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RARE OPPORTUNITY 68 GT500KR selling 11-5-11

Discussion in '1965-1970 Shelby Mustang GT350 & GT500' started by Fineline, Oct 30, 2011.

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  1. Fineline

    Fineline Banned

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    Jun 27, 2010
    Very rare opportunity to own a 1 owner 1968 GT500KR, 4 speed, 9159 ORIGINAL miles, and in excellent original condition. This is an estate sale and not being promoted very much. The car is expected to bring $135k plus and is as I knew the lady who owned this car well and know the car, I can tell you it is something special. This auction should have been advertised nation wide but the details juts came out a week ago not giving alot of time to let people know about it. It will be held on the west side of Indianapolis, In.

  2. mrmustang

    mrmustang Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 23, 2004
    Greenville, SC
  3. Fineline

    Fineline Banned

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    Jun 27, 2010
    That is it.

    They really don't as they didn't list it as a GT500KR, but as a KR500 Shelby so on a google search it won't come up properly. This car should have been advertised MONTHS ago not a few weeks. Especially when this has been going on for 18months!!

    I've talked directly to 2 so called "Major Players" and they didn't know anything about it and this was 10 days ago so you might be a little off on that comment.
  4. mrmustang

    mrmustang Well-Known Member

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    Dec 23, 2004
    Greenville, SC
    I got notification of this auction 6+ weeks ago, and I'm a small fisherman in a large ocean.......There are players and then there are "players".......Guess they got my name from my previous time as a registered seller/buyer at Barrett Jackson auctions as everything else I bid on is mostly virtual auction as my travel time is extremely limited these days.......
  5. Coralsnake

    Coralsnake Well-Known Member

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    Sep 8, 2004
    The Northcoast
    Nice car, should be interesting. I think i heard about this about three four months ago. Wasnt there someone without any front money trying to broker this car? Too bad is missing the smog, steering wheel, original tires and starter delay. Looks to have some minor paint work as well. Hopefully, it gets to the right person, before anymore is lost
  6. Fineline

    Fineline Banned

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    Jun 27, 2010
    Not sure where you are getting this info as the appraisal that was done states the tires are original and everything is there and as this pic shows, the steering wheel is there so obviously you need to get your facts straight. This car needs to be kept as original as can be and other than power train work to get it all where it needs to run/drive touching anything else would be a mistake. The hood pic shows the paint is actually excellent for being original. It doesn't need painted by any means!

  7. vernonestes

    vernonestes Well-Known Member

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    Jan 14, 2007
    You are kidding, right? Im gonna take a wild guess and say that you work for the auction house. Pardon me if you are not, but you sure are making a heck of an effort to promote the car. If thats the case, its a shame that a more knowledgeable auction house didnt get the opportunity to sell this car because anyone else would have done more homework than you obviously have.

    Any "Joe" can do an appraisal..i assure you Coralsnake aka Pete Disher, and alot of other people, can see what is and is not on this car. If YOU had YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT, you would know that of all the people in the world who could comment on a 68 Shelby, Pete has his facts straight.

    Do you really think that's the factory steering wheel? really?... seriously?... honestly?...

    Looks like you really need to do a heck of a lot more studying before you try and sell this car...the first step to that is getting to know the experts for each may have just offended one of them :doh:

    Good luck with your car, i mean the car, i mean whatever your intentions are. Boy do you need it :laf:

    Best regards,

    PS- Be careful with Pete, he has a tendency to eat newbies, dont get within arms reach..
  8. Fineline

    Fineline Banned

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    Jun 27, 2010
    Um, No I have nothing to do with them. Just knew the owner and a close relative of mine was great friends with her. The attorney for the estate wants this car and made a comment he thought he could get it bought cheap and it's my goal for that not to happen and to see to it there are many buyers there next Saturday. As far as you go, you can kiss my ass. I don't claim to be an expert but I have talked to 2 big players who most on here refer Shelby's for sale to (guess cause most on here don't have any money to buy this type of car, instead they just waste their days posting BS on these sites) and I know what they have said on the car. I do know there aren't many around like this one and that is a cold hard fact. Next, I really doubt this Pete has ever seen the car and YES that is THE FACTORY STEERING WHEEL so that proves Pete is an idiot and wrong!! He is probably going on hear say. I know the appraisal was done right as the car is part of a big estate and it took nearly a year to get things in line to have this sale because of this car and it is stated and 100% GUARANTEED to be all original and it is being handled by a very reputable auction house in Indy that wouldn't state that unless it were true. Mecum's were called as well as several others with much more knowledge with Mr. Pete or yourself. So before you go posting BS, you too need to have your crap in line.
  9. Coralsnake

    Coralsnake Well-Known Member

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    Sep 8, 2004
    The Northcoast

    I don' t need to see the car in person. I know exactly how it was built. All 1968 Shelby GT500 KRs are built to the same standards.

