965 GT350 early 2-digit
    > street
    > - car (SFM 5018) going for an amazing $324,500.00."
    > - > - >-
    > - > - >- You can check the site out for yourself at:
    > - > - >-
    > - > - >- Best regards,
    > - > - >-
    > - > - >- Neil.
    > - > - >
    > - > - >
    > - > - >
    > - > - >
    > - > -
    > - > - __________________________________________________________________
    > - > - Switch to Netscape Internet Service.
    > - > - As low as $9.95 a month -- Sign up today at
    > -
    > - > -
    > - > - Netscape. Just the Net You Need.
    > - > -
    > - > - New! Netscape Toolbar for Internet Explorer
    > - > - Search from anywhere on the Web and block those annoying pop-ups.
    > - > - Download now at
    > - > -
    > - >
    > - >
    > - >
    > -
    > -
  5. Hey Jon - Since you have shared so much about your 1965 GT 350 how about
    telling us all the VIN # and the "story" behind you obtaining the car?

    We are all ears..............

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: <>
    To: "Shelby List" <>
    Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 11:46 AM
    Subject: Re: world record pricing

    > Dan:
    > Interesting. And I thought 40K plus for a 65 GT 350 empty shell was way
    > too much.
    > To be frank, I didn't expect these dramatic price increases. I really
    > thought that prices stabilized years ago with 100k for a nicely restored
    > 65-350 car, 50k for driver quality 67-500, 45k for
    > driver 66 350, 100k for nice 69 -500 convertible, 30k for nice driver
    > 67-350, 50k for decent 68 -350 convertible and so on.
    > With todays huge prices, I noticed that the guys/dealers who had shelbys
    > to sell years ago with prices around 50k can no longer deal with these
    > cars because of the huge price increase of 6 digit
    > figures. Example is a Classic shop in Houston that I know of. He used to
    > have 1 or 2 Shelbys in his showroom every month and they were for 50-75 k.
    > Ever since the prices jumped into the 6 digit
    > figures, he has tons of Chevys and some clone Mopars but no SHelbys. I
    > guess what this means is that the Shelbys are moving into "big time"
    > dealers who can afford to keep an inventory of 6 digit
    > cars. Geez...Maybe Im in the wrong business - hahaha
    > Naw - I'll just keep what I have to make me happy. I can't be a pig all
    > the time. Oink Oink!
    > jon
    > Quoting Daniel Cundiff <>:
    > - Jon. I just bought a '65 because of two things. It was a solid car and
    > in light of the recent price trend, I felt it would not be possible for me
    > to buy it by years end. The concluding decision,
    > - was a call made to Legendary Motor Car company. They have a '65 that
    > needs virtually everything and the price is 176K. Astounding.
    > -
    > - I may have to put my '66 GT350 race car , or my 1969 GT500 up for sale
    > just for practicality but time will tell.
    > -
    > - Dan C
    > -
    > - wrote:
    > -
    > - >Neil:
    > - >
    > - >Im sure that will push (early)65-GT 350 cars right behind it. This is
    > not good for enthusiasts, especially ones that don't have a Shelby yet.
    > - >The reason why I say "not good" is because based upon my observation -
    > If you own a Shelby and decide to sell it thinking you can come back to
    > the Shelby hobby of having another one equivalent to
    > -
    > - >what you had before, guess again. The prices are so high now or moving
    > to it that its "very hard" to find another car that is comparable. Im not
    > saying its impossible but it is getting difficult.
    > -
    > - >
    > - >This is probably one of the reasons why so many Shelby owners are
    > becoming more reluctant to sell their Shelbys though I can't speak for
    > everyone and Im sure there are more reasons too. Im curiuos
    > -
    > - >though as to how many Shelby owners sold their cars and was able to
    > find another one that was better or equal. I have not found one that was
    > able to upgrade their Shelby without putting in more
    > - cash.
    > - >I know some moved to GM stuff and that I
    > - >had to put in more money to buy a 67-500 after I sold my 66 Hertz BUT
    > not in the 50-100k area of difference. I did this years ago so I can't
    > imagine trying to do this again with today's prices.
    > -
    > - >
    > - >
    > - >jon
    > - >
    > - >
    > - >
    > - >
    > - >
    > - >
    > - >- Greetings all,
    > - >-
    > - >- New guy here to the board!
    > - >-
    > - >- Just saw the results today of the Russo & Steele action from last
    > Saturday that I thought I'd share with all who are interested (there were
    > two '65 GT350's of particular interest).
    > - >-
    > - >- Quoting directly from the Russo & Steele website:
    > - >-
    > - >- "We shattered our previous sales record with sales exceeding $10.6
    > million dollars in one night!
    > - >-
    > - >- The top sales were Shelby American competition-prepared automobiles,
    > with a 1965 "Type 65" 427 Daytona Super Coupe bringing the top bid of the
    > evening at $1,457,500.00. A pair of significant
    > - 289
    > - >- competition Cobras followed closely behind, with 1963 chassis number
    > CSX2138 selling for $1,292,500.00, and 1962 chassis number CSX2011
    > bringing a bid of $770,000.00.
    > - >-
    > - >- Additionally, two Shelby GT350s set new world-records, with a 1965
    > GT350-R model bringing $473,000.00, and a 1965 GT350 early 2-digit street
    > car (SFM 5018) going for an amazing $324,500.00."
    > - >-
    > - >- You can check the site out for yourself at:
    > - >-
    > - >- Best regards,
    > - >-
    > - >- Neil.
    > - >
    > - >
    > - >
    > - >
    > -
    > - __________________________________________________________________
    > - Switch to Netscape Internet Service.
    > - As low as $9.95 a month -- Sign up today at
    > -
    > - Netscape. Just the Net You Need.
    > -
    > - New! Netscape Toolbar for Internet Explorer
    > - Search from anywhere on the Web and block those annoying pop-ups.
    > - Download now at
    > -
  6. Stephen:

    My cars are real as Dave Mathews and HOward Pardee know. If you want to know, my 65-350 car was in a Magazine called Mustang Monthly. The car was well known in the Houston area way before I even knew
    about the car. It was God's grace and my enthusiasm that allowed me to find her - NOT YOU!.


