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Re: Record Pricing & Pigs ??

Discussion in 'Shelby Mustang List' started by, Aug 28, 2005.

  1. In a message dated 8/28/2005 9:55:21 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

    > What is it they say? " Fat Pigs go to slaughter." I predict the market
    > will continue
    > to climb slowly.
    > The private sales have been breaking records for years. Now: We just hear
    > the news,
    > quickly, though emails &faxes.
    > Look for "Big Brother" to figure how to tax our cars on an annual basis,
    > like
    > real estate.
    > Pete Geisler www.OrlandoMustang.Com


    The way I learned it was "Pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered"...not that the
    details matter to anyone whose head ends up on the chopping block, eh?

    The INCOME TAX issue is one that every long-term Shelby (& other collector
    car) owner should be aware of; if you sell that car you've owned for
    years--which now can command a price 'X' times what you paid for it--you will NOT have
    "all" those proceeds to (re)invest in another car. Uncle Sam wants his
    cut...and he'll probably try to calculate it at ORDINARY income tax rates, NOT capital
    gains rates.

    So...when you sell that 65 GT350--the one you bought for $20,000--and sell it
    for $200,000, get ready to fork over (just to put numbers on the example)
    $180,000 x 30% = $54,000 to Uncle...which leaves you with $146,000 to spend on
    your next car.

    In the current (Sept) Sports Car Market magazine, there's an interesting
    technical article on "1031" (IRS code section; tax-deferred like-kind exchanges)
    swaps. WELL-worth reading for anyone contemplating a move from one high-$$
    collector car to another, these days.


    STAN SIMM Guest

    I heard it like: "Bulls survive, Bears survive... but Pigs get slaughtered".
    Regards, Stan
    ----- Original Message -----
    To: ;
    Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 3:53 PM
    Subject: Re: Record Pricing & Pigs ??

    In a message dated 8/28/2005 9:55:21 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

    What is it they say? " Fat Pigs go to slaughter." I predict the market will continue
    to climb slowly.

    The private sales have been breaking records for years. Now: We just hear the news,
    quickly, though emails &faxes.

    Look for "Big Brother" to figure how to tax our cars on an annual basis, like
    real estate.

    Pete Geisler www.OrlandoMustang.Com


    The way I learned it was "Pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered"...not that the details matter to anyone whose head ends up on the chopping block, eh?

    The INCOME TAX issue is one that every long-term Shelby (& other collector car) owner should be aware of; if you sell that car you've owned for years--which now can command a price 'X' times what you paid for it--you will NOT have "all" those proceeds to (re)invest in another car. Uncle Sam wants his cut...and he'll probably try to calculate it at ORDINARY income tax rates, NOT capital gains rates.

    So...when you sell that 65 GT350--the one you bought for $20,000--and sell it for $200,000, get ready to fork over (just to put numbers on the example) $180,000 x 30% = $54,000 to Uncle...which leaves you with $146,000 to spend on your next car.

    In the current (Sept) Sports Car Market magazine, there's an interesting technical article on "1031" (IRS code section; tax-deferred like-kind exchanges) swaps. WELL-worth reading for anyone contemplating a move from one high-$$ collector car to another, these days.

  3. Colin Comer

    Colin Comer Guest

    Speaking of World Records, has anybody heard about a new record being set on Boss 302 and Boss 429 cars recently?

    As far as Monterey is concerned and the two sales there- they were high, but pretty much what I expected. The R model seemed about right for a decent car, a little light on original parts and race history, but where is the OTHER R that is for sale? Answer - there isn't one. So, a few people want one and had to fight. The street car was a great low serial number car, also missing some original bits, but good car, good history. A friend of mine fell in love with the car and had to have it. He couldn't be happier, and it is my opinion that since he can afford it that is all that matters. The guy was grinning from ear to ear all weekend, even took a picture of the car with his cell phone and set it as his screen saver. I think he wore that damn phone out opening it so much! So for him, paying a little premium over the prevailing market for a great 65 was worth it. Instant gratification. No more searching or hounding a restoration shop for 3 years to get a project done. I have written an article about the car and the sale for next month's Sports Car Market magaizine (November issue). #18 is now in my shop to correct the little detail problems and make sure it is "healthy", then it is off to its new owner. Again, I have watched this guy spend 5 times as much and not be 1/10th as thrilled. That is what the hobby should be about, whether a car is $5k or $500k. JMHO.

    Hey, compared to Hemi cars and some other high-dollar muscle cars, I think Shelbys are still a value. At least you can drive the damn things and they don't go around corners like a garbage truck. Plus, it IS important that we have the SAAC to document the cars and preserve value. Nobody else has that advantage.

    All I can say is that prices are one thing, percieved value is another. For example - I just ( 30 min ago) came home from Road America and a SAAC track event. I brought CSX 2327 and CSX 3127. But I let my the painter who did 2327 drive it, and my buddy drove 3127. I drove the painter's F250 and followed. To see these guys having fun with the cars and then comparing notes was priceless. The painter's dad just passed unexpectedly, and he is understandably bummed. When he got out of the Cobra, you couldn't kick the smile off his face. At least for a few hours he was enjoying himself again. Somebody mentioned earlier that it is important to drive and share these cars. Amen. I know I like that more than driving them myself sometimes. I can guarantee there are two guys from Wisconsin that will be telling their families and everybody they know just how great these cars are tonight! Enthusiasm like that can only grow the hobby , and from where I sit, I can't see people just dumping there cars and getting out because they went up or down in value. If you love the car, what does it matter what you have to pay or what you can sell it for? I only wish they were cheaper so I could have more!

    Ok, I am done preaching now. LOL.
  4. Camilla

    Camilla Guest

    I think that you can not associate Shelby pricing with stock market. To many other factors in valuations We don't have a price to earnings ratio, we also don't have the risk of several other share holders in our cars and or management blundering up the condition or usage of the cars. We are speaking of implied value and what an individual is willing to pay for a piece of art.

    My feeling is we are dealing in fashion. It is fashionable to have a certain piece of art on your wall, live in the right neighbourhood have that special house for all to see, send your kids to the right school. Be able to show your good taste and style and accessorize all of this with your choice of materials to surround you to re-enforce to others who and what you are. This is why the Hemi's have gone through the roof to people who could care less about the cost of the vehicle, fuel mileage or what ever potential tax concern you may have. They simply have the money.

    They won't tax these in my opinion as that would filter down to every possible thing anyone owns and that is the government going way to far in taxation terms. The issue here is value and ego. I went to a birthday of a friends yesterday on the beach. Nice day so I took mine out. Well everyone else at the party did the same. So all of us peacocks showed up to display our feathers lol. Well guess what. My car ruffled a few feathers and I was the one unfortunately giving the young guys a ride up and down the beach front because that was the car they were interested in. So the Queens counsel, The solicitor the once wealthiest man in the country and a few other of the big boys got a bit wounded when their pride and joys were over looked. Oh oh! What does one do? Well I bet one of them will look to see that doesn't happen again. They have too much money and so little life left. So to remedy this, they have to accessorize their good taste, style not to mention getting attention and find themselves something the girls think is cool and the guys want a ride in. not to mention increasing valuations.

    So my continued point on this subject is These cars are star status already. If you want to be a star you better go get one. We are not talking millions of dollars here for a painting of a vase. We are talking only into the hundreds of thousands to bump ones ego and to many, this is chump change! How many of you guys take yours out and how many times does someone walk up to you and ask you if you would like to sell. Well it happens to me damn near every single time I am out.

    Here is a valuation for you to consider and Mine is a white 69 GT 500 Drag Pack. It is a driver with incorrect carb as I just replaced it. It is not in show condition to any stretch although very tidy and pretty it would need $20,000 to make it too uncomfortable for me to drive around. I have a property owner here who wants my car. Started at NZ$140,00 No. NZ$170,000 No! Would you be interested in a property trade? Maybe. What are you looking at. Well your property appreciation has done this in the last two years. I wouldn't consider a trade for less than a $300k swap. Come down and have lunch and we will discuss it! So every one will scream! Hell how can this possibly be? Way too much for the car etc etc etc. Well to him it is chump change and he wants the car. Still won't do it. As I also believe these will get into Hemi territory!

    Regards to all


    P.S Public apologies Pete Geisler of Orlando Mustang for a misunderstanding on a post. Not well thought out and he is a valued, knowledgeable and helpful member here. Sorry Pete!
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: STAN SIMM
    To: ; ;
    Sent: Monday, August 29, 2005 7:59 AM
    Subject: Re: Record Pricing & Pigs ??

    I heard it like: "Bulls survive, Bears survive... but Pigs get slaughtered".
    Regards, Stan
    ----- Original Message -----
    To: ;
    Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 3:53 PM
    Subject: Re: Record Pricing & Pigs ??

    In a message dated 8/28/2005 9:55:21 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

    What is it they say? " Fat Pigs go to slaughter." I predict the market will continue
    to climb slowly.

    The private sales have been breaking records for years. Now: We just hear the news,
    quickly, though emails &faxes.

    Look for "Big Brother" to figure how to tax our cars on an annual basis, like
    real estate.

    Pete Geisler www.OrlandoMustang.Com


    The way I learned it was "Pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered"...not that the details matter to anyone whose head ends up on the chopping block, eh?

    The INCOME TAX issue is one that every long-term Shelby (& other collector car) owner should be aware of; if you sell that car you've owned for years--which now can command a price 'X' times what you paid for it--you will NOT have "all" those proceeds to (re)invest in another car. Uncle Sam wants his cut...and he'll probably try to calculate it at ORDINARY income tax rates, NOT capital gains rates.

    So...when you sell that 65 GT350--the one you bought for $20,000--and sell it for $200,000, get ready to fork over (just to put numbers on the example) $180,000 x 30% = $54,000 to Uncle...which leaves you with $146,000 to spend on your next car.

    In the current (Sept) Sports Car Market magazine, there's an interesting technical article on "1031" (IRS code section; tax-deferred like-kind exchanges) swaps. WELL-worth reading for anyone contemplating a move from one high-$$ collector car to another, these days.

  5. Colin:

    I had to chuckle when I read "little premium over the prevailing market for a great 65 was worth it." I thought great 65- 350 was about 150k. Over 100k difference does not look little to me. Thats a
    alot and worth more than the average house in Texas. Well in my area- hahaha
    Just think of how many "over-times" I have to put in for 100k. I can't even start thinking.