    Original tires were black side walled Goodyear polyglas E70x15s. (not "G" series) If the tires on the car are original, why dont they match the spare?

    Hoods did not have black vents from the factory. The valve covers have had the black paint cleaned off. The water pump and brakes have been worked on as well. The Cobra snake emblems are missing on the fenders. There are extra decals on the decklid. The emergency flasher knob is broken off. The vacuum lines have been re routed. The vacuum tree is missing. The oil pressure wiring has been repaired. The ignition coil is missing. The air cleaner breather hose has been replaced.

    The car is missing the smog, the starter delay, the washer bottle, the original battery. The shift knob is not original. The gold keys are copies.

    Original steering wheels were plastic with a wood grain with a Shelby Cobra snake in the center. The shock absorbers are incorrect. Thats just a start....other than that it looks good.

    I would be happy to compare my Shelby knowledge with your experts. I wrote some of the text in the Shelby World Registry.

    I have been a concours judge for 25 years and seen a dozen low mileage unrestored cars, hundreds of unrestored cars and hundreds more restored 1968 Shelbys. I have owned and restored a dozen more. I have personally interviewed several Shelby assembly line workers . I have written several magazine articles on this topic. I have access to factory documents, you can't even imagine.

    Before you call me an "idiot", I would appreciate a chance to talk to anyone you think has more knowledge than I do. If someone got a guarantee on this being 100% authentic, they should ask for their money back.

    I dont recall calling you names. The internet is a funny thing. You previously posted on this car. I am not sure what your intentions are, but I am guessing you are way more involved than you are owning up to. Its bad business to go around calling people idiots. Even if your business is not 1968 Shelbys. My business is just 1968 Shelbys.

    Name your "big fish" . If they know anything about 1968 Shelbys, I am sure they know me. I dont need to go on hearsay. The facts are you can't back up what you are saying. I can. I will be happy to document my claims with factory pictures and documents.

    Simply go to (click on my cars) and look at the truely unrestored, low mileage examples. You can also stop by my website if you need an education. It's free.

  10. vernonestes

    vernonestes Well-Known Member

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    Jan 14, 2007

    God i love the internet, any moron with a keyboard can get on and pump their chest up like they are some sort of tough guy. Let me just start by saying that your post was completely out of line and entirely off base.

    Thank god you do not "claim to be an expert" because that you certainly are not. Any expert can see that the car is missing alot, let alone that it has had at least some paint done, it has the wrong tires, and, TRUST ME, that is not the original steering wheel. I also suppose you think the shift knob is original too and that the valve covers are supposed to be bare aluminum? NOPE, sorry, any half bit with a few low grade hobbyist books would know otherwise. It may be a VERY original car, but it is by no means "100% original" as you state. If the "players" who you have contacted on the car think that this car is "100% original" then they have either smoked way too much weed or are not, in fact, players at all.

    Next, if you go to the page that features the car on the auction house's website, it states "ALMOST 100% original". So not only are you wrong in thinking that it is 100% original but you are also mistaken in thinking that the auction house would state that. No self respecting auction house would ever call this car 100% original.

    As for "Kissing your ass"..why would you want me to even do that, i appreciate the offer but no thanks dude. I dont know about you, but im just not into that kind of thing. :eek:

    Finally, i personally take offense you you calling Mr. Disher an idiot. I assure you, the many people reading this thread most likely think you, my friend, are the idiot, among many other designations. I assure you that I could walk circles around 95% of "car guys" and people like you when it comes to 68 Shelbys...and Pete probably knows 100 times more than I do on the cars. He is considered by many to be the the worlds foremost authority on the cars and his knowledge shows through on his website and through his knowledgeable posts on the forums. He is also a Team Shelby and Shelby American Automobile club concours judge. I almost feel silly having to convince you of his reputation, its like having to convince someone that the sky is blue.