    Quoting "Stephen G. Becker" <>:

    - Hey Jon - Since you have shared so much about your 1965 GT 350 how about
    - telling us all the VIN # and the "story" behind you obtaining the car?
    - We are all ears..............
    - ----- Original Message -----
    - From: <>
    - To: "Shelby List" <>
    - Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 11:46 AM
    - Subject: Re: world record pricing
    - > Dan:
    - >
    - >
    - > Interesting. And I thought 40K plus for a 65 GT 350 empty shell was way
    - > too much.
    - >
    - > To be frank, I didn't expect these dramatic price increases. I really
    - > thought that prices stabilized years ago with 100k for a nicely restored
    - > 65-350 car, 50k for driver quality 67-500, 45k for
    - > driver 66 350, 100k for nice 69 -500 convertible, 30k for nice driver
    - > 67-350, 50k for decent 68 -350 convertible and so on.
    - >
    - > With todays huge prices, I noticed that the guys/dealers who had shelbys
    - > to sell years ago with prices around 50k can no longer deal with these
    - > cars because of the huge price increase of 6 digit
    - > figures. Example is a Classic shop in Houston that I know of. He used to
    - > have 1 or 2 Shelbys in his showroom every month and they were for 50-75 k.
    - > Ever since the prices jumped into the 6 digit
    - > figures, he has tons of Chevys and some clone Mopars but no SHelbys. I
    - > guess what this means is that the Shelbys are moving into "big time"
    - > dealers who can afford to keep an inventory of 6 digit
    - > cars. Geez...Maybe Im in the wrong business - hahaha
    - >
    - > Naw - I'll just keep what I have to make me happy. I can't be a pig all
    - > the time. Oink Oink!
    - >
    - > jon
    - >
    - >
    - >
    - > Quoting Daniel Cundiff <>:
    - >
    - > - Jon. I just bought a '65 because of two things. It was a solid car and
    - > in light of the recent price trend, I felt it would not be possible for me
    - > to buy it by years end. The concluding decision,
    - > - was a call made to Legendary Motor Car company. They have a '65 that
    - > needs virtually everything and the price is 176K. Astounding.
    - > -
    - > - I may have to put my '66 GT350 race car , or my 1969 GT500 up for sale
    - > just for practicality but time will tell.
    - > -
    - > - Dan C
    - > -
    - > - wrote:
    - > -
    - > - >Neil:
    - > - >
    - > - >Im sure that will push (early)65-GT 350 cars right behind it. This is
    - > not good for enthusiasts, especially ones that don't have a Shelby yet.
    - > - >The reason why I say "not good" is because based upon my observation -
    - > If you own a Shelby and decide to sell it thinking you can come back to
    - > the Shelby hobby of having another one equivalent to
    - > -
    - > - >what you had before, guess again. The prices are so high now or moving
    - > to it that its "very hard" to find another car that is comparable. Im not
    - > saying its impossible but it is getting difficult.
    - > -
    - > - >
    - > - >This is probably one of the reasons why so many Shelby owners are
    - > becoming more reluctant to sell their Shelbys though I can't speak for
    - > everyone and Im sure there are more reasons too. Im curiuos
    - > -
    - > - >though as to how many Shelby owners sold their cars and was able to
    - > find another one that was better or equal. I have not found one that was
    - > able to upgrade their Shelby without putting in more
    - > - cash.
    - > - >I know some moved to GM stuff and that I
    - > - >had to put in more money to buy a 67-500 after I sold my 66 Hertz BUT
    - > not in the 50-100k area of difference. I did this years ago so I can't
    - > imagine trying to do this again with today's prices.
    - > -
    - > - >
    - > - >
    - > - >jon
    - > - >
    - > - >
    - > - >
    - > - >
    - > - >
    - > - >
    - > - >- Greetings all,
    - > - >-
    - > - >- New guy here to the board!
    - > - >-
    - > - >- Just saw the results today of the Russo & Steele action from last
    - > Saturday that I thought I'd share with all who are interested (there were
    - > two '65 GT350's of particular interest).
    - > - >-
    - > - >- Quoting directly from the Russo & Steele website:
    - > - >-
    - > - >- "We shattered our previous sales record with sales exceeding $10.6
    - > million dollars in one night!
    - > - >-
    - > - >- The top sales were Shelby American competition-prepared automobiles,
    - > with a 1965 "Type 65" 427 Daytona Super Coupe bringing the top bid of the
    - > evening at $1,457,500.00. A pair of significant
    - > - 289
    - > - >- competition Cobras followed closely behind, with 1963 chassis number
    - > CSX2138 selling for $1,292,500.00, and 1962 chassis number CSX2011
    - > bringing a bid of $770,000.00.
    - > - >-
    - > - >- Additionally, two Shelby GT350s set new world-records, with a 1965
    - > GT350-R model bringing $473,000.00, and a 1965 GT350 early 2-digit street
    - > car (SFM 5018) going for an amazing $324,500.00."
    - > - >-
    - > - >- You can check the site out for yourself at:
    - > - >-
    - > - >- Best regards,
    - > - >-
    - > - >- Neil.
    - > - >
    - > - >
    - > - >
    - > - >
    - > -
    - > - __________________________________________________________________
    - > - Switch to Netscape Internet Service.
    - > - As low as $9.95 a month -- Sign up today at
    - >
    - > -
    - > - Netscape. Just the Net You Need.
    - > -
    - > - New! Netscape Toolbar for Internet Explorer
    - > - Search from anywhere on the Web and block those annoying pop-ups.
    - > - Download now at
    - > -
    - >
    - >
    - >
  7. How about a VIN # Jon -Just so we can all peak at the registry looking for
    that "special" car

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: <>
    To: "Shelby List" <>
    Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 10:32 PM
    Subject: Re: world record pricing

