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Re: Autocross today

Discussion in 'Shelby Mustang List' started by Guest, Oct 16, 2005.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    y"all running at the Amphip Base. Looks like the ramp for the hovercraft. Any action Thanksgiving? We may be up for the holiday..;...SeeYa Lee
    > From: Calvin Sanders <>
    > Date: 2005/10/16 Sun PM 07:09:27 EDT
    > To: Shelby Mustang <>
    > Subject: Autocross today
    > Well, once again my mother and myself too the Shelby out to an autocross.
    > We hope to make this a more regular happening in the future. We both did
    > pretty good, especially factoring in that it was mom's first autocross in
    > about 2 years, and the fact that the tires on the car are about 5 years
    > old now. It was a blast running the car again. It is amazing how much
    > attention the old Shelby gets considering there are several other cars at
    > the events that are very unique, faster, as valuable, etc. But I can
    > safely say that the old Shleby was the number one attention getter.
    > Here is a picture one of the other competitors took at the event today:
    > and a gallery of other pictures from the event
    > Calvin
  2. Lee,
    Yeah we are running at what they call ACU-4 on Little Creek Amphib Base.
    It is a huge, active landing area for the LCAC hovercraft. The place is
    huge,the concrete is perfect, the view of Chesapeake Bay can't be any
    nicer. We have had people from all over the east coast travel to events
    here now and they all fall in love with the site. It is just about the
    nicest autocross site I have ever run. Not quite as fast as some of the
    old events at Fentress, but overall a great place. The Navy people there
    seem to like us there, as they set up hamburger/hot dog sales every event
    that benefits their various relief funds. It is a great place.

    They are putting on the Joy Fund Autocross there on 11/20 if you happen to
    make it a long week around Thanksgiving when you come up. It'd be great to
    see you. I am pretty sure after yesterday that mom would want to bring the

    The local autocross community stays in touch on this web site

    if you check out the "Event Coverage" section you will always know what we
    are doing at local autocrosses.

    Someone else took another picture of the car. This one is better, it is of
    Mom drivng it. I think that car looks so at home on an autocross course.

    I do have a set of Lucas lights for it, but I have always thought it
    looked better without them.

    On Sun, 16 Oct 2005, wrote:

    > y"all running at the Amphip Base. Looks like the ramp for the
    >hovercraft. Any action Thanksgiving? We may be up for the
    >holiday..;...SeeYa Lee
    >> From: Calvin Sanders <>
    >> Date: 2005/10/16 Sun PM 07:09:27 EDT
    >> To: Shelby Mustang <>
    >> Subject: Autocross today
    >> Well, once again my mother and myself too the Shelby out to an autocross.
    >> We hope to make this a more regular happening in the future. We both did
    >> pretty good, especially factoring in that it was mom's first autocross in
    >> about 2 years, and the fact that the tires on the car are about 5 years
    >> old now. It was a blast running the car again. It is amazing how much
    >> attention the old Shelby gets considering there are several other cars at
    >> the events that are very unique, faster, as valuable, etc. But I can
    >> safely say that the old Shleby was the number one attention getter.
    >> Here is a picture one of the other competitors took at the event today:
    >> and a gallery of other pictures from the event
    >> Calvin



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