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Discussion in '1965-1970 Shelby Mustang GT350 & GT500' started by Fineline, Oct 30, 2011.

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  1. TLEA

    TLEA Well-Known Member

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    Oct 17, 2005
    Warwick, Rhode Island
    Its become apparent that Shane isn't the sharpest tool in the shed but he may have just proved it beyond a shadow of a doubt. After being publically exposed here after all his ranting he though it would be a good idea to send me an email (apparently posting here became to embarrassing for him.) Here is what he wrote,
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Shane
    To: Tim Lea
    Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2011 4:57 PM
    Subject: meeting

    I sure hope I get to meet you face to face in IN this Saturday. You might just find yourself in a VERY bad position and I'd bet money you won't hang around long.

    Shane, Shane, Shane. Very naughty. Did you not think this through? Sending a paper trail of a threat? Do you know that a threat by internet is a federal offense? Not that I think you have the guts to follow through on anything but maybe I should just send a copy of this to the appropriate agency? Hmmmmm. I wasn't planning on going to Indiana but maybe I should just to see what you think you are planning :laf:
  2. vernonestes

    vernonestes Well-Known Member

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    Jan 14, 2007
    I would also like the good readers of this thread to know that I received a mysterious phone call today around 5:00 from a 860-364-0769. I answered to a Weasel-Toned, High pitched voice of a man (obviously disguised). Basically, the man on the other end stated that he knew where i lived, where i worked and knew of people whom would make me "disappear" if i didn't stop "running my mouth and contributing" on the forums. He referred to me repeatedly as a "mother-f*&#$%" and stated that he would kill me. After this "guy" was done with his rant, I calmly asked if this was Shane. Seeing as i do not have any enemies, i figured this thread would have been the root of the death threat. The response was something to the effect of, "did you hear what i said?, watch yourself"..CLICK, the call was over.

    After Googling the number which the call came in from, I found that number to be SAAC's Fax machine number. After a 20 minute talk with Rick Kopec in the last few hours, i know it had nothing to do with SAAC. Basically, there are websites out there like "SpoofCard" which offer services that allow customers to make calls using voice disguise technology and also allows them to pick whatever number they would like to show up on the recipients caller ID. So, basically, whatever MORON who decided to call me tonight with a death threat basically looked up SAAC's phone number to use as his number of choice but accidentally used their FAX number :doh: pretty much giving themselves away to using one of these online caller services.

    So, although i cannot definitively say who made the call, after reading the email sent to Tim, i am confident that the call was made by Shane here.
    So, Shane, do you really think it is wise to make that kind of threat? Did you know that written threats (like the one above) are a Federal Offense? Did you know that verbal death threats are punishable by up to a year in prison, did you know that written death threats are a sentence of up to 5? Do you really have nothing better to do with your time?

    As much as you claim to know about me, your research obviously did not go very deep. More people are now watching, and know your name, than you care to know about.

    Let me make one thing clear: your threat does not concern me, it's simply an act to scare me into submission, a sort of pathetic attempt to gain some sort of power over me. It didn't work. The only reason i have even spent the time typing out this long reply is because i want everyone to see what kind of idiocy actually exists in the world.

    If i receive another phone call, email, or any form of communication from you there will be consequences on your end. Go your own way and I will go mine, but you have been warned.

    Also, you have earned yourself a lifetime banning from this site, for threatening another forum member over email.

    Have a nice night,
  3. Shelbyneeds

    Shelbyneeds Member

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    Feb 9, 2005
    Well, I always thought the Boss 302 forum was colorful, but I think this has gone beyond that. What I find interesting is that if you have any questions about your Shelby or one that you are interested in buying or selling, you ask it here. I have been known to ask dumb questions and be corrected from members here (and the Boss group) but always have been given an enthusiastic response. I don't know all of the facts like some of you do, but that's why I ask my questions. Rick and Howard have been very helpful in the past. But threats? Really?

    Vern, I would love to meet you and just plain listen to your knowledge. Without dedicated people like yourself, this hobby and especially the Shelby's, wouldn't be the best that it is in this world. Thanks to all of you who share with us. :thumbup:

    Eat more cheese!
  4. Coralsnake

    Coralsnake Well-Known Member

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    Sep 8, 2004
    The Northcoast
    I also got a less threatening private email from Shane. Since he doesnt accept private emails, I will respond here.

    I am sorry things didnt work out for you. Reality is hard to deal with sometimes. I am also sorry if I gave you the impression that I restore cars full time. You should be very careful who you make threats to, because the next person you meet in Indiana, could be a law enforcement officer. Thats not an idle internet threat. I will encourage Vern and Tim to document the threats they received as well.

    I am sorry I also dont recognize any of your "friends". I have heard of Mr. Skillman. My guess is he probably hasnt contacted you for your expertise. When the new owner contacts the Shelby Club to register the car, I will make sure they are referred to this thread and understand the car is not what you have represented it to be. If they chose not to register the car, thats their choice. Generally speaking unregistered cars are worth less. The nice thing about Shelbys is their histories are tracked very closely. If you like I can talk to Registar and have your name added to this cars history? I will of course, add how you tried to broker the deal for a car you have no legitimate claims or rights to. It might be the only way you actually get your name associated with the cars.