    > Stephen:
    > My cars are real as Dave Mathews and HOward Pardee know. If you want to
    > know, my 65-350 car was in a Magazine called Mustang Monthly. The car was
    > well known in the Houston area way before I even knew
    > about the car. It was God's grace and my enthusiasm that allowed me to
    > find her - NOT YOU!.
    > jon
    > Quoting "Stephen G. Becker" <>:
    > - Hey Jon - Since you have shared so much about your 1965 GT 350 how about
    > - telling us all the VIN # and the "story" behind you obtaining the car?
    > -
    > - We are all ears..............
    > -
    > -
    > -
    > - ----- Original Message -----
    > - From: <>
    > - To: "Shelby List" <>
    > - Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 11:46 AM
    > - Subject: Re: world record pricing
    > -
    > -
    > - > Dan:
    > - >
    > - >
    > - > Interesting. And I thought 40K plus for a 65 GT 350 empty shell was
    > way
    > - > too much.
    > - >
    > - > To be frank, I didn't expect these dramatic price increases. I really
    > - > thought that prices stabilized years ago with 100k for a nicely
    > restored
    > - > 65-350 car, 50k for driver quality 67-500, 45k for
    > - > driver 66 350, 100k for nice 69 -500 convertible, 30k for nice driver
    > - > 67-350, 50k for decent 68 -350 convertible and so on.
    > - >
    > - > With todays huge prices, I noticed that the guys/dealers who had
    > shelbys
    > - > to sell years ago with prices around 50k can no longer deal with these
    > - > cars because of the huge price increase of 6 digit
    > - > figures. Example is a Classic shop in Houston that I know of. He used
    > to
    > - > have 1 or 2 Shelbys in his showroom every month and they were for
    > 50-75 k.
    > - > Ever since the prices jumped into the 6 digit
    > - > figures, he has tons of Chevys and some clone Mopars but no SHelbys. I
    > - > guess what this means is that the Shelbys are moving into "big time"
    > - > dealers who can afford to keep an inventory of 6 digit
    > - > cars. Geez...Maybe Im in the wrong business - hahaha
    > - >
    > - > Naw - I'll just keep what I have to make me happy. I can't be a pig
    > all
    > - > the time. Oink Oink!
    > - >
    > - > jon
    > - >
    > - >
    > - >
    > - > Quoting Daniel Cundiff <>:
    > - >
    > - > - Jon. I just bought a '65 because of two things. It was a solid car
    > and
    > - > in light of the recent price trend, I felt it would not be possible
    > for me
    > - > to buy it by years end. The concluding decision,
    > - > - was a call made to Legendary Motor Car company. They have a '65 that
    > - > needs virtually everything and the price is 176K. Astounding.
    > - > -
    > - > - I may have to put my '66 GT350 race car , or my 1969 GT500 up for
    > sale
    > - > just for practicality but time will tell.
    > - > -
    > - > - Dan C
    > - > -
    > - > - wrote:
    > - > -
    > - > - >Neil:
    > - > - >
    > - > - >Im sure that will push (early)65-GT 350 cars right behind it. This
    > is
    > - > not good for enthusiasts, especially ones that don't have a Shelby
    > yet.
    > - > - >The reason why I say "not good" is because based upon my
    > observation -
    > - > If you own a Shelby and decide to sell it thinking you can come back
    > to
    > - > the Shelby hobby of having another one equivalent to
    > - > -
    > - > - >what you had before, guess again. The prices are so high now or
    > moving
    > - > to it that its "very hard" to find another car that is comparable. Im
    > not
    > - > saying its impossible but it is getting difficult.
    > - > -
    > - > - >
    > - > - >This is probably one of the reasons why so many Shelby owners are
    > - > becoming more reluctant to sell their Shelbys though I can't speak for
    > - > everyone and Im sure there are more reasons too. Im curiuos
    > - > -
    > - > - >though as to how many Shelby owners sold their cars and was able to
    > - > find another one that was better or equal. I have not found one that
    > was
    > - > able to upgrade their Shelby without putting in more
    > - > - cash.
    > - > - >I know some moved to GM stuff and that I
    > - > - >had to put in more money to buy a 67-500 after I sold my 66 Hertz
    > BUT
    > - > not in the 50-100k area of difference. I did this years ago so I can't
    > - > imagine trying to do this again with today's prices.
    > - > -
    > - > - >
    > - > - >
    > - > - >jon
    > - > - >
    > - > - >
    > - > - >
    > - > - >
    > - > - >
    > - > - >
    > - > - >- Greetings all,
    > - > - >-
    > - > - >- New guy here to the board!
    > - > - >-
    > - > - >- Just saw the results today of the Russo & Steele action from last
    > - > Saturday that I thought I'd share with all who are interested (there
    > were
    > - > two '65 GT350's of particular interest).
    > - > - >-
    > - > - >- Quoting directly from the Russo & Steele website:
    > - > - >-
    > - > - >- "We shattered our previous sales record with sales exceeding
    > $10.6
    > - > million dollars in one night!
    > - > - >-
    > - > - >- The top sales were Shelby American competition-prepared
    > automobiles,
    > - > with a 1965 "Type 65" 427 Daytona Super Coupe bringing the top bid of
    > the
    > - > evening at $1,457,500.00. A pair of significant
    > - > - 289
    > - > - >- competition Cobras followed closely behind, with 1963 chassis
    > number
    > - > CSX2138 selling for $1,292,500.00, and 1962 chassis number CSX2011
    > - > bringing a bid of $770,000.00.
    > - > - >-
    > - > - >- Additionally, two Shelby GT350s set new world-records, with a
    > 1965
    > - > GT350-R model bringing $473,000.00, and a 1965 GT350 early 2-digit
    > street
    > - > car (SFM 5018) going for an amazing $324,500.00."
    > - > - >-
    > - > - >- You can check the site out for yourself at:
    > - > - >-
    > - > - >- Best regards,
    > - > - >-
    > - > - >- Neil.
    > - > - >
    > - > - >
    > - > - >
    > - > - >
    > - > -
    > - > - __________________________________________________________________
    > - > - Switch to Netscape Internet Service.
    > - > - As low as $9.95 a month -- Sign up today at
    > - >
    > - > -
    > - > - Netscape. Just the Net You Need.
    > - > -
    > - > - New! Netscape Toolbar for Internet Explorer
    > - > - Search from anywhere on the Web and block those annoying pop-ups.
    > - > - Download now at
    > - > -
    > - >
    > - >
    > - >
    > -
  8. If you insist, Its # 128

    Its also listed on

    just scroll down and find my name. Its been there for months. Something that you don't look at because you are probably too busy trying to make a deal.

    It is also listed on

    right next to Jay Leno's #120


    Quoting "Stephen G. Becker" <>:

    - How about a VIN # Jon -Just so we can all peak at the registry looking for
    - that "special" car
    - ----- Original Message -----
    - From: <>
    - To: "Shelby List" <>
    - Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 10:32 PM
    - Subject: Re: world record pricing
    - > Stephen:
    - >
    - >
    - > My cars are real as Dave Mathews and HOward Pardee know. If you want to
    - > know, my 65-350 car was in a Magazine called Mustang Monthly. The car was
    - > well known in the Houston area way before I even knew
    - > about the car. It was God's grace and my enthusiasm that allowed me to
    - > find her - NOT YOU!.
    - >
    - >
    - > jon
    - >
    - >
    - >
    - >
    - > Quoting "Stephen G. Becker" <>:
    - >
    - > - Hey Jon - Since you have shared so much about your 1965 GT 350 how about
    - > - telling us all the VIN # and the "story" behind you obtaining the car?
    - > -
    - > - We are all ears..............
    - > -
    - > -
    - > -
    - > - ----- Original Message -----
    - > - From: <>
    - > - To: "Shelby List" <>
    - > - Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 11:46 AM
    - > - Subject: Re: world record pricing
    - > -
    - > -
    - > - > Dan:
    - > - >
    - > - >
    - > - > Interesting. And I thought 40K plus for a 65 GT 350 empty shell was
    - > way
    - > - > too much.
    - > - >
    - > - > To be frank, I didn't expect these dramatic price increases. I really
    - > - > thought that prices stabilized years ago with 100k for a nicely
    - > restored
    - > - > 65-350 car, 50k for driver quality 67-500, 45k for
    - > - > driver 66 350, 100k for nice 69 -500 convertible, 30k for nice driver
    - > - > 67-350, 50k for decent 68 -350 convertible and so on.
    - > - >
    - > - > With todays huge prices, I noticed that the guys/dealers who had
    - > shelbys
    - > - > to sell years ago with prices around 50k can no longer deal with these
    - > - > cars because of the huge price increase of 6 digit
    - > - > figures. Example is a Classic shop in Houston that I know of. He used
    - > to
    - > - > have 1 or 2 Shelbys in his showroom every month and they were for
    - > 50-75 k.
    - > - > Ever since the prices jumped into the 6 digit
    - > - > figures, he has tons of Chevys and some clone Mopars but no SHelbys. I
    - > - > guess what this means is that the Shelbys are moving into "big time"
    - > - > dealers who can afford to keep an inventory of 6 digit
    - > - > cars. Geez...Maybe Im in the wrong business - hahaha
    - > - >
    - > - > Naw - I'll just keep what I have to make me happy. I can't be a pig
    - > all
    - > - > the time. Oink Oink!
    - > - >
    - > - > jon
    - > - >
    - > - >
    - > - >
    - > - > Quoting Daniel Cundiff <>:
    - > - >
    - > - > - Jon. I just bought a '65 because of two things. It was a solid car
    - > and
    - > - > in light of the recent price trend, I felt it would not be possible
    - > for me
    - > - > to buy it by years end. The concluding decision,
    - > - > - was a call made to Legendary Motor Car company. They have a '65 that
    - > - > needs virtually everything and the price is 176K. Astounding.
    - > - > -
    - > - > - I may have to put my '66 GT350 race car , or my 1969 GT500 up for
    - > sale
    - > - > just for practicality but time will tell.
    - > - > -
    - > - > - Dan C
    - > - > -
    - > - > - wrote:
    - > - > -
    - > - > - >Neil:
    - > - > - >
    - > - > - >Im sure that will push (early)65-GT 350 cars right behind it. This
    - > is
    - > - > not good for enthusiasts, especially ones that don't have a Shelby
    - > yet.
    - > - > - >The reason why I say "not good" is because based upon my
    - > observation -
    - > - > If you own a Shelby and decide to sell it thinking you can come back
    - > to
    - > - > the Shelby hobby of having another one equivalent to
    - > - > -
    - > - > - >what you had before, guess again. The prices are so high now or
    - > moving
    - > - > to it that its "very hard" to find another car that is comparable. Im
    - > not
    - > - > saying its impossible but it is getting difficult.
    - > - > -
    - > - > - >
    - > - > - >This is probably one of the reasons why so many Shelby owners are
    - > - > becoming more reluctant to sell their Shelbys though I can't speak for
    - > - > everyone and Im sure there are more reasons too. Im curiuos
    - > - > -
    - > - > - >though as to how many Shelby owners sold their cars and was able to
    - > - > find another one that was better or equal. I have not found one that
    - > was
    - > - > able to upgrade their Shelby without putting in more
    - > - > - cash.
    - > - > - >I know some moved to GM stuff and that I
    - > - > - >had to put in more money to buy a 67-500 after I sold my 66 Hertz
    - > BUT
    - > - > not in the 50-100k area of difference. I did this years ago so I can't
    - > - > imagine trying to do this again with today's prices.
    - > - > -
    - > - > - >
    - > - > - >
    - > - > - >jon
    - > - > - >
    - > - > - >
    - > - > - >
    - > - > - >
    - > - > - >
    - > - > - >
    - > - > - >- Greetings all,
    - > - > - >-
    - > - > - >- New guy here to the board!
    - > - > - >-
    - > - > - >- Just saw the results today of the Russo & Steele action from last
    - > - > Saturday that I thought I'd share with all who are interested (there
    - > were
    - > - > two '65 GT350's of particular interest).
    - > - > - >-
    - > - > - >- Quoting directly from the Russo & Steele website:
    - > - > - >-
    - > - > - >- "We shattered our previous sales record with sales exceeding
    - > $10.6
    - > - > million dollars in one night!
    - > - > - >-
    - > - > - >- The top sales were Shelby American competition-prepared
    - > automobiles,
    - > - > with a 1965 "Type 65" 427 Daytona Super Coupe bringing the top bid of
    - > the
    - > - > evening at $1,457,500.00. A pair of significant
    - > - > - 289
    - > - > - >- competition Cobras followed closely behind, with 1963 chassis
    - > number
    - > - > CSX2138 selling for $1,292,500.00, and 1962 chassis number CSX2011
    - > - > bringing a bid of $770,000.00.
    - > - > - >-
    - > - > - >- Additionally, two Shelby GT350s set new world-records, with a
    - > 1965
    - > - > GT350-R model bringing $473,000.00, and a 1965 GT350 early 2-digit
    - > street
    - > - > car (SFM 5018) going for an amazing $324,500.00."
    - > - > - >-
    - > - > - >- You can check the site out for yourself at:
    - >
    - > - > - >-
    - > - > - >- Best regards,
    - > - > - >-
    - > - > - >- Neil.
    - > - > - >
    - > - > - >
    - > - > - >
    - > - > - >
    - > - > -
    - > - > - __________________________________________________________________
    - > - > - Switch to Netscape Internet Service.
    - > - > - As low as $9.95 a month -- Sign up today at
    - > - >
    - > - > -
    - > - > - Netscape. Just the Net You Need.
    - > - > -
    - > - > - New! Netscape Toolbar for Internet Explorer
    - > - > - Search from anywhere on the Web and block those annoying pop-ups.
    - > - > - Download now at
    - > - > -
    - > - >
    - > - >
    - > - >
    - > -
    - >
    - >
    - >
  9. Now that is pretty scary - What happens if you own a 1965 GT 350 and your
    name is up on this list and website and you don't want anyone to know you
    own a car? I see some names of some folks who I am sure would not want their
    ownership in these cars known and will crap a brick when I e mail them the
    link that you provided for the website - I know of at least three who's
    names are on the list for cars that they have not even told SAAC that they
    own - How did these folks get all this info and what is the intention of the
    use of this "collected data"?

    So much for privacy anymore

    Good luck with your car


    ----- Original Message -----
    From: <>
    To: "Shelby List" <>
    Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 10:54 PM
    Subject: Re: world record pricing