    I don't know about the rest of you, but I have to work my butt off for my money. It doesnt grow on no tree. Are my "blue collar" roots showing? ha ha


    Quoting Colin Comer <>:

    - Speaking of World Records, has anybody heard about a new record being set on Boss 302 and Boss 429 cars recently?
    - As far as Monterey is concerned and the two sales there- they were high, but pretty much what I expected. The R model seemed about right for a decent car, a little light on original parts and race
    - history, but where is the OTHER R that is for sale? Answer - there isn't one. So, a few people want one and had to fight. The street car was a great low serial number car, also missing some
    - original bits, but good car, good history. A friend of mine fell in love with the car and had to have it. He couldn't be happier, and it is my opinion that since he can afford it that is all that
    - matters. The guy was grinning from ear to ear all weekend, even took a picture of the car with his cell phone and set it as his screen saver. I think he wore that damn phone out opening it so much!
    - So for him, paying a little premium over the prevailing market for a great 65 was worth it. Instant gratification. No more searching or hounding a restoration shop for 3 years to get a project
    - done. I have written an article about the car and the sale for next month's Sports Car Market magaizine (November issue). #18 is now in my shop to correct the little detail problems and make sure
    - it is "healthy", then it is off to its new owner. Again, I have watched this guy spend 5 times as much and not be 1/10th as thrilled. That is what the hobby should be about, whether a car is $5k or
    - $500k. JMHO.
    - Hey, compared to Hemi cars and some other high-dollar muscle cars, I think Shelbys are still a value. At least you can drive the damn things and they don't go around corners like a garbage truck.
    - Plus, it IS important that we have the SAAC to document the cars and preserve value. Nobody else has that advantage.
    - All I can say is that prices are one thing, percieved value is another. For example - I just ( 30 min ago) came home from Road America and a SAAC track event. I brought CSX 2327 and CSX 3127. But I
    - let my the painter who did 2327 drive it, and my buddy drove 3127. I drove the painter's F250 and followed. To see these guys having fun with the cars and then comparing notes was priceless. The
    - painter's dad just passed unexpectedly, and he is understandably bummed. When he got out of the Cobra, you couldn't kick the smile off his face. At least for a few hours he was enjoying himself
    - again. Somebody mentioned earlier that it is important to drive and share these cars. Amen. I know I like that more than driving them myself sometimes. I can guarantee there are two guys from
    - Wisconsin that will be telling their families and everybody they know just how great these cars are tonight! Enthusiasm like that can only grow the hobby , and from where I sit, I can't see people
    - just dumping there cars and getting out because they went up or down in value. If you love the car, what does it matter what you have to pay or what you can sell it for? I only wish they were
    - cheaper so I could have more!
    - Ok, I am done preaching now. LOL.
  6. Jon -

    When are you going to start selling your cars? I am tired of reading about
    how you are a "blue collar" worker and not able to handle what is going on
    with these cars - If the fires too hot, get out of the
    kitchen.................and get out while you are still on top and able to
    walk away with some serious cash that you would, in your own words, never
    otherwise have.



    ----- Original Message -----
    From: <>
    To: "Shelby List" <>
    Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 5:46 PM
    Subject: Re: Record Pricing & Pigs ??

    > Colin:
    > I had to chuckle when I read "little premium over the prevailing market
    > for a great 65 was worth it." I thought great 65- 350 was about 150k. Over
    > 100k difference does not look little to me. Thats a
    > alot and worth more than the average house in Texas. Well in my area-
    > hahaha
    > Just think of how many "over-times" I have to put in for 100k. I can't
    > even start thinking.
    > I don't know about the rest of you, but I have to work my butt off for my
    > money. It doesnt grow on no tree. Are my "blue collar" roots showing? ha
    > ha
    > jon
    > Quoting Colin Comer <>:
    > - Speaking of World Records, has anybody heard about a new record being
    > set on Boss 302 and Boss 429 cars recently?
    > -
    > - As far as Monterey is concerned and the two sales there- they were high,
    > but pretty much what I expected. The R model seemed about right for a
    > decent car, a little light on original parts and race
    > - history, but where is the OTHER R that is for sale? Answer - there isn't
    > one. So, a few people want one and had to fight. The street car was a
    > great low serial number car, also missing some
    > - original bits, but good car, good history. A friend of mine fell in love
    > with the car and had to have it. He couldn't be happier, and it is my
    > opinion that since he can afford it that is all that
    > - matters. The guy was grinning from ear to ear all weekend, even took a
    > picture of the car with his cell phone and set it as his screen saver. I
    > think he wore that damn phone out opening it so much!
    > - So for him, paying a little premium over the prevailing market for a
    > great 65 was worth it. Instant gratification. No more searching or
    > hounding a restoration shop for 3 years to get a project
    > - done. I have written an article about the car and the sale for next
    > month's Sports Car Market magaizine (November issue). #18 is now in my
    > shop to correct the little detail problems and make sure
    > - it is "healthy", then it is off to its new owner. Again, I have watched
    > this guy spend 5 times as much and not be 1/10th as thrilled. That is what
    > the hobby should be about, whether a car is $5k or
    > - $500k. JMHO.
    > -
    > - Hey, compared to Hemi cars and some other high-dollar muscle cars, I
    > think Shelbys are still a value. At least you can drive the damn things
    > and they don't go around corners like a garbage truck.
    > - Plus, it IS important that we have the SAAC to document the cars and
    > preserve value. Nobody else has that advantage.
    > -
    > - All I can say is that prices are one thing, percieved value is another.
    > For example - I just ( 30 min ago) came home from Road America and a SAAC
    > track event. I brought CSX 2327 and CSX 3127. But I
    > - let my the painter who did 2327 drive it, and my buddy drove 3127. I
    > drove the painter's F250 and followed. To see these guys having fun with
    > the cars and then comparing notes was priceless. The
    > - painter's dad just passed unexpectedly, and he is understandably bummed.
    > When he got out of the Cobra, you couldn't kick the smile off his face. At
    > least for a few hours he was enjoying himself
    > - again. Somebody mentioned earlier that it is important to drive and
    > share these cars. Amen. I know I like that more than driving them myself
    > sometimes. I can guarantee there are two guys from
    > - Wisconsin that will be telling their families and everybody they know
    > just how great these cars are tonight! Enthusiasm like that can only grow
    > the hobby , and from where I sit, I can't see people
    > - just dumping there cars and getting out because they went up or down in
    > value. If you love the car, what does it matter what you have to pay or
    > what you can sell it for? I only wish they were
    > - cheaper so I could have more!
    > -
    > - Ok, I am done preaching now. LOL.
  7. Super points made here with this very well thought out and well written piece


    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Camilla
    To: STAN SIMM ; ; ;
    Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 5:17 PM
    Subject: Re: Record Pricing & Pigs ??

    I think that you can not associate Shelby pricing with stock market. To many other factors in valuations We don't have a price to earnings ratio, we also don't have the risk of several other share holders in our cars and or management blundering up the condition or usage of the cars. We are speaking of implied value and what an individual is willing to pay for a piece of art.

    My feeling is we are dealing in fashion. It is fashionable to have a certain piece of art on your wall, live in the right neighbourhood have that special house for all to see, send your kids to the right school. Be able to show your good taste and style and accessorize all of this with your choice of materials to surround you to re-enforce to others who and what you are. This is why the Hemi's have gone through the roof to people who could care less about the cost of the vehicle, fuel mileage or what ever potential tax concern you may have. They simply have the money.

    They won't tax these in my opinion as that would filter down to every possible thing anyone owns and that is the government going way to far in taxation terms. The issue here is value and ego. I went to a birthday of a friends yesterday on the beach. Nice day so I took mine out. Well everyone else at the party did the same. So all of us peacocks showed up to display our feathers lol. Well guess what. My car ruffled a few feathers and I was the one unfortunately giving the young guys a ride up and down the beach front because that was the car they were interested in. So the Queens counsel, The solicitor the once wealthiest man in the country and a few other of the big boys got a bit wounded when their pride and joys were over looked. Oh oh! What does one do? Well I bet one of them will look to see that doesn't happen again. They have too much money and so little life left. So to remedy this, they have to accessorize their good taste, style not to mention getting attention and find themselves something the girls think is cool and the guys want a ride in. not to mention increasing valuations.

    So my continued point on this subject is These cars are star status already. If you want to be a star you better go get one. We are not talking millions of dollars here for a painting of a vase. We are talking only into the hundreds of thousands to bump ones ego and to many, this is chump change! How many of you guys take yours out and how many times does someone walk up to you and ask you if you would like to sell. Well it happens to me damn near every single time I am out.

    Here is a valuation for you to consider and Mine is a white 69 GT 500 Drag Pack. It is a driver with incorrect carb as I just replaced it. It is not in show condition to any stretch although very tidy and pretty it would need $20,000 to make it too uncomfortable for me to drive around. I have a property owner here who wants my car. Started at NZ$140,00 No. NZ$170,000 No! Would you be interested in a property trade? Maybe. What are you looking at. Well your property appreciation has done this in the last two years. I wouldn't consider a trade for less than a $300k swap. Come down and have lunch and we will discuss it! So every one will scream! Hell how can this possibly be? Way too much for the car etc etc etc. Well to him it is chump change and he wants the car. Still won't do it. As I also believe these will get into Hemi territory!

    Regards to all


    P.S Public apologies Pete Geisler of Orlando Mustang for a misunderstanding on a post. Not well thought out and he is a valued, knowledgeable and helpful member here. Sorry Pete!
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: STAN SIMM
    To: ; ;
    Sent: Monday, August 29, 2005 7:59 AM
    Subject: Re: Record Pricing & Pigs ??

    I heard it like: "Bulls survive, Bears survive... but Pigs get slaughtered".
    Regards, Stan
    ----- Original Message -----
    To: ;
    Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 3:53 PM
    Subject: Re: Record Pricing & Pigs ??

    In a message dated 8/28/2005 9:55:21 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

    What is it they say? " Fat Pigs go to slaughter." I predict the market will continue
    to climb slowly.

    The private sales have been breaking records for years. Now: We just hear the news,
    quickly, though emails &faxes.

    Look for "Big Brother" to figure how to tax our cars on an annual basis, like
    real estate.

    Pete Geisler www.OrlandoMustang.Com


    The way I learned it was "Pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered"...not that the details matter to anyone whose head ends up on the chopping block, eh?

    The INCOME TAX issue is one that every long-term Shelby (& other collector car) owner should be aware of; if you sell that car you've owned for years--which now can command a price 'X' times what you paid for it--you will NOT have "all" those proceeds to (re)invest in another car. Uncle Sam wants his cut...and he'll probably try to calculate it at ORDINARY income tax rates, NOT capital gains rates.

    So...when you sell that 65 GT350--the one you bought for $20,000--and sell it for $200,000, get ready to fork over (just to put numbers on the example) $180,000 x 30% = $54,000 to Uncle...which leaves you with $146,000 to spend on your next car.

    In the current (Sept) Sports Car Market magazine, there's an interesting technical article on "1031" (IRS code section; tax-deferred like-kind exchanges) swaps. WELL-worth reading for anyone contemplating a move from one high-$$ collector car to another, these days.

  8. Black 1969 BOSS 429 - MM cover car three months ago - sold for 400k - two private parties about three weeks ago

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Colin Comer
    Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 4:18 PM
    Subject: Re: Record Pricing & Pigs ??

    Speaking of World Records, has anybody heard about a new record being set on Boss 302 and Boss 429 cars recently?

