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List Fights

Discussion in 'Shelby Mustang List' started by Roger, Aug 29, 2005.

  1. Roger

    Roger Guest

    Frankly, I rather enjoy the goings-on here at the Shelby list. The
    little hissy fits are entertaining, and mostly harmless. There's not
    all that much controversy in our lives most of the time and a little bit
    helps buff off the haze once in a while. Besides, often some
    interesting info comes out of these things.

    Stick around you guys.all of you. Don't hold too much back, as long as
    it doesn't become libelous or overly raunchy.

    Long Beach, WA
    '67 GT500, 1-owner
    Never to be sold at any price.
    well, maybe $1m.

    STAN SIMM Guest

    Roger's "Well, maybe $1MM" reminded me of the joke about the distinguished gentleman who approached a beautiful young lady at a cocktail party and asked if she would be interested in a little recreation for, say $100? She rather curtly declined. He then asked if she would be willing to consider $1MM. Taken aback, she said "What do you take me for?" "Well", he retorted, "We've already determined that, now we're just haggling for price!"
    Regards, Stan
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Roger
    Sent: Monday, August 29, 2005 4:15 PM
    Subject: List Fights

    Frankly, I rather enjoy the goings-on here at the Shelby list. The little hissy fits are entertaining, and mostly harmless. There's not all that much controversy in our lives most of the time and a little bit helps buff off the haze once in a while. Besides, often some interesting info comes out of these things.

    Stick around you guys.all of you. Don't hold too much back, as long as it doesn't become libelous or overly raunchy.


    Long Beach, WA

    '67 GT500, 1-owner

    Never to be sold at any price.

    well, maybe $1m.

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