    > If you insist, Its # 128
    > Its also listed on
    > just scroll down and find my name. Its been there for months. Something
    > that you don't look at because you are probably too busy trying to make a
    > deal.
    > It is also listed on
    > right next to Jay Leno's #120
    > jon
    > Quoting "Stephen G. Becker" <>:
    > - How about a VIN # Jon -Just so we can all peak at the registry looking
    > for
    > - that "special" car
    > -
    > -
    > - ----- Original Message -----
    > - From: <>
    > - To: "Shelby List" <>
    > - Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 10:32 PM
    > - Subject: Re: world record pricing
    > -
    > -
    > - > Stephen:
    > - >
    > - >
    > - > My cars are real as Dave Mathews and HOward Pardee know. If you want
    > to
    > - > know, my 65-350 car was in a Magazine called Mustang Monthly. The car
    > was
    > - > well known in the Houston area way before I even knew
    > - > about the car. It was God's grace and my enthusiasm that allowed me to
    > - > find her - NOT YOU!.
    > - >
    > - >
    > - > jon
    > - >
    > - >
    > - >
    > - >
    > - > Quoting "Stephen G. Becker" <>:
    > - >
    > - > - Hey Jon - Since you have shared so much about your 1965 GT 350 how
    > about
    > - > - telling us all the VIN # and the "story" behind you obtaining the
    > car?
    > - > -
    > - > - We are all ears..............
    > - > -
    > - > -
    > - > -
    > - > - ----- Original Message -----
    > - > - From: <>
    > - > - To: "Shelby List" <>
    > - > - Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 11:46 AM
    > - > - Subject: Re: world record pricing
    > - > -
    > - > -
    > - > - > Dan:
    > - > - >
    > - > - >
    > - > - > Interesting. And I thought 40K plus for a 65 GT 350 empty shell
    > was
    > - > way
    > - > - > too much.
    > - > - >
    > - > - > To be frank, I didn't expect these dramatic price increases. I
    > really
    > - > - > thought that prices stabilized years ago with 100k for a nicely
    > - > restored
    > - > - > 65-350 car, 50k for driver quality 67-500, 45k for
    > - > - > driver 66 350, 100k for nice 69 -500 convertible, 30k for nice
    > driver
    > - > - > 67-350, 50k for decent 68 -350 convertible and so on.
    > - > - >
    > - > - > With todays huge prices, I noticed that the guys/dealers who had
    > - > shelbys
    > - > - > to sell years ago with prices around 50k can no longer deal with
    > these
    > - > - > cars because of the huge price increase of 6 digit
    > - > - > figures. Example is a Classic shop in Houston that I know of. He
    > used
    > - > to
    > - > - > have 1 or 2 Shelbys in his showroom every month and they were for
    > - > 50-75 k.
    > - > - > Ever since the prices jumped into the 6 digit
    > - > - > figures, he has tons of Chevys and some clone Mopars but no
    > SHelbys. I
    > - > - > guess what this means is that the Shelbys are moving into "big
    > time"
    > - > - > dealers who can afford to keep an inventory of 6 digit
    > - > - > cars. Geez...Maybe Im in the wrong business - hahaha
    > - > - >
    > - > - > Naw - I'll just keep what I have to make me happy. I can't be a
    > pig
    > - > all
    > - > - > the time. Oink Oink!
    > - > - >
    > - > - > jon
    > - > - >
    > - > - >
    > - > - >
    > - > - > Quoting Daniel Cundiff <>:
    > - > - >
    > - > - > - Jon. I just bought a '65 because of two things. It was a solid
    > car
    > - > and
    > - > - > in light of the recent price trend, I felt it would not be
    > possible
    > - > for me
    > - > - > to buy it by years end. The concluding decision,
    > - > - > - was a call made to Legendary Motor Car company. They have a '65
    > that
    > - > - > needs virtually everything and the price is 176K. Astounding.
    > - > - > -
    > - > - > - I may have to put my '66 GT350 race car , or my 1969 GT500 up
    > for
    > - > sale
    > - > - > just for practicality but time will tell.
    > - > - > -
    > - > - > - Dan C
    > - > - > -
    > - > - > - wrote:
    > - > - > -
    > - > - > - >Neil:
    > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - >Im sure that will push (early)65-GT 350 cars right behind it.
    > This
    > - > is
    > - > - > not good for enthusiasts, especially ones that don't have a Shelby
    > - > yet.
    > - > - > - >The reason why I say "not good" is because based upon my
    > - > observation -
    > - > - > If you own a Shelby and decide to sell it thinking you can come
    > back
    > - > to
    > - > - > the Shelby hobby of having another one equivalent to
    > - > - > -
    > - > - > - >what you had before, guess again. The prices are so high now or
    > - > moving
    > - > - > to it that its "very hard" to find another car that is comparable.
    > Im
    > - > not
    > - > - > saying its impossible but it is getting difficult.
    > - > - > -
    > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - >This is probably one of the reasons why so many Shelby owners
    > are
    > - > - > becoming more reluctant to sell their Shelbys though I can't speak
    > for
    > - > - > everyone and Im sure there are more reasons too. Im curiuos
    > - > - > -
    > - > - > - >though as to how many Shelby owners sold their cars and was
    > able to
    > - > - > find another one that was better or equal. I have not found one
    > that
    > - > was
    > - > - > able to upgrade their Shelby without putting in more
    > - > - > - cash.
    > - > - > - >I know some moved to GM stuff and that I
    > - > - > - >had to put in more money to buy a 67-500 after I sold my 66
    > Hertz
    > - > BUT
    > - > - > not in the 50-100k area of difference. I did this years ago so I
    > can't
    > - > - > imagine trying to do this again with today's prices.
    > - > - > -
    > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - >jon
    > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - >- Greetings all,
    > - > - > - >-
    > - > - > - >- New guy here to the board!
    > - > - > - >-
    > - > - > - >- Just saw the results today of the Russo & Steele action from
    > last
    > - > - > Saturday that I thought I'd share with all who are interested
    > (there
    > - > were
    > - > - > two '65 GT350's of particular interest).
    > - > - > - >-
    > - > - > - >- Quoting directly from the Russo & Steele website:
    > - > - > - >-
    > - > - > - >- "We shattered our previous sales record with sales exceeding
    > - > $10.6
    > - > - > million dollars in one night!
    > - > - > - >-
    > - > - > - >- The top sales were Shelby American competition-prepared
    > - > automobiles,
    > - > - > with a 1965 "Type 65" 427 Daytona Super Coupe bringing the top bid
    > of
    > - > the
    > - > - > evening at $1,457,500.00. A pair of significant
    > - > - > - 289
    > - > - > - >- competition Cobras followed closely behind, with 1963 chassis
    > - > number
    > - > - > CSX2138 selling for $1,292,500.00, and 1962 chassis number CSX2011
    > - > - > bringing a bid of $770,000.00.
    > - > - > - >-
    > - > - > - >- Additionally, two Shelby GT350s set new world-records, with a
    > - > 1965
    > - > - > GT350-R model bringing $473,000.00, and a 1965 GT350 early 2-digit
    > - > street
    > - > - > car (SFM 5018) going for an amazing $324,500.00."
    > - > - > - >-
    > - > - > - >- You can check the site out for yourself at:
    > - >
    > - > - > - >-
    > - > - > - >- Best regards,
    > - > - > - >-
    > - > - > - >- Neil.
    > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - >
    > - > - > -
    > - > - > -
    > __________________________________________________________________
    > - > - > - Switch to Netscape Internet Service.
    > - > - > - As low as $9.95 a month -- Sign up today at
    > - > - >
    > - > - > -
    > - > - > - Netscape. Just the Net You Need.
    > - > - > -
    > - > - > - New! Netscape Toolbar for Internet Explorer
    > - > - > - Search from anywhere on the Web and block those annoying
    > pop-ups.
    > - > - > - Download now at
    > - > - > -
    > - > - >
    > - > - >
    > - > - >
    > - > -
    > - >
    > - >
    > - >
    > -
  10. Stephen

    I have nothing to hide. You on the otherhand seem to know about all these "tricks and loops." I just listen and learn. Thats all. Nothing is new and everything is brought out in the open.