    As far as Monterey is concerned and the two sales there- they were high, but pretty much what I expected. The R model seemed about right for a decent car, a little light on original parts and race history, but where is the OTHER R that is for sale? Answer - there isn't one. So, a few people want one and had to fight. The street car was a great low serial number car, also missing some original bits, but good car, good history. A friend of mine fell in love with the car and had to have it. He couldn't be happier, and it is my opinion that since he can afford it that is all that matters. The guy was grinning from ear to ear all weekend, even took a picture of the car with his cell phone and set it as his screen saver. I think he wore that damn phone out opening it so much! So for him, paying a little premium over the prevailing market for a great 65 was worth it. Instant gratification. No more searching or hounding a restoration shop for 3 years to get a project done. I have written an article about the car and the sale for next month's Sports Car Market magaizine (November issue). #18 is now in my shop to correct the little detail problems and make sure it is "healthy", then it is off to its new owner. Again, I have watched this guy spend 5 times as much and not be 1/10th as thrilled. That is what the hobby should be about, whether a car is $5k or $500k. JMHO.

    Hey, compared to Hemi cars and some other high-dollar muscle cars, I think Shelbys are still a value. At least you can drive the damn things and they don't go around corners like a garbage truck. Plus, it IS important that we have the SAAC to document the cars and preserve value. Nobody else has that advantage.

    All I can say is that prices are one thing, percieved value is another. For example - I just ( 30 min ago) came home from Road America and a SAAC track event. I brought CSX 2327 and CSX 3127. But I let my the painter who did 2327 drive it, and my buddy drove 3127. I drove the painter's F250 and followed. To see these guys having fun with the cars and then comparing notes was priceless. The painter's dad just passed unexpectedly, and he is understandably bummed. When he got out of the Cobra, you couldn't kick the smile off his face. At least for a few hours he was enjoying himself again. Somebody mentioned earlier that it is important to drive and share these cars. Amen. I know I like that more than driving them myself sometimes. I can guarantee there are two guys from Wisconsin that will be telling their families and everybody they know just how great these cars are tonight! Enthusiasm like that can only grow the hobby , and from where I sit, I can't see people just dumping there cars and getting out because they went up or down in value. If you love the car, what does it matter what you have to pay or what you can sell it for? I only wish they were cheaper so I could have more!

    Ok, I am done preaching now. LOL.
  9. Stephen:

    Have you ever driven a Shelby besides taking your customers for a ride? Do you know how to "pop" a clutch and make the tire spin. Do you how to change the timing on the engine? Do you know anything
    about these Shelbys besides "price?" If so, please share with us what you know.

    I think You are riding these enthusiasts to get their cars. It's all about money to you. If you couldn't make any from these Shelbys, you wouldn't be in this market. Right???

    What do you have that shows you care for those who like these cars?

    Since you brought it out, Im sick and tired of reading how much these cars are bringing from you. Its seems that is all you have in relation to the Shelby enthusiasts. If I am wrong, then share with
    us what you contribute or how you contribute.

    WHere I come from, I work hard for what I make and put on the table. I don't do scams or a fast one to make an extra buck. If I did, I would probably be like you - all car salesmanship.

    Since you got me going, I want explain my good fortune on these Shelbys to everyone. Perhaps they will understand and see some light. I have kept all my Shelbys from my first one to my last one with
    an exception to selling my 66 Hertz for an upgrade to a 67-500. I bought these cars because I love them. I had no intention of making a strong return. If I did, I think I would be stuck with a car I
    didn't like. I also made every effort to get them from borrowing money to saving my hard earned cash. I have
    been lucky in getting my Shelbys because I think God looks over my shoulder which allows me to share the good fortune with other enthusiasts through my cars. Really, I dont know how many leads I gave
    out on other SHelbys for sale in quite areas with no intent on getting a finders fee or some type of kickback (this also includes cars that had a price lead meaning it would cost around $1,000 or so
    just to get info on a particular Shelby model that is for sale- this has happened to me but I did not pay.) For me, it pays to be good and help when I can and I think the Shelby gods reward me for my
    enthusiasm. Basically, I don't need you to get my Shelbys.

    I also don't need to play politics to get my cars and I do what I enjoy - drive my babies.


    Quoting "Stephen G. Becker" <>:

    - Jon -
    - When are you going to start selling your cars? I am tired of reading about
    - how you are a "blue collar" worker and not able to handle what is going on
    - with these cars - If the fires too hot, get out of the
    - kitchen.................and get out while you are still on top and able to
    - walk away with some serious cash that you would, in your own words, never
    - otherwise have.
    - Right???
    - SGB
    - ----- Original Message -----
    - From: <>
    - To: "Shelby List" <>
    - Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 5:46 PM
    - Subject: Re: Record Pricing & Pigs ??
    - > Colin:
    - >
    - >
    - > I had to chuckle when I read "little premium over the prevailing market
    - > for a great 65 was worth it." I thought great 65- 350 was about 150k. Over
    - > 100k difference does not look little to me. Thats a
    - > alot and worth more than the average house in Texas. Well in my area-
    - > hahaha
    - > Just think of how many "over-times" I have to put in for 100k. I can't
    - > even start thinking.
    - >
    - > I don't know about the rest of you, but I have to work my butt off for my
    - > money. It doesnt grow on no tree. Are my "blue collar" roots showing? ha
    - > ha
    - >
    - >
    - >
    - > jon
    - >
    - >
    - >
    - >
    - >
    - > Quoting Colin Comer <>:
    - >
    - > - Speaking of World Records, has anybody heard about a new record being
    - > set on Boss 302 and Boss 429 cars recently?
    - > -
    - > - As far as Monterey is concerned and the two sales there- they were high,
    - > but pretty much what I expected. The R model seemed about right for a
    - > decent car, a little light on original parts and race
    - > - history, but where is the OTHER R that is for sale? Answer - there isn't
    - > one. So, a few people want one and had to fight. The street car was a
    - > great low serial number car, also missing some
    - > - original bits, but good car, good history. A friend of mine fell in love
    - > with the car and had to have it. He couldn't be happier, and it is my
    - > opinion that since he can afford it that is all that
    - > - matters. The guy was grinning from ear to ear all weekend, even took a
    - > picture of the car with his cell phone and set it as his screen saver. I
    - > think he wore that damn phone out opening it so much!
    - > - So for him, paying a little premium over the prevailing market for a
    - > great 65 was worth it. Instant gratification. No more searching or
    - > hounding a restoration shop for 3 years to get a project
    - > - done. I have written an article about the car and the sale for next
    - > month's Sports Car Market magaizine (November issue). #18 is now in my
    - > shop to correct the little detail problems and make sure
    - > - it is "healthy", then it is off to its new owner. Again, I have watched
    - > this guy spend 5 times as much and not be 1/10th as thrilled. That is what
    - > the hobby should be about, whether a car is $5k or
    - > - $500k. JMHO.
    - > -
    - > - Hey, compared to Hemi cars and some other high-dollar muscle cars, I
    - > think Shelbys are still a value. At least you can drive the damn things
    - > and they don't go around corners like a garbage truck.
    - > - Plus, it IS important that we have the SAAC to document the cars and
    - > preserve value. Nobody else has that advantage.
    - > -
    - > - All I can say is that prices are one thing, percieved value is another.
    - > For example - I just ( 30 min ago) came home from Road America and a SAAC
    - > track event. I brought CSX 2327 and CSX 3127. But I
    - > - let my the painter who did 2327 drive it, and my buddy drove 3127. I
    - > drove the painter's F250 and followed. To see these guys having fun with
    - > the cars and then comparing notes was priceless. The
    - > - painter's dad just passed unexpectedly, and he is understandably bummed.
    - > When he got out of the Cobra, you couldn't kick the smile off his face. At
    - > least for a few hours he was enjoying himself
    - > - again. Somebody mentioned earlier that it is important to drive and
    - > share these cars. Amen. I know I like that more than driving them myself
    - > sometimes. I can guarantee there are two guys from
    - > - Wisconsin that will be telling their families and everybody they know
    - > just how great these cars are tonight! Enthusiasm like that can only grow
    - > the hobby , and from where I sit, I can't see people
    - > - just dumping there cars and getting out because they went up or down in
    - > value. If you love the car, what does it matter what you have to pay or
    - > what you can sell it for? I only wish they were
    - > - cheaper so I could have more!
    - > -
    - > - Ok, I am done preaching now. LOL.
    - >
    - >
    - >
  10. Jon -

    I have been in this hobby for almost 30 years now, and "popping a clutch" or
    "making the tires spin" would only server to make my attorneys richer
    because I would probably land up in court. Those kind of things went by the
    wayside (for me at least) when I left high school, my friend. Popping the
    clutch and spinning tires is juvenile and irresponsible, at best. Forget
    hurting yourself think about the others you may hurt or maimed or

    I am a business man and Shelby's are my business and you seem to be the only
    person who has a problem with me reporting actual sales numbers. Perhaps
    your hiatus off the list for the last year or so was a blessing in

    Sell your cars and buy something that LOSES value and then see where you
    stand. I bet once it hits you in the wallet you would really be crying the

    Hey Jon - Do you single handedly blame me for the rising of the value/prices
    of these cars? Do you? It seems you harbor some pretty pent up anger at
    folks who profit from these cars. All I can tell you get over it - If it
    wasn't me it would be someone else buying and selling your

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: <>
    To: "Shelby List" <>
    Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 10:26 PM
    Subject: Re: Record Pricing & Pigs ??