    If you want to continue to escalate this, you may want to think through the possible consequences. I don't even need to refer this to the detectives, down the hall, to figure out who is behind this. You have posted your name and phone several times. That makes their job a lot easier.
  5. mrmustang

    mrmustang Well-Known Member

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    Dec 23, 2004
    Greenville, SC
    I feel so unloved, not one threat has been sent to me by Shane online or via my listed number(s) :ph34r:
  6. tesgt350

    tesgt350 Well-Known Member

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    Feb 10, 2006
    I am in my own little World
    Vern, I am told that, if you grab hold of Rick just right, His Voice will get a little Weasel-Toned and High Pitched . :laf:

    Just kidding Rick

  7. Shelbyneeds

    Shelbyneeds Member

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    Feb 9, 2005
    This reminds me of a guy that really wasn't involved in my buying my Shelby back in 1990. I was given a phone number of a guy who had a Shelby for sale, but I didn't ask for it. I called the guy 6 months later to see if he had the car and get the particulars on it. After several months, I decided to buy the car and weeks later got a bill for brokerage fees from the guy who gave me the number. Long story short, it ended up in court where the judge split things right down the middle. This is despite NO AGREEMENT OR DISCUSSION at all about any fee or ? There were bogus bills for inspecting the car, guaranteeing authenticity, and more BS. I've been in the club since way back when and called people I could trust. Didn't matter in the end. The seller and this "Tom" worked together to try to get more money for the car. They got $400 more to split between them and the attorney they had. Might have been enough because he wasn't very good. Whomever buys this '68, better print everything about this car's sale/auction and keep impeccable records of everything. Just my .02.
  8. Coralsnake

    Coralsnake Well-Known Member

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    Sep 8, 2004
    The Northcoast
    I am not really sure how anyone can guarantee authenticity? Unless you bought the car new and have knowledge of its whereabouts for 45 years, you cant guarantee anything. I know of a car that had its original motor switched at the selling dealer, can you say that its 100 % authentic? Some of these cars have change hands a dozen times, been wrecked, rebuilt and repainted, you can guarantee anything. After a car has been restored, you cant either
  9. vernonestes

    vernonestes Well-Known Member

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    Jan 14, 2007
    When i woke up this morning i received two calls from Austin Area numbers, one that registered to the Austin Hilton and one for the Austin Health Center..both i am assuming were from this guy. He only left 1 message though, using the Austin Health Center number. This time also he voice was extremely low as opposed to the high pitched one that i talked to this time. Essentially, the only think i understood from the message was that he was coming to Austin to get me. The rest was too muttled to understand because of the voice changing technology. The fact that the call yesterday cam from Connecticut and today's came from Austin with both having drastically different tones of voice means that i nailed it that hes using software that reassigns a phone number and hides his voice.

    So Shane, just so you know that my promises are not empty..


    I have since been given a permanent case number. When the detective calls today he will be given all your information.

    Best regards,
  10. tesgt350

    tesgt350 Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 10, 2006
    I am in my own little World
    Looks like he had to Visit the "Health Center" to do a "Chaz Bono" before making the Calls............. :laf:
  11. TLEA

    TLEA Well-Known Member

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    Oct 17, 2005
    Warwick, Rhode Island
    I haven't reported my email to the authorities yet but please feel free to have the detective you are working with get in touch with me for collaberation. It would be my pleasure to assist.
  12. mrmustang

    mrmustang Well-Known Member

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    Dec 23, 2004
    Greenville, SC
    Can you copy and paste the header information and send it to me. I'll be more than happy to trace it back through the server he thought was anonymous :doh:
  13. Shelbyneeds

    Shelbyneeds Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 9, 2005
    My feelings to a "T". I hear the music from "Hang 'em High" and applaud
    both of you for reporting this weasel to the authorities. Awesome!
  14. bigb427

    bigb427 Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 20, 2009
    I just read this whole thread. WOW!!! This thread definitely wins best of the year reward!

    I don't know if I should feel pity for the OP's lack of knowledge, or whether I should laugh. I think I'll laugh because the OP is so boisterously stupid.
  15. TLEA

    TLEA Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 17, 2005
    Warwick, Rhode Island
    Thanks for the offer Bill but he's not that bright. He sent it through his regular email
  16. QuickSilverShelby

    QuickSilverShelby Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 18, 2008
  17. vernonestes

    vernonestes Well-Known Member

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    Jan 14, 2007
    Just thought i would let the good people of this thread know that i got two more calls from Shane today. Dont worry, the police report has been updated..that makes a total of 5 terroristic threats so far. Essentially, he said that if I didnt delete the thread by 5PM today, he would come to austin and become a "real problem". Seeing as you are still reading this thread, i guess im a goner :huh:

    Best regards,
  18. carelm

    carelm Member

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    Nov 3, 2011
    This is a rather interesting first post.

    I saw this on another forum and it really perked up my interest. My take on it is that the car in question is a fraud. This is based on the following:

    1. The overall condition of the car doesn't seem to match the miles. Every other low mileage survivor car I've seen in the collector market is in fairly good shape.

    2. There seems to be a lack of documentation that proves the claimed description.

    3. The pictures show a car with what it seems a deranged left rear wheel. It could be just a bad picture though. The list of missing parts is also a bit troubling.

    4. The reaction of the OP when questioned on its authenticity by members of this forum. This is the clincher for me. There can be some normal give and take but what he did was far beyond that and maybe criminal. The receivers of his threats did what I think is prudent.

    The other members on this message seemed quite knowledgeable and picked up on the discrepancies rather quickly and noted them. IMHO they were quite useful in saving a potential buyer a lot of money and heartache.
  19. Snakepit

    Snakepit Well-Known Member

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    Jul 3, 2005
    Central Calif
    Shot!! Looks like I missed an opportunity to get in on the fun.

    Hmm... wonder what a plane ticket to the auction would cost ??? :)
  20. mrmustang

    mrmustang Well-Known Member

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    Dec 23, 2004
    Greenville, SC

    Not to worry, "Mongo" has been sent the complete threads so that he can include this information in the new registry. Some cars have a really colorful history, Shane has made it so this is going to be one of the funniest.

    Bill S.
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