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Re: 1969 GT 350 fastback

Discussion in 'Shelby Mustang List' started by, Sep 28, 2005.

  1. I did a quick manual count (about 45 minutes) and came up with 821. I would
    believe that the Certicar information of 826 to be correct. I was certain
    that I was not the first to encounter this issue, knowing that there are
    serveral 1969 owners out there. Suprised I didn't hear from any of them. I am
    even more suprised that SAAC did not seem to have similar numbers.
    I am only going by what was published in the 1997 registry, so if there is a
    change of data (like a mispublished serial number from 9 to 0, then the
    results are only as good as the printed data.
    This is what happens when you get up too early and can't get back to sleep.
    Thanks for those who did answer.
    66 # 869
    69 # 2055

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