    > Stephen:
    > Have you ever driven a Shelby besides taking your customers for a ride? Do
    > you know how to "pop" a clutch and make the tire spin. Do you how to
    > change the timing on the engine? Do you know anything
    > about these Shelbys besides "price?" If so, please share with us what you
    > know.
    > I think You are riding these enthusiasts to get their cars. It's all about
    > money to you. If you couldn't make any from these Shelbys, you wouldn't be
    > in this market. Right???
    > What do you have that shows you care for those who like these cars?
    > Since you brought it out, Im sick and tired of reading how much these cars
    > are bringing from you. Its seems that is all you have in relation to the
    > Shelby enthusiasts. If I am wrong, then share with
    > us what you contribute or how you contribute.
    > WHere I come from, I work hard for what I make and put on the table. I
    > don't do scams or a fast one to make an extra buck. If I did, I would
    > probably be like you - all car salesmanship.
    > Since you got me going, I want explain my good fortune on these Shelbys to
    > everyone. Perhaps they will understand and see some light. I have kept all
    > my Shelbys from my first one to my last one with
    > an exception to selling my 66 Hertz for an upgrade to a 67-500. I bought
    > these cars because I love them. I had no intention of making a strong
    > return. If I did, I think I would be stuck with a car I
    > didn't like. I also made every effort to get them from borrowing money to
    > saving my hard earned cash. I have
    > been lucky in getting my Shelbys because I think God looks over my
    > shoulder which allows me to share the good fortune with other enthusiasts
    > through my cars. Really, I dont know how many leads I gave
    > out on other SHelbys for sale in quite areas with no intent on getting a
    > finders fee or some type of kickback (this also includes cars that had a
    > price lead meaning it would cost around $1,000 or so
    > just to get info on a particular Shelby model that is for sale- this has
    > happened to me but I did not pay.) For me, it pays to be good and help
    > when I can and I think the Shelby gods reward me for my
    > enthusiasm. Basically, I don't need you to get my Shelbys.
    > I also don't need to play politics to get my cars and I do what I enjoy -
    > drive my babies.
    > jon
    > Quoting "Stephen G. Becker" <>:
    > - Jon -
    > -
    > - When are you going to start selling your cars? I am tired of reading
    > about
    > - how you are a "blue collar" worker and not able to handle what is going
    > on
    > - with these cars - If the fires too hot, get out of the
    > - kitchen.................and get out while you are still on top and able
    > to
    > - walk away with some serious cash that you would, in your own words,
    > never
    > - otherwise have.
    > -
    > - Right???
    > -
    > - SGB
    > -
    > -
    > -
    > - ----- Original Message -----
    > - From: <>
    > - To: "Shelby List" <>
    > - Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 5:46 PM
    > - Subject: Re: Record Pricing & Pigs ??
    > -
    > -
    > - > Colin:
    > - >
    > - >
    > - > I had to chuckle when I read "little premium over the prevailing
    > market
    > - > for a great 65 was worth it." I thought great 65- 350 was about 150k.
    > Over
    > - > 100k difference does not look little to me. Thats a
    > - > alot and worth more than the average house in Texas. Well in my area-
    > - > hahaha
    > - > Just think of how many "over-times" I have to put in for 100k. I can't
    > - > even start thinking.
    > - >
    > - > I don't know about the rest of you, but I have to work my butt off for
    > my
    > - > money. It doesnt grow on no tree. Are my "blue collar" roots showing?
    > ha
    > - > ha
    > - >
    > - >
    > - >
    > - > jon
    > - >
    > - >
    > - >
    > - >
    > - >
    > - > Quoting Colin Comer <>:
    > - >
    > - > - Speaking of World Records, has anybody heard about a new record
    > being
    > - > set on Boss 302 and Boss 429 cars recently?
    > - > -
    > - > - As far as Monterey is concerned and the two sales there- they were
    > high,
    > - > but pretty much what I expected. The R model seemed about right for a
    > - > decent car, a little light on original parts and race
    > - > - history, but where is the OTHER R that is for sale? Answer - there
    > isn't
    > - > one. So, a few people want one and had to fight. The street car was a
    > - > great low serial number car, also missing some
    > - > - original bits, but good car, good history. A friend of mine fell in
    > love
    > - > with the car and had to have it. He couldn't be happier, and it is my
    > - > opinion that since he can afford it that is all that
    > - > - matters. The guy was grinning from ear to ear all weekend, even took
    > a
    > - > picture of the car with his cell phone and set it as his screen saver.
    > I
    > - > think he wore that damn phone out opening it so much!
    > - > - So for him, paying a little premium over the prevailing market for a
    > - > great 65 was worth it. Instant gratification. No more searching or
    > - > hounding a restoration shop for 3 years to get a project
    > - > - done. I have written an article about the car and the sale for next
    > - > month's Sports Car Market magaizine (November issue). #18 is now in my
    > - > shop to correct the little detail problems and make sure
    > - > - it is "healthy", then it is off to its new owner. Again, I have
    > watched
    > - > this guy spend 5 times as much and not be 1/10th as thrilled. That is
    > what
    > - > the hobby should be about, whether a car is $5k or
    > - > - $500k. JMHO.
    > - > -
    > - > - Hey, compared to Hemi cars and some other high-dollar muscle cars, I
    > - > think Shelbys are still a value. At least you can drive the damn
    > things
    > - > and they don't go around corners like a garbage truck.
    > - > - Plus, it IS important that we have the SAAC to document the cars and
    > - > preserve value. Nobody else has that advantage.
    > - > -
    > - > - All I can say is that prices are one thing, percieved value is
    > another.
    > - > For example - I just ( 30 min ago) came home from Road America and a
    > SAAC
    > - > track event. I brought CSX 2327 and CSX 3127. But I
    > - > - let my the painter who did 2327 drive it, and my buddy drove 3127. I
    > - > drove the painter's F250 and followed. To see these guys having fun
    > with
    > - > the cars and then comparing notes was priceless. The
    > - > - painter's dad just passed unexpectedly, and he is understandably
    > bummed.
    > - > When he got out of the Cobra, you couldn't kick the smile off his
    > face. At
    > - > least for a few hours he was enjoying himself
    > - > - again. Somebody mentioned earlier that it is important to drive and
    > - > share these cars. Amen. I know I like that more than driving them
    > myself
    > - > sometimes. I can guarantee there are two guys from
    > - > - Wisconsin that will be telling their families and everybody they
    > know
    > - > just how great these cars are tonight! Enthusiasm like that can only
    > grow
    > - > the hobby , and from where I sit, I can't see people
    > - > - just dumping there cars and getting out because they went up or down
    > in
    > - > value. If you love the car, what does it matter what you have to pay
    > or
    > - > what you can sell it for? I only wish they were
    > - > - cheaper so I could have more!
    > - > -
    > - > - Ok, I am done preaching now. LOL.
    > - >
    > - >
    > - >
    > -
  11. Stephen:

    When I have problems with reports of numbers, I take up for people who are unfortunate. I take the side of the lesser guys. You know, the ones you call "low lives, low dough dreamers, bottom
    feeders." I will fight for them because dreams are all that they have and You have NO right to take that from people by calling them names and "putting them down because they can't afford it.

    Do you have any compassion for the unfortunate, the poor, the ones who keep looking but cant find?

    Do you have a dream Stephen? Have you had anyone call you names because of it? What is your dream car? Rolls Royce? Something that I guess is not a SHelby.


    Quoting "Stephen G. Becker" <>:

    - Jon -
    - I have been in this hobby for almost 30 years now, and "popping a clutch" or
    - "making the tires spin" would only server to make my attorneys richer
    - because I would probably land up in court. Those kind of things went by the
    - wayside (for me at least) when I left high school, my friend. Popping the
    - clutch and spinning tires is juvenile and irresponsible, at best. Forget
    - hurting yourself think about the others you may hurt or maimed or
    - kill...............
    - I am a business man and Shelby's are my business and you seem to be the only
    - person who has a problem with me reporting actual sales numbers. Perhaps
    - your hiatus off the list for the last year or so was a blessing in
    - disguise.....?
    - Sell your cars and buy something that LOSES value and then see where you
    - stand. I bet once it hits you in the wallet you would really be crying the
    - blues.
    - Hey Jon - Do you single handedly blame me for the rising of the value/prices
    - of these cars? Do you? It seems you harbor some pretty pent up anger at
    - folks who profit from these cars. All I can tell you get over it - If it
    - wasn't me it would be someone else buying and selling your
    - dreams..................
    - ----- Original Message -----
    - From: <>
    - To: "Shelby List" <>
    - Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 10:26 PM
    - Subject: Re: Record Pricing & Pigs ??
    - > Stephen:
    - >
    - >
    - > Have you ever driven a Shelby besides taking your customers for a ride? Do
    - > you know how to "pop" a clutch and make the tire spin. Do you how to
    - > change the timing on the engine? Do you know anything
    - > about these Shelbys besides "price?" If so, please share with us what you
    - > know.
    - >
    - > I think You are riding these enthusiasts to get their cars. It's all about
    - > money to you. If you couldn't make any from these Shelbys, you wouldn't be
    - > in this market. Right???
    - >
    - > What do you have that shows you care for those who like these cars?
    - >
    - > Since you brought it out, Im sick and tired of reading how much these cars
    - > are bringing from you. Its seems that is all you have in relation to the
    - > Shelby enthusiasts. If I am wrong, then share with
    - > us what you contribute or how you contribute.
    - >
    - > WHere I come from, I work hard for what I make and put on the table. I
    - > don't do scams or a fast one to make an extra buck. If I did, I would
    - > probably be like you - all car salesmanship.
    - >
    - > Since you got me going, I want explain my good fortune on these Shelbys to
    - > everyone. Perhaps they will understand and see some light. I have kept all
    - > my Shelbys from my first one to my last one with
    - > an exception to selling my 66 Hertz for an upgrade to a 67-500. I bought
    - > these cars because I love them. I had no intention of making a strong
    - > return. If I did, I think I would be stuck with a car I
    - > didn't like. I also made every effort to get them from borrowing money to
    - > saving my hard earned cash. I have
    - > been lucky in getting my Shelbys because I think God looks over my
    - > shoulder which allows me to share the good fortune with other enthusiasts
    - > through my cars. Really, I dont know how many leads I gave
    - > out on other SHelbys for sale in quite areas with no intent on getting a
    - > finders fee or some type of kickback (this also includes cars that had a
    - > price lead meaning it would cost around $1,000 or so
    - > just to get info on a particular Shelby model that is for sale- this has
    - > happened to me but I did not pay.) For me, it pays to be good and help
    - > when I can and I think the Shelby gods reward me for my
    - > enthusiasm. Basically, I don't need you to get my Shelbys.
    - >
    - >
    - >
    - > I also don't need to play politics to get my cars and I do what I enjoy -
    - > drive my babies.
    - >
    - >
    - > jon
    - >
    - >
    - >
    - > Quoting "Stephen G. Becker" <>:
    - >
    - > - Jon -
    - > -
    - > - When are you going to start selling your cars? I am tired of reading
    - > about
    - > - how you are a "blue collar" worker and not able to handle what is going
    - > on
    - > - with these cars - If the fires too hot, get out of the
    - > - kitchen.................and get out while you are still on top and able
    - > to
    - > - walk away with some serious cash that you would, in your own words,
    - > never
    - > - otherwise have.
    - > -
    - > - Right???
    - > -
    - > - SGB
    - > -
    - > -
    - > -
    - > - ----- Original Message -----
    - > - From: <>
    - > - To: "Shelby List" <>
    - > - Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 5:46 PM
    - > - Subject: Re: Record Pricing & Pigs ??
    - > -
    - > -
    - > - > Colin:
    - > - >
    - > - >
    - > - > I had to chuckle when I read "little premium over the prevailing
    - > market
    - > - > for a great 65 was worth it." I thought great 65- 350 was about 150k.
    - > Over
    - > - > 100k difference does not look little to me. Thats a
    - > - > alot and worth more than the average house in Texas. Well in my area-
    - > - > hahaha
    - > - > Just think of how many "over-times" I have to put in for 100k. I can't
    - > - > even start thinking.
    - > - >
    - > - > I don't know about the rest of you, but I have to work my butt off for
    - > my
    - > - > money. It doesnt grow on no tree. Are my "blue collar" roots showing?
    - > ha
    - > - > ha
    - > - >
    - > - >
    - > - >
    - > - > jon
    - > - >
    - > - >
    - > - >
    - > - >
    - > - >
    - > - > Quoting Colin Comer <>:
    - > - >
    - > - > - Speaking of World Records, has anybody heard about a new record
    - > being
    - > - > set on Boss 302 and Boss 429 cars recently?
    - > - > -
    - > - > - As far as Monterey is concerned and the two sales there- they were
    - > high,
    - > - > but pretty much what I expected. The R model seemed about right for a
    - > - > decent car, a little light on original parts and race
    - > - > - history, but where is the OTHER R that is for sale? Answer - there
    - > isn't
    - > - > one. So, a few people want one and had to fight. The street car was a
    - > - > great low serial number car, also missing some
    - > - > - original bits, but good car, good history. A friend of mine fell in
    - > love
    - > - > with the car and had to have it. He couldn't be happier, and it is my
    - > - > opinion that since he can afford it that is all that
    - > - > - matters. The guy was grinning from ear to ear all weekend, even took
    - > a
    - > - > picture of the car with his cell phone and set it as his screen saver.
    - > I
    - > - > think he wore that damn phone out opening it so much!
    - > - > - So for him, paying a little premium over the prevailing market for a
    - > - > great 65 was worth it. Instant gratification. No more searching or
    - > - > hounding a restoration shop for 3 years to get a project
    - > - > - done. I have written an article about the car and the sale for next
    - > - > month's Sports Car Market magaizine (November issue). #18 is now in my
    - > - > shop to correct the little detail problems and make sure
    - > - > - it is "healthy", then it is off to its new owner. Again, I have
    - > watched
    - > - > this guy spend 5 times as much and not be 1/10th as thrilled. That is
    - > what
    - > - > the hobby should be about, whether a car is $5k or
    - > - > - $500k. JMHO.
    - > - > -
    - > - > - Hey, compared to Hemi cars and some other high-dollar muscle cars, I
    - > - > think Shelbys are still a value. At least you can drive the damn
    - > things
    - > - > and they don't go around corners like a garbage truck.
    - > - > - Plus, it IS important that we have the SAAC to document the cars and
    - > - > preserve value. Nobody else has that advantage.
    - > - > -
    - > - > - All I can say is that prices are one thing, percieved value is
    - > another.
    - > - > For example - I just ( 30 min ago) came home from Road America and a
    - > SAAC
    - > - > track event. I brought CSX 2327 and CSX 3127. But I
    - > - > - let my the painter who did 2327 drive it, and my buddy drove 3127. I
    - > - > drove the painter's F250 and followed. To see these guys having fun
    - > with
    - > - > the cars and then comparing notes was priceless. The
    - > - > - painter's dad just passed unexpectedly, and he is understandably
    - > bummed.
    - > - > When he got out of the Cobra, you couldn't kick the smile off his
    - > face. At
    - > - > least for a few hours he was enjoying himself
    - > - > - again. Somebody mentioned earlier that it is important to drive and
    - > - > share these cars. Amen. I know I like that more than driving them
    - > myself
    - > - > sometimes. I can guarantee there are two guys from
    - > - > - Wisconsin that will be telling their families and everybody they
    - > know
    - > - > just how great these cars are tonight! Enthusiasm like that can only
    - > grow
    - > - > the hobby , and from where I sit, I can't see people
    - > - > - just dumping there cars and getting out because they went up or down
    - > in
    - > - > value. If you love the car, what does it matter what you have to pay
    - > or
    - > - > what you can sell it for? I only wish they were
    - > - > - cheaper so I could have more!
    - > - > -
    - > - > - Ok, I am done preaching now. LOL.
    - > - >
    - > - >
    - > - >
    - > -
    - >
    - >
    - >
  12. It is a privilege to own a Shelby not a god given right. Your fighting for
    what? for who? You sound like a politician who believes that all people
    should have all things equal and no one person have more and no one person
    have less - Sounds like textbook socialism/communism 101, my boy.