    I wish you the best of luck on your dream car.


    Quoting "Stephen G. Becker" <>:

    - Now that is pretty scary - What happens if you own a 1965 GT 350 and your
    - name is up on this list and website and you don't want anyone to know you
    - own a car? I see some names of some folks who I am sure would not want their
    - ownership in these cars known and will crap a brick when I e mail them the
    - link that you provided for the website - I know of at least three who's
    - names are on the list for cars that they have not even told SAAC that they
    - own - How did these folks get all this info and what is the intention of the
    - use of this "collected data"?
    - So much for privacy anymore
    - Good luck with your car
    - SGB
    - ----- Original Message -----
    - From: <>
    - To: "Shelby List" <>
    - Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 10:54 PM
    - Subject: Re: world record pricing
    - >
    - >
    - > If you insist, Its # 128
    - >
    - > Its also listed on
    - >
    - >
    - > just scroll down and find my name. Its been there for months. Something
    - > that you don't look at because you are probably too busy trying to make a
    - > deal.
    - >
    - > It is also listed on
    - >
    - >
    - >
    - > right next to Jay Leno's #120
    - >
    - >
    - > jon
    - >
    - >
    - >
    - >
    - >
    - > Quoting "Stephen G. Becker" <>:
    - >
    - > - How about a VIN # Jon -Just so we can all peak at the registry looking
    - > for
    - > - that "special" car
    - > -
    - > -
    - > - ----- Original Message -----
    - > - From: <>
    - > - To: "Shelby List" <>
    - > - Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 10:32 PM
    - > - Subject: Re: world record pricing
    - > -
    - > -
    - > - > Stephen:
    - > - >
    - > - >
    - > - > My cars are real as Dave Mathews and HOward Pardee know. If you want
    - > to
    - > - > know, my 65-350 car was in a Magazine called Mustang Monthly. The car
    - > was
    - > - > well known in the Houston area way before I even knew
    - > - > about the car. It was God's grace and my enthusiasm that allowed me to
    - > - > find her - NOT YOU!.
    - > - >
    - > - >
    - > - > jon
    - > - >
    - > - >
    - > - >
    - > - >
    - > - > Quoting "Stephen G. Becker" <>:
    - > - >
    - > - > - Hey Jon - Since you have shared so much about your 1965 GT 350 how
    - > about
    - > - > - telling us all the VIN # and the "story" behind you obtaining the
    - > car?
    - > - > -
    - > - > - We are all ears..............
    - > - > -
    - > - > -
    - > - > -
    - > - > - ----- Original Message -----
    - > - > - From: <>
    - > - > - To: "Shelby List" <>
    - > - > - Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 11:46 AM
    - > - > - Subject: Re: world record pricing
    - > - > -
    - > - > -
    - > - > - > Dan:
    - > - > - >
    - > - > - >
    - > - > - > Interesting. And I thought 40K plus for a 65 GT 350 empty shell
    - > was
    - > - > way
    - > - > - > too much.
    - > - > - >
    - > - > - > To be frank, I didn't expect these dramatic price increases. I
    - > really
    - > - > - > thought that prices stabilized years ago with 100k for a nicely
    - > - > restored
    - > - > - > 65-350 car, 50k for driver quality 67-500, 45k for
    - > - > - > driver 66 350, 100k for nice 69 -500 convertible, 30k for nice
    - > driver
    - > - > - > 67-350, 50k for decent 68 -350 convertible and so on.
    - > - > - >
    - > - > - > With todays huge prices, I noticed that the guys/dealers who had
    - > - > shelbys
    - > - > - > to sell years ago with prices around 50k can no longer deal with
    - > these
    - > - > - > cars because of the huge price increase of 6 digit
    - > - > - > figures. Example is a Classic shop in Houston that I know of. He
    - > used
    - > - > to
    - > - > - > have 1 or 2 Shelbys in his showroom every month and they were for
    - > - > 50-75 k.
    - > - > - > Ever since the prices jumped into the 6 digit
    - > - > - > figures, he has tons of Chevys and some clone Mopars but no
    - > SHelbys. I
    - > - > - > guess what this means is that the Shelbys are moving into "big
    - > time"
    - > - > - > dealers who can afford to keep an inventory of 6 digit
    - > - > - > cars. Geez...Maybe Im in the wrong business - hahaha
    - > - > - >
    - > - > - > Naw - I'll just keep what I have to make me happy. I can't be a
    - > pig
    - > - > all
    - > - > - > the time. Oink Oink!
    - > - > - >
    - > - > - > jon
    - > - > - >
    - > - > - >
    - > - > - >
    - > - > - > Quoting Daniel Cundiff <>:
    - > - > - >
    - > - > - > - Jon. I just bought a '65 because of two things. It was a solid
    - > car
    - > - > and
    - > - > - > in light of the recent price trend, I felt it would not be
    - > possible
    - > - > for me
    - > - > - > to buy it by years end. The concluding decision,
    - > - > - > - was a call made to Legendary Motor Car company. They have a '65
    - > that
    - > - > - > needs virtually everything and the price is 176K. Astounding.
    - > - > - > -
    - > - > - > - I may have to put my '66 GT350 race car , or my 1969 GT500 up
    - > for
    - > - > sale
    - > - > - > just for practicality but time will tell.
    - > - > - > -
    - > - > - > - Dan C
    - > - > - > -
    - > - > - > - wrote:
    - > - > - > -
    - > - > - > - >Neil:
    - > - > - > - >
    - > - > - > - >Im sure that will push (early)65-GT 350 cars right behind it.
    - > This
    - > - > is
    - > - > - > not good for enthusiasts, especially ones that don't have a Shelby
    - > - > yet.
    - > - > - > - >The reason why I say "not good" is because based upon my
    - > - > observation -
    - > - > - > If you own a Shelby and decide to sell it thinking you can come
    - > back
    - > - > to
    - > - > - > the Shelby hobby of having another one equivalent to
    - > - > - > -
    - > - > - > - >what you had before, guess again. The prices are so high now or
    - > - > moving
    - > - > - > to it that its "very hard" to find another car that is comparable.
    - > Im
    - > - > not
    - > - > - > saying its impossible but it is getting difficult.
    - > - > - > -
    - > - > - > - >
    - > - > - > - >This is probably one of the reasons why so many Shelby owners
    - > are
    - > - > - > becoming more reluctant to sell their Shelbys though I can't speak
    - > for
    - > - > - > everyone and Im sure there are more reasons too. Im curiuos
    - > - > - > -
    - > - > - > - >though as to how many Shelby owners sold their cars and was
    - > able to
    - > - > - > find another one that was better or equal. I have not found one
    - > that
    - > - > was
    - > - > - > able to upgrade their Shelby without putting in more
    - > - > - > - cash.
    - > - > - > - >I know some moved to GM stuff and that I
    - > - > - > - >had to put in more money to buy a 67-500 after I sold my 66
    - > Hertz
    - > - > BUT
    - > - > - > not in the 50-100k area of difference. I did this years ago so I
    - > can't
    - > - > - > imagine trying to do this again with today's prices.
    - > - > - > -
    - > - > - > - >
    - > - > - > - >
    - > - > - > - >jon
    - > - > - > - >
    - > - > - > - >
    - > - > - > - >
    - > - > - > - >
    - > - > - > - >
    - > - > - > - >
    - > - > - > - >- Greetings all,
    - > - > - > - >-
    - > - > - > - >- New guy here to the board!
    - > - > - > - >-
    - > - > - > - >- Just saw the results today of the Russo & Steele action from
    - > last
    - > - > - > Saturday that I thought I'd share with all who are interested
    - > (there
    - > - > were
    - > - > - > two '65 GT350's of particular interest).
    - > - > - > - >-
    - > - > - > - >- Quoting directly from the Russo & Steele website:
    - > - > - > - >-
    - > - > - > - >- "We shattered our previous sales record with sales exceeding
    - > - > $10.6
    - > - > - > million dollars in one night!
    - > - > - > - >-
    - > - > - > - >- The top sales were Shelby American competition-prepared
    - > - > automobiles,
    - > - > - > with a 1965 "Type 65" 427 Daytona Super Coupe bringing the top bid
    - > of
    - > - > the
    - > - > - > evening at $1,457,500.00. A pair of significant
    - > - > - > - 289
    - > - > - > - >- competition Cobras followed closely behind, with 1963 chassis
    - > - > number
    - > - > - > CSX2138 selling for $1,292,500.00, and 1962 chassis number CSX2011
    - > - > - > bringing a bid of $770,000.00.
    - > - > - > - >-
    - > - > - > - >- Additionally, two Shelby GT350s set new world-records, with a
    - > - > 1965
    - > - > - > GT350-R model bringing $473,000.00, and a 1965 GT350 early 2-digit
    - > - > street
    - > - > - > car (SFM 5018) going for an amazing $324,500.00."
    - > - > - > - >-
    - > - > - > - >- You can check the site out for yourself at:
    - > - >
    - > - > - > - >-
    - > - > - > - >- Best regards,
    - > - > - > - >-
    - > - > - > - >- Neil.
    - > - > - > - >
    - > - > - > - >
    - > - > - > - >
    - > - > - > - >
    - > - > - > -
    - > - > - > -
    - > __________________________________________________________________
    - > - > - > - Switch to Netscape Internet Service.
    - > - > - > - As low as $9.95 a month -- Sign up today at
    - > - > - >
    - > - > - > -
    - > - > - > - Netscape. Just the Net You Need.
    - > - > - > -
    - > - > - > - New! Netscape Toolbar for Internet Explorer
    - > - > - > - Search from anywhere on the Web and block those annoying
    - > pop-ups.
    - > - > - > - Download now at
    - >
    - > - > - > -
    - > - > - >
    - > - > - >
    - > - > - >
    - > - > -
    - > - >
    - > - >
    - > - >
    - > -
    - >
    - >
    - >
  11. What? "tricks and loops" What is that? Help me here? Ya lost me.........

