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Re: Katrina

Discussion in 'Shelby Mustang List' started by, Sep 2, 2005.

  1. Everyone:

    I just talked to Joe Sensebe and he says that he deeply appreciates everyone's concern for him and his family's welfare. He also said that it was really bad in New Orelans where people were looting
    and the military had no weapons to use for policing.

    On a personally note from me, I can hear that there is sadness in his voice and he said that he will go back into New Orleans in about a week to assess damages.

    If you can, please send him condolence emails to "Joe Sensebe" . He would like to hear from the Shelby community and all enthusiasts who share the same passion that he has about his

    Also, please share any e-mail addresses that anyone else may have of other enthusiasts they know of who may need our emotional support.

    Thank you for your time and support for him and others.



    - Pete and Everyone:
    - I just got this from Joe Sensebe.
    - If anyone else gets info about the others, please let us know.
    - Dear Jon;
    - Thank you for your concern.
    - My home has been flooded. Shelby and other finished car trailered out before storm.
    - I am OK. My family consists of 10 people, 4 being small children, and my first concern was their
    - safety. I would appreciate it if you would put out the word that I am OK because my name is
    - appearing on many of the national search sites. I am overwhelmed by family and business
    - responsibilities at this time and cannot respond at this time.
    - I am currently in Houston trying to stage my business. I will try to call soon.
    - Thanks to all the Shelby guys who inquired. It means a lot to me.
    - Sincerely
    - Joe Sensebe
    - jon

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