    Sleep well knowing that I pay a higher tax bracket rate then you do and we
    both own Shelby's - Now ya wanna talk about unfair???


    ----- Original Message -----
    From: <>
    To: "Shelby List" <>
    Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 10:51 PM
    Subject: Re: Record Pricing & Pigs ??

    > Stephen:
    > When I have problems with reports of numbers, I take up for people who are
    > unfortunate. I take the side of the lesser guys. You know, the ones you
    > call "low lives, low dough dreamers, bottom
    > feeders." I will fight for them because dreams are all that they have and
    > You have NO right to take that from people by calling them names and
    > "putting them down because they can't afford it.
    > Do you have any compassion for the unfortunate, the poor, the ones who
    > keep looking but cant find?
    > Do you have a dream Stephen? Have you had anyone call you names because of
    > it? What is your dream car? Rolls Royce? Something that I guess is not a
    > SHelby.
    > jon
    > Quoting "Stephen G. Becker" <>:
    > - Jon -
    > -
    > - I have been in this hobby for almost 30 years now, and "popping a
    > clutch" or
    > - "making the tires spin" would only server to make my attorneys richer
    > - because I would probably land up in court. Those kind of things went by
    > the
    > - wayside (for me at least) when I left high school, my friend. Popping
    > the
    > - clutch and spinning tires is juvenile and irresponsible, at best. Forget
    > - hurting yourself think about the others you may hurt or maimed or
    > - kill...............
    > -
    > - I am a business man and Shelby's are my business and you seem to be the
    > only
    > - person who has a problem with me reporting actual sales numbers. Perhaps
    > - your hiatus off the list for the last year or so was a blessing in
    > - disguise.....?
    > -
    > - Sell your cars and buy something that LOSES value and then see where you
    > - stand. I bet once it hits you in the wallet you would really be crying
    > the
    > - blues.
    > -
    > - Hey Jon - Do you single handedly blame me for the rising of the
    > value/prices
    > - of these cars? Do you? It seems you harbor some pretty pent up anger at
    > - folks who profit from these cars. All I can tell you get over it - If it
    > - wasn't me it would be someone else buying and selling your
    > - dreams..................
    > -
    > -
    > -
    > -
    > - ----- Original Message -----
    > - From: <>
    > - To: "Shelby List" <>
    > - Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 10:26 PM
    > - Subject: Re: Record Pricing & Pigs ??
    > -
    > -
    > - > Stephen:
    > - >
    > - >
    > - > Have you ever driven a Shelby besides taking your customers for a
    > ride? Do
    > - > you know how to "pop" a clutch and make the tire spin. Do you how to
    > - > change the timing on the engine? Do you know anything
    > - > about these Shelbys besides "price?" If so, please share with us what
    > you
    > - > know.
    > - >
    > - > I think You are riding these enthusiasts to get their cars. It's all
    > about
    > - > money to you. If you couldn't make any from these Shelbys, you
    > wouldn't be
    > - > in this market. Right???
    > - >
    > - > What do you have that shows you care for those who like these cars?
    > - >
    > - > Since you brought it out, Im sick and tired of reading how much these
    > cars
    > - > are bringing from you. Its seems that is all you have in relation to
    > the
    > - > Shelby enthusiasts. If I am wrong, then share with
    > - > us what you contribute or how you contribute.
    > - >
    > - > WHere I come from, I work hard for what I make and put on the table. I
    > - > don't do scams or a fast one to make an extra buck. If I did, I would
    > - > probably be like you - all car salesmanship.
    > - >
    > - > Since you got me going, I want explain my good fortune on these
    > Shelbys to
    > - > everyone. Perhaps they will understand and see some light. I have kept
    > all
    > - > my Shelbys from my first one to my last one with
    > - > an exception to selling my 66 Hertz for an upgrade to a 67-500. I
    > bought
    > - > these cars because I love them. I had no intention of making a strong
    > - > return. If I did, I think I would be stuck with a car I
    > - > didn't like. I also made every effort to get them from borrowing money
    > to
    > - > saving my hard earned cash. I have
    > - > been lucky in getting my Shelbys because I think God looks over my
    > - > shoulder which allows me to share the good fortune with other
    > enthusiasts
    > - > through my cars. Really, I dont know how many leads I gave
    > - > out on other SHelbys for sale in quite areas with no intent on getting
    > a
    > - > finders fee or some type of kickback (this also includes cars that had
    > a
    > - > price lead meaning it would cost around $1,000 or so
    > - > just to get info on a particular Shelby model that is for sale- this
    > has
    > - > happened to me but I did not pay.) For me, it pays to be good and help
    > - > when I can and I think the Shelby gods reward me for my
    > - > enthusiasm. Basically, I don't need you to get my Shelbys.
    > - >
    > - >
    > - >
    > - > I also don't need to play politics to get my cars and I do what I
    > enjoy -
    > - > drive my babies.
    > - >
    > - >
    > - > jon
    > - >
    > - >
    > - >
    > - > Quoting "Stephen G. Becker" <>:
    > - >
    > - > - Jon -
    > - > -
    > - > - When are you going to start selling your cars? I am tired of reading
    > - > about
    > - > - how you are a "blue collar" worker and not able to handle what is
    > going
    > - > on
    > - > - with these cars - If the fires too hot, get out of the
    > - > - kitchen.................and get out while you are still on top and
    > able
    > - > to
    > - > - walk away with some serious cash that you would, in your own words,
    > - > never
    > - > - otherwise have.
    > - > -
    > - > - Right???
    > - > -
    > - > - SGB
    > - > -
    > - > -
    > - > -
    > - > - ----- Original Message -----
    > - > - From: <>
    > - > - To: "Shelby List" <>
    > - > - Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 5:46 PM
    > - > - Subject: Re: Record Pricing & Pigs ??
    > - > -
    > - > -
    > - > - > Colin:
    > - > - >
    > - > - >
    > - > - > I had to chuckle when I read "little premium over the prevailing
    > - > market
    > - > - > for a great 65 was worth it." I thought great 65- 350 was about
    > 150k.
    > - > Over
    > - > - > 100k difference does not look little to me. Thats a
    > - > - > alot and worth more than the average house in Texas. Well in my
    > area-
    > - > - > hahaha
    > - > - > Just think of how many "over-times" I have to put in for 100k. I
    > can't
    > - > - > even start thinking.
    > - > - >
    > - > - > I don't know about the rest of you, but I have to work my butt off
    > for
    > - > my
    > - > - > money. It doesnt grow on no tree. Are my "blue collar" roots
    > showing?
    > - > ha
    > - > - > ha
    > - > - >
    > - > - >
    > - > - >
    > - > - > jon
    > - > - >
    > - > - >
    > - > - >
    > - > - >
    > - > - >
    > - > - > Quoting Colin Comer <>:
    > - > - >
    > - > - > - Speaking of World Records, has anybody heard about a new record
    > - > being
    > - > - > set on Boss 302 and Boss 429 cars recently?
    > - > - > -
    > - > - > - As far as Monterey is concerned and the two sales there- they
    > were
    > - > high,
    > - > - > but pretty much what I expected. The R model seemed about right
    > for a
    > - > - > decent car, a little light on original parts and race
    > - > - > - history, but where is the OTHER R that is for sale? Answer -
    > there
    > - > isn't
    > - > - > one. So, a few people want one and had to fight. The street car
    > was a
    > - > - > great low serial number car, also missing some
    > - > - > - original bits, but good car, good history. A friend of mine fell
    > in
    > - > love
    > - > - > with the car and had to have it. He couldn't be happier, and it is
    > my
    > - > - > opinion that since he can afford it that is all that
    > - > - > - matters. The guy was grinning from ear to ear all weekend, even
    > took
    > - > a
    > - > - > picture of the car with his cell phone and set it as his screen
    > saver.
    > - > I
    > - > - > think he wore that damn phone out opening it so much!
    > - > - > - So for him, paying a little premium over the prevailing market
    > for a
    > - > - > great 65 was worth it. Instant gratification. No more searching or
    > - > - > hounding a restoration shop for 3 years to get a project
    > - > - > - done. I have written an article about the car and the sale for
    > next
    > - > - > month's Sports Car Market magaizine (November issue). #18 is now
    > in my
    > - > - > shop to correct the little detail problems and make sure
    > - > - > - it is "healthy", then it is off to its new owner. Again, I have
    > - > watched
    > - > - > this guy spend 5 times as much and not be 1/10th as thrilled. That
    > is
    > - > what
    > - > - > the hobby should be about, whether a car is $5k or
    > - > - > - $500k. JMHO.
    > - > - > -
    > - > - > - Hey, compared to Hemi cars and some other high-dollar muscle
    > cars, I
    > - > - > think Shelbys are still a value. At least you can drive the damn
    > - > things
    > - > - > and they don't go around corners like a garbage truck.
    > - > - > - Plus, it IS important that we have the SAAC to document the cars
    > and
    > - > - > preserve value. Nobody else has that advantage.
    > - > - > -
    > - > - > - All I can say is that prices are one thing, percieved value is
    > - > another.
    > - > - > For example - I just ( 30 min ago) came home from Road America and
    > a
    > - > SAAC
    > - > - > track event. I brought CSX 2327 and CSX 3127. But I
    > - > - > - let my the painter who did 2327 drive it, and my buddy drove
    > 3127. I
    > - > - > drove the painter's F250 and followed. To see these guys having
    > fun
    > - > with
    > - > - > the cars and then comparing notes was priceless. The
    > - > - > - painter's dad just passed unexpectedly, and he is understandably
    > - > bummed.
    > - > - > When he got out of the Cobra, you couldn't kick the smile off his
    > - > face. At
    > - > - > least for a few hours he was enjoying himself
    > - > - > - again. Somebody mentioned earlier that it is important to drive
    > and
    > - > - > share these cars. Amen. I know I like that more than driving them
    > - > myself
    > - > - > sometimes. I can guarantee there are two guys from
    > - > - > - Wisconsin that will be telling their families and everybody they
    > - > know
    > - > - > just how great these cars are tonight! Enthusiasm like that can
    > only
    > - > grow
    > - > - > the hobby , and from where I sit, I can't see people
    > - > - > - just dumping there cars and getting out because they went up or
    > down
    > - > in
    > - > - > value. If you love the car, what does it matter what you have to
    > pay
    > - > or
    > - > - > what you can sell it for? I only wish they were
    > - > - > - cheaper so I could have more!
    > - > - > -
    > - > - > - Ok, I am done preaching now. LOL.
    > - > - >
    > - > - >
    > - > - >
    > - > -
    > - >
    > - >
    > - >
    > -
  13. Stephen:

    Rule Number ONe!!!

    If you believe in God, then you need to give him respect by making his "G" big rather than small. The little "g" is for other beliefs.

    What is your dream car Stephen? Please tell me. Mine is a 67-500.


    Quoting "Stephen G. Becker" <>:

    - It is a privilege to own a Shelby not a god given right. Your fighting for
    - what? for who? You sound like a politician who believes that all people
    - should have all things equal and no one person have more and no one person
    - have less - Sounds like textbook socialism/communism 101, my boy.
    - Sleep well knowing that I pay a higher tax bracket rate then you do and we
    - both own Shelby's - Now ya wanna talk about unfair???
    - SGB
    - ----- Original Message -----
    - From: <>
    - To: "Shelby List" <>
    - Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 10:51 PM
    - Subject: Re: Record Pricing & Pigs ??
    - > Stephen:
    - >
    - > When I have problems with reports of numbers, I take up for people who are
    - > unfortunate. I take the side of the lesser guys. You know, the ones you
    - > call "low lives, low dough dreamers, bottom
    - > feeders." I will fight for them because dreams are all that they have and
    - > You have NO right to take that from people by calling them names and
    - > "putting them down because they can't afford it.
    - >
    - > Do you have any compassion for the unfortunate, the poor, the ones who
    - > keep looking but cant find?
    - >
    - > Do you have a dream Stephen? Have you had anyone call you names because of
    - > it? What is your dream car? Rolls Royce? Something that I guess is not a
    - > SHelby.
    - >
    - >
    - >
    - > jon
    - >
    - >
    - >
    - >
    - > Quoting "Stephen G. Becker" <>:
    - >
    - > - Jon -
    - > -
    - > - I have been in this hobby for almost 30 years now, and "popping a
    - > clutch" or
    - > - "making the tires spin" would only server to make my attorneys richer
    - > - because I would probably land up in court. Those kind of things went by
    - > the
    - > - wayside (for me at least) when I left high school, my friend. Popping
    - > the
    - > - clutch and spinning tires is juvenile and irresponsible, at best. Forget
    - > - hurting yourself think about the others you may hurt or maimed or
    - > - kill...............
    - > -
    - > - I am a business man and Shelby's are my business and you seem to be the
    - > only
    - > - person who has a problem with me reporting actual sales numbers. Perhaps
    - > - your hiatus off the list for the last year or so was a blessing in
    - > - disguise.....?
    - > -
    - > - Sell your cars and buy something that LOSES value and then see where you
    - > - stand. I bet once it hits you in the wallet you would really be crying
    - > the
    - > - blues.
    - > -
    - > - Hey Jon - Do you single handedly blame me for the rising of the
    - > value/prices
    - > - of these cars? Do you? It seems you harbor some pretty pent up anger at
    - > - folks who profit from these cars. All I can tell you get over it - If it
    - > - wasn't me it would be someone else buying and selling your
    - > - dreams..................
    - > -
    - > -
    - > -
    - > -
    - > - ----- Original Message -----
    - > - From: <>
    - > - To: "Shelby List" <>
    - > - Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 10:26 PM
    - > - Subject: Re: Record Pricing & Pigs ??
    - > -
    - > -
    - > - > Stephen:
    - > - >
    - > - >
    - > - > Have you ever driven a Shelby besides taking your customers for a
    - > ride? Do
    - > - > you know how to "pop" a clutch and make the tire spin. Do you how to
    - > - > change the timing on the engine? Do you know anything
    - > - > about these Shelbys besides "price?" If so, please share with us what
    - > you
    - > - > know.
    - > - >
    - > - > I think You are riding these enthusiasts to get their cars. It's all
    - > about
    - > - > money to you. If you couldn't make any from these Shelbys, you
    - > wouldn't be
    - > - > in this market. Right???
    - > - >
    - > - > What do you have that shows you care for those who like these cars?
    - > - >
    - > - > Since you brought it out, Im sick and tired of reading how much these
    - > cars
    - > - > are bringing from you. Its seems that is all you have in relation to
    - > the
    - > - > Shelby enthusiasts. If I am wrong, then share with
    - > - > us what you contribute or how you contribute.
    - > - >
    - > - > WHere I come from, I work hard for what I make and put on the table. I
    - > - > don't do scams or a fast one to make an extra buck. If I did, I would
    - > - > probably be like you - all car salesmanship.
    - > - >
    - > - > Since you got me going, I want explain my good fortune on these
    - > Shelbys to
    - > - > everyone. Perhaps they will understand and see some light. I have kept
    - > all
    - > - > my Shelbys from my first one to my last one with
    - > - > an exception to selling my 66 Hertz for an upgrade to a 67-500. I
    - > bought
    - > - > these cars because I love them. I had no intention of making a strong
    - > - > return. If I did, I think I would be stuck with a car I
    - > - > didn't like. I also made every effort to get them from borrowing money
    - > to
    - > - > saving my hard earned cash. I have
    - > - > been lucky in getting my Shelbys because I think God looks over my
    - > - > shoulder which allows me to share the good fortune with other
    - > enthusiasts
    - > - > through my cars. Really, I dont know how many leads I gave
    - > - > out on other SHelbys for sale in quite areas with no intent on getting
    - > a
    - > - > finders fee or some type of kickback (this also includes cars that had
    - > a
    - > - > price lead meaning it would cost around $1,000 or so
    - > - > just to get info on a particular Shelby model that is for sale- this
    - > has
    - > - > happened to me but I did not pay.) For me, it pays to be good and help
    - > - > when I can and I think the Shelby gods reward me for my
    - > - > enthusiasm. Basically, I don't need you to get my Shelbys.
    - > - >
    - > - >
    - > - >
    - > - > I also don't need to play politics to get my cars and I do what I
    - > enjoy -
    - > - > drive my babies.
    - > - >
    - > - >
    - > - > jon
    - > - >
    - > - >
    - > - >
    - > - > Quoting "Stephen G. Becker" <>:
    - > - >
    - > - > - Jon -
    - > - > -
    - > - > - When are you going to start selling your cars? I am tired of reading
    - > - > about
    - > - > - how you are a "blue collar" worker and not able to handle what is
    - > going
    - > - > on
    - > - > - with these cars - If the fires too hot, get out of the
    - > - > - kitchen.................and get out while you are still on top and
    - > able
    - > - > to
    - > - > - walk away with some serious cash that you would, in your own words,
    - > - > never
    - > - > - otherwise have.
    - > - > -
    - > - > - Right???
    - > - > -
    - > - > - SGB
    - > - > -
    - > - > -
    - > - > -
    - > - > - ----- Original Message -----
    - > - > - From: <>
    - > - > - To: "Shelby List" <>
    - > - > - Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 5:46 PM
    - > - > - Subject: Re: Record Pricing & Pigs ??
    - > - > -
    - > - > -
    - > - > - > Colin:
    - > - > - >
    - > - > - >
    - > - > - > I had to chuckle when I read "little premium over the prevailing
    - > - > market
    - > - > - > for a great 65 was worth it." I thought great 65- 350 was about
    - > 150k.
    - > - > Over
    - > - > - > 100k difference does not look little to me. Thats a
    - > - > - > alot and worth more than the average house in Texas. Well in my
    - > area-
    - > - > - > hahaha
    - > - > - > Just think of how many "over-times" I have to put in for 100k. I
    - > can't
    - > - > - > even start thinking.
    - > - > - >
    - > - > - > I don't know about the rest of you, but I have to work my butt off
    - > for
    - > - > my
    - > - > - > money. It doesnt grow on no tree. Are my "blue collar" roots
    - > showing?
    - > - > ha
    - > - > - > ha
    - > - > - >
    - > - > - >
    - > - > - >
    - > - > - > jon
    - > - > - >
    - > - > - >
    - > - > - >
    - > - > - >
    - > - > - >
    - > - > - > Quoting Colin Comer <>:
    - > - > - >
    - > - > - > - Speaking of World Records, has anybody heard about a new record
    - > - > being
    - > - > - > set on Boss 302 and Boss 429 cars recently?
    - > - > - > -
    - > - > - > - As far as Monterey is concerned and the two sales there- they
    - > were
    - > - > high,
    - > - > - > but pretty much what I expected. The R model seemed about right
    - > for a
    - > - > - > decent car, a little light on original parts and race
    - > - > - > - history, but where is the OTHER R that is for sale? Answer -
    - > there
    - > - > isn't
    - > - > - > one. So, a few people want one and had to fight. The street car
    - > was a
    - > - > - > great low serial number car, also missing some
    - > - > - > - original bits, but good car, good history. A friend of mine fell
    - > in
    - > - > love
    - > - > - > with the car and had to have it. He couldn't be happier, and it is
    - > my
    - > - > - > opinion that since he can afford it that is all that
    - > - > - > - matters. The guy was grinning from ear to ear all weekend, even
    - > took
    - > - > a
    - > - > - > picture of the car with his cell phone and set it as his screen
    - > saver.
    - > - > I
    - > - > - > think he wore that damn phone out opening it so much!
    - > - > - > - So for him, paying a little premium over the prevailing market
    - > for a
    - > - > - > great 65 was worth it. Instant gratification. No more searching or
    - > - > - > hounding a restoration shop for 3 years to get a project
    - > - > - > - done. I have written an article about the car and the sale for
    - > next
    - > - > - > month's Sports Car Market magaizine (November issue). #18 is now
    - > in my
    - > - > - > shop to correct the little detail problems and make sure
    - > - > - > - it is "healthy", then it is off to its new owner. Again, I have
    - > - > watched
    - > - > - > this guy spend 5 times as much and not be 1/10th as thrilled. That
    - > is
    - > - > what
    - > - > - > the hobby should be about, whether a car is $5k or
    - > - > - > - $500k. JMHO.
    - > - > - > -
    - > - > - > - Hey, compared to Hemi cars and some other high-dollar muscle
    - > cars, I
    - > - > - > think Shelbys are still a value. At least you can drive the damn
    - > - > things
    - > - > - > and they don't go around corners like a garbage truck.
    - > - > - > - Plus, it IS important that we have the SAAC to document the cars
    - > and
    - > - > - > preserve value. Nobody else has that advantage.
    - > - > - > -
    - > - > - > - All I can say is that prices are one thing, percieved value is
    - > - > another.
    - > - > - > For example - I just ( 30 min ago) came home from Road America and
    - > a
    - > - > SAAC
    - > - > - > track event. I brought CSX 2327 and CSX 3127. But I
    - > - > - > - let my the painter who did 2327 drive it, and my buddy drove
    - > 3127. I
    - > - > - > drove the painter's F250 and followed. To see these guys having
    - > fun
    - > - > with
    - > - > - > the cars and then comparing notes was priceless. The
    - > - > - > - painter's dad just passed unexpectedly, and he is understandably
    - > - > bummed.
    - > - > - > When he got out of the Cobra, you couldn't kick the smile off his
    - > - > face. At
    - > - > - > least for a few hours he was enjoying himself
    - > - > - > - again. Somebody mentioned earlier that it is important to drive
    - > and
    - > - > - > share these cars. Amen. I know I like that more than driving them
    - > - > myself
    - > - > - > sometimes. I can guarantee there are two guys from
    - > - > - > - Wisconsin that will be telling their families and everybody they
    - > - > know
    - > - > - > just how great these cars are tonight! Enthusiasm like that can
    - > only
    - > - > grow
    - > - > - > the hobby , and from where I sit, I can't see people
    - > - > - > - just dumping there cars and getting out because they went up or
    - > down
    - > - > in
    - > - > - > value. If you love the car, what does it matter what you have to
    - > pay
    - > - > or
    - > - > - > what you can sell it for? I only wish they were
    - > - > - > - cheaper so I could have more!
    - > - > - > -
    - > - > - > - Ok, I am done preaching now. LOL.
    - > - > - >
    - > - > - >
    - > - > - >
    - > - > -
    - > - >
    - > - >
    - > - >
    - > -
    - >
    - >
  14. Jon - I am catholic - I am allowed to lower case God (LOL)