    You, sir, need to have your crap in line. As a moderator on this forum, i must say that we appreciate the positive involvement of everyone here on the forum. But as a warning, out of line behavior will not be tolerated. Strike 1

    From this point on, get this through your head. If you come over to our sandbox and piss in our sand, expect us to make you eat that sand and send you home, fair enough?

    I highly suggest buying a few books and reading up on 68s before running your mouth again.

    Vernon Estes (some of us post our names and dont pathetically cower behind a computer screen)

    pass the bong
  11. Coralsnake

    Coralsnake Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 8, 2004
    The Northcoast
  12. mrmustang

    mrmustang Well-Known Member

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    Dec 23, 2004
    Greenville, SC

    You are way out of your league on this one. I think it's best that you spend more time hawking your bird cages and looking for cheap used boats in Florida (guess the one in NH did not pan out) where you are now located then telling the folks who know what they are looking at that they are wrong and you are right. :laf: Steering wheel,tires, smog, and a host of other items are all incorrect or missing, common sense says that while the car is ultra low mileage, it is far from being 100% correct or original.......Was the last owner your aunt, cousin, step mother? Honestly..........

    Bill S.
  13. TLEA

    TLEA Well-Known Member

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    Oct 17, 2005
    Warwick, Rhode Island
    Let me try to shed a little light on this subject as Shane and I have some history on this car. I think it was a little more than a year ago Shane and I spoke about this car. I told him if the car was what he claimed it to be that I had a cash buyer for it at what would be a good offer. I told him that the car would obviously need to be inspected by the buyer and he (the buyer) was willing to fly out immediately to complete the process. Shane told me that the car was going to sell for around 200K and he wanted a 15% commision. When I asked Shane if he had any legal claim to the car or was authorized to speak on behalf of the seller he was not. Truth is his mother is friends of the woman selling the car and he has nothing to do with it other than trying to get his greedy paws on some cash at the expense of an aging older woman (I'm not sure if she had died, I think she was mentally incapacitated). Nothing more than a selfish greedy want to be.
    By the way Shane, I make a point of recording my calls with potential sales transactions (because I like to make sure I get facts straight) so if you want to bash me feel free but it will be responded to with a youtube audio link.

    ps: the car is far from original including the steering wheel so you are the bs one not Pete or Vern. When we first spoke you insisted the car was a GT 500 and didn't even know what a KR was or even what kind of air cleaner it had so I think your qualifications are dismissed
    Timothy Lea
    68 Shelby restorations, SAAC 68 concours judge, MCA Shelby gold car judge, Team Shelby 68 head judge, Internet BS exposer of posers
  14. Ranger Jerry

    Ranger Jerry Well-Known Member

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    Dec 5, 2004
    Arvada,Colorado USA
    Mess with the BEST and get bit like the rest!
  15. vernonestes

    vernonestes Well-Known Member

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    Jan 14, 2007
    After reading Tim's reply, i cannot say i expected any more from this clown.
    Tim's post shows that this is one of those cases where there is so much to bash about this guy that its not even worth continuing.

    Good luck getting your 15% commission :lmao:
  16. corbins

    corbins Active Member

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    Sep 7, 2005
    Shane or who ever you are,'re a dumb ass and every subsequent post of yours proves it....get lost, before you make more of a fool of yourself than you already have..:thumbdown
  17. JayC

    JayC Member

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    Oct 31, 2011
    From pictures of the car that were taken in 2010, there is a good size dent in one of the fenders. Does the dent make it "almost" original? I notice that the auction house managed not to photograph the dent.

    Given the timeline of the car being a 1968 and the owner dying in 1980, the mileage is suspect. I wonder if Shane can tell us if the odometer is disconnected. Hmmm!

    Life time residents of Plainfield Indiana have suggested that the car was raced at Indianpolis Raceway Park (ie drag strip).

    At least it is a Shelby.
  18. rshelby

    rshelby ShelbyForums Admin Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 1, 2004
    Dallas, TX
    :laf: Pretty funny. :thumbsup:
  19. Tango Classic

    Tango Classic Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 31, 2006
    Cape Cod
    God.....Talk about a guy picking a fight with the wrong crowd....
  20. Bondovian

    Bondovian New Member

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    Nov 2, 2011
    1st post here!

    Hello all. I am planning on attending the auction on Saturday and was wondering what you might think this car will sell for. I've know about the car for quite a while and knew how passionate the owner was about her son's car. Can't wait for the bidding to begin!

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