    Tricks and loops like posting a picture and a copy of a receipt for an inner
    fender panel stamped in your favorite Shelby cars Ford VIN #? You mean
    something like that??

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: <>
    To: "Stephen G. Becker" <>; "Shelby List"
    Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 11:05 PM
    Subject: Re: world record pricing

    > Stephen
    > I have nothing to hide. You on the otherhand seem to know about all these
    > "tricks and loops." I just listen and learn. Thats all. Nothing is new and
    > everything is brought out in the open.
    > THanks
    > I wish you the best of luck on your dream car.
    > jon
    > Quoting "Stephen G. Becker" <>:
    > - Now that is pretty scary - What happens if you own a 1965 GT 350 and
    > your
    > - name is up on this list and website and you don't want anyone to know
    > you
    > - own a car? I see some names of some folks who I am sure would not want
    > their
    > - ownership in these cars known and will crap a brick when I e mail them
    > the
    > - link that you provided for the website - I know of at least three who's
    > - names are on the list for cars that they have not even told SAAC that
    > they
    > - own - How did these folks get all this info and what is the intention of
    > the
    > - use of this "collected data"?
    > -
    > - So much for privacy anymore
    > -
    > - Good luck with your car
    > -
    > - SGB
    > -
    > -
    > -
    > -
    > -
    > - ----- Original Message -----
    > - From: <>
    > - To: "Shelby List" <>
    > - Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 10:54 PM
    > - Subject: Re: world record pricing
    > -
    > -
    > - >
    > - >
    > - > If you insist, Its # 128
    > - >
    > - > Its also listed on
    > - >
    > - >
    > - > just scroll down and find my name. Its been there for months.
    > Something
    > - > that you don't look at because you are probably too busy trying to
    > make a
    > - > deal.
    > - >
    > - > It is also listed on
    > - >
    > - >
    > - >
    > - > right next to Jay Leno's #120
    > - >
    > - >
    > - > jon
    > - >
    > - >
    > - >
    > - >
    > - >
    > - > Quoting "Stephen G. Becker" <>:
    > - >
    > - > - How about a VIN # Jon -Just so we can all peak at the registry
    > looking
    > - > for
    > - > - that "special" car
    > - > -
    > - > -
    > - > - ----- Original Message -----
    > - > - From: <>
    > - > - To: "Shelby List" <>
    > - > - Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 10:32 PM
    > - > - Subject: Re: world record pricing
    > - > -
    > - > -
    > - > - > Stephen:
    > - > - >
    > - > - >
    > - > - > My cars are real as Dave Mathews and HOward Pardee know. If you
    > want
    > - > to
    > - > - > know, my 65-350 car was in a Magazine called Mustang Monthly. The
    > car
    > - > was
    > - > - > well known in the Houston area way before I even knew
    > - > - > about the car. It was God's grace and my enthusiasm that allowed
    > me to
    > - > - > find her - NOT YOU!.
    > - > - >
    > - > - >
    > - > - > jon
    > - > - >
    > - > - >
    > - > - >
    > - > - >
    > - > - > Quoting "Stephen G. Becker" <>:
    > - > - >
    > - > - > - Hey Jon - Since you have shared so much about your 1965 GT 350
    > how
    > - > about
    > - > - > - telling us all the VIN # and the "story" behind you obtaining
    > the
    > - > car?
    > - > - > -
    > - > - > - We are all ears..............
    > - > - > -
    > - > - > -
    > - > - > -
    > - > - > - ----- Original Message -----
    > - > - > - From: <>
    > - > - > - To: "Shelby List" <>
    > - > - > - Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 11:46 AM
    > - > - > - Subject: Re: world record pricing
    > - > - > -
    > - > - > -
    > - > - > - > Dan:
    > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - > Interesting. And I thought 40K plus for a 65 GT 350 empty
    > shell
    > - > was
    > - > - > way
    > - > - > - > too much.
    > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - > To be frank, I didn't expect these dramatic price increases. I
    > - > really
    > - > - > - > thought that prices stabilized years ago with 100k for a
    > nicely
    > - > - > restored
    > - > - > - > 65-350 car, 50k for driver quality 67-500, 45k for
    > - > - > - > driver 66 350, 100k for nice 69 -500 convertible, 30k for nice
    > - > driver
    > - > - > - > 67-350, 50k for decent 68 -350 convertible and so on.
    > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - > With todays huge prices, I noticed that the guys/dealers who
    > had
    > - > - > shelbys
    > - > - > - > to sell years ago with prices around 50k can no longer deal
    > with
    > - > these
    > - > - > - > cars because of the huge price increase of 6 digit
    > - > - > - > figures. Example is a Classic shop in Houston that I know of.
    > He
    > - > used
    > - > - > to
    > - > - > - > have 1 or 2 Shelbys in his showroom every month and they were
    > for
    > - > - > 50-75 k.
    > - > - > - > Ever since the prices jumped into the 6 digit
    > - > - > - > figures, he has tons of Chevys and some clone Mopars but no
    > - > SHelbys. I
    > - > - > - > guess what this means is that the Shelbys are moving into
    > "big
    > - > time"
    > - > - > - > dealers who can afford to keep an inventory of 6 digit
    > - > - > - > cars. Geez...Maybe Im in the wrong business - hahaha
    > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - > Naw - I'll just keep what I have to make me happy. I can't be
    > a
    > - > pig
    > - > - > all
    > - > - > - > the time. Oink Oink!
    > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - > jon
    > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - > Quoting Daniel Cundiff <>:
    > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - > - Jon. I just bought a '65 because of two things. It was a
    > solid
    > - > car
    > - > - > and
    > - > - > - > in light of the recent price trend, I felt it would not be
    > - > possible
    > - > - > for me
    > - > - > - > to buy it by years end. The concluding decision,
    > - > - > - > - was a call made to Legendary Motor Car company. They have a
    > '65
    > - > that
    > - > - > - > needs virtually everything and the price is 176K. Astounding.
    > - > - > - > -
    > - > - > - > - I may have to put my '66 GT350 race car , or my 1969 GT500
    > up
    > - > for
    > - > - > sale
    > - > - > - > just for practicality but time will tell.
    > - > - > - > -
    > - > - > - > - Dan C
    > - > - > - > -
    > - > - > - > - wrote:
    > - > - > - > -
    > - > - > - > - >Neil:
    > - > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - > - >Im sure that will push (early)65-GT 350 cars right behind
    > it.
    > - > This
    > - > - > is
    > - > - > - > not good for enthusiasts, especially ones that don't have a
    > Shelby
    > - > - > yet.
    > - > - > - > - >The reason why I say "not good" is because based upon my
    > - > - > observation -
    > - > - > - > If you own a Shelby and decide to sell it thinking you can
    > come
    > - > back
    > - > - > to
    > - > - > - > the Shelby hobby of having another one equivalent to
    > - > - > - > -
    > - > - > - > - >what you had before, guess again. The prices are so high
    > now or
    > - > - > moving
    > - > - > - > to it that its "very hard" to find another car that is
    > comparable.
    > - > Im
    > - > - > not
    > - > - > - > saying its impossible but it is getting difficult.
    > - > - > - > -
    > - > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - > - >This is probably one of the reasons why so many Shelby
    > owners
    > - > are
    > - > - > - > becoming more reluctant to sell their Shelbys though I can't
    > speak
    > - > for
    > - > - > - > everyone and Im sure there are more reasons too. Im curiuos
    > - > - > - > -
    > - > - > - > - >though as to how many Shelby owners sold their cars and was
    > - > able to
    > - > - > - > find another one that was better or equal. I have not found
    > one
    > - > that
    > - > - > was
    > - > - > - > able to upgrade their Shelby without putting in more
    > - > - > - > - cash.
    > - > - > - > - >I know some moved to GM stuff and that I
    > - > - > - > - >had to put in more money to buy a 67-500 after I sold my 66
    > - > Hertz
    > - > - > BUT
    > - > - > - > not in the 50-100k area of difference. I did this years ago so
    > I
    > - > can't
    > - > - > - > imagine trying to do this again with today's prices.
    > - > - > - > -
    > - > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - > - >jon
    > - > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - > - >- Greetings all,
    > - > - > - > - >-
    > - > - > - > - >- New guy here to the board!
    > - > - > - > - >-
    > - > - > - > - >- Just saw the results today of the Russo & Steele action
    > from
    > - > last
    > - > - > - > Saturday that I thought I'd share with all who are interested
    > - > (there
    > - > - > were
    > - > - > - > two '65 GT350's of particular interest).
    > - > - > - > - >-
    > - > - > - > - >- Quoting directly from the Russo & Steele website:
    > - > - > - > - >-
    > - > - > - > - >- "We shattered our previous sales record with sales
    > exceeding
    > - > - > $10.6
    > - > - > - > million dollars in one night!
    > - > - > - > - >-
    > - > - > - > - >- The top sales were Shelby American competition-prepared
    > - > - > automobiles,
    > - > - > - > with a 1965 "Type 65" 427 Daytona Super Coupe bringing the top
    > bid
    > - > of
    > - > - > the
    > - > - > - > evening at $1,457,500.00. A pair of significant
    > - > - > - > - 289
    > - > - > - > - >- competition Cobras followed closely behind, with 1963
    > chassis
    > - > - > number
    > - > - > - > CSX2138 selling for $1,292,500.00, and 1962 chassis number
    > CSX2011
    > - > - > - > bringing a bid of $770,000.00.
    > - > - > - > - >-
    > - > - > - > - >- Additionally, two Shelby GT350s set new world-records,
    > with a
    > - > - > 1965
    > - > - > - > GT350-R model bringing $473,000.00, and a 1965 GT350 early
    > 2-digit
    > - > - > street
    > - > - > - > car (SFM 5018) going for an amazing $324,500.00."
    > - > - > - > - >-
    > - > - > - > - >- You can check the site out for yourself at:
    > - > - >
    > - > - > - > - >-
    > - > - > - > - >- Best regards,
    > - > - > - > - >-
    > - > - > - > - >- Neil.
    > - > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - > -
    > - > - > - > -
    > - > __________________________________________________________________
    > - > - > - > - Switch to Netscape Internet Service.
    > - > - > - > - As low as $9.95 a month -- Sign up today at
    > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - > -
    > - > - > - > - Netscape. Just the Net You Need.
    > - > - > - > -
    > - > - > - > - New! Netscape Toolbar for Internet Explorer
    > - > - > - > - Search from anywhere on the Web and block those annoying
    > - > pop-ups.
    > - > - > - > - Download now at
    > - >
    > - > - > - > -
    > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - >
    > - > - > -
    > - > - >
    > - > - >
    > - > - >
    > - > -
    > - >
    > - >
    > - >
    > -

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