    My dream car? Well that would be the one I chased Carroll for since I was 12
    years old - 1969 GT 500 CV - VIN # 9F03R482847 - I used to write him letters
    about that car when his son's were driving it around LA in the mid 1970's
    using it to go to and from UCLA for classes.

    And guess what? In December of 2000 I got my dream car and was the first
    registered owner of this very special car that was built for Carroll and
    remained with him until I got it in 2000.


    ----- Original Message -----
    From: <>
    To: "Shelby List" <>
    Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 11:00 PM
    Subject: Re: Record Pricing & Pigs ??

    > Stephen:
    > Rule Number ONe!!!
    > If you believe in God, then you need to give him respect by making his "G"
    > big rather than small. The little "g" is for other beliefs.
    > What is your dream car Stephen? Please tell me. Mine is a 67-500.
    > jon
    > Quoting "Stephen G. Becker" <>:
    > - It is a privilege to own a Shelby not a god given right. Your fighting
    > for
    > - what? for who? You sound like a politician who believes that all people
    > - should have all things equal and no one person have more and no one
    > person
    > - have less - Sounds like textbook socialism/communism 101, my boy.
    > -
    > - Sleep well knowing that I pay a higher tax bracket rate then you do and
    > we
    > - both own Shelby's - Now ya wanna talk about unfair???
    > -
    > - SGB
    > -
    > -
    > - ----- Original Message -----
    > - From: <>
    > - To: "Shelby List" <>
    > - Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 10:51 PM
    > - Subject: Re: Record Pricing & Pigs ??
    > -
    > -
    > - > Stephen:
    > - >
    > - > When I have problems with reports of numbers, I take up for people who
    > are
    > - > unfortunate. I take the side of the lesser guys. You know, the ones
    > you
    > - > call "low lives, low dough dreamers, bottom
    > - > feeders." I will fight for them because dreams are all that they have
    > and
    > - > You have NO right to take that from people by calling them names and
    > - > "putting them down because they can't afford it.
    > - >
    > - > Do you have any compassion for the unfortunate, the poor, the ones who
    > - > keep looking but cant find?
    > - >
    > - > Do you have a dream Stephen? Have you had anyone call you names
    > because of
    > - > it? What is your dream car? Rolls Royce? Something that I guess is not
    > a
    > - > SHelby.
    > - >
    > - >
    > - >
    > - > jon
    > - >
    > - >
    > - >
    > - >
    > - > Quoting "Stephen G. Becker" <>:
    > - >
    > - > - Jon -
    > - > -
    > - > - I have been in this hobby for almost 30 years now, and "popping a
    > - > clutch" or
    > - > - "making the tires spin" would only server to make my attorneys
    > richer
    > - > - because I would probably land up in court. Those kind of things went
    > by
    > - > the
    > - > - wayside (for me at least) when I left high school, my friend.
    > Popping
    > - > the
    > - > - clutch and spinning tires is juvenile and irresponsible, at best.
    > Forget
    > - > - hurting yourself think about the others you may hurt or maimed or
    > - > - kill...............
    > - > -
    > - > - I am a business man and Shelby's are my business and you seem to be
    > the
    > - > only
    > - > - person who has a problem with me reporting actual sales numbers.
    > Perhaps
    > - > - your hiatus off the list for the last year or so was a blessing in
    > - > - disguise.....?
    > - > -
    > - > - Sell your cars and buy something that LOSES value and then see where
    > you
    > - > - stand. I bet once it hits you in the wallet you would really be
    > crying
    > - > the
    > - > - blues.
    > - > -
    > - > - Hey Jon - Do you single handedly blame me for the rising of the
    > - > value/prices
    > - > - of these cars? Do you? It seems you harbor some pretty pent up anger
    > at
    > - > - folks who profit from these cars. All I can tell you get over it -
    > If it
    > - > - wasn't me it would be someone else buying and selling your
    > - > - dreams..................
    > - > -
    > - > -
    > - > -
    > - > -
    > - > - ----- Original Message -----
    > - > - From: <>
    > - > - To: "Shelby List" <>
    > - > - Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 10:26 PM
    > - > - Subject: Re: Record Pricing & Pigs ??
    > - > -
    > - > -
    > - > - > Stephen:
    > - > - >
    > - > - >
    > - > - > Have you ever driven a Shelby besides taking your customers for a
    > - > ride? Do
    > - > - > you know how to "pop" a clutch and make the tire spin. Do you how
    > to
    > - > - > change the timing on the engine? Do you know anything
    > - > - > about these Shelbys besides "price?" If so, please share with us
    > what
    > - > you
    > - > - > know.
    > - > - >
    > - > - > I think You are riding these enthusiasts to get their cars. It's
    > all
    > - > about
    > - > - > money to you. If you couldn't make any from these Shelbys, you
    > - > wouldn't be
    > - > - > in this market. Right???
    > - > - >
    > - > - > What do you have that shows you care for those who like these
    > cars?
    > - > - >
    > - > - > Since you brought it out, Im sick and tired of reading how much
    > these
    > - > cars
    > - > - > are bringing from you. Its seems that is all you have in relation
    > to
    > - > the
    > - > - > Shelby enthusiasts. If I am wrong, then share with
    > - > - > us what you contribute or how you contribute.
    > - > - >
    > - > - > WHere I come from, I work hard for what I make and put on the
    > table. I
    > - > - > don't do scams or a fast one to make an extra buck. If I did, I
    > would
    > - > - > probably be like you - all car salesmanship.
    > - > - >
    > - > - > Since you got me going, I want explain my good fortune on these
    > - > Shelbys to
    > - > - > everyone. Perhaps they will understand and see some light. I have
    > kept
    > - > all
    > - > - > my Shelbys from my first one to my last one with
    > - > - > an exception to selling my 66 Hertz for an upgrade to a 67-500. I
    > - > bought
    > - > - > these cars because I love them. I had no intention of making a
    > strong
    > - > - > return. If I did, I think I would be stuck with a car I
    > - > - > didn't like. I also made every effort to get them from borrowing
    > money
    > - > to
    > - > - > saving my hard earned cash. I have
    > - > - > been lucky in getting my Shelbys because I think God looks over my
    > - > - > shoulder which allows me to share the good fortune with other
    > - > enthusiasts
    > - > - > through my cars. Really, I dont know how many leads I gave
    > - > - > out on other SHelbys for sale in quite areas with no intent on
    > getting
    > - > a
    > - > - > finders fee or some type of kickback (this also includes cars that
    > had
    > - > a
    > - > - > price lead meaning it would cost around $1,000 or so
    > - > - > just to get info on a particular Shelby model that is for sale-
    > this
    > - > has
    > - > - > happened to me but I did not pay.) For me, it pays to be good and
    > help
    > - > - > when I can and I think the Shelby gods reward me for my
    > - > - > enthusiasm. Basically, I don't need you to get my Shelbys.
    > - > - >
    > - > - >
    > - > - >
    > - > - > I also don't need to play politics to get my cars and I do what I
    > - > enjoy -
    > - > - > drive my babies.
    > - > - >
    > - > - >
    > - > - > jon
    > - > - >
    > - > - >
    > - > - >
    > - > - > Quoting "Stephen G. Becker" <>:
    > - > - >
    > - > - > - Jon -
    > - > - > -
    > - > - > - When are you going to start selling your cars? I am tired of
    > reading
    > - > - > about
    > - > - > - how you are a "blue collar" worker and not able to handle what
    > is
    > - > going
    > - > - > on
    > - > - > - with these cars - If the fires too hot, get out of the
    > - > - > - kitchen.................and get out while you are still on top
    > and
    > - > able
    > - > - > to
    > - > - > - walk away with some serious cash that you would, in your own
    > words,
    > - > - > never
    > - > - > - otherwise have.
    > - > - > -
    > - > - > - Right???
    > - > - > -
    > - > - > - SGB
    > - > - > -
    > - > - > -
    > - > - > -
    > - > - > - ----- Original Message -----
    > - > - > - From: <>
    > - > - > - To: "Shelby List" <>
    > - > - > - Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 5:46 PM
    > - > - > - Subject: Re: Record Pricing & Pigs ??
    > - > - > -
    > - > - > -
    > - > - > - > Colin:
    > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - > I had to chuckle when I read "little premium over the
    > prevailing
    > - > - > market
    > - > - > - > for a great 65 was worth it." I thought great 65- 350 was
    > about
    > - > 150k.
    > - > - > Over
    > - > - > - > 100k difference does not look little to me. Thats a
    > - > - > - > alot and worth more than the average house in Texas. Well in
    > my
    > - > area-
    > - > - > - > hahaha
    > - > - > - > Just think of how many "over-times" I have to put in for 100k.
    > I
    > - > can't
    > - > - > - > even start thinking.
    > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - > I don't know about the rest of you, but I have to work my butt
    > off
    > - > for
    > - > - > my
    > - > - > - > money. It doesnt grow on no tree. Are my "blue collar" roots
    > - > showing?
    > - > - > ha
    > - > - > - > ha
    > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - > jon
    > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - > Quoting Colin Comer <>:
    > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - > - Speaking of World Records, has anybody heard about a new
    > record
    > - > - > being
    > - > - > - > set on Boss 302 and Boss 429 cars recently?
    > - > - > - > -
    > - > - > - > - As far as Monterey is concerned and the two sales there-
    > they
    > - > were
    > - > - > high,
    > - > - > - > but pretty much what I expected. The R model seemed about
    > right
    > - > for a
    > - > - > - > decent car, a little light on original parts and race
    > - > - > - > - history, but where is the OTHER R that is for sale? Answer -
    > - > there
    > - > - > isn't
    > - > - > - > one. So, a few people want one and had to fight. The street
    > car
    > - > was a
    > - > - > - > great low serial number car, also missing some
    > - > - > - > - original bits, but good car, good history. A friend of mine
    > fell
    > - > in
    > - > - > love
    > - > - > - > with the car and had to have it. He couldn't be happier, and
    > it is
    > - > my
    > - > - > - > opinion that since he can afford it that is all that
    > - > - > - > - matters. The guy was grinning from ear to ear all weekend,
    > even
    > - > took
    > - > - > a
    > - > - > - > picture of the car with his cell phone and set it as his
    > screen
    > - > saver.
    > - > - > I
    > - > - > - > think he wore that damn phone out opening it so much!
    > - > - > - > - So for him, paying a little premium over the prevailing
    > market
    > - > for a
    > - > - > - > great 65 was worth it. Instant gratification. No more
    > searching or
    > - > - > - > hounding a restoration shop for 3 years to get a project
    > - > - > - > - done. I have written an article about the car and the sale
    > for
    > - > next
    > - > - > - > month's Sports Car Market magaizine (November issue). #18 is
    > now
    > - > in my
    > - > - > - > shop to correct the little detail problems and make sure
    > - > - > - > - it is "healthy", then it is off to its new owner. Again, I
    > have
    > - > - > watched
    > - > - > - > this guy spend 5 times as much and not be 1/10th as thrilled.
    > That
    > - > is
    > - > - > what
    > - > - > - > the hobby should be about, whether a car is $5k or
    > - > - > - > - $500k. JMHO.
    > - > - > - > -
    > - > - > - > - Hey, compared to Hemi cars and some other high-dollar muscle
    > - > cars, I
    > - > - > - > think Shelbys are still a value. At least you can drive the
    > damn
    > - > - > things
    > - > - > - > and they don't go around corners like a garbage truck.
    > - > - > - > - Plus, it IS important that we have the SAAC to document the
    > cars
    > - > and
    > - > - > - > preserve value. Nobody else has that advantage.
    > - > - > - > -
    > - > - > - > - All I can say is that prices are one thing, percieved value
    > is
    > - > - > another.
    > - > - > - > For example - I just ( 30 min ago) came home from Road America
    > and
    > - > a
    > - > - > SAAC
    > - > - > - > track event. I brought CSX 2327 and CSX 3127. But I
    > - > - > - > - let my the painter who did 2327 drive it, and my buddy drove
    > - > 3127. I
    > - > - > - > drove the painter's F250 and followed. To see these guys
    > having
    > - > fun
    > - > - > with
    > - > - > - > the cars and then comparing notes was priceless. The
    > - > - > - > - painter's dad just passed unexpectedly, and he is
    > understandably
    > - > - > bummed.
    > - > - > - > When he got out of the Cobra, you couldn't kick the smile off
    > his
    > - > - > face. At
    > - > - > - > least for a few hours he was enjoying himself
    > - > - > - > - again. Somebody mentioned earlier that it is important to
    > drive
    > - > and
    > - > - > - > share these cars. Amen. I know I like that more than driving
    > them
    > - > - > myself
    > - > - > - > sometimes. I can guarantee there are two guys from
    > - > - > - > - Wisconsin that will be telling their families and everybody
    > they
    > - > - > know
    > - > - > - > just how great these cars are tonight! Enthusiasm like that
    > can
    > - > only
    > - > - > grow
    > - > - > - > the hobby , and from where I sit, I can't see people
    > - > - > - > - just dumping there cars and getting out because they went up
    > or
    > - > down
    > - > - > in
    > - > - > - > value. If you love the car, what does it matter what you have
    > to
    > - > pay
    > - > - > or
    > - > - > - > what you can sell it for? I only wish they were
    > - > - > - > - cheaper so I could have more!
    > - > - > - > -
    > - > - > - > - Ok, I am done preaching now. LOL.
    > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - >
    > - > - > - >
    > - > - > -
    > - > - >
    > - > - >
    > - > - >
    > - > -
    > - >
    > - >
    > -
  15. Colin Comer

    Colin Comer Guest


    Please re-read my statement. It states "for him".

    As far as the market is concerned, you are a little off. Great 65's have
    been near 200k for a year. Drivers are 150-175k all day long. Recently,
    "great" cars are 250k and up. Don't believe me? Ask around. I was paying
    over $150k for decent cars over 10 months ago. And I can't buy ANY 65 right
    now for 150-175k. Had 2 cars bought, both non-numbers matching, both just
    "cars" , one for $150k and one for $175k. BOTH sellers backed out of the
    deals because they were offered more.

    So if average 3 digit cars, non- numbers matching, etc. are 200k, what is a
    GREAT 2-digit car with a really beautiful resto on its original sheetmetal,
    with its original numbers matching engine and trans worth? Can we say $250k
    and agree on that? I think more, but, follow along with me anyway. $250k +
    20% = $300k. Is 20% a small premium ? I think so. If a store was having a
    20% off sale it would not entice me to buy what they were selling. The buyer
    of #18 bid $295k. In his mind and mine, it was a small premium. Now, he is
    not an "old line" grumpy Shelby guy that thinks these cars have been
    overpriced since they went past $20k, so that may have clouded his judgment.
    He is a business man who decided his time was better spent running his
    companies than continuing to look for a 65. Again, to HIM it was worth it.

    By the way, I will by EVERY 2-digit car restored to the level of #18 for
    $250k. Just let me know how many you find and I will write the check.

    Oh yeah, and my dream car is already in my garage, my 289 Cobra. I am glad I
    paid a premium to buy it when I did, even if it had not gone up in value
    over the years I have owned it.

    Most respectfully,

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: <>
    To: "Shelby List" <>
    Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 4:46 PM
    Subject: Re: Record Pricing & Pigs ??

    > Colin:
    > I had to chuckle when I read "little premium over the prevailing market
    > for a great 65 was worth it." I thought great 65- 350 was about 150k. Over
    > 100k difference does not look little to me. Thats a
    > alot and worth more than the average house in Texas. Well in my area-
    > hahaha
    > Just think of how many "over-times" I have to put in for 100k. I can't
    > even start thinking.
    > I don't know about the rest of you, but I have to work my butt off for my
    > money. It doesnt grow on no tree. Are my "blue collar" roots showing? ha
    > ha
    > jon
    > Quoting Colin Comer <>:
    > - Speaking of World Records, has anybody heard about a new record being
    > set on Boss 302 and Boss 429 cars recently?
    > -
    > - As far as Monterey is concerned and the two sales there- they were high,
    > but pretty much what I expected. The R model seemed about right for a
    > decent car, a little light on original parts and race
    > - history, but where is the OTHER R that is for sale? Answer - there isn't
    > one. So, a few people want one and had to fight. The street car was a
    > great low serial number car, also missing some
    > - original bits, but good car, good history. A friend of mine fell in love
    > with the car and had to have it. He couldn't be happier, and it is my
    > opinion that since he can afford it that is all that
    > - matters. The guy was grinning from ear to ear all weekend, even took a
    > picture of the car with his cell phone and set it as his screen saver. I
    > think he wore that damn phone out opening it so much!
    > - So for him, paying a little premium over the prevailing market for a
    > great 65 was worth it. Instant gratification. No more searching or
    > hounding a restoration shop for 3 years to get a project
    > - done. I have written an article about the car and the sale for next
    > month's Sports Car Market magaizine (November issue). #18 is now in my
    > shop to correct the little detail problems and make sure
    > - it is "healthy", then it is off to its new owner. Again, I have watched
    > this guy spend 5 times as much and not be 1/10th as thrilled. That is what
    > the hobby should be about, whether a car is $5k or
    > - $500k. JMHO.
    > -
    > - Hey, compared to Hemi cars and some other high-dollar muscle cars, I
    > think Shelbys are still a value. At least you can drive the damn things
    > and they don't go around corners like a garbage truck.
    > - Plus, it IS important that we have the SAAC to document the cars and
    > preserve value. Nobody else has that advantage.
    > -
    > - All I can say is that prices are one thing, percieved value is another.
    > For example - I just ( 30 min ago) came home from Road America and a SAAC
    > track event. I brought CSX 2327 and CSX 3127. But I
    > - let my the painter who did 2327 drive it, and my buddy drove 3127. I
    > drove the painter's F250 and followed. To see these guys having fun with
    > the cars and then comparing notes was priceless. The
    > - painter's dad just passed unexpectedly, and he is understandably bummed.
    > When he got out of the Cobra, you couldn't kick the smile off his face. At
    > least for a few hours he was enjoying himself
    > - again. Somebody mentioned earlier that it is important to drive and
    > share these cars. Amen. I know I like that more than driving them myself
    > sometimes. I can guarantee there are two guys from
    > - Wisconsin that will be telling their families and everybody they know
    > just how great these cars are tonight! Enthusiasm like that can only grow
    > the hobby , and from where I sit, I can't see people
    > - just dumping there cars and getting out because they went up or down in
    > value. If you love the car, what does it matter what you have to pay or
    > what you can sell it for? I only wish they were
    > - cheaper so I could have more!
    > -
    > - Ok, I am done preaching now. LOL.

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